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单词 Much less
(1) People should, ideally, eat much less fat.
(2) The baby can't even walk, much less run.
(3) The less well-developed areas of Europe are much less attractive as investment prospects than the major centres.
(4) In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.
(5) Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.
(6) He's a different proposition from his father?much less tolerant.
(7) Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.
(8) Training is often much less effective than expected.
(9) I can hardly walk, much less run.
(10) It costs much less to go by bus.
(11) I know no English(http://), much less French.
(12) Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.
(13) There is much less difficulty than I thought.
(14) He was much less flashy than his brother.
(15) I read much less now than I used to.
(16) I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
(17) She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money.
(18) The boy didn't have a girlfriend, much less a wife.
(19) They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.
(20) Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
(21) Diplomats now expect the mission to be much less ambitious.
(22) I read much less now than I did at school.
(23) A pound today buys much less than it did a year ago.
(24) As an MP, I see much less of my family when Parliament is sitting.
(25) How much less would it cost to send it second class?
(26) Her disarming honesty immediately created a much less hostile atmosphere in the room.
(27) Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.
(28) Pre-recorded TV programmes have so much less immediacy and warmth than live theatre.
(29) He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced.
(30) The shelves were lined with books which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open, much less read.
(1) People should, ideally, eat much less fat.
(2) The less well-developed areas of Europe are much less attractive as investment prospects than the major centres.
(3) In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.
(4) Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.
(5) Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.
(6) Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.
(7) I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
(8) Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
(31) I didn't think Dave would ever read a book, much less write one himself.
(32) I would never willingly go anywhere by boat, much less go on a cruise.
(33) Tony can barely boil an egg, much less cook dinner.
(34) Buses and trains use much less fuel per person than cars.
(35) At the age of fourteen I had never even been on a train, much less an aircraft.
(36) She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court.
(37) He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people.
(38) Maggie had seen him nearly every day at first. Now she saw him much less.
(39) Real skins are much less coherent than the stereotype.
(40) Identification includes much less intense and less exclusive attitudes.
(41) This will be much less acceptable.
(42) Try dowsing without rods: it's much less cumbersome.
(43) Its development costs are not much less than the firm's total asset value.
(44) However(/much less.html), it clearly performs a much less crucial or well-defined function than is the case in the Western capitalist economies.
(45) Commitment accounting Commitment accounting is much less widely adopted in practice than either cash accounting or accruals accounting.
(46) But, the base had much less utility than the larger base built by the Marines at Camp Pendleton.
(47) World champions took matches much less frequently and in between Lynch liked to drink.
(48) Alcohol is much less potent than opiates, however, because it works in an entirely different way.
(49) Many other sports, with a greater stress on grace and timing, require much less physical or hormonal deformation.
(50) Immature distinguishable from other immature skuas by small size, smaller bill and much less white in wings.
(51) But in the core areas of the old system the problems were much less tractable.
(52) In the earlier period the reports were much less explicit than now.
(53) It is sometimes bloody, occasionally accompanied by vomiting and abdominal cramps and much less frequently by low-grade fever.
(54) The variation in referral rates among general practice was much less than that reported in hospitals.
(55) With Bevin he also believed that Britain would have much less influence in Washington without some nuclear capability of her own.
(56) The amount actually available for the generation of new products is, however, much less than this figure.
(57) The second is the simple case that before dawn, the background noise caused by human activity tends to be much less.
(58) I could not even ride a bicycle, much less shoot baskets or play tennis.
(59) Much less embarrassing than a kissogram the perfect fantasy served up on a plate.
(60) In view of such evidence the peace process seems much less convincing than its proponents have suggested.
(61) In practice the administrative shift away from environmentalism was much less dramatic than ideologues like Newman were insisting.
(62) Yet the immediate impact of the statute was much less dramatic than this longer-term picture might suggest.
(63) It is also present in third gear but much less so.
(64) The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.
(65) The presentation of straying males is, then, much less censorious.
(66) It costs much less to support celibate clergy than ministers or rabbis with spouses and children.
(67) If those trains represented the top quality of Provincial's empire, there was much less to be excited about elsewhere.
(68) Near absolute zero, however, molecules have much less thermal energy.
