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单词 Proliferation
(1) Nuclear proliferation has returned to centre stage in international affairs.
(2) The past two years have seen the proliferation of TV channels.
(3) Where will this proliferation of athletics end?
(4) Suddenly nuclear proliferation became a high-priority concern in Washington.
(5) This would enhance efficiency and slow product proliferation.
(6) Smoking triggers off cell proliferation.
(7) Britain has always been strongly opposed to nuclear proliferation.
(8) This indicates that the stimulation of cell proliferation may not be the only factor in ulcer healing by sucralfate.
(9) The proliferation of the colorectal lines was unaffected by histamine.
(10) CsA prevents T-cell proliferation by blocking the calcium-activated pathway leading to interleukin-2 transcription.
(11) We are sick and tired of the proliferation of guns.
(12) The proliferation of these diminutive shows will soon be in inverse proportion to the theatres still open to receive them.
(13) Small businesses were encouraged, which brought a rapid proliferation of small privately-owned restaurants and shops on the city streets.
(14) Neither in Feyerabend's image of theory proliferation nor in Kuhn's paradigm shifts is there any simple model of progress.
(15) Gastrointestinal epithelial cell proliferation is influenced by many hormonal, paracrine, and intraluminal agents.
(16) The proliferation of this literature has so simplified going into our wilderness areas that readers are literally taken by the hand.
(17) The mean proliferation indices within compartments were nearly identical for both assays.
(18) Regional conflicts - along with the proliferation of missiles and nuclear, chemical and biological weapons - present growing dangers.
(19) Proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemical technique although a promising method of assessing cell proliferation has yet to be fully standardised.
(20) For it is easy to think of other examples where the lexical choice will lead to a further proliferation of senses.
(21) This brings in sanctions against foreign companies found to be contributing to the proliferation of these weapons.
(22) Malignant melanoma of the skin is caused by cancerous proliferation of melanocytes.
(23) It has to harry the government to take a less relaxed view on international nuclear proliferation.
(24) We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
(25) Intracellular and canalicular cholestasis, as well as periportal ductular proliferation always accompanied these cellular changes as the disease progressed.
(26) In the present case the council were concerned with what appeared to be a proliferation of illegal Sunday trading.
(27) Tumours arising within the stomach may be in direct contact with local agents, capable of increasing their proliferation.
(28) Studies on purified rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells have shown that proliferation invitro depends on mitogenic factors.
(29) Discussions of future reactor safety should revolve about two critical issues: nuclear waste disposal and nuclear weapons proliferation.
(30) The chronic response occurs when the initial increase in cell proliferation fails to compensate for the cell loss.
(31) In no other field of human activity is there such a proliferation of specialized physiques.
(32) The United States sees it as an enormous proliferation risk that would be better treated as waste and buried.
(33) This led to a proliferation of market-dominating, IBM-compatible machines and shrinking market share for Apple.
(34) However, the proliferation of computer technology continues, and applications involving novice users are becoming increasingly prevalent.
(35) We have to face the fact that there is a bigger risk of nuclear proliferation at present than the world has ever known.
(36) Several theories of the factors causing smooth muscle cell proliferation have been made.
(37) It is still unclear whether acid-base transport systems are involved in regulating proliferation.
(38) Oat bran has been shown to increase tumourigenesis yet it does not effect colonic cell proliferation.
(39) Future advances in technology may disclose other, more sensitive markers of cell proliferation whose predictive accuracy is greater.
(40) The proliferation of media studies centers at leading universities can play an increasingly important role in fostering critical self-examination of the media.
(41) Lugar has devoted most of his ad time and speeches to foreign policy, particularly the threat of nuclear proliferation.
(42) There is a clear link between the intensity of cell proliferation and susceptibility to neoplasia.
(43) As a result, there has been a recent proliferation of studies seeking to explain international differences in strike activity.
(44) Some people felt that what West Belfast needs is the development of an industrial base rather than the current proliferation of shopping centres.
(45) Another factor causing untoward proliferation of spreadsheet files is the need to analyse the same information in different ways.
(46) Personality is an area of subjectivity he avoids,[] despite the proliferation of personality tests.
(47) Invitro, high extracellular calcium concentrations inhibit the proliferation of human colonic epithelial cells and several colonic cancer cell lines.
(48) The legislation stated that the plant posed serious environmental hazards and increased the risk of nuclear proliferation.
