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单词 sensitize
释义 Word family  noun sense ≠ nonsense sensibility ≠ insensibility sensitivity ≠ insensitivity senselessness sensitization sensor adjective sensible insensible senseless sensitive ≠ insensitive sensory nonsensical insensate verb sense sensitize adverb sensibly senselessly sensitively ≠ insensitively  Related topics: Technologysen·si·tize (also sensitise British English) /ˈsensətaɪz/ verb [transitive]  1  UNDERSTANDto give someone some experience or knowledge of a particular problem or situation so that they can notice it and understand it easily 使敏感,使意识到sensitize somebody to something Volunteers need to be sensitized to the cultural differences they will meet in African countries. 志愿者需要认识到他们在非洲国家将遇到的文化差异。2  if someone is sensitized to a particular substance, their body has begun to have a bad reaction whenever they touch it, breathe it etc 对…开始过敏,对…产生过敏反应be sensitized to something Many hospital workers have become sensitized to the latex in gloves. 许多医务工作者开始对手套上的胶乳产生过敏反应。n Grammar Sensitize is usually passive in this meaning.3  technicalT to treat a material or a piece of equipment so that it will react to physical or chemical changes 使〔对物理或化学变化〕敏感 sensitized photographic paper 感光相纸 —sensitization /ˌsensətaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -tə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussensitize• A descriptive sociology requires a sensitizing of oneself to the social phenomena described whatever may be their nature or conceptual complexity.• Therefore the function of an affirmative sociology would be to sensitize people to the social order.• What helped us was the mobilization of the families, the relatives, to sensitize public opinion and the media.• First, the build up of calcium may serve to sensitize the receptor as discussed earlier.• They had been sensitized to exclusion as they were growing up.• As a result, more people became sensitized to latex and developed allergic reactions.• The symptoms and signs described above are those seen in some one who is sensitized to the fungus.sensitize somebody to something• The public is being sensitized to the level of handgun sensitized to something• The symptoms and signs described above are those seen in some one who is sensitized to the fungus.sen·si·tize verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus experience knowledge give to or someone some




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