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单词 Swear
1. He that will swear, will lie. 
2. If you swear you will catch no fish. 
3. That's one of the strongest swear words in Spanish.
4. The swear words were edited out .
5. I swear I'll never fail you again.
6. Don't swear at him; it's all of my faults.
7. He heard her swear under her breath.
8. Are you sure? --I swear.
9. Don't swear in front of the children.
10. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown/the King.
11. I can swear by my reputation.
12. I swear by God I didn't mean it.
13. It is totally unacceptable for children to swear.
14. I swear I won't tell anyone your secret.
15. I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give ...
16. Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country.
17. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.
18. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
19. Why did you let him swear at you like that?
20. Will you swear to it that you'll always live on your own?
21. If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.
22. I swear to you, I don't know anything.
23. It's wrong to swear and shout.
24. You should swear by Anna who's a good lawyer.
25. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the King.
26. I swear I'll never leave you.
27. I heard him mutter a mild swear word.
28. The slaves had to swear obedience to their masters.
29. I swear to God I didn't know about it.
30. It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear.
1. That's one of the strongest swear words in Spanish.
2. He heard her swear under her breath.
3. Are you sure? --I swear.
4. Don't swear in front of the children.
5. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown/the King.
6. It is totally unacceptable for children to swear.
7. I swear I won't tell anyone your secret.
8. It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear.
9. I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give ...
10. Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country.
11. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.
12. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
13. Why did you let him swear at you like that?
14. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the King.
31. I've never seen him before, I swear it.
32. I wouldn't swear to meeting him somewhere.
33. I swear Mom has bionic ears.
34. Please don't swear in front of the children.
35. Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible.
36. I swear off tearing the books.
37. Presidents must swear allegiance to the US constitution.
38. All the swear words had been bleeped out.
39. Some newspapers still refuse to print certain swear words.
40. I swear I've told you all I know.
41. I swear I didn't lay a finger on him.
42. Witnesses have to swear on the bible .
43. I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth.
44. I never touched her,( ) I swear to God .
45. I will swear for his integrity.
46. Witnesses have to swear on the Bible.
47. I've decided to swear off smoking.
48. I never touched your purse, I swear!
49. Will you swear it that you are willing to subscribe yourself to your promise?
50. I think I put the keys back in the drawer, but I couldn't swear to it .
51. I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.
52. I would be prepared to swear on oath that they didn't see me.
53. Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him?
54. I used to get very upset and scream and swear, throwing tantrums all over the place.
55. I swear to God I had nothing to do with it.
56. Behind them was a confusion of noise, perhaps even a shot, but he couldn't swear to it.
57. I left out the swear words when I told the boss what the staff had said about him.
58. She doesn't like to swear in front of the children.
59. Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets.
60. There's no need to swear at me, even if I have made a mistake.
61. Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king.
62. He made her swear on the Bible that she wouldn't leave him.
63. I swear I won't forgive her to my dying day!
64. I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth.
65. The rebels now have to swear allegiance to the queen they hate.
66. I swear quite a lot but even I draw the line at saying certain words.
67. We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.
68. Any time you told one of them something, they'd swear you'd mixed them up and told the other.
69. I don't know anything about what happened, I swear .
70. When the taxi driver started to swear at him, he walked off.
71. Many of my friends are using word processors but I still swear by my old typewriter.
72. Do you swear on your honour that you will never tell anyone?
73. Are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it?
74. Bill, remember yourself! Don't swear in front of the children.
75. I'll get my own back on him one day, I swear!
76. All swear words, even mild ones such as 'damn', were deleted from the text.
77. Say that again, but this time leave out the swear - words.
78. He didn't shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.
79. I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this.
80. I think it was about ten o'clock when we left, but I couldn't swear to it .
81. He says he was there all the time, but I swear I never saw him.
82. The police are the only civil servants who have to swear allegiance to the Crown.
83. That does it, I'm off. I'm not having you swear like that at me.
84. He mouthed a swear word at me through the window.
85. Many people swear by vitamin C's ability to ward off colds.
86. He has been brought up not to swear in front of women.
87. I swear on my honour that I knew nothing about this.
88. In some countries, witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.
89. I swear this by the cross.
90. Do you swear to tell the truth?
91. I've never heard you swear in my life.
92. "Damn" is now only a mild swear word.