(49) Technical Documentation: As aircraft become more sophisticated integrating many technologies, so the proliferation of technical manuals continues.
(50) The proliferation of personal computers in the last decade has often, embarrassingly, gone with an actual diminution in methodological sophistication.
(51) Thus, it remains essential to maintain adequate defences against such dictators and to prevent the further proliferation of nuclear arms.
(52) The colonoscopies were carried out between 1100 and 1300 to allow for diurnal variation in proliferation rates.
(53) The proliferation of retention of title clauses requires a sharp distinction to be drawn between contracts of sale and agency.
(54) Her theory is that a proliferation of culinary gadgets is putting pressure on kitchen storage space.
(55) Figure 2 shows the percentile proliferation indices obtained with the two methods.
(56) There is no simple method to assess proliferation in single gastric crypts.
(57) Thus, there are serious grounds for linking nuclear power production with the potential for proliferation of nuclear weapons.
(58) In each country my talks centred on the serious economic situation and military issues including proliferation.
(59) Such a proliferation of bureaucracy is an inevitable consequence of the expansion of the activities of the state.
(60) Why the proliferation of these legalistic creatures in a society that has rarely embraced them?
(61) The relative complexity of gastric crypt anatomy compared with colorectal mucosa has discouraged its use as an experimental model in proliferation research.
(62) It is thought to reflect defective cell proliferation control and delayed onset of normal differentiation.
(63) Clearly the proliferation of little municipal governments runs counter to this philosophical wisdom and practical reality.
(64) The study of gastric mucosal proliferation may have important clinical applications.
(65) Nitrogen mustards in suitable doses damage only cells and tissues which normally exhibit relatively high rates of proliferation and growth.
(66) Under nuclear proliferation safeguards, plutonium shipments have to be accompanied by armed vessels.
(67) The government had also noted the proliferation of schismatic religious movements over the previous few years.
(68) Everywhere machinery multiplies with almost human-like proliferation, replicating and updating more quickly than human reproduction.
(69) Discussion A substantial body of evidence implicates events at the EGF receptor as the start of hepatocyte proliferation after partial hepatectomy.
(70) In the same period the power of standing committee chairmen was further eroded by the institutionalization and proliferation of sub-committees.
(71) Our data are also consistent with observations in man that mucosal proliferation is increased in patients with large adenomas or cancer.
(72) This could result from bile acid mediated effects on cellular proliferation through several possible pathways as already discussed.
(73) Ligand binding to the EGF receptor therefore seems to be integrally associated with liver cell proliferation.
(74) The proliferation of staff has also damaged collegial relationships in Congress.
(75) A opportunity arose from a primary study of proliferation in gastric malignancy to investigate BrdUrd labelled gastric mucosa.
(76) Short term supplementation with vitamin C reduces the cell proliferation to normal values possibly by reducing the S-phase duration.
(76) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(77) Shortening product life cycles and rapid product proliferation mean that investment in innovation is critical in global competition.
(78) Instead of preventing proliferation, it has promoted it by allowing nations to protest innocence while violating the treaty's inadequate provisions.
(79) The soil was suitably acid, I suspected, judging by the proliferation of rhododendrons I had seen.
(80) A similar paradox pertains in the relationship between dietary fibre, colonic cell proliferation, and experimental carcinogenesis.
(81) While the evidence linking increased cell proliferation and colorectal cancer is good, the converse is less clear cut.
(82) The proliferation index was also calculated separately for each of five compartments of equal size into which each crypt column was divided.
(83) Conversely, a low fibre diet did not lead to changes in cellular proliferation which might be associated with mucosal instability.
(84) Discussion Our results are consistent with observations in man that mucosal proliferation decreases with distance from the ileocaecal valve to the rectum.
(85) This preparation has been shown not to affect epithelial cell proliferation.
(86) Unlike encryption, digital signatures are a recent development, the need for which has arisen with the proliferation of electronic commerce.
(87) Electron microscopy showed a striking increase in collagen with minimal fibroblast proliferation.
(88) The pursuit of a cease-fire dominated a summit of world leaders in Moscow, meeting to discuss nuclear safety and arms proliferation.
(89) Limited studies have been published on human gastric mucosal cell proliferation and a detailed overview of such work has been published.
(90) Both are characterised by a focal or multifocal pattern of distribution, abnormal cellular proliferation, and a genetic component.
