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单词 Addressed
1. Make sure the letter is properly addressed.
2. They addressed a petition to the legislature.
3. All questions should be addressed to the chair.
4. The senator addressed the gathering informally.
5. He addressed himself to the crowd.
6. A chairwoman may be addressed as " Madam Chairman.
7. The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq.
8. Complaints about standards of service should be addressed to the proprietor.
9. He addressed his remarks to the lawyers in the audience.
10. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you would like a reply.
11. This letter is addressed to someone else-there must be some mistake.
12. Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.
13. The letter was addressed to me.
14. All remarks should be addressed to the chair.
15. He addressed them all in very solemn tones.
16. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your reply.
17. Any questions should be addressed to your teacher.
18. That letter was addressed to me.
19. The card was wrongly addressed to our old home.
20. He addressed his remarks to the jury.
21. She addressed herself to the leader.
22. She addressed herself to the task.
23. The opposition leader addressed a rally of 50,[]000 supporters.
24. He addressed me in his best Portuguese.
25. He mounted the platform and addressed the crowd.
26. The parcel was wrongly addressed.
27. These concerns were not adequately addressed in the report.
28. Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.
29. The real issue was never addressed.
30. He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
1. Make sure the letter is properly addressed.
2. They addressed a petition to the legislature.
3. All questions should be addressed to the chair.
4. The senator addressed the gathering informally.
5. A chairwoman may be addressed as " Madam Chairman.
6. The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq.
7. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you would like a reply.
8. This letter is addressed to someone else-there must be some mistake.
9. He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.
10. Please enclose a self - addressed envelope.
31. He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
32. The letter was wrongly addressed.
33. He addressed the annual Republican convention.
34. He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.
35. The president addressed a closed session of Congress.
36. The judge should be addressed as 'Your Honour'.
37. He addressed his comments to the chairman.
38. I addressed myself to the work.
39. The president should be addressed as 'Mr. President'.
40. They always addressed each other by their Christian name.
41. Rev. Dawson addressed the congregation from the pulpit.
42. The president addressed the students on the speaker.
43. She addressed herself to both of you.
44. He never addressed her directly.
45. He addressed the students touching future plans.
46. He addressed himself to the problem.
47. The letter was addressed to the wrong house.
48. Staff problems should be addressed through training and appraisals.
49. I was surprised when he addressed me in English.
50. He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.
51. Who were those rude remarks addressed to?
52. The football captain addressed him team.
52. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53. The chief executive addressed the board.
54. The book is addressed to the general reader.
55. The letter is addressed to both of you.
56. The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.
57. The envelope was simply addressed to 'The Occupier'.
58. She then addressed the assembled company .
59. She addressed herself to all of us.
60. Who's the letter addressed to?
61. He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria.
62. He addressed me in a jovial manner.
63. Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor.
64. Please enclose a self - addressed envelope.
65. He addressed the group in funereal tones.
66. It is time we addressed ourselves to the main item on the agenda.
67. The question which needs to be addressed is one of funding.
68. The meeting expressed concern that the problem had still not been addressed.
69. I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.
70. The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house.
71. Had I known what the problem was, we could have addressed it.
72. He likes to be addressed as 'Sir' or 'Mr Partridge'.
73. I sent the money inside an envelope addressed to Ann.
74. She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.
75. There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
76. The head of state addressed the nation over the radio.
77. Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.
78. The judge addressed counsel.
79. The refugee situation must now be addressed as a matter of urgency.
80. In Britain, a surgeon is addressed as 'Mr' not 'Dr'.
81. The letter was correctly addressed, but delivered to the wrong house.
82. The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights.
83. She addressed me with an easy familiarity that made me feel at home.
84. He addressed a few angry words to her that betokened hostility.
85. Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.
86. So why did you open a letter that was addressed to me?
87. No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.
88. It was a question of making sure certain needs were addressed, notably in the pensions area.
89. Her speech was full of excuses and evasions and never properly addressed the issue.
90. The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed.
91. Marlowe now addressed himself to the task of searching the room.
92. It's time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.
93. I'm sorry, this letter is addressed to you - I opened it by mistake.
94. The minister did not reply to my letter although I addressed it to him personally.
95. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope to get your test results.
96. The prime minister addressed a gathering of local government officials.
97. Please send a stamped addressed envelope and we will send you a copy of our brochure.
98. The notice was addressed to her last known place of residence.
99. All enquiries should be addressed to the customer services department.
100. If you would like a copy of our fact sheet, please write in, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
101. Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.
102. The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.
103. Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope when writing.
