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单词 mild
释义  Related topics: Nature, Illness & disabilitymild1 /maɪld/ ●●○ adjective (comparative milder, superlative mildest)  1  weather 天气DN fairly warm 温和的,暖和的 OPP cold We had an exceptionally mild winter last year. 去年冬天我们这里异常暖和。 a mild climate 温和的气候2  illness 疾病MI a mild illness or health problem is not serious 不严重的,轻微的 He suffered a mild heart attack. 他心脏病轻度发作了一次。 Sometimes the symptoms can be quite mild. 有时症状会很轻微。 a mild case of food poisoning 轻微的食物中毒 a mild form of diabetes 不严重的糖尿病3  feelings 感情 a mild feeling is not very strong 温和的,不强烈的,轻微的 Both men looked at her in mild surprise. 两个男人都有几分吃惊地看着她。 a feeling of mild irritation 几分恼怒4  food/taste 食物/味道HOT TASTE not very strong or hot-tasting 不浓烈的,淡的;不辣的 a mild curry 淡味咖喱 a cheese with a pleasant mild flavour 味道温和可口的奶酪► see thesaurus at taste5. criticism 批评 a mild criticism does not criticize strongly 不严厉的,轻的6  problems/situations 问题/局势SERIOUS SITUATION# not serious enough to cause much suffering 不严重的;弱的;轻的 The recession in Germany has been comparatively mild. 德国的经济衰退相对而言要轻一些。 a mild setback 小挫折7  people 人KIND a mild person has a gentle character and does not easily get angry 温和的,温厚的 a mild, well-mannered man 一个温厚文雅的男人 His voice was soft and mild. 他的声音轻柔温和。8  drugs/chemicals 药物/化学品 a mild drug or chemical does not have a very strong effect 药性不强的;和缓的,平和的 a mild painkiller 药性不强的止痛药 a mild herbicide 药力温和的除草剂9  soap etc 肥皂等WEAK soft and gentle to your skin 软性的,柔性的 a mild shampoo 刺激性不强的洗发液10  language 语言 mild words or language are not very rude or offensive 不太粗鲁的;不很无礼的 I heard him mutter a mild swear word. 我听到他嘟囔了一句不是很粗鲁的骂人话。 → mildly —mildness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmild• Many drug dealers are prepared to take the risk because they know that if they are caught the punishment will be mild.• She had a mild case that left her right calf weak.• a mild cigar• It's a smooth, mild coffee, excellent for finishing off a meal.• The doctor thinks Geri has a mild concussion.• Her proposals were welcomed by most people, with only mild criticism from a few of her opponents.• Use water and a mild detergent to scrub the mud off.• a mild earthquake• a mild English cheese• It seems quite mild for February.• Others are preceded by mild head injuries or nonspecific infections.• Joe was a mild man who rarely raised his voice.• This particular winter the temperature was considered by the Zanskaris to be mild, never dropping below -20°C in the gorge.• Lentils have a mild nutty flavor.• a mild rebuke• These patients typically have mild renal insufficiency and diminished urate excretion due to renal tubular damage.• a mild salsa• Thus mild steel structures, for instance, can generally put up with cracks at least a metre long without breaking.• "Damn" is now only a mild swear word.• Sunny skies and mild temperatures are predicted.• Polly wondered how she'd failed to notice it before, but then he'd always been so mild to her face.• Let her eat lunch and then give her a mild tranquilliser.• We were lucky, it was the mildest winter in years.• We had a pretty mild winter last year.• Some plants will survive outside during a mild winter.mild form• Compared with the social services we have been examining, the residue present the institutional problem only in a comparatively mild form.• This is a familiar Republican message that Dole echoes in milder form and that resonates with many voters.• One was the detestation by the liberally oriented of religious paternalism, a mild form of anti-clericalism.• Alternate mild forms of discipline, such as a frown or a mild reprimand, with timeouts.• The jet lag induces a mild form of hallucination.• Herrera, personally, took no part in this mild form of political persecution.• Most people who contract haemorrhagic dengue have previously been infected with the milder form of the disease.mild flavour• I keep one pressed goats' milk cheese, Burndell, which has a creamy texture and a mild flavour.mild2 noun [uncountable]  British EnglishSTRONG TASTE OR SMELL# dark beer with a slightly sweet taste 清淡黑啤酒 → bitterOrigin mild Old English mildemild1 adjectivemild2 nounChinese  warm fairly Corpus




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