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单词 Sheltered
(1) Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life.
(2) We sheltered in a shop doorway.
(3) I picked a sheltered site for the tent.
(4) Herbs need fertile soil and a sunny sheltered position.
(5) He sheltered beneath his umbrella.
(6) Many old people choose to live in sheltered accommodation.
(7) These plants will grow well in a sheltered position.
(8) The climbers rested on a sheltered ledge jutting out from the cliff.
(9) A few pedestrians carrying their evening shopping sheltered from the rain in doorways.
(10) The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides.
(11) We had lunch in a sheltered spot behind the dunes.
(12) British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.
(13) She's led a very sheltered life .
(14) We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed.
(15) Is our country's industry sheltered from foreign competition?
(16) A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days.
(17) The hut sheltered her from the cold wind.
(18) They sheltered beneath their umbrellas.
(19) Paula was the product of a sheltered middle-class home.
(20) There are several sheltered inlets along the coast.
(21) We sheltered under the trees.
(22) She's just moved into sheltered accommodation.
(23) The boulder sheltered them from the chilling wind.
(24) Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much .
(25) We sheltered from the rain in a doorway.
(26) The wall sheltered the soldiers from gunfire.
(27) She had a very sheltered childhood.
(28) They both lead very sheltered lives.
(29) These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.
(30) He sheltered himself behind a hedge.
(1) Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life.
(2) We sheltered in a shop doorway.
(3) Herbs need fertile soil and a sunny sheltered position.
(4) Many old people choose to live in sheltered accommodation.
(5) These plants will grow well in a sheltered position.
(6) The climbers rested on a sheltered ledge jutting out from the cliff.
(7) A few pedestrians carrying their evening shopping sheltered from the rain in doorways.
(8) The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides.
(9) We had lunch in a sheltered spot behind the dunes.
(10) British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.
(11) We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed.
(12) They sheltered beneath their umbrellas.
(13) These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.
(14) He sheltered himself behind a hedge.
(15) The hotel is situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth.
(31) He has led a sheltered life in the countryside.
(32) We sailed round the point into a small, sheltered bay.
(33) We sheltered in a barn until the storm blew over.
(34) Many of these children have led very sheltered lives .
(35) Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.
(36) The hotel is situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth.
(37) The workers were brewing up in a sheltered corner of the building-site.
(38) I had a sheltered childhood, cocooned from the world by money and love.
(39) Until going to university, she had led a very sheltered life.
(40) I had led a sheltered life and had never met prejudice before.
(41) For the last few years I have been living in sheltered accommodation.
(42) We sheltered in a doorway to wait out the storm.
(43) In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.
(44) Hutton was no tourist from the sheltered gentry.
(45) Even in Alexandra's sheltered life she knew that.
(46) An umbrella sheltered them from the sun.
(47) I lead a sheltered life out in the branch.
(48) Wheat is sheltered from ecological reality.
(49) Beyond this rose the green hill that sheltered Applegarth.
(50) Let's find a nice sheltered spot for a picnic.
(51) There they shared a house sheltered by love.
(52) It occurs mostly on sheltered, well-watered cliff faces and damp coastal flats where there is local protection from wind and spray.
(53) The children lead sheltered lives, getting chauffeured to and from their prep schools.
(54) Monastic abbots, by comparison, found spiritual leadership easy, because the monks were sheltered from contact with the world.
(55) I reached it safely, and, sheltered behind its big chimney, reloaded and fired, and loaded again.
(56) That night we slid into Tomb Bay, where Lycian rock tombs glare over a sheltered bight and cicadas yell from oleanders.
(57) What a sheltered life she leads, in her self-built lavender ghetto.
(58) Choose a sheltered sunny position with well-drained and composted soil which is weed free.
(59) A recent development in the property market has been the creation of sheltered accommodation for the elderly - both rented and private.
(60) She was delighted with the high trees, privet and rhododendrons that protected and sheltered the houses.
(61) Equally, the brewery-tie system has sheltered much pub property in tied tenancies from the harsh winds of the Market.
(62) I would grow it in a sheltered spot against a south or south-west facing wall or fence.