93. Was the groom willing to swear.
94. Some swear by charcoal briquettes or mesquite charcoal.
95. I swear he could play shortstop.
96. I swear you are frozen to the bone.
97. I could not swear to it though.
98. I heard myself swear out loud.
99. And many cruise fans swear by various over-the-counter remedies.
100. Do you swear to tell the whole truth?
101. I've never ever heard Nina swear.
102. I swear she just winked at me and smiled.
103. I've never heard her swear.
104. Swear on the whites of your eyeballs.
105. The last time,() I swear it.
106. I swear he's a swindler.
107. I could swear the Olympic torch carrier who came running past my street the other day was a dwarf.
108. Really, Holmes, I would swear there is something spooky or supernatural about cats.
109. Being a veteran, you swear to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
110. People, young, old and indifferent, can have purple hair, swear at ballgames or give other motorists the finger.
111. In our house that was the one forbidden phrase, far worse than any swear word.
112. He wanted to rage and swear, to shout down the telephone and fire off angry memoranda.
113. I swear to you gentlemen, that to be overly conscious is a sickness, a real, thorough sickness. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
114. Those in my tiresome generation who thought 25 years ago it was so very distinctive, so in, to swear.
115. Some swear by the techniques of Life Cycle Assessment, whilst others see it as a crude substitute for sound judgment.
116. They would pause for breath, swear, and then come together again, their fists up, moving in.
117. And while you may not swear or shout aloud, your writing slows, words dropping stiff and stilted.
118. Can teachers be required to swear that they will uphold the federal and state constitutions?
119. Overreacting with shock when a child uses a swear word is likely to make him use it again.
120. After they had used swear words once in class, he argued, they would never use them again.
121. That is why few people never swear, and it would be a shame if more were to join them.
122. Adam wants to swear vengeance against Donnithorne, but Irwine restrains him.
123. But they were also to swear to root out every remnant of the old religion.
124. The Proconsul offers him a last-minute reprieve, however, if he will repent and swear by the genius of Caesar.
125. Their identity lies elusively just beyond grasp, like words we swear are just on the tip of the tongue.
126. I swear to you on the Bible I am not a pimp.
127. Witnesses swear that as fast as the line drive hit the wall, Rivera was rounding second before it touched the ground.
128. In fact, in all the time she had known him, she had never heard him swear before.
129. During the ceremony you swear that you will serve the country loyally.
130. I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler. Socrates 
131. Adams was elected to the British Parliament, but refused to swear an oath to the English Queen.
131. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
132. They think if they swear at people all the time it makes them a pop star.
133. He replied that he knew damn all about it but would swear it was.
134. I swear I haven't had anything to drink. Smell my breath.
135. I broke one of her platters once, and I swear she's never forgiven me.
136. When she was with Lowell she was on a pedestal - she couldn't even swear - but his love-making was fantastic.
137. Since December, an estimated 300 seniors have been evicted by owners who swear they need the apartment for themselves.
138. At the Morse School, principal James Coady and his teachers swear by the results.
139. It is now demanding damages for the use of seeds that they swear they never sowed.
140. Please don't take offence, but I would prefer you not to swear in front of the children.
141. He made a complete idiot of himself over that, and I swear it wasn't done deliberately.
142. As a repentant sinner I pledge to swear off this hallucinogen.
143. Or now, when they swear their biological father forced them to make the whole story up?
144. Some employers tried to make potential participants swear allegiance to heterosexuality before they would pay their conference fee.
