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单词 Verify
1. Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?
2. An external auditor will verify the accounts.
3. We must verify his figures.
4. I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds.
5. They now take extra steps to verify the creditworthiness of customers.
6. They were unable to produce any statistics to verify their claims.
7. Further experiments will be carried out to verify this result.
8. I'll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.
9. American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty.
10. Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.
11. The reader can verify that this optimal solution is.
12. Accountants are working to verify the figures.
13. Experiments or observations are needed to verify it.
14. There is no evidence to verify this, but Al Davis was probably a lousy prom date.
15. Practically speaking, we ritually verify what is there, and are disposed to call it reality.
16. You can verify that for yourself by running your fingertips ova a slightly rough surface and then stopping.
17. Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to create a file in the supplied working directory.
18. In the past week they have begun to verify that weapons and mines have been removed from the former fighting zone.
19. While it is at present impossible to verify the claims, the list reflects the ethnic and religious complexities of the area.
20. Edey said it could take a week to verify those reports.
21. For example, individuals can verify the validity of transactions using their monthly checking account and credit card statements.
22. I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.
23. The second important task of historical criticism is to verify information found in the biblical sources.
24. The reader should again work out these more complex cases in terms of supply and demand curves to verify all these results.
25. Still, I could not doubt that my vision had occurred, even though I had no way to verify it.
26. In comparative politics, the political scientist compares countries in an effort to verify the theories that have been formulated.
27. When she finds the right neighborhood, she interviews neighbors and mail carriers to verify the addresses.
28. Having never dealt with a statistical neural network, we were uncertain how we could verify the integrity of the network.
29. Among them: A specialized Police Department investigation unit would be designated to verify the disability claims.
30. The latter will carry out a small number of random spot checks to verify a company's samples.
1. Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?
31. It is important to verify policy cover and to see that this is correctly defined on the front sheet.
32. Holmes repeated his experiments to verify the existence of atoms.
33. A week after being asked, the staff of the commission said it needed more time to verify that figure.
34. Control were trying to get hold of him, to verify that he had accidentally triggered his window alarm.
35. Encryption techniques are used to verify digital signatures on business contracts.
36. Nigel Chaffrey, London How do scientists verify that former volcanoes really are extinct? How often have they been wrong?
37. A researcher reports a particular result, and to verify it other scientists repeat the same experiment in their own labs.
38. They look for potential copyright infringement and verify names, phone numbers and addresses included in scripts.
39. A major activity of psychological research is to try to clarify the nature of constructs and verify their existence.
40. Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to write to a file in the supplied working directory.
41. From this view any attempt to quantify or verify the meanings is misleading.
42. The recordings will be used to verify the sturdiness of station construction materials.
43. Airline officials argued that time was needed to verify names to ensure accuracy.
44. But how could you begin to verify the fact of reincarnation, except as a figure of speech?
45. All kinds of information informs my attitudes, but I need to verify this by inspecting the real thing very carefully.
46. The reader should trace through these two cases graphically to verify the conclusions we have outlined.
47. All teachers shall be given a standard competence test to verify they are up-to-date with subjects and modern teaching methods.
48. Our use of an infinitary rule, which requires an apparently infinite amount of work to verify its preconditions, appears undesirable.
49. You can verify the facts in the report by calling his office.
50. The aim of this study was to verify a strong clinical impression that injecting drug misuse in Lothian has recently diminished.
51. Hi-Verify also enables you to batch verify your pages so you can edit your whole Web site in one go.
52. Miguel said, as if he needed to verify it with some one.
53. It also doesn't verify the credit card's check digit.
54. Verify accurately manufacturing expenses according to manufacturing expenses flow.
55. Verify that you can run the Blether application.
56. His witness will come under verify check.
57. Verify that the files were unpackaged after downloading.
58. Open cabin door and verify CABIN DOOR annunciator illuminates.
59. Verify (or change) the host name and node name.
60. Cannot verify the update setting for the linked object.
61. This paper uses Granger causality tests verify above conclusions.
62. Objective To verify the effect of Evans blue dye on determining the retina blood vessel leakage.
63. Production should periodically verify effective power, when you use time close to 1000 hours change.
64. Verify that the timestamp settings have a reasonable response window.
65. To verify the hypothesis that repeated body position change training can improve human head - down tilt ( HDT ) tolerance.