(91) This unquestionable carbohydrate malabsorption, leads to a pronounced change in colonic function and metabolism by stimulating bacterial proliferation.
(92) I am increasingly convinced that a comprehensive test ban would be a big step to take in curbing proliferation.
(93) To assess rectal epithelial proliferation, the labelling index was determined in at least 15 crypts per section.
(94) Under these conditions there is a proliferation of anaerobic bacteria which can lead to the release of harmful by-products, such as methane.
(95) We have previously reported how mucosal proliferation may be influenced by proximity to a tumour.
(96) Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man.
(97) Staphylococcus, gonococcus along this way proliferation.
(98) However, neoplastic proliferation and apoptosis are the essential process.
(99) The proliferation of lymphocytes was tested with trypan-blue stain.
(100) There were glial cell proliferation in granular layer.
(101) The proliferation behavior for worms is formalized by determined finite automata theory and the general process of the proliferation is abstracted.
(102) Results: ELP had nonspecific symptom usually . Its pathology showed large amounts of foam cells in diseased pulmonary alveoli and interstitial fibro-plastic proliferation were seen .
(103) As for non- sialolith (including proliferation and mucus plug) cases in parotid gland, 36 cases were treated effectively by lavage and dilation under sialendoscopy, successful rate is 87.5%.
(104) Objective To investigate inhibition of Apigenin on cell proliferation of the human ovarian cancer CAOV3 cells.
(105) The remedial bone proliferation with what OK and effective remedy to have excuse me? The bone that is lumbar is proliferous .
(106) ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of Chinese drugs for tonifying Shen on the bioactivity, cell proliferation, invasion and differentiation of human cytotrophoblast of early pregnancy.
(106) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(107) Purpose:To study the effects of Taraxacum mongo on anti-mutation and cell proliferation.
(108) Conclusions Cantharidin has the inhibition effect to the proliferation of human being carcinoma A549 cell.
(109) However, the proliferation of water fountain does not change the way we live and work.
(110) In contrast, 17 alpha androstenediol inhibits proliferation and mediates apoptosis in tumor cells of murine and human origin.
(111) The green tide formed by the large scale proliferation of Ulvaceae alga has become one of global ecological phenomena.
(112) Villi are not present Rather, there is a proliferation of bizarre trophoblastic cells.
(113) Expression of an oncogene in a primary cell can, paradoxically, block proliferation by inducing senescence or apoptosis through pathways that remain to be elucidated.
(114) Method Cellular proliferation were studied by isotope labeling technique, and the concentrations of intracellular anticancer drugs were measured by fluorospectrophotometry.
(115) The proliferation of underemployed could represent a profound reordering of the employment structure.
(116) The lymphocyte proliferation in human peripheral blood induced by superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B(SEB) was investigated.
(117) While partitions were once static storage regions, thankfully, we now have a proliferation of PC repartitioning tools (PowerQuest's Partition Magic product is one of the most popular).
(118) Methods Culture of human thymic epithelial cells. Proliferation assay of 85 cells, Trypan-blue staining and FACS analysis.
(119) ProFume fumigant with broad-spectrum anti-virus, the proliferation of permeability, and low-toxic residue, is the logistics, commerce, forestry and other related industries use more ideal fumigant.
(120) SEB can not induce the proliferation and apoptosis of CoLo - 16 directly.
(121) BACKGROUND: Chondroitin sulfate is the important component of cell matrix, it can accelerate the proliferation of tumor cells and restrain its transfer.
(122) No1 Guyu could improve proliferation and differentiation of skeletogenous cells, which relative to dosage of drug.
(123) Chronic myelocytic leukemia is a clonal proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells caused by myeloproliferative disorders.
(124) Conclusions Estrdiol inhibits neointimal proliferation after the gonadectomy in rats undergoing carotid artery balloon injury.
(125) Plenty of active osteoblasts, fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells were seen at the 2nd week, osteoid tissue formed, the proliferation of cartilage was active.
(126) Benzidine staining positivity increase . Conclusion HMBA and HMBPA can inhibit MELDS 19 cell proliferation and induce differentiation.
(127) EPO was considered to be excreted only by the kidney and responsible for the proliferation, maturation, and differentiation of the precursors of the erythroid cell line incretory hormone.
(128) Objective To explore the effects of heparan sulphate in combination with constant magnetic fields on the proliferation and apoptosis of the human hepatoma cell line (HepG2).