104. The person to whom this letter was addressed died three years ago.
105. Dillon addressed the issue of child abuse in his speech.
106. The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.
107. This question is addressed more fully in Chapter 8.
108. The question of particle numbers is not directly addressed.
109. Paul then addressed the matter of Fields's man-management.
110. The senior one was a fearsome, mustachioed amateur cello player who addressed every class in a terrifying bawl.
111. Gender-specific issues will also be addressed, along with workshops to develop problem-solving skills and to promote equality for women.
112. His last big public appearance was on Dec. 24,[] when he addressed a rally of his supporters in Belgrade.
113. This should be addressed in the offer letter given to the vendor.
114. A mixture of sorrow and jubilation punctuated the voices of those who addressed the crowds.
115. Ultimately, the issue of integration within a complete system architecture will have to be addressed.
116. It is high time this was recognised and the real remaining problems addressed to improve matters.
117. Murder in the Cathedral addressed such matters, posed in a different way.
118. Please send the attached booking form to the above address with a stamped, addressed envelope.
119. None of them addressed the stadium as part of a park -- or a neighborhood -- or a great city.
120. He also addressed innumerable public meetings and spent two memorable week ends at Oxford.
121. Rifkind addressed a news conference before leaving for Beijing yesterday.
122. I waited behind him a moment, looking at the Bonnards again while he addressed the envelope.
123. He argues that the main issue is not being addressed.
124. Perhaps, because I had really addressed myself to him for the first time, he thought we were in accord.
125. There was then a deep distrust throughout the party. as Law discovered in 1920: Bonar addressed a mass meeting.
126. There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry.
127. Individuals seeking first-day cancellations of the new stamps should purchase them at a post office and place them on addressed envelopes.
128. He'd even addressed the envelope, bought the stamp by himself and posted it.
129. The president personally addressed the chambers at great length on this subject.
130. Instead these concerns and fears should be brought out and directly addressed.
131. They had scarcely addressed a word to her but from behind her barrier of quiet she observed them closely.
132. Environmental problems relating to the factory have yet to be addressed.
133. Luxembourg and United States courts have addressed the matter, and the judgments reveal the reality of these fears.
134. I announced such a review at a conference that I addressed the other day.
135. She addressed her young guest with civilities suitable for a personage of advanced years and uncertain appetite.
136. But government departments do not like premature appearances of confidential documents addressed to them.
137. Similarly, establishing liability will be feasible where it is clear that the company's interests have not been addressed by management.
138. Much later issues of race and class began to be addressed more seriously, after years of being ignored or side-stepped.
139. This question needs to be addressed, following the presidential election on May 20.
140. Most of them have an environmental agenda which they believe is not being addressed by politicians.
141. The speech addressed problems often discussed by President Clinton, but offered some starkly different solutions.
142. Here are a few of the analytic questions that might be addressed: 1.
142. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
143. Essentially the court is concerned whether the decision-making body has addressed itself to all relevant factors.
144. Every master directly addressed only some ten or so assistants, who in turn taught the pupils.
145. The vocative case indicates that the person or thing being named is being addressed directly, eg Yes, sir.
146. In the chapter by Martin Hughes on children's uses of computers, both intellectual and social issues are addressed.
147. Every pupil should now be addressed by the police at least every two or three years.
148. The centrepiece of these reforms was addressed to the issue of peasant landownership.
149. Gwinn, who takes over as city attorney in December, has addressed police and judicial groups around the country.
150. So you start to see all sorts of reading and writing problems clustered together and addressed with this language.
151. Trade unionist and the Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo addressed the rally.
152. Further, it addressed other secular matters relating specifically to the political situation following the fall of Brunhild.
153. Until the basic problems of invisibility and her own feeling of worthlessness were addressed, the situation would continue to recur.
154. There is unlikely to be a consensus definition of the boundaries between background knowledge and the specific issues addressed in individual papers.
155. He addressed the envelope to the Chief Constable of Hampshire.
156. Although the issues have now been addressed, profitability was adversely affected as a result.
157. Three Republican candidates addressed a group of 500 senior citizens concerning tax cuts.
158. Indeed, Moffett worked at a breathless pace to ensure that those issues were addressed before the annual meeting took place.
159. Jarauta was taken prisoner(), and his identity became known when he was addressed by one of the other captives.
160. This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
161. An interesting legal issue still remains to be addressed by the Court.
162. Yesterday was the first time she had addressed the opening ceremony outside Britain.
163. The departure came just hours before Clinton triumphantly addressed the convention delegates, who unanimously nominated him for re-election Wednesday night.
