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单词 Flapping
(1) The curtains were flapping at the open window.
(2) The flag was flapping about in the light wind.
(3) The flag was flapping around in the light wind.
(4) The flag was flapping about in the wind.
(5) The sails were flapping gently in the wind.
(6) He made little flapping motions with his arms.
(7) A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily(), from the tower.
(8) There's no use flapping about it now.
(9) The sails were flapping against the mast.
(10) The gulls flew off, wings flapping.
(11) Flags were flapping/fluttering in the breeze.
(12) The flags were flapping in the breeze.
(13) There's no use flapping about it now. What is needed is your solid action.
(14) He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers.
(15) Do stop flapping about, we'll get the job done in time.
(16) Do stop flapping around, we'll get the job done in time.
(17) She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm.
(18) The car drove off with its rear door flapping open.
(19) Stop flapping about/around!
(20) Another large fish came flapping across the gap.
(21) Death raced from room to room, his robe flapping.
(22) A sailing ship was passing, its mylar sails flapping in the gusty wind.
(23) He thought of Byrne, like a flapping crow on the wire.
(24) However, the equation assumes stationary rather than flapping wings, making its use in this case misleading.
(25) The old man stumbled in, flapping his stump toward the outside.
(26) But the indefatigable Swans, yellow labels flapping from their shoulder bags, would never dream of sitting anything out.
(27) A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
(28) And the Linwood plant a graveyard, grass growing between the assembly lines, corrugated-iron roofs flapping in the wind.
(29) From political correctness to the flagging tenure system, the right of unadulterated academic lip flapping seems increasingly embattled.
(30) His present place was shaky - a violent gale had just blown in the window panes and the frame was flapping loose.
(1) The curtains were flapping at the open window.
(2) The flag was flapping about in the light wind.
(3) The flag was flapping around in the light wind.
(4) The flag was flapping about in the wind.
(5) The sails were flapping against the mast.
(31) Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun.
(32) I can see it snaking this way and that through Laverne's flapping fringe.
(33) Duvall followed closely behind, coat flapping in the wind and the rain.
(34) The flapping noise of windbreakers filled the air; you could barely hear the person next to you speak.
(35) The machine shop left hundreds of thousands of men with shared memories: The whirring and flapping of the belts.
(36) Intangible winds gripped the wizard's robe, flapping it out in eddies of blue and green sparks.
(37) It slid to the base of the mast so we could lash down the flapping canvas with extra sail ties.
(38) For a moment, Miguel thought the car was going to lift off into the sky with wings flapping.
(39) I went flapping around like Charlie Chaplin to my first night of work.
(40) He walked to the window and gazed out at the rain, the stethoscope flapping against his chest.
(41) It sustains its leap with high-speed flapping of its oversized pectoral fins for distances of up to 100 metres.
(42) There he was, the legendary Krakonosc had arrived with his green jacket flapping in his wake.
(43) His minders goad him into flapping his fins a bit but there is no spark in his fishy eye.
(44) He circled slowly and methodically up, holding his wings in a stiff, lacquered bow, never flapping, always soaring.
(45) From here, there is a continuous series of gradations to gliding wings, and hence to flapping wings.
(46) Along a straightaway, a coyote raced the truck, his tongue flapping beside him like a tie.
(47) She watched the next scene; nurses running towards a hospital, their unbuttoned navy-blue coats flapping over pale uniforms.
(48) Flight rather slow and flapping, recalling larger gulls, when hunting over water; also soars and hovers.
(48) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(49) A pair of night birds circled above, the flapping of their wings and their eerie screeches penetrating the thickening mist.
(50) Give what I hope is curt nod, though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever.
(51) Stumbling through the puddles of rain, he followed her flapping raincoat into the night.
(52) With his arm on the window well, he cruised down the street, the breeze flapping his sleeve.
(53) One wing's shredded, one's flapping, it's quacking up a storm.
(54) He stood on the steps outside the building, tattered cloak flapping like a scarecrow's nightshirt, and signalled to me.
(55) I like this - in high winds there's no chance of the flysheet flapping around or flying over the tent.
(56) It soars the length of the awning, wings flapping once, twice to propel it along an unerring flight path.
(57) A butterfly was flapping around the wheelbarrow looking for a fragrance to match the colour of that great metallic flower.
(58) There was no garden; the harsh fen grasses ended in a coarse frill flapping against the walls of the gaunt house.
(59) Peter Gaskell shuffled through in his oversized wellingtons, a large empty canvas bag flapping against his knees.
(60) Huckleberry's tongue was protruding out of the corner of his mouth and flapping in the breeze!
