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单词 Transmitted
1 He has transmitted the report to us.
2 The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy.
3 The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
4 The US Open will be transmitted live via satellite.
5 The disease cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.
6 Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
7 The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
8 The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
9 The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.
10 Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion.
11 Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.
12 Nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain.
13 The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.
14 Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.
15 The disease is transmitted through physical contact.
16 The virus is easily transmitted via needles.
17 Cholera is transmitted through contaminated water.
18 AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease.
19 The virus can only be transmitted through intimate contact.
20 This custom is transmitted from generation to generation.
21 Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.
22 The infection is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito.
23 The power which an engine develops is transmitted to the wheels.
24 The computer can enhance the quality of photographs transmitted from space.
25 The data, normally transmitted electronically,[] can be changed into pulses of light.
26 Some diseases are transmitted from one generation to the next.
27 There are four variants of malaria, all transmitted to humans by a particular family of mosquitoes.
28 Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of insects.
29 He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.
30 The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease.
1 The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy.
2 The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
3 The US Open will be transmitted live via satellite.
4 The disease cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.
5 Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
6 The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
7 The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
31 The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd.
32 The infection can be transmitted from a mother to her baby.
33 Sexually transmitted diseases can prevent women from conceiving children.
34 The National Assembly was transmitted in its entirety.
35 How could they be transmitted unchanged to future generations?
36 How is the knowledge transmitted from generation to generation?
36 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
37 Most sexually transmitted diseases are curable.
38 This transformed trypanosome line, ST3, was then transmitted through tsetse flies and the resulting bloodstream forms cloned in mice.
39 Infectivity describes the likelihood that a particular microbe will be transmitted under particular circumstances.
40 When she asked him if he had a sexually transmitted disease, he said no.
41 His natural father has a long list of problems, all of which are transmitted genetically, such as chronic depression.
42 It is contagious in the same way that sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are contagious.
43 Video transmitted from the ground will be displayed on laptop computers aboard the shuttle.
44 This eliminated the need for costly lines that transmitted power or data.
45 My enthusiasm transmitted itself to Malc and he left at the end of visiting time a happier man.
46 The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids(), during sexual intercourse.
47 Adolescents, men, the homeless, and people with sexually transmitted diseases may not feel comfortable in a health centre.
48 The data is transmitted to nearby radio receivers, letting a doctor follow you around, sort of.
49 Viruses, generally transmitted by insect vectors, cause very heavy losses in crops.
50 Radiation readings are taken every hour at each station and are transmitted to a central computer which analyses the data.
51 Some aspects of this immediacy can also be transmitted by our contacts with non-human organisms whose lifespan far exceeds our own.
52 When such changes are induced in the germ cells, they may be transmitted to descendants of the irradiated persons.
53 As we move into a well-fed and highly productive era, new diseases transmitted through our food are regularly emerging.
54 Design - Analytic study of surveillance data on sexually transmitted diseases.
55 He discovered that diffusing the transmitted light resulted in a dramatic increase in the resolution of such cryptic features.
56 The company also is developing equipment that will allow computer data to be transmitted over cellular systems.
57 The digital system is then transmitted along the channel of communication to the distant end.
58 Skin diseases, such as impetigo or scabies, are transmitted by direct contact.
59 This prevents any vibration caused by the cistern being filled from being transmitted back down the rising main.
60 A laser transmitted faint light signals to an electronic detector.
61 And the third is to treat other sexually transmitted diseases.
62 It is estimated that only 20 percent of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in the specialist clinics.
63 To what extent is vaginal candidiasis a sexually transmitted disease?
64 Padayachee has tested people since 1984, for example in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases, antenatal care, family planning and tuberculosis.
65 Besides, early starters are more likely to have many partners, and so are at greater risk from sexually transmitted diseases.
66 Electronic Publishing-a generic term for the distribution of information which is stored[/transmitted.html], transmitted and reproduced electronically.
67 Mechanical power still held sway, power transmitted through gears and belts, power that clacked and whirred, hammered and hissed.
68 The message about acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases is a simple one.
69 The disease may remain dormant and undetected until it is transmitted to other fish through abrasions to the skin.
70 The pressure is usually transmitted to the available servicing personnel affecting their performance.
71 All this causes great distress through ignorance of the nature of the disease and the way it is transmitted.
72 It is linked to the magnetic field of the transmitted wave - not the turns of the coil.
73 It inevitably is transmitted through a glance, affectionate touch, strong feelings that show.
74 The drive is transmitted into the adjacent mill building which houses two complete sets of grinding gear and allied crushers, etc.
75 Unlike the virus that causes the flu, the AIDS virus can not be transmitted through the air.
76 Advice is sometimes transmitted more successfully through a joke than grave teaching. Baltasar Gracian 
77 Numerous research projects were set up to investigate patterns of transmitted deprivation where families appear to hand down problems from generation to generation.
