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单词 Yellowish
1, A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light.
2, The paper had a yellowish tinge because it was so old.
3, The oil lamp gave out a pleasant yellowish light.
4, In California, pines suffer from yellowish flecking due to ozone pollution and Los Angeles is notorious for its thick ozone smogs.
5, Upperparts spangled with grey or yellowish or black; no white on nape; underparts in breeding plumage largely black.
6, The falls of the flowers are a delicate yellowish green veined with slate blue.
7, The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements.
8, The fish is dark green on top, with yellowish sides.
9, The bartender left a glass of cloudy, yellowish water in front of him and stood back.
10, Jack saw the cat first, yellowish orange and brown and curled up on some hay, and quiet.
11, I suspect the yellowish colour is due to the pollution in the air-our own man-made pollution.
12, Sometimes they have an ugly yellowish look to them, as if the ulcer is filled with pus.
13, They are greenish gray to yellowish with many large round dark spots.
14, White, yellowish and orange lights the size of a baseball have been reported moving around, sometimes performing aerobatics.
15, The white or yellowish inflorescence consists of two to five spikes.
16, The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled.
17, Appearance: Yellowish green crystalline powder.
18, His trousers are yellowish - bottle green.
19, His lips were colorless,(http:///yellowish.html) his teeth looked yellowish.
20, Appearance: Yellowish powder, no impurity naked eye can see.
21, North American fern with narrow fronds on yellowish leafstalks.
22, I realized that Minna was wearing an elegant new yellowish fur coat.
23, He went to the head in the middle of the night to study the fluid, a dreadful yellowish drip.
24, On this gloomy autumn day, there were gray and yellowish skies lowering over the rooftops of Warsaw.
25, There are distinct forms, each with its own beautiful shade of brilliant emerald, sap, and yellowish green.
26, Then look at each one very carefully, removing any yellowish pieces, which may give the finished dish a bitter taste.
27, What looked like flour-sacks were piled in one section of it, and the floor was dusted with yellowish powder.
28, The adult male's back and flanks are azure blue, shading to yellowish on the belly.
29, He scanned the horizon and saw on the edge of the sky the familiar yellowish stain.
30, It is of type F5, and theoretically should be yellowish, but to me it always looks pure white.
31, American flounder having a yellowish tail.
32, Use L-dopa as material to do a hair-dying experiment, one geta black hair with damaged the surface or yellowish brown hair with undamaged the surface.
33, North American deciduous tree (Betula alleghaniensis) having aromatic twigs, yellowish bark that peels off in thin flakes, and hard, light-colored wood used for furniture and flooring.
34, Lambency green: It is suitable for yellowish skin to get healthy, bright and glossy complexion.
35, stiff branches, tiny pointed leaves in yellowish green, much bloomed, earlier inflorescence.
36, Labellum white, white with purple lines, or yellowish white with purple or red apex.
37, Any of various parasitic herbs of the genus Orobanche, having purplish or yellowish flowers and small scalelike leaves that lack chlorophyll. Broomrape grows on the roots of various plants.
38, The yoghurt obtained was featured by yellowish cream white color, nice blended odor of oolong tea and yoghurt and good flavor.
39, Red, Lotus _ flowered; long and stalks, large pointed leaves in yellowish green, freely branched , medium flowering.
40, Labellum white with purple lines or yellowish white with purple or red apex.
41, The yellowish green clay we were walking through was laid down between 4.4 and 4.3 million years ago, when this part of the CAC was a lake much like Yardi. Nothing was preserved in the clay but fish.
42, The living organism is transparent to yellowish in colour, and oviform to elongated ellipsoid in front view, with a somewhat flat body.
43, Diffue white fluffy nodules in the retina, markedly sheathing arteries and a well-demarcated yellowish subretinal abscess in the inferionasal fundus were found at the time of surgery.
44, The tiny but intriguing yellowish arc visible near the blue nebulae marks young variable star R Coronae Australis.
45, The diurnal species are usually more brightly coloured and the nocturnal species are a yellowish brown and some species are much larger.
46, It is yellowish , almost odourless , syrupy and hydroscopic liquid with a mild taste .
47, A yellowish - orange, lipid - filled nodule or papule in the skin, often on an eyelid or a joint.
48, Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona, especially A. reticulata, having large, nearly heart-shaped edible fruits with white to yellowish flesh.
49, Any of several other fishes having a yellowish tail, as the silver perch.
50, A dark, more blueish green for the shading colour, and a light, more yellowish green as the highlight colour.
51, Any of several large marine game fishes of the genus Seriola, having a yellow or yellowish tail, such as S. dorsalis, of coastal waters of southern California and Mexico.
52, Young variable star RY Tauri is emerging from a yellowish cocoon of dust near top center.
53, A color ranging in various industries from moderate yellowish pink to grayish yellow.
54, In the presence of acetic acid, p - anisidine reacts with aldehydes producing a yellowish color.
55, Fruit pyriform; leaf blade abaxially densely gray or yellowish gray tomentose.
56, The less common shades are yellowish brown and greenish brown.
57, Any of various plant diseases usually caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium or viruses of the genus Chlorogenus and characterized by yellow or yellowish discoloration.
58, This is a yellowish tonefirm, and orange yellow similar , is simply not green.
59, Red, Rose _ flowered; upright stems and thin stalks, pointed leaves in yellowish green, early flowering.
60, Applicable skin type: Lusterless problem skin with dim, yellowish facial skin color.
61, The great Vistula rolled its yellowish, sombre vastness around low sandy islands.
62, Iron oxides give Browns, ranging from yellowish through orange to dark Brown.
63, The best soil is upland yellow soil, and the next is upland yellowish red soil, black limy soil and acidic purple soil.
64, I am gray, tan or light brown with yellowish - white tusks.
65, Description: Evergreen trees, up to 25 m high; twigs, buds, petioles, abaxial surfaces of leaves and peduncles covered with yellowish brown rigid hairs.
66, _ shaped ; erect flowers and stems , thin stiff branches, tiny pointed leaves in yellowish green, much bloomed, earlier inflorescence.
67, Red giant stars on the outskirts of the cluster are easy to pick out as yellowish stars in this sharp telescopic portrait.
68, A yellowish, white, or reddish-gray crystalline powder, NH2C 6H 4C 6H 4NH 2, used in dyes and to detect blood stains.
69, A yellowish glare in the sky over an ice field.
70, The order of Df ( desorption factor ) value was: yellowish red soil & gt ; silt - loamy soil & gt ; kaoline & gt ; perlite & gt ; paddy soil ( loamy clay ) & gt ; kieselguhr .
71, It has brown spots on yellowish brown skin and this coloring helps protect the giraffe.
72, Large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp.
73, Other skin changes caused by pregnancy hormones may include brownish or yellowish patches on the face called chloasma and a dark line on the midline of the lower abdomen(), known as the linea nigra.
74, Flowers yellowish green, fragrant, in a terminal or axillary umbel.
75, An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia, that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk.
76, The yellowish color of Capella indicates a mid - range surface temperature, much like our sun.
77, Product Name: Tetra - isopropyl Titanate Other Name : Tetra - isopropoxytitanium Chemical structural formula : Property: Colorless or yellowish transparent liquid.
77, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
78, Ge Kiln is a famous kiln in Song Dynasty. Product Characteristics: colors of the bodied china are black, dark gray, light gray and yellowish brown and the glaze color is gray-based.
79, Cracking or splitting combined a yellowish hue is more likely due to a fungal infection.
80, This paper analyzed abnomml pink and yellowish brown hatching eggs of Chinese mitten crab , Edriocheir sinensis.
81, It is light yellowish brown color, very clean and with the aromas of fresh fruit, fragrance of yeast.
82, Any of several herbs or woody vines of the genus Aristolochia having showy, malodorous, purplish -brown to yellowish flowers with peculiar or unusual shapes.
83, Antennae yellowish brown thinly clothed with grey pubescence, scape and 2nd segments dark reddish brown, apex of 3rd to 10th segments pitchy .
84, Chlorinated polypropylene(containing about 30% chlorine by weight) used in this paper is product from Guangzhou Jinzhujiang, it is yellowish and translucence.
85, The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish - tan fluid, characteristic for a chylothorax.
86, Any of various plants of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and clusters of small white, yellowish, or purplish apetalous flowers.
87, A pale orange yellow to grayish yellow or yellowish gray.