(129) Within this collagenous tissue are scattered lymphocytes as well as a proliferation of bile ducts.
(130) Effect of Astragalus radix on proliferation and nitric oxide production of head kidney macrophages in Cyprinus carpio:an in vitro study .
(131) Continuing activation of ras gene will lead to cell proliferation and cause immortal cells.
(132) Objective To explore the regional distribution characteristic of morphosis and cellular proliferation in benign prostatic hyperplasia.
(133) Results Mesenchymal stem cells were spindle-shaped and active proliferation capacity in vitro, they can be differentiation into cardiac-like muscle cells after adding 5-azacytidine.
(134) The exogenous auxin and cytokinin are necessary to induced differentiation and proliferation of cells of culture in vitro. 2,4-D is an important hormone of induced embryogenic calluses.
(135) Methods: VSMCs proliferation model of cultured rat thoracic aorta was constructed.
(136) Objective: To study the effects of fisetin on proliferation and collagen synthesis of immortalized rat hepatic stellate cell line:HSCT6 cells.
(136) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(137) Prominent sclerosing adenosis , one of the features of fibrocystic changes, is demonstrated by the appearance of a proliferation of small ducts in a fibrous stroma.
(138) The effects of power frequency homogeneous magnetic field (PFHMF) on apoptosis and proliferation of normal and tumor cells are studied and compared in this thesis.
(139) CD105 is a kind of glycoproteins idio-expressed in the neogenetic vessel endothelium, which always marks the cells with proliferation activity.
(140) Objective: To observe the effect of NIF on proliferation and apoptosis of gingival epithelial cells.
(141) BACKGROUND: Maintenance and activation of cascade reaction influence T cell proliferation or transformation into nonreactive state even apoptosis.
(142) Objective To observe the morphological changes and myoblast proliferation dynamics of skeletal muscle after chronic spinal cord compression in rats.
(143) In recent years, however, the commercial art sector has opened up following the emergence of Chinese contemporary art on the mainland and the proliferation of new media art.
(144) Curcumin can inhibit the proliferation of hfRPE cells by cells cycle arrest.
(145) MTT assay was used to examine the growth and proliferation of BGC823 cells after treatment with cellular adhesion tripeptide RGD for 48 h.
(146) Conclusion Maltol may help create an environment that is more suitable for neuronal survival and regeneration by reducing glial proliferation.
(147) Results: bFGF is a biological factor, which can induce cellular proliferation of tissue and vascular tissue.
(148) In addition, the study showed lisinopril treatment spurred proliferation of an important class of immune cells known as regulatory T cells that help prevent immune diseases.
(149) Like hair, nails and scales, feathers are integumentary appendages—skin organs that form by controlled proliferation of cells in the epidermis, or outer skin layer, that produce the keratin proteins.
(150) Conclusion The total isoflavones from red clover have the effect of anti-tumor for they could inhibit the proliferation and induce the cell apoptosis of MCF-7 cells.
(151) Conclusion: Sodium vanadate of certain concentrations can remarkably inhibit the proliferation of human esophageal cell line EC109.
(152) A series of strong shock waves will be produced when water current passes those special sections, such as constringent section, proliferation section and curved section in discharge structures.
(153) The environment in a displaced person emergency is conducive to the proliferation of disease-carrying insects and rodents (vectors) that can also destroy or spoil large quantities of food.
(154) RESULTS:The extract of Spatholobus suberectus augmented the proliferation of CFU GM and increased the peripheral WBC, and BMC quantity and granulopoiesis divisional index in the anemia mice.
(155) Methods Growth of mouse ascites hepatoma 22 (H 22) cells and splenocyte proliferation were investigated in vitro by MTT colorimetric assay.
(156) AIM: To investigate the mechanisms of augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) in promoting damaged hepatocyte proliferation.
(157) Objective To study the effect of tretinoin on cellular proliferation and differentiation with human osteogenic sarcoma cell.
(158) The colony-formation ability and proliferation ability between SP cells and NSP cells were compared in terms of plate colony assay and growth curve.
(159) COX-2 expression is obviously increased in skin tumor and played an important role in proliferation, differentiation and metastasis of skin tumor.
(160) Methods MTT assay was used to determine the proliferation inhibition by cantharidin to A549 cell.
(161) AIM: To explore the immunosuppressive effects of a novel HLA-derived peptide, RDP1258, on rat splenocyte proliferation in vivo and its underlying mechanisms.