78 It is transmitted to humans mainly through infected beef or through exposure to cattle manure.
79 The power generated on the Moon is then transmitted by microwave beam back to Earth.
80 Perhaps I have an asymptomatic case and transmitted the virus to him.
81 Insulation from external inflation With fixed exchange rates, inflation abroad is transmitted directly into higher import prices.
82 Many stars have jumped at the chance to appear in Morse which is transmitted worldwide.
83 Vidalin was among many who transmitted coded messages to the Resistance.
84 Pressures were transmitted to external pressure transducers and recorded on a polygraph.
85 The private key, used to encrypt transmitted information by the user, is kept secret.
86 Cystitis can also be triggered by the bacteria which cause sexually transmitted diseases such as Herpes or Trichomonas.
87 Furthermore, there were many differences of opinion regarding the question of just how contagious leprosy was and how it was transmitted.
88 Darwin considered that male traits were strengthened by use and were transmitted in greater amounts to male offspring.
89 Can protect both partners against some sexually transmitted diseases and may protect the woman against cancer of the cervix.
90 On the one hand, some Mars probes have transmitted pictures of what appear to be dried Martian rivers and flood plains.
91 Recently I treated her for a sexually transmitted disease with metronidazole, which is known to cause foetal abnormalities in rats.
92 Suddenly, as if Faith's misery had been transmitted through their touch, she too felt low and depressed.
93 Cultural practices, like genetic traits, are transmitted from individual to individual.
94 Are its genes transmitted to future generations via the same vehicles as the host's genes?
95 Of course, even if accurately transmitted the reliability of this poetry is still open to doubt.
96 And forces can be transmitted only by the solid elements of the building: the walls, columns,[] and beams.
97 There are two infestations that are commonly transmitted in this way although there is no absolute necessity for this mode of transmission.
98 A sharp distinction between soma and germ line makes it possible to prevent acquired characters from being transmitted.
99 This attitude becomes part of their subculture and is transmitted from generation to generation.
100 Data is transmitted electronically.
101 His face transmitted his usual grumpiness.
102 A message transmitted by wireless telegraphy.
103 How is severe acute respiratory syndrome transmitted?
104 In data communication, transmitted and received messages.
105 And then the data was transmitted through the virtual serial port to supervisory computer.
106 A prediction error signal and a motion vector for a current block are transmitted, describing the location of the predictor block in the reference picture.
107 Telegraphy in which messages are transmitted by radio instead of wire.
108 Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus and is the second most common type of cancer in women.
109 Neuronal circuitry for centrifugal modulation in visual information processing. Visual information is transmitted and processed from the retina to the telencephalon where visual perception results.
110 Screen data is generated by a screen generating processor (74) of a control host computer (7) and transmitted to a programmable display apparatus (5).
111 Transport Layer: The transport layer is responsible for initiating and terminating SIP sessions and providing the conversion of data transmitted between analog/digital formats and an IP packet format.
112 Many economically important plant viruses mosaic virusmosaic virus – are seed - transmitted.
113 The father is blind, from a disease called river blindness, which is transmitted by black flies, and cannot cultivate the fields.
114 But new cell stations use GPS to take advantage of the highly accurate clock pulses transmitted by satellites.
115 In the scheme, FSK-FDM technique is used in subcarrier modulation, and the EDFA's supervisory information is transmitted by optical intensity modulation.
116 Whitefly transmission experiments showed that PaLCuCNV could be transmitted by Bemisia tabaci, but the efficiency was very low(8.33%).
117 Telemetry signals, which are not only convention but also a special type-single wide-pulse ones, are transmitted by the Pulse Phase Key (PPK) Reent rant Telemetry system.
118 Visceral leishmaniasis — also known as kala-azar — is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted to humans through biting insects such as sand flies.
119 The switch signal was encoded directly and one state was expressed with 3 long distance sequence code, then it was transmitted through the digital relay line of telecommunication network.
120 448 million new infections of curable sexually transmitted (syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis) infections occur yearly.
121 The transmitted wave usually evolves into a single peak soliton with an oscillating tail which is found to decay rapidly, and the reflected wave into a slowly decaying wave train.
122 The motes ended up recording 762, 868 incidents when two people intermingled within 10 feet of each other – the maximum distance that a disease can be transmitted through cough or sneeze droplets.
123 The essence of the fact that wideband signal can not be effectively transmitted using narrowband phased array in scenarios with large aperture and scan angle is given.
124 Still further, a mode bit may be transmitted to indicate the mode of operation for the next slot, e. g. , 8-PSK or GMSK mode.
125 A stream of data from a data source (6) is transmitted to a data destination (3) using a nominal bandwidth.
126 A Request for Proposal is expected later this year.' During the tests, the aircraft successfully transmitted high-bandwidth streaming video from an on-board video camera to the ground station below.