88, A moderate, light , or strong yellowish pink to reddish orange orange.
89, It is white or yellowish powder or grains, easily soluble in water to form a colloidal solution and insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, ether and acetone.
90, Numerous colour varieties of this species exists which may have a yellowish, whitish or blueish background colour and a different number, position and size of black patches.
91, A white or yellowish hygroscopic crystalline solid, H3PO 3, used as a reducing agent and to produce phosphite salts.
92, I saw a sky no longer blue, a golden sun is no longer the world a yellowish brown.
93, Multi-hydroxyl polymer, CXC-1, as an anti-sloughing agent for water base drilling fluids, is a yellowish liquid and is prepared by polymerization of alkylene oxides and polyhydroxylated compounds.
94, Crimson , Anemone _ shaped ; slender erectstems, short stalks , pointed yellowish green leaves , branching freely , medium flowering.
95, Orange recycled acrylics allow the sunlight a yellowish palette of colours of the wood.
96, Cracking or splitting combined with a yellowish hue is more likely due a fungal infection.
97, The dorsal surface of its cuttlebone is yellowish and evenly convex.
98, Canada balsam A yellowish resin with similar optical properties to glass, used as a mounting medium for microscope slides.
99, The product is clear and bright liquid with yellow to pale yellowish brown color.
100, Claret, Hydrangea - flowered; erect stems, slender stalks, round thin leaves in yellowish green, middle flowering.
101, Bright "raspberry-pink" legs (they look "full of blood") would point to Slaty -backed, but, in winter, Heuglin's Gulls legs are usually pinkish (with only subdued yellowish-tones (but yellowish feet!
102, They have yellowish buff skins, straight black hair, and often high cheek - bones.
103, Characteristic This product is yellowish - brown piece of adhesive plaster with aromatic smell.
104, The smaller yellowish nebula (NGC 6729) surrounds young variable star R Coronae Australis.
105, The cut surface at the right demonstrates yellowish - tan mucosal exudation with a hyperemic border.
106, A yellowish - brown nickel iron sulfide that is the principal ore of nickel.
107, The three other yellowish galaxies in the collision are optically visible and were imaged by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on the summit of the dormant Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.
107, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
108, It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half - dry mucus.
109, A wild dog ( Canis dingo ) of Australia, having a reddish - brown or yellowish - brown coat.
110, Color A moderate to grayish or light grayish yellowish brown or olive brown.
111, A colorless or pale yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant, used pharmaceutically as a laxative and skin softener and industrially as a lubricant.
112, stems, short and thick narrow leaves in yellowish green, middle - late flowering.
113, They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media.
114, A small European warbler ( Phylloscopus collybita ) with yellowish - green plumage.
115, This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse.
116, stout stalks, large fleshy leaves in yellowish green, branched and flowered freely, medium blossoming. ...
117, It is a large, black vulture with patches of white on the underside of the wings and a largely bald head with skin color ranging from yellowish to a bright red, depending on the bird's mood.
118, This paper analyzed the abnomml pink and yellowish brown hatching eggs of Chinese mitten crab, Edriocheir sinensis.
119, A plant ( Zingiber officinale ) of tropical southeast Asia having yellowish - green flowers and a pungent, aromatic rhizome.
120, Linear focal elastosis (LFE) is a disorder of elastic fibers characterized by palpable , yellowish, linear striae distributed horizontally over the mid and lower back.
121, Frequently there is an inflammatory areola around the excoriation or a covering of yellowish dried serum or red dried blood over it.
122, Description: Scandent shrubs, up to 6 m long; branchlets yellowish hirsute.
123, A grayish to pale yellow or light grayish- yellowish brown.
124, It has a brownish grey back and yellowish brown to greyish brown sides which are marked with numerous white spots of varying sizes.
125, A yellowish, oily, aromatic substance, C7H 8O 2, derived from guaiacum or wood creosote and used chiefly as an expectorant, a local anesthetic, and an antiseptic.
126, Any of various reef-building hydrocorals of the order Milleporina of tropical marine waters, forming white or yellowish calcareous structures and resembling the true corals of the class Anthozoa.
127, Chondroitin Sulfate is white or yellowish powder, with characteristic odor. CS is extremely hygroscopic once dried.




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