(162) Objective To investigate the regulatory effects of bombesin on the gastrointestinal morphology and proliferation of mucosa cells in neonatal rabbits.
(163) Mr. Butterfield, who spent three years at Yahoo before leaving, said the proliferation of broadband access and cheaper open-source software made his return to video games more feasible.
(164) Armenia has become the latest country to help fight nuclear proliferation.
(165) Conclusion Thrombin stimulates HMC to produce ET 1 and ET 1 mediates the HMC proliferation.
(166) Consequently, it has been barred from trading nuclear-related materials with the 35-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),[http:///proliferation.html] which seeks to limit weapons proliferation through trade regulations.
(167) Objective To explore the effects of zearalenone (ZEA) on proliferation and apoptosis in estrogen-dependent human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and the likely underlying molecular mechanisms.
(168) Conclusions Activin A can promote the proliferation and transdifferentiation of renal tubule cells, which suggests that activin A may play an important role in interstitial fibrosis of renal tubule.
(169) China has always opposed to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and has urged the international community to conclude a treaty banning space-based weapons, Qin said.
(170) Parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells have similar capacity of totipotency and proliferation, and can be established from parthenogenetic activation of discarded oocytes. This paper reviews the pr...
(171) Conclusion: TAM combined with DDP suppressed the growth and proliferation of the cell HO - 8910 efficiently.
(172) Objective To observe the effects of nicotine on the proliferation of microglia .
(173) Entogenous IGF 1 has a closely relation with the proliferation and the active degree of fibroblast.
(174) RESULTS The alkannin could inhibit the proliferation of the cells with dependence of concentration and time.
(175) The impact of nicotinamide on the activity of tyrosinase, as well as the impact on the proliferation rate of human melanocytes, cell cycle kinetics and melanogenesis were studied.
(176) The aim of this treatise is to probe into proliferation and apoptosis characteristics of lung adenocarcinoma histiocyte .
(177) Objective: To study the regulation of proliferation, melanogenesis and tyrosinase activity in the responese of B16F murine melanoma cells to Radix Scutellariae.
(178) METHODS: Cell proliferation was measured by crystal violet staining assay.
(179) CONCLUSION HHT can inhibit the proliferation of CNE 2Z cells, which is in a dose and time dependent manner.
(180) The anormal proliferation of the cardiac fibroblast can facilitate the progress of the remodeling of the cardiac ventricle and accelerate the process of the heart failure.
(181) ResultsChildren suffered from different clinical types of single hematuria mainly presented mesenterium proliferative changes, and the percentage of minor and diffuse proliferation were 37.
(182) However, in the mixed lymphocyte reaction, MSC-HGF could inhibit lymphocyte proliferation induced by heterogenic antigen in a dose-dependent manner.
(183) Objective To study the effect of lovastatin on the cell cycle and proliferation of human highly metastatic ovarian carcinoma HO-8910PM cells.
(184) Other environmental changes are likely to alter the ratio between proliferation and differentiation of cells.
(185) Conclusion Newcastle disease virus can inhibit human acute monocytic leukemic cell proliferation in vitro. The safety of NDV is reliable.
(186) Statistics from the SOA also showed that the influence of red tides and green tides, caused mainly by the proliferation of chlorophyta, has been alleviated.
(187) Objective To investigate the effects of citrus reticulata bianco extract on the proliferation and collagen metabolism of fibroblasts from human hypertrophic scar.
(188) Results: During a follow-up of 12 to 24 months, no recurrence and no sub-epithelial fibro-vascular proliferation were found and all achieved a radical cure.
(189) Objective To investigate the phenotypic change and proliferation of fibroblasts in human inflammatory strictured duct wall.
(190) Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
(191) Conclusion:MJR could inhibit the proliferation of ASMC, which possibly is one of the therapeutical mechanism of MJR in treating arteriosclerosis obliterans.
(192) The effects of Cpd 861 on LX - 2 cell proliferation seemed to correlate with thedose.
(193) The histologic characteristics include fibrous proliferation of interlobular portal areas , and normal structure of hepatic lobules.
(194) The effect of cuttlebone on chondrocyte proliferation was examined by MTT assay.
(195) Conclusion: Our model and its solution directly reveal the auto organization process of proliferation spreading proliferation of Proteus mirabilis.