66. We were unable to verify purchase authorization with the listed payment method account holder.
67. In the end, using emulation mode to verify the available of the new PLL.
68. But China's secretive budgeting system makes it impossible to verify these figures.
69. Meeting place itself is used with exalted admission and measure of harsh examine and verify assures a client " dinkum sex " .
70. Through testing sample set of the prediction model to verify the simulation results with the mainstream and the Rayleigh law curve model for comparison.
71. To verify the simulation approach, simulation results and experimental results of a shunt active filter for harmonic current compensation in a three-phase system are presented.
72. How to verify the phase invariability of electromagnetic waves is avery important phoblem in the electrodynamics.
73. The three dimensional velocities of the manifold junction with a rectangular section were measured by use of three dimensional particle dynamic analyzer (3D PDA) to verify the modified KIVA program.
74. Due to some shortages existing in PSS commissioning test, it is suggested to carry out new test items to verify the comprehensive performance of PSS in the specified frequency range.
75. The work of conventional baseline point selection was lacking an effective mathematic model to verify the selection scheme, and then the work was not effective in this case.
76. The experimental results indicate that the stable recognition rate of 94.167% and the approximately linear speed-up ratio verify the correctness and high efficiency of the parallel algorithm.
77. Objective to verify the function of the ourselves - made incubator for premature infant.
78. The results from experiment verify the veracity of the inverse iteration and weighted form finding method.
79. In the study, blank interference test of casein was used to verify the ac- curacy of measuring.
80. The CIVE engineer will also investigate and update issues reported externally and internally and verify these.
81. To verify the accuracy and reliability of the system, contrast tests on reference sound power source and small motor are performed respectively in a semianechoic chamber and a common room.
82. Was he to pay a year of his life to verify the certainty of being thrust into the drear realm of the null-talented?
83. Experimental equipment of oil-water-gas triphase flow is a facilities to scale production logging instruments, make interpretation plate and verify interpretation method.
84. You must verify the soundness of the hypothesis before you advocate it.
85. Finally, a new product development platform was developed. The development process of the negative hydronium generator of automobile was illuminated to verify the feasibility of this approach.
86. You can verify this by calling the assert statement on the last line.
87. An empirical research is taken with data from manufacturing in China to verify aforesaid postulation and compare with overseas practice.
88. Being a sub-part of test object within SEMC IP projects, verify and improve product producibility and test reliability to secure product quality and production yield.
89. Please verify any special policies or guidelines with the Director of Sales.
90. Verify that the monthly trial balance of accounts receivables are correctly aged and the totals are in agreement with the controls.
91. Install dipstick and verify it is seated in the tube.
92. The third party uses the message, the key signature and the known public key to verify the source as trusted.
93. This system can also be used to verify the vali...
94. After many test and verify, the prominent dominant position that Wang Youwei determines input method of cereal song phoneticize and oneself patent technology is same.
95. This paper does textual research about partial paronym in order to verify the authenticity of etymological relation.
96. The magnetic field data generated by a square current coil was used to verify electromagnetic inversion process, and the result agreed with that of the model created by ANSYS.
97. This paper introduces an algorithm for calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform with continuous Fourier Transform of continuous signal. An example is given to verify this algorithm.
98. Software and data's safeguard measure should strengthen cryptogram verify, purview control, graphics technique and data encrypt technique.
99. Most doctors order one between 16 and 20 weeks to check on the development of the baby verify fetal age and screen for certain birth defects.
100. I'm going to need you to verify the whereabouts of your grandson jeremiah two nights ago.
101. These experiments of functional extendibility , which are designed by myself and validated successfully, further verify the effectiveness of Weak signal detection theory.
102. In a Jan. 21 statement, IAI said company engineers began an extensive, nearly monthlong series of in-orbit tests to verify satellite performance.
103. I also understand that according to the Hong Kong Personal Data (privacy) Ordinance, I have the right to inspect, verify or correct my personal data kept by OV.