(69) No one feels they are a team member, much less a partner, if decisions are continually made without their consultation.
(70) Many Lake District slate quarries are still working, but of course modern roads and vehicles make the job much less dangerous now.
(71) We are much less likely to find biological differences between races, simply because the genetic distances among them are so small.
(72) Admittedly, there is now much less reason for invoking this doomsday scenario.
(73) These things are not written under any feeling of discouragement, much less to discourage others.
(74) Moreover, housework was a highly privatised activity which was not as well regarded and was much less interesting than paid employment.
(75) In contrast, some contemporary clinicians who have discussed the topic have been much less enthusiastic about connecting creativity to psychosis.
(76) Points to look for Extension top Allows larger cargoes of light materials like leaves, to be transported with much less spillage.
(77) Although recognition of handwriting has received much less attention the task is simpler and promising results have been obtained.
(78) Psychological studies have confirmed this: the more advanced students have much less aggressive personalities than the average person.
(79) Training after a main event should be much less dynamic and should concentrate on improving technique in preparation for the next competition.
(80) Third, at federal level the parties are accordingly much less unified by political ideologies.
(81) But progress in marriage and parenting for people with learning difficulties is much less clear-cut and visible.
(82) In the years since Oakland initiated it, the program hardly received any local, much less national, notice.
(83) They are also much less accessible from Earth than the other families of asteroids.
(84) If it is much less, try using a 40 watt bulb instead.
(85) Baseball attendance is much less likely to be a full day event.
(86) At breakfast time the general atmosphere among the residents was still subdued, but much less strained than the previous evening.
(87) Equally, science would be much less advanced than it is if the only available data were intuitive estimates of quantities.
(88) Managers, supervisors, and the company personnel department will have much less control over hiring decisions.
(89) It is an efficient service and it causes the customer much less trouble.
(90) Because of the low gravity of the Moon the uncompressed density will not be much less.
(91) Making arrangements for the engineering investigators to cope with the jet age posed much less difficulty.
(92) This anaerobic system is much less efficient than the primary, oxygen-using system.
(93) Contemporary Marxist urban sociology places much less emphasis on the supposed necessity for the state to be engaged in collective consumption.
(94) People in rural communities are much less likely to become the victim of violence, researchers found.
(95) Excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is much less buoyant than total excise duty.
(96) In contrast, expert systems rely heavily on heuristics, or rules of thumb, which are much less formal.
(97) Furthermore, they found that female clerical workers were much less likely to achieve promotion than their male counterparts.
(98) Every day ... I will become emotionally much calmer ... much more settled ... much less easily disturbed.
(99) After all, cannabis does much less harm to a person's health than nicotine, and yet cigarettes are legal.
(100) Johnston said the contract was exploitative and restrictive, with the financial arrangements much less lucrative than she'd expected.
(101) The second way makes the emergence of syntactic combinations seem much less fortuitous.
(101) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(102) Because the diesel engine uses so much less fuel it releases substantially less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
(103) Students' work-related experiences are much less intensive than in an apprenticeship program.
(104) Life is much less complicated as far as Building Regulations approval is concerned.
(105) Other research has shown that women with a confiding relationship are much less likely to become depressed.
(106) Be that as it may, the efficiency of the Customs service was much less regarded.
(107) The companies had to be paid in their own currencies, at a much less favourable exchange rate than last year.
(108) Indeed, it is giving the impression of being much less ambitious and much more practical than in the past.
(109) Care must be taken in making visual estimates, and results are usually much less accurate than with point counting techniques.
(110) Furthermore, expectation of an indefinite number of future meetings means that deception or conflict are much less attractive options.
(111) That had to ne injected daily, but her husband recalls the injections being much less frequent.
(112) Repeal of Act 70 will make smaller farms more affordable to part-time farmers, and mortgage finance much less elitist.
(113) In fact, the lines of demarcation between the two camps were much less distinct.
(114) In most stepping motor systems the winding time constant is much less than the period of rotor oscillations about each equilibrium position.
(115) The overall effect is of information produced in a much less dense manner than is characteristic of written language.
