随便看 |
- not be fussed about something
- not be fussed about sth
- not be going anywhere
- not be herself
- not be himself
- not be in any hurry
- not be in any hurry to do
- not be in any hurry to do something
- not be in any hurry to do sth
- not be in the business of doing
- not budge an inch
- not ... but rather ...
- not but rather
- not by any manner of means
- not by any means
- not care a sod
- not care beans
- not care beans about
- not care beans about sb
- not care beans about somebody
- not care beans about something
- not care beans about sth
- not care/give tuppence
- not care to do
- not care to do something
- Sharpener
- Discerning
- Spiritual
- Caring
- Reef
- Uplift
- Investigating
- Inflame
- Accession
- Degenerative
- 有些痛苦,时间最终会给予我们满意的答卷
- 有些离奇的夜晚……
- 有些花是用来撕碎的
- 有人于此,其孙呼之曰祖,其祖呼之曰孙,其子呼之曰父,其父呼之曰子,其舅呼之曰甥,其甥呼之曰舅,其伯叔呼之曰侄,其侄呼之曰伯叔,其兄呼之曰弟,其弟呼之曰兄,其翁呼之曰婿,其婿呼之曰翁,毕竟是几人?曰:一人也。呼之毕竟孰是?曰:皆是也。吁!“仁者见之谓之仁,知者见之谓之知”。无怪矣,道二乎哉!
- 有人于此:精密者病其疏,靡绮者病其陋,繁缛者病其简,谦恭者病其倨,委曲者病其直,无能可于一世之人,奈何?曰:一身怎可得一世之人?只自点检吾身,果如所病否。若以一身就众口,孔子不能。即能之,成个什么人品?故君子以中道为从违,不以众言为忧喜。
- 有人情之识,有物理之识,有事体之识,有事势之识,有事变之识,有精细之识,有阔大之识。此皆不可兼也,而事变之识为难,阔大之识为贵。
- 有人脉的人,找工作不一定去招聘会
- 有什么新鲜事吗?
- 有什么样的想法,就会有什么样的命运
- 有什么样的眼界,就有什么样的境界
- 有什么比找借口更容易的呢
- 有付出才有收获
- 有付出,人生才有收获
- 有价值的处世观
- 有会而作诗|原文|翻译|赏析|鉴赏
- Harrier句子
- On the nose句子
- Racialism句子
- Full up句子
- Damnify句子
- Mean well句子
- Checkerboard句子
- Aspectual句子
- On the way out句子
- Tangle with句子
- Sculling句子
- Antitoxic句子
- Unadvisable句子
- Oafs句子
- Nonslip句子