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单词 Suspicion
1. Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 
2. Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 
3. Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion
4. I confess to some suspicion of your honesty.
5. Suspicion focused on her husband.
6. I had a suspicion that he was there.
7. Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust.
8. Nobody is safe from suspicion at the moment.
9. He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
10. They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.
11. Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship.
12. The suspicion proved amply justified.
13. 'It's only a suspicion,' she said, 'nothing concrete.'
14. There is considerable suspicion and mistrust between the two sides.
15. There is strong suspicion on both sides that information is being withheld.
16. There is suspicion and mistrust between immigrants and the police.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not telling the truth.
18. There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.
19. He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money.
20. She was arrested on suspicion of murder.
21. Their offer was greeted with some suspicion.
22. They viewed the new scheme with great suspicion.
23. His mouth quivered in the suspicion of a smile.
24. He was a respected academic and above suspicion.
25. The changes were greeted with suspicion.
26. Politeness is not always the sign of wisdom, but the want of it always leaves room for the suspicion of folly. 
27. The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. 
28. Since they discovered the truth about his background, his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.
29. Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.
30. We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
1. I confess to some suspicion of your honesty.
2. I had a suspicion that he was there.
3. Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust.
4. Nobody is safe from suspicion at the moment.
5. He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
6. They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.
7. Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship.
8. The suspicion proved amply justified.
9. 'It's only a suspicion,' she said, 'nothing concrete.'
10. There is considerable suspicion and mistrust between the two sides.
11. There is strong suspicion on both sides that information is being withheld.
12. There is suspicion and mistrust between immigrants and the police.
13. I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not telling the truth.
14. There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.
15. Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.
16. We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.
31. She acquitted herself of suspicion.
32. Boys were an immediate object of suspicion to her.
33. Suspicion crept into her voice.
34. I have a suspicion that he's right.
35. Then suspicion clouded his face.
36. We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.
37. The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.
38. She has always viewed him with suspicion.
39. Local suspicion of the incomers was painfully apparent.
40. He was arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs.
41. The future will sustain my suspicion.
42. He is under suspicion of murder.
43. Even the king's closest advisers were not above suspicion.
44. He fell under suspicion of tax evasion.
45. Several members of the court were under suspicion.
46. He is absolutely beyond suspicion.
47. Smith was booked on suspicion of attempted murder.
48. I regard his behavior with suspicion.
49. He left the company under a cloud of suspicion.
50. They treat anyone outside their immediate circle with suspicion.
51. Her remarks lacked even the faintest suspicion of humour.
52. He gave just a suspicion of a smile.
53. He was burnt up with jealousy and suspicion.
54. Suspicion chased itself across his face.
55. Suspicion crept into his mind.
56. His eyes narrowed with suspicion.
57. We regard her behaviour with suspicion.
58. They tend to view foreigners with suspicion.
59. suspicion that he stole my wallet.
60. She had a sneaking suspicion that he was lying.
61. The finger of suspicion immediately fell on Broderick.
62. This suspicion runs very deep among some government members.
63. New arrivals were greeted with suspicion.
64. No one is above suspicion in this matter.
65. He managed to avert suspicion.
66. He eyed the three strangers with suspicion.
67. No suspicion attaches to him.
68. He eyed me with suspicion.
69. They thought the head teacher was beyond suspicion.
70. Her behaviour aroused no suspicion.
71. They were still not clear of all suspicion.
72. The local people viewed newcomers with suspicion.
73. You are now clear of all suspicion.
74. A note of suspicion entered his voice.
75. Strong suspicion attached to the victim's boyfriend.
76. He'd been trying to divert suspicion away from himself.
77. He is clear from suspicion.
78. He treated the idea with suspicion.
79. The police booked him for suspicion of robbery.
80. His conduct roused the suspicion of the police.
81. A slight feeling of suspicion crept over me.
82. Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded[http://],() can poison a marriage.
83. They regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.
84. His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts.
85. A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.
86. This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman.
87. She always treated us with suspicion .
88. He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.
89. He did his best to avert suspicion.
90. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
91. He felt he was still under suspicion.
92. There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.
93. She was under arrest on suspicion of murder.
94. Several jockeys were arrested on suspicion of fixing the race.
95. Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion.
96. The suspicion exists that Harries is stealing money from the company safe.
97. I have a suspicion that she is not telling me the truth.
98. Suspicion kindled within her.
99. She felt that she ought to be above suspicion .
100. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.
101. He could not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife was being unfaithful.
102. The man's furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen.
103. Strangers to the village are looked upon with a mixture of fear and suspicion.
104. They had an uneasy suspicion that all was not well.
105. He ended his athletics career under a cloud of suspicion when he refused to take a drug test.
106. I have a suspicion that the local authority may be planning to close the school.
107. He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.
108. Nobody was free from suspicion,[http://] from the head girl down to the youngest pupil.
109. "I'm arresting you on suspicion of illegally possessing drugs, " said the police officer.
110. Her confession was no surprise to him, - just the confirmation of a long-held suspicion.
111. The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.
112. Wasn't there even a suspicion of truth in what he said?
113. I have a nasty suspicion he's organized a surprise party for me.
114. He sent her a glare that was full of suspicion.
115. Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion.
116. Penney was already being investigated by the police on suspicion of murder.
117. People moving into the area are often regarded with suspicion .
118. There was just a suspicion of light in the east.
119. She was anxious to allay any suspicion that she had married for money.
120. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported to the police.
