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单词 sceptic
释义  scep·tic British English, skeptic American English /ˈskeptɪk/ noun [countable]  BELIEVE#a person who disagrees with particular claims and statements, especially those that are generally thought to be true 持怀疑态度的人 Sceptics argued that the rise in prices was temporary. 持怀疑态度的人士争辩说价格上涨是暂时的。Examples from the Corpussceptic• For he who thinks to remain neutral is above all a sceptic.• Why did I introduce myself as a sceptic about values but not about facts?• But he's a dual personality, sceptic and optimist in one.• Any self-respecting sceptic might be tempted ... It's certainly easy to be sceptical about the Earth Summit.• It may be that the correct account of knowledge does unfortunately give the sceptic the opening he is looking for.• It maintains that what the sceptic takes to be his strength is in fact his weakness.scep·tic nounChineseSyllable  claims disagrees person particular with and who Corpus statements, a




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