(196) Chemical terror is one of the main forms of terrorism. The proliferation of chemical weapon and abuse of chemical poisons make chemical terrorism flourish and diversified in occurrence.
(196) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(197) Objective (1) To analyze the differences of differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis in exfoliated cells from different areas of migratory glossitis.
(198) Conclusion:The inhibitory effect of ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener nicorandil on ET-1- stimulated proliferation of rat VSMCs may be mediated by MAPK.
(199) Subjective symptoms, corneal healing, new vascularization and pterygial proliferation of the patients were observed.
(200) Molecular biology of tumors revealed that the imbalanced cell proliferation and cell apoptosis is an important mechanism of the tumorigenesis and progression.
(201) Objective To investigate the effects of time varied stress on the proliferation of myoblast in rats and provide the basic experimental data for the remodeling of tissue in functional orthopaedics.
(202) ANSI Z535.4-2007 minimizes the proliferation of designs for product safety signage while establishing a national uniform system for the recognition of potential personal injury hazards.
(203) CONCLUSION:High concentration of aloe-emodin can induce the apoptosis in gastric cancer cell line MGC-803, and has effects on the proliferation of the schwann cells.
(204) Objective To study the effects of male worm extraction on the proliferation and metabolic activity of cultured vitelline cells from Schistosoma japonicum.
(205) Objective : To investigate the influences of extracts of Oxytropis falcata on proliferation of SMMC-7721 cells and expression of MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase-2).
(206) Psoralea corylifolia and Jugans regia l. could promote the proliferation and activity of these cells, and increase the melanin amount.
(207) Conclusion: For the first time, we describe the function of ACHE as a tumor growth suppressor in regulating cell proliferation, the relevant signaling pathways, and the drug sensitivity of HCC cells.
(208) Emodin hypo-acid, effective component of rhubarb, can affect proliferation of melanocyte and regulate activity of tyrosinase in cells.
(209) Oridonin is anent-kaurene diterpenoid compound extracted from plant Rabdosia rubescens. Oridonin was proved effective in suppressing the proliferation of tumor cells, inducing autophagy and apoptosis.
(210) Lots of collagenous fibers formed for fiber metrocytes proliferation active function.
(211) Conclusion Chronic high glucose can induce the disturbance of EDRF/NO system and VSMC proliferation, promoting VSMC expressivity type change.
(212) Results:Histologically, the tumor was composed of adenomatoid or papillary proliferation of ductal cells. Immumnostaining for SMA and S-100 were helpful in identification of the myoepithelium.
(213) DD 3 gene has a certain influence on promoting cell proliferation.
(214) In the late stage, the spindle cells proliferation are markedly atypical, and karyokinesis is increased.
(215) Conclusion: the extracts of dipsacus asperoids with certain concentration can improve the osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation.
(216) Results Cantharidin inhibited the proliferation of A549 cell, and the mechanism of inhibitory action is to make A549 cell cycle hindered at G2/M.
(217) Chemistry high activity of free radicals can make the unsaturated fatty acid oxidation, making the cell function excessively, or recession mutations and proliferation and necrosis centralis disease.
(218) Objective To study the isolation, proliferation and differentiation of the neural stem cells from the ventral mesencephalon of human fetal.
(219) The proliferation of computing power into more and more devices, buildings and infrastructures is driving new levels of insight and operational efficiency for organizations around the globe.
(220) Objective To observe the effects of Triptolide on proliferation and apoptosis of erythroleukemia K562 in vitro.
(221) Conclusion Ectogenetic nitric oxide can inhibit the proliferation of NSC from mouse in vitro.
(222) More aid will be good, but a proliferation in donors, global funds, and earmarking aid under new initiatives distorts priorities and strains the capacity of developing countries.
(223) AIM:To observe the effect of different intensity constant magnetic field(CMF) on proliferation of rat aorta endothelial cells(RAEC).
(224) Conclusion The effect of Capsaicin on psoriasis animal model may be related to promoting the formation of granular cells and inhibiting the proliferation of epidermic cells.
(225) How to acquire enough amount of KSCs, and how to induce KSC to differentiate into certain kind of cells is vital for the research of regulative mechanism of KSC proliferation and differentiation.
(226) ObJective To quantitative study the effect of human resistin on cell proliferation and differentiation of adipocytes.
(226) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(227) Accordingly, doctors should research non-cellulotoxic anticancer drugs to inhibit the proliferation of malignant cell and elevate the survival rate and quality of life of hepatic carcinoma patients.