(63) Inverloss lay back from the road, reached by a rutted track and sheltered by a stand of ancient beeches and oaks.
(64) At present many sheltered housing schemes are trying to cope with severe difficulties in relation to dementing tenants.
(65) Observed by a colony of seals, we landed in a natural sheltered harbour.
(66) There Serra said mass under the very oak that, he calculated, had sheltered explorers and priests back in 1602.
(67) For example, little sheltered housing has been constructed for the old and disabled.
(68) The men sheltered under a tarpaulin slung across the corner of the barge.
(69) During the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations.
(70) Shortly after buying it, Denega was refused listed building consent to demolish the chapel and develop 21 sheltered accommodation units.
(71) Some older people are keen to live in sheltered accommodation where they hope for a combination of independence and security.
(72) Small sailing vessels dotted the sheltered waters within sight of the government buildings, riding an a soft southerly breeze.
(73) One snapshot shows the figures sheltered from the sun tourist-style, by a beach umbrella.
(74) We could have built many schools, sheltered housing schemes and sports centres with those millions of pounds.
(75) Arrived at Sinai, Elijah sheltered in one of the caves with which the sacred mount is honeycombed.
(76) Sister Maria Kisito supplied the petrol that the militiamen used to set alight a locked garage in which 500 people sheltered.
(77) I was even sufficiently sheltered from the wind to notice the fresh, grassy smell of the cabbage crop I was crossing.
(78) Well, I live in sheltered accommodation and, believe me, I have to pay the full licence fee.
(79) Even in the farmyard, which was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides,() the snow lay deeply.
(80) Marion was sitting in the sun, her back to the hut that sheltered her from the cold wind.
(81) Apartments opened A £725,000 sheltered housing scheme for the elderly was officially opened in Irvinestown today.
(82) Still and slow-moving fresh water, estuaries, sheltered coastal water, sometimes breeding in swamps.
(83) Chrysalid came from chrysalis, a protective covering, a sheltered state or stage of being or growth.
(84) The girls give the impression of children of a particularly sheltered family.
(85) Plunge the post, up to the rim, in a sheltered spot in the garden.
(86) They did this not by providing sheltered gardens or sound insulation, they just put no windows in the street.
(87) They had a warrant to arrest her grandson who'd been visiting the pensioner at her sheltered accommodation in Cheltenham.
(88) Andy leads off up large, friable flakes, hair plastered to his head but now mercifully sheltered.
(89) Sabino Alley still sheltered the vestiges of the old red-light district.
(90) Many sheltered central and south-eastern areas might stay dry with perhaps some sunny intervals.
(91) Neglected, unloved, slowly disintegrating, the house still sheltered life, thought Winnie.
(92) I hope it doesn't drag on! 29. Sheltered accommodation here is a little different.
(93) Many delightful coves for afternoon picnics, good winds in sheltered waters and magnificent scenery.
(94) Although my family hadn't sheltered any prisoners-of-war, we had provided food and clothing, so we too could claim.
(95) Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore 
(96) They do need a spot sheltered from wind, though; they're lightweight and tend to blow about.
(97) Sometimes he would be away for two or three days, spending his nights in a sheltered nook known as the Cave.
(98) He had rejoiced in its glossy purplish midsummer beauty which had sheltered the gentle ring-doves that cooed among its branches.
(99) Kitchen fire: Firemen tackled a fire in the Albany Court old people's sheltered housing complex in Hartlepool.
(100) Wallowing our way into a sheltered corner of the bay, we rode rather inelegantly in on the surf.
(101) She had been sheltered from prejudice and injustice by her family until she went to work as a child therapist.
(102) Better an early climb-down in some sheltered private meeting, he argued, than a humiliation on the floor of the House.
(103) Long ago the Vikings had a village where their ships' crews rested and sheltered in the inlet of the River Hull.
(104) Listen honey, d' you think I lead a sheltered life?
(105) This is usually dictated by the need for a flat area immediately next to the house to act as a sheltered sun trap.
(106) Initially, partly sheltered by the great landmass of North Uist, we made good progress southwards.