145. At times only swear words can truly do justice to an emotion.
146. He explained as House met today, better not to swear me in as First Lord of the Treasury until it rose.
147. Even the least academically gifted kids in Mountain View swear Mrs Davison could teach them anything.
148. Death's mercy has held off all too long, but now I swear to you this is ending.
149. Some swear by emu oil as a sure-fire cure for joint pain.
150. New citizens are asked to swear allegiance during the citizenship ceremony.
151. And I don't go in for those terrible exercises that some theatrical actors swear by.
152. As a heavy Web user, I love it, and lots of telecommuters swear by it.
153. No, surely he would swear her to secrecy - if he really did agree in the end to Miguel's request.
154. Only after four days could the president swear in a replacement.
155. If there is more than one petitioner, then only one need swear the affidavit verifying the petition.
156. A: Some cooks say that basting does nothing to ensure moist meat; others swear by it.
157. There is no medical proof that taking Vitamin B6 helps, but some of his patients swear by it.
158. She slapped me when I tried to wipe it up, but I swear she winked at me.
159. Could you swear to me every one of your circle's above suspicion?
160. I swear he must have ridden from Gloucester at the gallop to arrive before you.
161. Little Billy nodded and smiled, and he could swear Swan nodded and smiled back at him.
162. The parson would swear by Jupiter to show he's a public school man but these old women would have him.
163. Who hear swear with good nature? Best leave alone, keep silent.
164. Those pictures on the wall - all originals, he would swear to it.
165. Swear words work best when used sparingly; more frequent deployment does not liberate, it devalues a wonderful means of expression.
166. I could even swear in front of my teachers without getting into trouble.
167. He refused to swear off violence.
168. The chief justice will swear in the president.
169. Countless people swear that ginkgo has changed their lives.
170. Bambino : Swear on our old lady.
171. When are you going to swear off cigarettes?
172. Three days, someone swear off to smoking.
173. I swear to God, this house is starting to fall apart.
174. Life would be easier , if only her husbandwould swear off gambling.
175. Be especially careful not to swear in front of little children. Little pitchers have long ears.
176. The witness is demanded to swear on the Bible that he will tell the truth.
177. But the French doctors swear by the treatment's cleansing and purifying qualities.
178. I will swear for his appearance in court next Tuesday.
179. I swear to you, father, Marguerite knew nothing of this deed of gift.
180. I swear I have never seen such a mollusk with thorns all over its body.
181. I've seen Cookie inhale a pound cake the size of his own torso and swear with his next breath that he's never, ever been fed.
182. I swear I heard you call my name, in reality its just your picture frame.
183. We will swear with oneself blue-black soul : We know efforts strive for the champion.
184. Padrone, I swear by the Holy Virgin I have never taken advantage of your kindness.
185. But personality research suggests that people who swear more, not surprisingly, score higher on traits such as extraversion, dominance, hostility and Type A personalities.
186. If we want to win -- and win big -- the exigencies of the election force us to solemnly swear that Mondale is the tax increase candidate and Ronald Reagan is the no-tax-increase candidate.
187. Yet if you play a film clip in which the soundtrack says “dah” while the image on the screen shows a mouth saying “bah, ” people will swear they heard “bah.”
188. Be very careful not to swear in front of little children. Little pitchers have big ears.
189. This may sound childish to you, laugh all you want, but the pinky - swear is sacred.
190. Why did you swear at missing the bus? There'll be another soon.
191. They swear are ill - mannered and aggressive, wilful as two - year - olds and utterly selfish.
192. Abel: Do you swear allegiance to the prince of darkness?
193. For unbiased reporting, I swear by " The News " .
194. My seed swear vengeance Written with blood from carved flesh Making rage and evilness To destroy all merciful kind.
195. Many health mavens swear by wheatgrass as a super food.
196. I swear on my soul I didn't do anything wrong.
197. Cannot swear off relies on his custom, few is actually his warmth.
198. He finally made up his mind to swear off smoking.
199. Some people swear they gain more weight in the wintertime.
200. A few days later he came to me and said, From this day onwards, I swear I'll never take drugs,(/swear.html) drink alcohol or smoke another cigarette.
201. I run. I swear. I gasp through my raw throat.
202. Do you swear in the space and how do you handle it?
203. Senior people may swear in private but should be careful about doing it in public.
204. Times Square can't shine as bright as you. I swear it's true.




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