(228) Angiogenesis is the key step in tumors proliferation and metastasis, which depends on the net balance between endogenous stimulators and inhibitors.
(229) Objective:To evaluate the effect of bovine cementum attachment protein(CAP) on the proliferation of human dental follicle cells(HDFC) in vitro.
(230) Results. Histology reealed an intraosseous benign notochordal cell tumor. This tumor represents a recently described notochordal cell proliferation biologically distinct from chordomas.
(231) Conclusions Atorvastatin can inhibit the proliferation of T cells and decrease the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, so to effectively ameliorate EAE in rats.
(232) This increased smooth muscle mass is related either to the abnormal bronchial smooth muscle cell proliferation or the accumulation of contractile protein.
(233) MTT, trypan blue exclusion experiments and propadiene iodide staining were used to determine cell proliferation, cell viability and cell cycle distribution as well as apoptosis, respectively.
(234) Conclusion DCN extracts could inhibit the proliferation and mitochondria metabolism activity of human hepatoma cells.
(235) Conclusion: Certain indices denoting the activity of cellular proliferation of osteosarcoma are useful to its prognosis.
(236) Result:minocycline can stimulate the proliferation of osteoblast and marrow stromal cell, but also can restrain the differentiation.
(237) Results: 200 μ M DCA induced cell proliferation and COX - 2 mRNA transcription.
(238) PURPOSE The study was carried to observe the effect of platelet-drived growth factor(PDGF) on the cellular proliferation and synthesis of procollagen of rat pulmonary fibroblasts (PFbs).
(239) Phloretin inhibited the proliferation and activation, induced apoptosis of T cell and reduced NO level of serum of AIH model mice.
(240) Results Cigarette smoke solution and chrysotile could enhance cell proliferation at lower doses, both separately or in combination, but inhibit it at higher doses.
(241) Interleukin-2 causes the proliferation of certain cytotoxic T cell and B cells.
(242) Result Degenerated myelin - activated M Φ CM could enhanced Schwann cells ? ? activity and promoted cell proliferation obviously.
(243) Objective To observe the changes of myoblast proliferation dynamics of atrophic skeletal muscle after denervation in rats and their relationship with muscle atrophy.
(244) Specifically, little is known about the proliferation and differentiation of basal cells, a multipotent stem cell population of the pseudostratified airway epithelium.
(245) Conclusion Ethanol extract of Zingiber officinale Rosc induces cell apoptosis and inhibits cell proliferation.
(246) In the case of DFDBA and autogenous bone, components of the graft act to induce osteoblastic transformation and proliferation.
(247) CONCLUSION: Extract sago cycas leaves has remarkable inhibiting effect on proliferation of leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells.
(248) However, by removing the effects of proliferation from the experiment, AMSCs no longer out-performed BMSCs in their ability to undergo osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation.
(249) The soluble VEGI was tested for its inhibition of proliferation on ECV304 and for its inhibition of angiogenesis in rabbit cornea induced by LPS and in chick chorioallantoic membrane(CAM).
(250) Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
(251) Objective: To study the effect of trichosanthin on proliferation of lung carcinoma cell line A549 cells in vitro.
(252) AIM: To study the effects of marrow stromal cells conditioned medium (CM) on proliferation and differentiation of PC12 cells, meanwhile whether CM can protect PC12 cell from the damage of rotenone.
(253) The proliferation ability was investigated by cell growth curve and MTT detection.
(254) Objective To study the role of calcium channel activity in regulation of pentagastrin induced proliferation of HT29 colon carcinoma cells.
(255) The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the missile proliferation threat was real and growing.
(256) The brain tissue changes in mouse model with brain hemorrhage, included dropsy in different degree, inflammatory cell infiltrate, nerve cell necrosis and vascular proliferation as well as gliacyte.
(257) Translocation of FOS and MYC from cytoplasm to nuclei of spermatogonia is consistent with quick proliferation of spermatogonia .
(258) Conclusion The mucosal cell proliferation activity of the gallbladder in adult cholecystic patients with pancreaticobiliary maljunction is higher than those without pancreticobiliary maljunction.
(259) Objective To compare the regional specificity in proliferation capacity of neural stem cells derived from hippocampus and epithalamus: study with rats.
(260) Methods:MTT chromatometry was employed to determine the influence of wogonin on proliferation of A549 cell.