(116) Printing in several colours is expensive, but using a single colour ink, not necessarily black, is much less so.
(117) On all but the most fundamental issues, the party line became much less forthright and clear-cut.
(118) Enterprises have sacked workers and are running at much less than their full capacity.
(119) Meanwhile, other areas of the class structure are much less open.
(120) If additions to suppliers' workforces had been included in the statistics, the downsizings would have been much less dramatic.
(121) There was to be no pause for reflection, nor - much less - for a changeover from military to civilian rule.
(122) There is a sense of all rational control or deliberation seeping away or being under much less deliberative control.
(123) Yet it is very much less easy to defend the policy of expecting parents to buy their children's books.
(124) The timetable for this form of learning needs to be much less formal.
(125) She could not afford the bus fare to see a doctor, much less his fee.
(126) Nobody colored was going to be allowed to move an inch more, much less claim bodies.
(127) Such anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration, but also much less efficient in terms of energy produced per unit of fuel.
(128) They were friends of his, real estate developers with no expertise whatsoever in media, much less multimedia.
(129) Much less coal has to be moved and so factory owners have a freer choice of position.
(130) Hence the relationship between members of the Congress and their local electorate is much less affected by national party considerations.
(131) However, much less well developed has been the nature of using information for decision-making.
(131) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(132) If he spoke, he would vent the most wicked and abusive language he had ever imagined, much less expressed.
(133) Paul, much less consulting him as to where to live, she simply literally arrived on his doorstep.
(134) Second, the actual cost, both in time and money, can be very much less than might at first be anticipated.
(135) Although it does not in fact provide a justification, we are much less inclined to say that it does not.
(136) The problem has always been that all of these methods carry much less energy density than petrol, hence less power.
(137) The evidence for genetic inheritance is much less strong for the less severe forms of depression.
(138) Buy margarine instead of butter; it is much less expensive.
(139) In fact, at 190 grams, this headset weighs much less than the traditional line of Stax units.
(140) Although the cost of living was very much less than it is now, schoolteachers' salaries were modest.
(141) Even Libertarians, who advocate much less government, are happy to accept public campaign money.
(142) But so far the intensity method has proved inherently much less accurate than the directional method.
(143) The escaping water would quickly turn to steam, it was feared, which would be much less efficient at removing heat.
(144) On the battlefield armament was still much less important than discipline and fighting spirit.
(145) Recent work makes us much less confident that any such clear correlation is possible.
(146) Unfortunately, an examination of the circumstances in which they were produced gives a much less favourable impression.
(147) Later I trained a kestrel which I found much less inquisitive and more likely to come straight to me for the food.
(148) The second was by intuition, a much less conscious process than sensation.
(149) It had been unthinkable that either one of them could be ignored, much less the two acting together.
(150) They are not being used for spending, much less for spending on newly produced goods and services.
(151) The caterpillars do not know why they rock their bodies, much less why they do it in unison.
(152) Its unintended effect was also to crush a succession of much less well-prepared Republican hopefuls before a single vote had been cast.
(153) Piero's glance was much less complimentary.
(154) The gentleman is also avaricious, much less pass student.
(155) However, the science of xenotransplantation is much less straightforward.
(156) Gases are much less viscous than liquids.
(157) Greek yogurt contains much less fat than double cream.
(158) These empty words are much less useful than deeds.
(159) This escapist pelf has very little to say about the real world, much less American society.
(160) There is no building code, much less any means of enforcing one.
(161) Disk drives are much slower than solid-state memory is. They are much less reliable, too, because they depend on moving parts.
(162) Much less, the sports event selling point no longer was also forced.
(163) But we must not think of Chekhov as a leftist, much less a revolutionary.
(164) So the search box is still flawed, but much less obtrusive.
(165) Compared to the unstressed monkeys, they were much less likely to ovulate.
(166) Much less common than hydatidiform mole is choriocarcinoma, seen here.
(167) This pattern is much less common than the bronchopneumonia pattern.
(168) She never called it the state of solitude, much less of singleness.
(169) Baum, however , notes that part - time students are much less likely to finish their degree programs.
(170) Few had heard of this mystery athlete, much less knew how to pronounce his given name.
