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单词 scent
释义  Related topics: Odours, Hair & beautyscent1 /sent/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable]COSMELL a pleasant smell that something has 香味 SYN fragrance a yellow rose with a lovely scent 香气怡人的黄玫瑰scent of the sweet scent of ripe fruit 成熟水果那种甜甜的香味► see thesaurus at smell2. [countable]HBA the smell of a particular animal or person that some other animals, for example dogs, can follow 〔动物的〕臭气,臭迹;〔人的〕气味3  throw/put somebody off the scent ESCAPEto give someone false information to prevent them from catching you or discovering something 〔提供错误信息〕使某人失去线索 Was he trying to put me off the scent because I had come too close to the truth? 是不是因为我快要发现真相了,他就想法儿误导我?4. [countable, uncountable] especially British EnglishDCBSMELL a liquid that you put on your skin to make it smell pleasant 香水 SYN perfumeExamples from the Corpusscent• There she would lick them and give them her scent and then allow them to feed alongside her own kittens.• All she could smell was the clean masculine scent of Guido's skin.• The band might evoke a gallery of role models, but its musical scent remains purely and distinctively Pavement.• Two police bloodhounds followed the boy's scent to the old house.• The dogs followed the fox's scent to the edge of the forest.• The sweet scent of incense filled the air.• If you like a sweeter scent and have a wetter spot, prostrate chamomile works the same way.• The deer caught the scent of the man, and sprang off over the hill.• Was the scent essentially McAllister, or was it some subtle perfume she chose to wear?• The scent and hissing of pine needles make him believe he's in a hospital where nurses pass by him.• The scent made its way up to the chapel and viewing rooms, where two bodies were laid out.• She handed the joint to him after taking the first toke, filling the room with scent.scent2 verb [transitive]  1  to give a particular smell to something 使…带有某种香味 → perfume Honeysuckle and roses scented the air. 空气中弥漫着忍冬和玫瑰的花香。2  writtenSURE to suddenly think that something is going to happen or exists 预感,觉察 We scented danger and decided to leave. 我们觉察到有危险,便决定离开。 The press had immediately scented a story. 新闻界立刻就嗅出有东西可写。 The trade unions have scented victory. 工会预感到胜利在望。3. HBAif an animal scents another animal or a person, it knows that they are near because it can smell them 〔动物〕嗅出…的气味→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusscent• She is the associative restimulator something his analytical mind, told to scent danger, picks up as the cause.• Like a wolf pack scenting easy prey, they dismounted and spread out.• Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.• Then he loped away as a hound came running silently through the trees, nose to the ground, scenting slowly.• Even Hallmark is selling bath gels and scented soaps with their cards, for goodness' sakes.• The dog had scented something in the bushes.• He descended into the deep recesses of her neck where it was scented sweetly and so warm.• The fragrance of lilacs scented the evening air.• Sweet peas flowered under the windows of the crowded barracks and were brought in to scent the rooms.• He was fresh from the shower; his body smelt of the oil, which was scented with jasmine.• The water for my shower is scented with wood-ash.Origin scent2 (1300-1400) Old French sentir “to feel, smell”, from Latin sentire “to feel”scent1 nounscent2 verbChinese  something that has pleasant Corpus smell a




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