(261) TDZ(thidiazuron), the most active cytokinin-like substance is one of phenylurea and has been shown important effect on shoot proliferation and shoot organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis, and so on.
(262) CONCLUSION:MAPK signal transduction pathway participates the proliferation inhibition of cantharidin on A549 cell.
(263) Conclusion. Cell proliferation and osteoblastic phenotype development in cells derived from cancellous bone were more exuberant in cultures of vertebral lamina than of iliac crest.
(264) AIM: To investigate effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on the proliferation and the differentiation of spinal neural stem cells into neural cells in vitro .
(265) DDR enhance the proliferation of KFb and increase the collagen protein secretion.
(266) The 24 - hour culture supernatant of AM could facilitate the FB proliferation and the TGF - ? ? _ 1 expression.
(267) BACKGROUND: The different level of proteins regulating cell cycle and their correlation is the main criteria to differentiate the benign and malignant cellular proliferation.
(268) And due to concerns about waste disposal and proliferation, they also left out carbon-free electricity generation by nuclear power, which currently provides about 6 percent of world energy.
(269) Objective To investigate the effect of fluoride on human tooth-germ cell proliferation and expression of related regulators.
(270) Objective To study the effect of Chinese traditional medicine pilose antler growth factor on cell proliferation.
(271) Conclusion:The factor of liver-stagnation and spleen-deficiency could enhance the SPF of H22 ascitic tumor cells and promote the proliferation of tumor.
(272) Objective To observe the recovery, proliferation and growth of Proteus Mirabilis (PM) and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA) in a low frequency weak electric field (LFWEF).
(273) Unlike authentic ES cells, their proliferation activity is not very high and they do not form teratomas in immunodeficient mouse testes.
(274) Pelvic lipomatosis is a rare disease by excessive proliferation of the mature fat in the pelvic extraperitoneal space.
(275) The contemporary economy is the humanistic economy. The direct motivity of the economic growth is no longer the quantity of the material-capital input but the manpower-capital proliferation.
(276) Consider the proliferation of reality television shows that allow us to voyeuristically observe the competitive, petty,(http:///proliferation.html) and often mean-spirited behavior of the colorful cast of characters.
(277) The alveolitis that produces fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition is progressive over time.
(278) Objective To explore the mechanism of cell proliferation cycle change of human embryonic pulmonary fibroblasts(HEPF)induced by crocidolite.
(279) Adenovirus-infected MSCs seeded onto PLGA showed high level of proliferation, and mass synthesis of cell matrix was observed with electronic microscoping.
(280) Rapid capillary proliferation is a prominent feature of all early wound healing.
(281) Objective :The Mechanism of Study On Cervus and Cucumis Polypeptide Injection on Promoting Chondrocytes Proliferation with Knee Osteoarthritis.
(282) ASB 7 - H 1 to activate T lymphocyte proliferation.
(283) Myofibroma is a heterogenous disorder characterized by the proliferation of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, or both.
(284) Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium(MTT) method was used to compare the ability of growth and proliferation between rat dental pulp stem cells and marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
(285) Aim: To study the effects of Bupivacaine and hyaluronidase on the proliferation of adult rat muscle satellite cells in vivo.
(286) The histology shows a dermal proliferation of small, irregular branching capillaries and venules with inconspicuous lumina.
(287) Cell proliferation and apoptosis are essential development and tissue homeostasis.
(288) Methods: To determine macrophage phagocytosis, hemolysin antibody and cell proliferation of T and B lymphocytes.
(289) Conclusion: Amygdalin could inhibit human renal fibroblasts proliferation in a dose-dependent manner.
(290) Results: Sodium vanadate of certain concentrations could present proliferation inhibition effects on EC109 cells.
(291) This activated form of merlin effectively blocks further cell proliferation.
(292) Conclusion:Lowenergy HeNe laser irradiation has twoway effect on regulation the proliferation reaction of splenetic T lymphocyte of S 180 bearing mouse.
(293) Objective:To understand the effect of coccoid Helicobacter pylori on proliferation of gastric carcinoma epithelial line SGC-7901 cultured in vitro.
(294) Objective: Our aim was to determine the effect of toad toxication on proliferation and progression of cell cycle in cultured leukemia K562 cells.
(295) Objective To study the effects of podophyllotoxin solid lipid nanoparticles (POD-SLN) on the proliferation of human epidermal cells in vitro.




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