(171) It is much less frequently used than an arithmetic average.
(172) He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon.
(173) "Here at this track we struggle much less than at Brno and Laguna Seca, " Lorenzo said.
(174) At home, often stymied by his coalition's leftist allies, he has done much less well.
(175) Judicial activist, nearer to justice, not letter-bound and surpassing law-makers' design, pays much less attention to precedent and occupies much more independent spirit in reality.
(176) It was also much less reactionary and impervious than that word connotes.
(177) The number of chloroplast was much less, especially in spongy tissue, chloroplast hardly could been observed.
(178) Tahiti is also much less crowded compared to other popular dive sites.
(179) Inflation says that very early on, the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion (num. ) fold in much less than a second, propelled by a sort of antigravity.
(180) President Wilson , with whom he had not the same intimate relations, is treated much less sympathetically.
(181) At a protest off Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, it was unclear what the protesters stood for, much less if they'd accept political support from the Democratic Party.
(182) No one knew of our impending arrival much less of our mission or predicament.
(183) The acute toxicity of isoproterenol is much less than that of epinephrine.
(184) Although much less experienced, he gave a good account of him self in the boxing match.
(185) Freddie had greeted him much less affectionately than Michael, but Hagen understood.
(186) I spend much less time on my commute to work now.
(187) The Tax Reform Act of 1986 made DPPs much less valuable to investors, and so a lot of wealthy people switched from DPPs to REITs.
(188) Suddenly that pink bodice seemed to Xiangzi much less vivid.
(189) A Charpy test is usually much less expensive to perform than a fracture toughness characterization experiment.
(190) As for what would happen to theirs, I could not foretell, much less could I guarantee.
(191) This'll be the biggest payday in sports history,() much less boxing.
(192) Drupes and berries were the main fruit types used by these forest birds; achenes , caryopsises, capsules the next; and aggregate fruits and nuts much less used.
(193) Haydn: Yes, hybrid cars use much less fuel than an ordinary car.
(194) Simulation results show that this method can be applied to wideband signal processing and its computational burden is much less than conventional beam-forming method.
(195) Ectopia plant was much less in tissue lump embedding group, and the tumors were uniform.
(196) By the way, if you're curious about why racemization is so much less accurate a clock than C-14 for dating a tooth's age, part of the explanation has to do with temperature.
(197) The resistivity contours appear much less diagnostic of anomalous bodies below the surface.
(198) This positive interaction is therapeutic [], and much less expensive than visits to a psychologist.
(199) Other computer companies are much less active in Josephson technology.
(200) The result showed that loss of vitamin C of Pullulanase polysaccharide was much less than that of PVP K30 during vacuum drying and storage.
(201) Results Fibrin exudation in the pupil area and vitreous body was much less in experimental group than that in the control group after the surgery.
(202) His friends were very happy to see him and one noticed that nystagmus was much less.
(203) After an electrifying four weeks, that prospect seems much less likely.
(204) Living alone, unsociable, having no companions, much less confidants, a hermit may lose polish, graciousness.
(205) Unfortunatelyfor decipherers, we have much less Linear A than Linear B - around 1500texts, mostly from Crete but also from other Aegean islands, mainlandGreece, Turkey and Israel.
(206) I had rarely heard Dad speak with such feeling about anything, much less the accordion.
(207) Strong body odour is usually much less attractive than body scent you can just detect.
(208) You can pay much less for laptops and desktops from competitors like Dell and Hewlett - Packard.
(209) Recycled material plus two time machine, a coating machine three times much less well coated.
(210) But he may also be asked to create a special effect which is much less exciting.
(211) A woman who gets adequate amounts of the B vitamin folate is much less likely to have a baby with a birth defect affecting the spinal cord.
(212) Spelling is much less important than the ability to make a logical argument.
(213) A fall in house prices will in any case hurt Chinese consumers much less than their American counterparts because Chinese households are not up to their necks in debt.
(214) Regenerating units are much less likely to get battle afflictions.
(215) A bubble pumped up by saving is much less dangerous than one fuelled by credit.
(216) Delight is not seemly a fool; much less a servant to have rule over princes.




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