121. Mitchell later came under suspicion of assaulting two young girls.
122. I have a suspicion of doubt about whether I should accept his invitation or not.
123. He tried not to do anything to excite the suspicion of the police.
124. He was arrested on suspicion of plotting against the king.
125. He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family.
126. He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.
127. The finger of suspicion pointed to Gilbert Cash, a close friend of the victim.
128. He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
129. I have a sneaking suspicion that she knows more than she's telling us.
130. The suspicion that she was lying continued to nag at me.
131. I have a horrible suspicion that we've come to the wrong station.
132. She had a nagging/sneaking suspicion that she might have sent the letter to the wrong address.
133. I could see the faintest suspicion of a tear in her eyes.
134. The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
135. I don't think he had the slightest suspicion anything was wrong.
136. Suspicion clouded his face.
137. The police must have reasonable grounds for suspicion before they can get a search warrant.
138. His evasiveness gave grounds for the suspicion that he knew more than he was saying.
139. A number of surgeons came under suspicion of unethical behaviour.
140. He has been questioned on suspicion of slandering the Prime Minister.
141. There is suspicion about the motivation behind the changes we are debating.
142. I have a faint suspicion that you may be right!
143. The finger of suspicion was pointed at the chicken served for lunch.
144. He was the last person to see the woman alive,[] and suspicion immediately fell on him.
145. Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated.
146. He was arrested on suspicion of having solicited girls to prostitution.
147. A suspicion sprang up in her mind after she heard what he'd said.
148. The suspicion did cross my mind, even as he spoke, that the man was lying and on further reflection I was sure of it.
149. She was left with a sneaking suspicion that Steven was not telling the truth.
150. After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive for it.
151. I've got a sneaking feeling/suspicion that we're going the wrong way.
152. The whole family is currently under suspicion of her murder.
153. Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind. William Shakespeare 
154. You must be above suspicion of any impropriety.
155. A policy worthy of the suspicion of benign neglect.
156. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported.
157. The following day Gary Burn was arrested by police on suspicion of murder.
158. The suspects were held Wednesday on suspicion of attempted murder, attempted burglary and conspiracy.
159. In the current climate, any smooth and unambiguous unity of theory is likely to arouse suspicion.
160. Three men were arrested on suspicion of causing violent disorder and were released on police bail.
161. It is a fair bet that this suspicion is right.
162. A wise suspicion is that such a fate awaits any treaty containing grandiose reductions or harsh enforcement penalties.
163. It was then that Rudolfo, if he wanted to avoid suspicion, would lead his flock down to the villa.
164. For years after Franco's rule, the army, badly paid and poorly equipped, was viewed with suspicion.
165. Unless your home is totally dilapidated, steer clear of a complete redecoration prior to selling: it will arouse suspicion.
166. Preoperative identification of such patients is important and any suspicion of infection with underlying hyposplenism should be promptly treated with parenteral antibiotics.
167. We want a national curriculum which is above and beyond the suspicion of party politics.
168. The beguiling simplicity of the flat tax is one reason it arouses suspicion.
169. In August 1984,[http://] Benicia police arrested him on suspicion of molesting a 10-year-old girl.
170. Shoulders hunched into the collar of his leather jacket, fists clenched inside the pockets, eyes little worry beads of suspicion.
171. When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
172. Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit. Alexandre Dumas 
173. In 1959 Navarro Rubio had not only not immediately fallen under suspicion of disloyalty, but had actually made Franco back down.
174. It concluded that suspicion existed that the action had been planned in advance and was directed by two commands with different instructions.
175. With little suspicion and high self-confidence, the Rottweiler responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment.
176. My first suspicion that these chaps were not what they seemed was aroused as I listened.
177. Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
178. Like Miltiades, he had aroused the suspicion of his people that he aimed at supreme power.
179. As Tom folded his ladder, I had a suspicion that all this would happen again next week.
180. Sammler mastered and dismissed this suspicion, ascribing it to surprise and nervousness.
181. But there are other sides to Chicago neighborhoods suspicion of outsiders, intolerance toward the unconventional, bigotry, and bullying.
182. He sat once again at his desk and began to consider how to get the official document translated without arousing further suspicion.
183. The two painters downstairs impinge - directly through their crazy behaviour arousing suspicion against themselves, and indirectly through Porfiry.
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
184. But how to visit the place on his own, without arousing alarm or suspicion?
185. There was a general suspicion, based on some fact, about the authenticity of conversions.
186. Weld scars confirmed his suspicion that a hefty furnace engine had been appended to its original short hop retro reaction coil system.
187. Short- hold and assured tenancies aimed at enticing owners to let empty homes are looked on with suspicion and disdain.
188. If she aroused the girl's suspicion all would be lost.
189. Suspicion equipoised his mind.
190. The Prime Minister designate obviously viewed me with suspicion, as being closely associated with his predecessor.
191. Then old man Lawton goes missing and suspicion fixes on his son, Ronny, the local bad boy.
192. Maybe it's the nations healthy suspicion of flash gestures and big bucks.
193. Although it quickly subsided, what I was able to catch was sufficient to arouse suspicion.
194. A man found at the house, Ronald Lerma, 29, was arrested on suspicion of possessing a crack cocaine pipe.
195. Margaret came from a wealthy family, and Richard was anxious to allay any suspicion that he had married for money.
196. Kedie was initially arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs when police discovered £2,000 in cash in his house.
197. To allay suspicion she ate three spoonfuls herself but was found out.




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