126 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
127 The Soto (Chinese: Ts'ao-tung) sect, transmitted to Japan by Dogen on his return from China in 1227, prefers the method of sitting in meditation (zazen).
128 You should take precautions to cover yourself against sexually transmitted diseases.
129 Using intermittent transmission (balise or short loop) the information can only be transmitted to a train passing the transmission unit.
130 It as well researches how the control instruction is transmitted to the downhole steeling tool and shows the optimal instruction coding scheme.
131 To increase the effectively transmitted bandwidth, digital multiplex channel Weaver complex modulation is employed to implement SSB modulation.
132 The Leptospira bacterium is transmitted to humans through water contaminated by animal urine.
133 It is useful to the measurement of transmitted time of sound wave in acoustic pyrometry and to the sound source location of 'four-tubes' leaking in boiler based on TDE.
134 Audio and video streams are preferably transmitted through the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
135 The experiment research on the forward scattering of airborne radar transmitted wave with airscrews is presented in this paper.
136 The present invention is irregular friction clutch and aims at solving the technological problems of available friction clutch, including wear, short life, small transmitted torque, etc.
137 More electrodes pick up more external sound and the flexible wire allows those sounds to be transmitted over more of the auditory nerves.
138 Will a condom guarantee I won't get a sexually transmitted disease?
139 West Nile virus is mainly transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
140 Unlike the images of film and drama, which directly strike the eye and ear, words are transmitted first to the mind, where they must be translated into images.
141 Urogenital chlamydia trachomatis ( CT ) infection is a most prevalent sexually transmitted disease.
142 It would be the first spermicicle that also protects against sexually transmitted diseases.
143 Furthermore, the formulae of transmitted power, loss power, attenuation constant and equivalent impedance for TM and TE modes are deduced.
144 In order to minimize the friction occurring between the push button and the driving part when relatively rotated forces are transmitted via a pivot bearing (18, 22).
145 Most commonly, swine influenza is transmitted through direct contact or close proximity with pigs.
146 These digital signals are less affected by noise, so data can be transmitted with greater accuracy.
147 Gonorrhea: Sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by genitourinary inflammation, caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus).
148 The mathematical descriptions of the transmitted signal and received signal were presented according to complementary code structure and multipath channel model.
149 One bit of data is transmitted over the Wire bus per time slot.
150 Since red-light district for prostitutes, although physical examination is not allowed to check their clients and clients of prostitutes have sexually transmitted diseases.
151 Signal is transmitted through current field type electromagnetic signal channel.
152 Language, in its broad sense, is a way information is transmitted.
153 How the temperature affects the transmissivity and the transmitted intensity disturbance is analytically discussed.
154 Code transmission happens only once, whereas data must be transmitted every time you encounter a validation problem at the other end.
155 The virus is transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquitoes, mainly Aedes aegypti.
156 Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone, with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs.
157 The type mappings in SOAP are used to determine how to transfer native language objects by marshalling or reformatting them into XML so that they can be transmitted in the SOAP messages.
158 Rabies is a zoonotic disease (a disease that is transmitted to humans from animals) that is caused by a virus.
159 Word, in translation, is a basic semantic unit that can be transmitted.
160 Leishmaniasis is transmitted by sandflies and possibly through sharing needles.
161 Density is a logarithmic unit that describes the ratio between light hitting the film and light being transmitted through the film.
162 Food - and - mouth disease of cattle could be transmitted by bacteria-free filtrates.
163 Campylobacteriosis is a zoonosis, a disease transmitted to humans from animals or animal products.
163 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
164 In data communications, a mode in which data is transmitted at a specific data signalling rate during controlled, intermittent intervals .
165 The role of circuits in this part is to sense signals sent in vitro through receiving coil coupling, and then two paths of primary signals are demodulated to be transmitted to a stimulation electrode.
166 Alternatively, a dichroic filter may be used over the wavelength converting element 110 to reflect the transmitted pump light back into the wavelength converting element 110 for a second pass.
167 Since anal and oral sex, and even frottage, can also transmit various sexually transmitted diseases, having "only slept with virgins" is no guarantee that your partner is free of infection.
168 It is through the intermediary of the electric circuit that energy is transmitted electrically from the primary source, no matter where it is situated to the ultimate consumer wherever he desires it.
169 In onsite verification various inspecting data needs to be remote - transmitted in the public signal channel to inspector. So it can be easily tampered.
170 In cattle, rabies is transmitted exclusively from the bite of salivs infected rabid animals.
171 Data is transmitted between the host bus adapter and a host.
172 Multiplexer 510 is controlled by a select signal that is transmitted from circuit 515.
173 Until now, the volume of a transmitted radio message overpowered the relatively weak incoming signal from the radio at the other end.




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