104. Engineers systematically verify the smooth operation of the rotating bezel.
105. Besides, we use FPGA to verify andthe output signals the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.
106. Do you know what I'm talking about when I say Operation Verify?
107. Rather than using the stick figure, it is clear now that the verify address step is performed by a person with the role of verifier.
108. The Opera group said it hoped the physics community would scrutinise the result and help uncover any flaws in the measurement, or verify it with their own experiments.
109. Then, re-enter your password to verify that you typed it correctly.
110. To verify the curative effect of He - Ne laser in the treatment of acne indurate cystica.
111. At the end, the example of Luodong Substation is listed to verify that current injection method is not applicable to substations under complex operation mode, then another solution is brought up.
112. Programmers can verify the partial correctness of multi-core parallel programs in our framework.
113. Phonics does not allow students to verify the correct pronunciation.
114. This paper presents some qualitative evaluation methods, new model S B to calculate water saturation has been used and actual data of well Qu 10 verify that this model is better than Archie formula.
115. With the new drilling line properly reeved on to the drawworks drum, pick up the weight of the traveling block, test the drawworks brake, and verify that the drilling line is tight on the drum.
116. In the meantime, the ladle shell temperature data was measured from spot in WHISCO, which would verify the feasibility of ladle lining model and lining material parameter.
117. Then, the results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the cleaning strategy and the related algorithm through the cleaning experiment.
118. This is normally done by auditing the API manufacturer for GMP compliance, and periodically testing the product to verify the information in the Certificate of Analysis.
119. First, you shouldn't assume that the above assignment would be compiled as a single machine instruction unless you personally verify the machine code yourself.
120. Warning: Be sure to verify both your actual line voltage and the voltage for which your Model 166XL was wired, as indicated on the rear panel of your unit.
121. For example, if you select files to verify authority attributes, the GUI mines the owner, primary group, etc attributes for each file you selected.
122. In the annual audit of a company by a CPA firm, the independent auditors will verify receivables by communicating directly with the people who owe the money.
123. An approach of Micro program Controller design for coprocessor is put forward and a test bench is given to verify its function.
124. It occurs to many developers after authoring a few standard unit test functions that it would be better to move the call to verify from the test functions to the tearDown function.
125. To goto what President [ Ronald ] Reagan once said,'Trust, but verify.
126. The proposed Matrix Theory of interconnection function can be directly used to simulate. calculate or verify the experimental results of optical MINs with the sign of three dimensional interconnects .
127. OBJECTIVE : To test and verify the function of Composite Radix Sophora Flavescentis injection in immunologic enhancement.
128. Be sure to verify that no JVMs are running on the database machine before manually removing a database lock file.
129. Use stochastic simulation, create the plainness sequence of the stable stochastic road surface for the target road spectrums with programming, and use logistic test to verify.
130. You verify that Rolf's computer is connected to the network and that he did not cancel the invitation.
131. Bubba's software automatically attempted to verify that the signature was from Mike via the public directory.
132. The simulation results verify the high precision of the proposed compensation method regardless of the waveform of CT primary current, remanent flux level, and load characteristic.
133. Necessary cycle detection is added to avoid the singular matrix appearing after gross error compensation, . Simulation results verify the effectiveness of modified algorithm.
134. The practices verify that concrete has function of shielding strong ray. Thus the construction difficult issue how to efficiently solve cobalt 60 with strong radioactivity in construction is overcome.
135. The implementation and design of background system. Background is to deal with the Internet database to verify the identity of users, processing the data, which is sent by the clients.
136. Example: If the system is using even parity checking, verify the following code.
137. The Toolpusher or Senior Driller shall verify all stabilisers, reamers and bits will be gauged with appropriate ring gauge to ensure proper size before running in the hole.
138. Lynch told reporters that Iraqi and coalition forces would continue to analyze reports of violence and verify them on a case-by-case basis.
139. The theoretical analysis and digital simulation verify the feasibility of this method.
140. Objective:To verify the possibility of odontogenesis of bioengineered teeth from the cervical-loop structure of rat incisors in vivo.
141. The angle noise from the homing radar is the important random factor which has strong impact on the precision, it is essential to model and verify it.
142. The field loss test and simulative analysis are carried out on a simulative generation system and the experimental results verify the correctness of simulation results.