(61) They were hooting and flapping their great woolly arms as they tried to climb on to a private jetty.
(62) A young man with a flapping vest and a face pink with high-altitude exertion passed them, running hard.
(63) The fish hawkers on the beach stalls opposite sell plaice still flapping, straight out of the sea.
(64) One morning a loose cord was flapping in the wind, cracking the canvas alongside his ear.
(65) His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
(66) The groom remained hanging on to the canopy railing, his face smeared with dirt, his shirt torn and flapping.
(67) The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.
(68) The heron came flapping over the water.
(69) African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
(70) The flight mechanism of birds and big insects was probed valuably, and airframe dynamics and airfoil aerodynamics of Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle (FWMAV) were researched.
(71) He had a full seidel of beer in his right hand and his empty left sleeve was flapping.
(72) I was standing on the cemented platform waiting for the train that would take me to College, my untucked shirt flapping wildly in the unrelenting autumn gusts.
(73) Moving his arms, he was soon flapping wings and changed into canary yellow as he was.
(74) Clan men of Masai Mara tribe have dark skin and red grid cap flapping in the wind, awe-inspiring and astounding.
(75) Manta rays soon emerged : two dozen, some flapping on the surface, more swooping and forth below.
(76) The blue and pink pinwheel in the center is the galaxy's main stellar disk, while the flapping, ribbon-like structures are its extended arms.
(77) The project using mechanism structure to simulate tail fin flapping is finally put forward, which is validated by simulation.
(78) Stated another way, the "Butterfly Effect" does not propose that a butterfly flapping its wings causes the change,[http:///flapping.html] merely that the flapping results in an imperceptible change in local conditions.
(79) Phalaenopsis aphrodite (NT$2.50): An epiphytic orchid with a monopodial growth habit. In bloom, its round and large white petals give it the look of a butterfly flapping its wings.
(80) A host or service is determined to have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high flapping threshold.
(81) The tent was brown, like the standard flapping from its center pole, where the red stallion of House Bracken reared upon its gold escutcheon.
(82) A vampire bat came flapping in from the night covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep.
(83) This dissertation proposes a flapping control mechanism to solve the flight power problems in hovering flight control of the insect-like flapping micro aerial vehicles(IFMAVs).
(84) Hopkins looked thinner than before a bent figure with a gray double-breasted suit flapping loosely on him.
(85) The moving overset grid method is employed to account the relative motion among the blades which are rotating, cyclic pitching and cyclic flapping.
(86) The phrase "Butterfly Effect" refers to the possibility that minor, seemingly insignificant changes (such as a butterfly flapping its wings) might produce large, unforeseen events elsewhere.
(87) In this study, the free vibration problem of a rotating beam with a flapping angle is investigated.
(88) The nonsmooth morphology of primaries is propitious to reducing the air vortex resistance which is caused by flapping volitation.
(89) Todd Reichert's ornithopter is an engineless plane that stays aloft by flapping its wings like a bird.
(90) Full power straight ahead first, then push over , flapping, to a vertical dive.
(91) Climb to a thousand feet. power ahead first, then push over, flapping, to a vertical dive.
(92) The minute there's some rivalry over a girl , your ears start flapping.
(93) It seemed like the yellow-bellied birds never gave up, never stopped their frantic flapping in pursuit of food.
(94) It swims by flapping its ear-like fins like the cartoon elephant.
(95) Sonic cleaning gives priority to other mode of cleaning(eg. reverse gas, mechanism flapping)and minors in sonic cleaning in order that the dust can be easily wiped out from the filter bag.
(96) With classic autism, people might be nonverbal or display behaviors such as rocking[sentencedict .com], hand flapping or self-injury.
(97) fat young men in T-shirts sculpted to their rounded bellies, their stocky bottoms and thighs artificially enlarged by the empty, flapping pockets that covered their knee-length shorts.
(98) Research on bionics and aerodynamics indicates that flapping mode is better than rotorcraft and fixed-wing mode when they are about the size of small birds.
(99) On the basis of former rigid wing model and consideration of the velocity change and the distortion of wing plane, a flapping model is developed.
(100) Wife is flapping Run in the house and harrumphing the sleep song mistily .
(101) The effects of flapping frequency, wind velocity, angle of attack, plane shape of wing and cambered aerofoil are investigated.
(102) The flapping mechanism adopts a parallel quadrilateral connecting rod mechanism to lead the tail fin of the robotic fish arranged on a tail fin frame to make periodic translational motion.
(103) How to design the control mechanic of insect-like flapping wing air vehicle to increase the symmetrical and eliminate the influence of inertia force was discussed at last.
(104) Do atop flapping about. We'll get the job done in time.




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