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单词 Infuriate
1. I was infuriated by / with their constant criticism.
2. Her actions infuriated her mother.
3. His sexist attitude infuriates me.
4. It infuriates me that she was not found guilty.
5. Jimmy's presence had infuriated Hugh.
6. It infuriated him that Beth was with another man.
7. I was absolutely infuriated with him.
8. Her silence infuriated him even more.
9. It infuriates us to have to deal with this particular mayor.
10. The gesture infuriated him and he let out a stream of invective.
11. She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.
12. She was infuriated by his presumption in not consulting her first.
13. It will infuriate the Right because of Mr Heseltine's interventionist approach to industrial policy.
14. To join the Axis might infuriate Servia.
15. And that, he knows, will infuriate the Americans.
16. In a languid manner he designed to infuriate.
17. Lately she had made it her practice to infuriate doormen.
18. They infuriate word sticklers by presenting a and leaving the reader to decide which is correct.
19. By turning the other check you infuriate and unsettle him . Make surrender a tool of power.
20. I could tell that my refusal to allow him to ruffle me infuriated him.
21. Her lips were swollen against her pale face and the sight of her distress seemed to infuriate him more.
22. It is research that is guaranteed to delight men - and infuriate the women in their lives.
23. She's afraid to express her true feelings so she resorts to attention-getting behaviors that alarm and infuriate her parents.
24. But such an action would have little effect other than to infuriate China and invite retaliation.
24. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
25. Even evidences of male chauvinism amongst her friends would infuriate her.
26. Even the public suggestion that it is considering a move is likely to infuriate Chinese authorities.
27. The wife of a South American ambassador said in a little - girlish tone which infuriate Charlotte.




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