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单词 vulture
释义  Related topics: Birdsvul·ture /ˈvʌltʃə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. HBBa large bird that eats dead animals 秃鹫 →4  See picture of 见图 BIRD OF PREY →5 see picture at 见图 bird of prey2  BAD PERSONsomeone who uses other people’s problems and suffering for their own advantage – used to show disapproval 趁火打劫的人,乘人之危的人〔含贬义〕 He hadn’t been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow. 他尸骨未寒,媒体那帮家伙就对他的遗孀进行了围追堵截。Examples from the Corpusvulture• Mack Stroupe is circling like a vulture, even as we speak.• Strangely, the sun also shone, though it turned a dusty red, blotted out by the dark wings of vultures.• As the vultures vie for space, the ravens cling to the edges.• The decline of the vulture is due to the success of livestock farming and loss of habitat.• Once he even took off after a circling turkey vulture.Origin vulture (1300-1400) Latin vulturvul·ture nounChineseSyllable  large animals dead eats Corpus that a bird




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