143. Jingbian Gasfield is a low-permeability gas reservoir with strong heterogeneity and it is difficult to verify its productivity.
144. To verify the proposed algorithms, a system-level simulation platform is built up and evaluated by the Monte Carlo method.
145. Simulation experiments are used to verify the validity of Aegis.
146. You can verify the active code page by typing chcp from the DOS prompt.
147. This paper applies linear viscoelastic theory to study on the creep and relaxation phenomena and to verify the relaxation behavior through several stress relaxation experiments.
148. Model checking based formal verification is a technique of this kind,(http://) and has been successful used in practice to verify complex sequential circuit designs and communication protocols.
149. In this paper, by using the single-chip microcomputer as a chronograph, we verify the law of conservation of momentum on air cushion guide, and give the relevant electric circuit and programs.
150. Please note that before providing a refund for any returned product we will first verify its condition. All Non-returnable items will neither receive refund nor return to you.
151. In mensurable respect test and verify the system increases the value in the process in economy.
152. On the other hand, it has a monitoring function, i. e. accountants would not be allowed to verify the invoice, or conduct payment, until financial administers have confirmed the delivery.
153. I have been hunting through all sorts of books to verify this.
154. Pet breeding - Purebred pets can be quite value , especially if you can verify their pedigree.
155. Objective : To verify the clinical effects of Qianlietongbao capsule on prostate hypertrophy ( BPH ).
156. However, Leontief, having failed to notice those changes, set out to verify the highly abstract theory model against the complex economic and trade reality, which was doomed to the mysterious result.
157. Enter lswpar again to verify that the WPAR no longer exists.
158. Chapter 3 gave a proof-test to detail experiment, and researched distinctive complement cases to verify experiment result.
159. From within that plugin, you can browse the entire file system to select the files and libraries you want to verify.
160. We used indifference curve method(IDCM)to calculate the optimal portfolio investment proportion and gave examples to verify the results in the paper.
161. Verify that the calling statement and the subprogram declaration agree in their number and types of arguments.
162. To verify the curative effect of He-Ne laser in the treatment of acne indurate cystic.
163. FB Make flash write enabled through chipset and OEM specific method. Detect proper flash part. Verify that the found flash part size equals the recovery file size.
164. A new method using least square method to verify the parallel axis theorem is reported.
165. The MATLAB software simulation, verify the validity of the control method.
166. Verify that prepaid expenses, deferred charges and depreciation schedules are up-to-date and in agreement with the books.
167. This paper analyzes several self healing techniques in ATM networks, proposes an integrated self healing strategy in ATM networks with multi priority virtual path, and makes a simulation to verify it.
168. The simulation results verify the proposed algorithm and show that each antenna power limit decreases the bit rates to some extent.
169. Read, blank check, verify, compare, erase, program, check sum, memory protect , edit buffer , mass production mode, load file, save file, project file save, change parameter, operation option.
170. Objective : To verify water quality from multiple - effect distilled water machine.
171. Autocatalytic reaction-diffusion chaotic system is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the controller.
172. The simulations on two conditions (steering wheel angle step input and sinusoidal input) verify the correctness of braking force distribution strategy and the effectiveness of coordinated control.
173. You can learn the card reader is normal by operating the card reader self-test button or using the test card to verify.
174. Check the live system periodically to verify that all expected log files and other artifacts are still being written as expected.
175. Transonic flutter model of an aircraft horizontal tail is designed and manufactured using this method and vibration tests are conducted to verify its feasibility and accuracy.
176. Essex police said they are not able to verify whether the family liaison officer said this.
177. Finally , the experimental results verify the feasibility and validity of the proposed power balance control.
177. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
178. As spirometry is used as a diagnostic test to verify obstruction (instead of excluding it), these predictive values are insufficient. ?br.
179. The importance of the natural environmental test was emphasized because it' s a basic' standard to verify results of the Lab test.
180. Finally, we test and analyze the design by using the protocol analyzer to verify the correctness of this design.
181. As a funded non - monetary assets be assessed and appraised to verify the property, be over - or under - priced.
182. Pay by Wire Transfer and verify your company bank information.
183. Verify the ball valve to the recirculation line at the top of 100 TK 107 is open.
184. The simulations of lateral guidance loop applying the new equation to some missile have been carried out to verify the new ideal constraint equation, and the results are fairly satisfactory.