(107) It was sheltered inside, but they could hear the continuous swish of the rain in the branches high above them.
(108) Breeds by freshwater streams and lakes and sheltered inlets of the sea; in winter mainly by fresh water.
(109) Fernando pointed out the sheltered Formentor beach and the flowered terraces of the grand Hotel Formentor.
(110) Some of the capsized vessels lie well inside the sheltered anchorage,(http:///sheltered.html) others in the shallows at its mouth.
(111) Read in studio A sheltered workshop for the disabled which is threatened with closure has won a temporary reprieve.
(112) With it went planning consent for the sheltered accommodation units.
(113) In sheltered housing the warden has a very important part to play.
(114) The petrol stove was roaring under a steaming kettle, sheltered by three sides of an unfolded carton.
(115) We sighted a fishing boat in the distance, a sure sign of more sheltered water.
(116) In either case safety lies in finding either a windproof covering or a sheltered corner as soon as possible.
(117) Grey seals prefer rocky, exposed sites, while common seals prefer more sheltered areas and are frequently found on sandbanks.
(118) Soon after lunch, as they sheltered from the blazing heat, Julie stretched out on a towel and blanket.
(119) Both naturalise well, and in a sheltered corner of the garden, the perfume can be quite strong.
(120) The occasional curtained litter or rickshaw sheltered its rich occupant from the sun as he or she ventured out on some errand.
(121) The fence was sheltered on three sides by a screen of scrap lumber and flattened tin cans.
(122) During July, August and September there would be quite heavy dew in the sheltered hollows along the wood.
(123) The sheltered housing is close to local amenities to allow residents easy access to shops and other facilities.
(124) Sheltered by the underbelly of that small pedestrian bridge, I would practice my singing.
(125) It is only their sheltered lives which keep them from facing the same problem.
(126) We led a sheltered life out there in the suburbs.
(127) The pay was good, most of the time he was sheltered from the weather and nobody bothered him much.
(128) A considerable number of Remploy workers do move on to work in open conditions but many remain semi-permanently in the sheltered environment.
(129) Last but not least, community projects include events such as school quizzes, sheltered shopping and the annual Aberdeen Carnival.
(130) It drowned the lower deeper valleys, so forming rias which provide excellent sheltered harbours.
(131) Increased competition and easier industrial collaboration in a less sheltered defence market will not save jobs.
(132) On warm sunny days, employees can eat in a sheltered outdoor courtyard near an old-fashioned gazebo.
(133) He is widowed and now lives alone in a ground floor fiat in a warden controlled sheltered housing scheme.
(134) This section is one of the most dramatic, weaving in and out of sheltered coves and exposed headlands.
(135) Nothing in the three villagers' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes.
(136) We have sheltered accommodation, with understanding professional staff, for blind men and women who are unable to look after themselves.
(137) It was a naturally sheltered basin, a trick of the undulating meadows along the Comer.
(138) Having led sheltered lives in the North, they had never had to scrape to get ahead.
(139) He sheltered under her wing; above all, he sheltered from their mother.
(140) Twenty one pensioners had to be rescued by boat from their sheltered accommodation.
(141) The wind was chilling and we wanted to find somewhere sheltered to have our sandwiches.
(142) Housing associations as well as local authorities are involved in the provision of sheltered accommodation.
(143) In such conditions, all the sheltered spots get overcrowded, and there is usually too much colour in the water.
(144) This was the end of the wet season, and he sheltered in doorways from the brief storms of the northeast monsoon.
(145) The issue is to decide the extent to which sufferers may be supported and maintained in sheltered housing.
(146) The little square was relatively sheltered, and in the hall the gale was no more than a distant, muffled roar.
(147) His own life had been so sheltered, so steady, so predictable.
(148) Fortunately, Trondur was working on the lee side of the main cabin, so he was sheltered from the onslaught.
(149) Retirement Assured, which lets sheltered apartments to the elderly on assured tenancies, takes account of tenants when valuing its properties.
(150) This provides a safe and sheltered location in which groups of all ages can experience the thrills and spills of watersports.
