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单词 Hardworking
1. He was incompetent yet hardworking.
2. Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all honest.
3. In the film she was cast as a hardworking upright middleaged woman.
4. A hardworking man is a happy man. Dr T.P.Chia 
5. Viscount Astor, a hardworking and professional hereditary Peer.
6. Karen was a model student: hardworking, intelligent and enthusiastic.
7. She's a hardworking, sincere person.
8. He was too honest and hardworking.
9. He was hardworking and energetic.
10. Money loves hardworking, responsible and enterprising people. Money dislikes lazy, irresponsible and passive people. Dr T.P.Chia 
11. I know all of you are hardworking, diligent people, and I respect you for that.
12. Life likes the diligence of hardworking people. Life dislikes to the idleness of lazy people. Dr T.P.Chia 
13. Hardworking and intense, he has shuttled between Washington and Little Rock for two years.
14. To intense, hardworking young Taylor, the practice could scarcely have seemed like anything but the most shameless sloth.
15. Thrifty, hardworking, unemotional, they tipped their hats to no one.
16. The wife of the farmer: Poor, hardworking, and a little more imaginative than her husband.
17. Hardworking and motivated people who have the knowledge and ability to compete are often the winners. Dr T.P.Chia 
18. The desire for a good life produces hardworking, creative and productive people. The desire for power and money creates greedier, unethical and immoral men. Dr T.P.Chia 
19. If you choose and decide to be hardworking, determined and persistent, and you behave positively and act courageously, luck will be on your side. Dr T.P.Chia 
20. He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
21. A hardworking man is more powerful than ten lazy men. Dr T.P.Chia 
22. She's enthusiastic and hardworking and has the potential to be an excellent teacher.
23. Hardworking and prudent people attract good luck. Lazy and reckless people invite bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
24. It is extraordinary that their image of being hardworking, respectable and down-to-earth has lasted for so many years.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. She dearly wished that her only daughter had settled down with Les Williams, a hardworking friend of her son.
26. The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking.
27. It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head.
28. Belief is a source of commitment, confidence and courage. If you strongly believe in yourself, you are likely to be goal- oriented, hardworking, determined and persistent in striving for success. Dr T.P.Chia 
29. Life is not intended for lazy and cowardly people. Life rewards the hardworking and courageous people. Dr T.P.Chia 
30. Often playing leading roles in productions her loyal and hardworking membership went back to her joining in 1947.
1. He was incompetent yet hardworking.
31. In Geneva, Reagan and Gorbachev were supported by large, hardworking staffs of diplomatists.
32. The School was unfortunate to lose two of its most hardworking Governors within the space of seven months.
33. The customers were mostly farming folk, a hardworking and hard-drinking set of locals who, in general, were convivial and congenial.
34. My migrant-worker parents were good people who lived honorable, hardworking lives, but I wanted some-thing more.
35. He is, so to speak, a hardworking student.
36. Mary is, so to speak, a hardworking student.
37. I am hardworking and am non - materialistic.
38. Solution: Keep all those hardworking bath essentials hidden yet handy in this cottage - style wall unit.
39. Epilog, the fifth part, educes some issues for us to make lasting and hardworking study on Wittgenstein's later philosophy, for the study is complicated and hard.
40. On the future road Dawn will keep group's concept "Fortune favors hardworking benefaction belongs to the people" and pursuit of "keep improving innovation brilliance".
41. Fuping County, honest folk the people hospitable, hardworking and kind - hearted, abundant labor resources.
42. I am a hardworking person, for the dance, I will persevere.
43. In the efficiency wage system, the effect of inspiration and the degree of employees' hardworking need to be supervised. Therefore, the cost and strength of supervision should be evaluated.
44. Self-motivated, hardworking, open minded, extroversive . Owning great passion in developing business.
45. Try to take after your parents who are honest and hardworking people.
46. These words, is that hardworking people do all day long heart line.
47. Chinese women are more hardworking than American women whether in manual work or brainwork .
48. "Soldiers are hardworking, punctual and fearless. Employers will appreciate such employees, " said Zhao. He can keep high-spirited selling products in chills for the whole day.
49. As descendants of the early settlers, they were tolerant and hardworking.
50. In contrast, people low in easygoingness tend be hardworking, firm, and sometimes inflexible.
51. He found them thrifty , hardworking, unpretentious – like Japanese commoners, one imagine.
52. I think his achievements on his career were obtained by his hardworking, persistence, liberality and wisdom.
53. Many people can't stand his working style, and even misunderstand his hardworking as fastidiousness .
54. Strong communication ( both oral and written ), chariness, reliable and hardworking with an attitude to learn.
55. Barack Obama has always been very hardworking, she said, and "he still is the hardest working person I know.
56. It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.
57. A typical Swiss is hardworking, frugal and neat. Swiss society is stable and orderly, the people are law-abiding and self-disciplined .
58. Her staidness and persistence the ground was the primary explanation of hardworking in my life's dictionary.
59. The silver pheasant and the terrace in this emblem represent Hani's wisdom, hardworking and bright future.
60. Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on.
61. Her staidness and persistence to the ground was the primary explanation of hardworking in my life's dictionary.
62. Yier Tenet is to give "Benefit to humanity", the Yier Principle "Sincerity, solidarism, reclamation and creativity" and last but not least the Yier Spirit is "Hardworking and innovating the best".
63. First, it is demand for building up incorrupt, hardworking and efficient government.
64. Ask hardworking voters to sacrifice in the name of the snail darter , and, if they are feeling polite, they will give you a shrug.
65. Success is the output of unswerving efforts done ; to succeed without hardworking is forever a day-dream.
66. Besides turning floral nectar into honey, these hardworking insects also pollinate crops for farmers - for a fee.
67. In a word, I was hardworking, honest, heartiness , and brave enough to face new challenges, I also have strong time concept, good habits and decent in my life.
68. Excellent communication skills. Hardworking, diligent, honest, surefooted and can work under pressure.
69. So we are willing to provide chances of development which is not only the development of the career but also the development of personal ability to those surefooted , honest and hardworking people.
70. Its diplomats are the most numerous and hardworking in all of Asia, spreading a form of regionalist "Asian values" that is specifically designed to exclude American influence.
71. Sewing trainees dispatched to Japan have shown their proficient skills, squareness on job, and hardworking spirit.
72. A "better and richer and fuller" life was no longer just what America promised its hardworking citizens individually; it was an ideal toward which these citizens were duty-bound to strive together.
72. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
73. Hardworking, honest citizens chafe at corrupt officials who treat them with contempt and get rich quick.
74. Within the context of a patrilocal family ideology, girls are "reared to be obedient, self-sacrificing, modest, nurturant, hardworking and home loving."




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