164. One of the last great red-hot liberals addressed the Democratic convention Tuesday, but he was something of an afterthought.
165. William photocopied it for her while she addressed an envelope.
166. She addressed the people's deputies asking them to help her stop a torture campaign against her.
167. If all three aspects are not addressed the 240 additional cannon fodder will not remain in the system either.
168. Or how energy impinging on the nervous system is transformed into information in, or addressed to, the nervous system.
169. Care must be taken to ensure that any specific confidentiality concerns of the client are addressed.
170. However, it's a very important issue and must be addressed properly.
171. I addressed the three envelopes, folded the letters, and slipped the sheets inside.
172. When it was issued in 1234, with full papal approval, it was addressed to the masters and scholars of Bologna.
173. The amazing thing is they addressed customers exactly the same way.
174. The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism.
175. In April 1990 reforms came into operation which addressed the first but not the second elements of concern outlined above.
176. He was given an ancient, unreliable car and in this he made long journeys and addressed crowded meetings.
177. He addressed the issues they were concerned with in a series of well-publicized town meetings on radio and television.
178. These people could have been addressed by one man who would have been heard comfortably.
179. It is to his credit that he makes alternative suggestions as to how this may be addressed.
180. A blonde lady, with bouffant hair above a heavily lined, over-powdered face, addressed the chair.
181. These are some of the questions to be addressed at the conference.
182. Among the presents on the table, personally addressed to him, were boxes of cigars from Goebbels and from Goering.
183. Although she was Mum's youngest sister she always addressed her letters to Dad.
184. These are deep and puzzling questions which will be addressed later in this chapter.
185. Make sure you have spelt and addressed your letter correctly.
186. Work Wage Equity A significant issue addressed by the assessment team was employee reaction to Hanes's work wage equity program.
187. My noble Friend the Under-Secretary of State addressed a meeting of farmers in my constituency.
188. The necessary question, none the less, must be addressed: What is it that these networks are connecting?
189. These and connected questions will be addressed in Chapter 7.
190. The serious charge that academic freedom was violated on his campus has yet to be addressed.
191. He addressed a crowd of his civilian supporters at Baabda on Oct. 12, when he only narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.
192. Transport vehicles are needed, routing issues must be addressed, and of course the transportation costs must be paid.
193. If necessary, coercion may be necessary to ensure that these issues are addressed.
194. The hero uses violence in an almost casual way and the consequences are never properly addressed.
195. The internal fax was addressed to a dozen civil servants within the Department of Social Security.
196. During the past decade, much research has addressed possible causal factors.
197. On 20 June 1961 Pope John addressed the first meeting of the central commission.
198. These protections addressed issues ranging from the death penalty and homosexual rights to term limits, campaign-finance reform, and congressional redistricting.
199. On 22 April there was a mass rally at the Albert Hall where Mosley addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
200. They addressed the letter to Avon and asked the bartender to post it in the morning.
201. There are important analytical problems to be addressed concerning the siting of such monitoring equipment and these are elaborated on later.
202. She has now launched an appeal with hundreds of envelopes addressed to Environment Secretary Michael Howard.
203. The package bomb addressed to Berlusconi last month had been sent via a courier service aboard the courier's cargo plane from Greece to Italy.
204. He thus addressed him, "Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me indeed, " bleated the lamb in a mournful tone of voice,[http:///addressed.html] "I was not born then.
205. Blood safety data are collected biennially by WHO through a comprehensive survey addressed to national governments.
206. Part 1 of this series addressed some of the very basic flags, such as -in, that you typically use with netstat.
207. Even in a company that astutely manages cultural change, it's rare to have addressed everything the first time out.
208. Despite its gloominess, "How We Die" was a huge success, because it addressed with excruciating honesty mankind's greatest fear.
209. LELYVELD: You just addressed the last part of my question, though also you say in your article China's not going to attack a U.S. carrier any time soon, et cetera.
210. Cookrefused to reply when it was put to him that Hughes had been treatedwith a lack of respect, but an insouciant Mancini addressed the issue."This is our job.
211. Finally, strategic recommendations and suggestions on China sustainable road transport development were addressed.
212. Using the authenticated encryption protocol as a sub-protocol, a quantum message authentication scheme was addressed.
213. Despite various devices have been developed to facilitate such persons, the optimal way of selecting a pointing device according to individual need has not been addressed to date.
214. The CEBus? communications protocol addressed home security early in its development stages and includes a mechanism for authenticating and even encrypting packets on the power line.




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