(151) The site is very exposed on that side, in Roman times there was a woodland there, so it was sheltered.
(152) Standing on the sheltered side of the school, teacup in hand, she watched with mounting excitement.
(153) A regional study of difficult-to-let sheltered accommodation for older people Falshaw, Richard.
(154) Many Southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the Civil War.
(155) The structure is sheltered by a high embankment.
(156) The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree.
(157) We dropped anchor in a sheltered spot.
(158) Lily had fancied herself sheltered from inconvenient scrutiny.
(159) to have had a sheltered upbringing.
(160) The south side of the island sheltered down to the sea.
(161) A sheltered workshop provides a supportive environment for persons with physical and mental disabilities to learn job skills and gain work experience.
(162) Of biconcave of computer clavier biconvex sheltered evil people and practices the most easily, cleanness rises special inconvenience.
(163) William Morris is the real Worcester grew up near Oxford, the search Helveg in the River Thames and surrounded the city, always sheltered the William Morris and his dream car.
(164) Additionally, critics charge that the very low wages sheltered workshops pay are exploitive for people capable of more independent work.
(165) Her father dragged an old chicken coop up to the smokehouse and improvised a makeshift homestead that sheltered the family for over a year. Eight people slept in two beds.
(166) But officials worry about how to keep China near self-sufficiency in grain and sheltered from rising world prices.
(167) Tokaji, sheltered by the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, has a singularly balmy microclimate.
(168) While the bosses sheltered underground, plant workers recall, people stood around awaiting instructions, breathing poisoned air as they watched smoke burst from the reactor's exposed core.
(169) Jean Lafitte who lived off of the coast of Louisiana in a sheltered Bay named Barataria Bay.
(170) Atmospheric corrosion of pure copper under sheltered and unsheltered exposure conditions during 1 year period in Shenyang atmosphere is studied.
(171) Atmospheric corrosion of pure copper under sheltered and unsheltered exposure condition during 1 year period in Shenyang atmosphere was studied.
(172) Then abruptly the road swept down into a small, sheltered basin where a dozen farm buildings in cream weatherboard topped by red, corrugated iron roofs, were scattered on the land.
(173) That story begins with the first drab settlements of a Dutch colony in the early 17th century, perched astride a pristine, sheltered harbor at the southern tip of Manhattan island.
(174) My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood.
(175) I met Don P. and his family in 1999 in a sheltered workshop in Wisconsin.
(176) This valley is not windswept; it is a sheltered place.
(177) For air transportation, the flame is sheltered in a security lamp, similar to a miner's lamp.
(178) The frightened child who sheltered in my manse died on the Dothraki sea, and was reborn in blood and fire.
(179) Scared out of Miami Beach, we decamped for Fort Lauderdale, where a Yugoslav woman sheltered us in a faded motel, beach-adjacent and featuring free UHF reception.
(180) This is widely recognized in giving schizophrenics a more sheltered environment, but as the press is for society to reabsorb the individual, any respite from the chemical surges is short lived.
(181) Its beachfront hotels have immaculate, landscaped gardens with a commanding view of the waters of sheltered Yalong Bay.
(182) The survivor- thon will make money for the sheltered workshop by charging for promotional items participants choose, like shirts, coffee mugs and ethnic items such as bracelets.
(183) The boy's father, Godfrey Moorhen, now 102 and living in sheltered accommodation, has also refused to discuss the matter.
(184) My L... has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind.
(185) The church that had sheltered it so long had given it some protection at the last, and only a slight discolouration of the rock told of the fires that had passed this way.
(186) They are sheltered from the snow in a small cave in the mountain.
(186) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(187) Sheltered by a titanic iceberg, emperor penguins bask in the Antarctic sun.
(188) A street urchin named Aladdin falls in love with Princess Jasmine , who is sick of her sheltered life.
(189) Diet: Feeds mainly on algae, molluscs and sponges among Acropora heads within sheltered reefs.
(190) Could the sheltered Fuwa Katsuhige fall by the hand of an unknown foot soldier?
(191) The island is normally protected from extreme weather conditions by its sheltered location in the Inner Hebrides.




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