185. "Watch Numen", the network video surveillance platform, is tested using the improved test method to verify important technical parameters.
186. The GMA proposal would require all U.S. food importers to adopt a foreign supplier quality assurance program and verify that imported products meet FDA food safety requirements.
187. In order to make it easier to manage, verify and reference analog images, it is an effective way to digitalize analog medical images.
188. Layered Process Audits (LPA) are a system of audits performed by multiple levels of management. Key process characteristics are audited frequently to verify process conformance .
189. Objective:To establish a high throughput DNA microarray method for rapidly screening human viral pathogens, and to verify its effectiveness by detecting Flavivirus.
190. The experimental results verify that the feasible theory can be used to investigate the effects of structural parameters of hingeless rotor on aeroelastic stability.
191. To conduct floor audit and verify the identity of in-process control including lot No, expiry date and filling weight, etc and check appearance of packaging materials.
192. Moreover, the simulations and experiments of efficiency optimization control, as well as SVPWM overmodulation control, also verify that such IM model accords with the actual behaviors of IM.
193. After entering thethe first time please send the photograph ( pic ) to verify to the staff auditor.
194. For example, a multi-state memory element capable of storing data in four states may need to perform verify operations for three compare points.
195. Open Ch. 1 and then close Ch. 2. Verify that Ch. 2 is within specification.
196. Trial Production Stage: Trial production of small lot size shall be carried out to further verify product processibility and effectiveness of design amendment after prototype production.
197. And system power conversion unit status job simulation, effective system control program to verify the effectiveness and feasibility.
198. The two leaders will then return the matter again to verify heritage.
199. Objective To establish and recognize typical signal patterns (TSP) by analyzing cystometry data, and to verify their roles in real-time qualitative quality control.
200. To verify the accuracy of this method, the results are compared with the MTF values obtained by the original method, in which the gray level of the test chart pictures are read and calculated.
201. Through the isozyme method to study the genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas is pending further work to verify.
202. You can place a print statement within the loop to verify that data indeed exists at each element in the foreach loop.
203. Finally, in this paper, a computer simulation according to the modified system parameters is done again to verify the feasibility of this approach.
204. Simulation results are also presented to verify the improvement of the convergence speed and the achievable accuracy of the control loop parameters.
205. And then, we verify that this new algorithm is well defined and it has global linear convergence and local quadratic convergence with proper assumptions.
206. The Artistic Directors of Animato Music Studio will handpick quality tutors and verify their qualifications and experience in person.
207. The unknowledgeable buyer who doesn't verify if a piece of jewelry is actually sterling, will often find that their piece is plated.
208. In order to verify the validity for signal phase matching principle, the experiments of DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation are carried out at reservoir by using 16-sensor array.
209. Liaise with external suppliers, Purchase Department and Warehouse to verify any invoice discrepancies.
210. Finally, variance analysis is used to verify the validity of the crytic model.
211. Confirm that all ports are enabled, and verify that the CD-ROM Device is listed BEFORE the Hard-Disk Drive in the Boot Sequence list.
212. In the Support Info dialog box, verify the version number, and then click Close.
213. A checksum value, which is a simple mathematical computation used to verify that the packet arrived intact.
214. Special Audit Services:The special audit service is to investigate or verify any specific affair or situation for you or to meet any other requirements.
214. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
215. As the current tax system, but also everyone should not do tax returns , it is necessary to accurately verify the income will not be easy.
216. We implement and verify the DES circuit on behavior level and Register Transfer Level (RTL).
217. A very simple resistance network has been constructed to verify the conclusions arrived at.
218. The bank's responsibility is to verify that the explorer's documents conform to the letter of credit.
219. His identity certificate must be produced when handling the formalities and the futures company concerned shall check and verify his real identity by crosscheck .
220. Theoretical analysis applied game theory model and correlate analysis to verify conclusions about the influence of its variation on industrial concentration and product differentiation.
221. Here at the same time, electronic system level is designed (ESL) , producibility is designed (DFM) and test and verify also make the central point in the meeting.




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