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单词 Internationally
1) He is internationally famous as a character actor.
2) Her internationally acclaimed novel has won several literary prizes.
3) Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
4) Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.
5) He's a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally.
6) Oxford and Cambridge universities are internationally respected institutions.
7) He became internationally famous for his novels and poetry.
8) The group has made strides to expand internationally.
9) His pre-eminence in his subject is internationally recognized.
10) Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
11) WWF is internationally respected for its conservation work.
12) He is recognized internationally as an authority in this field.
13) The Medway estuary is recognized internationally as a conservation area.
14) There are only two internationally recognised certificates in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
15) It has great prestige,(http:///internationally.html) both nationally and internationally.
16) Employers also need them in order to compete internationally.
17) It is encouraging to see his experience recognised internationally.
18) Internationally, the situation is less clear-cut.
19) They would like to represent their country internationally.
20) Hungary has an excellent and internationally recognised cuisine.
21) I started competing internationally when I was 14.
22) When she retired, she was still internationally famous.
23) They do business nationally and internationally.
24) Opportunities will improve as the company expands domestically and internationally.
25) The price must be right in order to compete internationally.
26) We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.
27) These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally.
28) Such a policy would be unacceptable both domestically and internationally.
29) These days businesses have to be able to compete internationally.
30) The Kravchenko trial became a cause celebre in Paris and internationally.
1) He is internationally famous as a character actor.
2) Her internationally acclaimed novel has won several literary prizes.
3) Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
4) Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
5) The price must be right in order to compete internationally.
6) These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally.
7) He is recognized internationally as an authority in this field.
31) Wagner's opera will be telecast internationally.
32) It was the best private house in Hochhauser, and after all, he was an internationally famous name.
33) Members are involved in collaborative projects within Oxford, nationally and internationally. 8.
34) Reg and Maggie Green have been recognized internationally for such a generous act.
35) This was a talk on William Blake, timed to coincide with an internationally touring exhibition of this artist's work.
36) Cape Town has decided to keep its name because it is internationally recognised.
37) Internationally, the management of resistance problems will require extensive cooperation.
38) Agencies can be one-man bands, small outfits, large public companies which may work internationally, or multinational companies.
39) But internationally agreed carbon taxes, permits and rising global temperatures may push the world along the road towards accepting the unacceptable.
39) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
40) The artist is highly regarded internationally and has exhibited in many countries.
41) Will my right hon. and learned Friend say how we compared internationally in the 1970s and the 1980s?
42) Many of these artists and writers have become internationally known.
43) Heroes of change, locally and internationally, will be honored in a gallery of photography, artwork, paintings and sculpture.
44) He gained little local success, but by this time was internationally known.
45) Mathematics journals had the highest standing internationally, with nearly a third of contributions coming from abroad.
46) The museum directed the field research on the nearby internationally famous archaeological site of Vucedol.
47) Nearly all the internationally famous players had agreed to participate.
48) So their next option is to borrow internationally, which they are very reluctant to do.
49) You're familiar with his subject, you know he is an authority, internationally known and universally respected.
50) He has played a leading part in representing the brewing industry and is acknowledged internationally as a world expert on hops.
51) That has significance nationally and internationally, especially if we reduce the facilities for large numbers of birds.
52) It brings together for the first time 24 internationally produced and acclaimed animations, displaying a vast array of styles and experimentation.
53) That is why so small a group of internationally powerful banks are repeatedly chosen as lead managers.
54) The software, which was developed in-house, is marketed internationally on Hewlett-Packard Co workstations.
55) What is your opinion of the current state of contemporary art, in this country and internationally?
56) The above figures are also calculated on an International Monetary Fund standard, making them internationally comparable.
57) Instead of letting industry fight to become internationally competitive, the Labour Government preferred to protect it from reality.
58) Diversification into dynamic fast-growing industries is also made possible, as are moves to expand internationally.
59) Kenneth is a field athlete and competes nationally and internationally in javelin, shot and discus.
60) Last month he received a one-week scholarship to the internationally prestigious Bollettieri Academy in Bradenton, Fla.
61) His optics are internationally recognised to be of the highest quality.
62) Along the path, there are gardens that are works of art themselves, designed by internationally known landscape designer Russell Page.
63) A recent investment boom should help firms to compete internationally, though in the short term it has worsened the trade deficit.
64) Several of the professors were internationally known figures who lectured to large audiences and engaged in public debates over controversial issues.
65) Money raised would fund our campaign to lobby relevant authorities internationally and engage in public education.
66) More broadly, we call upon industrial countries to raise their official development assistance towards internationally agreed levels.
67) The company obviously needed a new image to express their growing importance internationally.
68) Denver overcame his shyness to take on a stage presence that made him internationally recognized.
69) The local producer may lack the competitive advantages to market the indigenously made product internationally.
70) The 48-year-old professor, an internationally known languages expert and former vice-chancellor of Essex University(http://), is due in court in October.
71) Blumlein's revolutionary technique vastly improved quality and simplified production, and was adopted internationally.
72) Dame Sybil Connolly, internationally renowned interior designer, entertains at her private home in Dublin.
73) We should resist the manipulation of our desires and form a coalition with women internationally to resist the colonisation of our bodies.
74) Third, because the elections were internationally recognized as free and fair, Taylor will have the backing of the international community.
75) Other publishing houses in other countries will naturally prefer artists who are already internationally well known.
76) An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally.
77) Consider, for example, two mural paintings in the round temple at Epidaurus, once an internationally famed health clinic.
78) Encouraging action internationally, and within our own motor industry, to promote more fuel-efficient vehicles.
79) From 1880 to 1914, the classic gold standard also applied internationally to offset trade surpluses and deficits.
80) However, existing systems to monitor these trends domestically and internationally are inadequate.
81) Yet, there are deep, long-term crises at home and internationally that cry out for leadership.
82) His fortunes, internationally and domestically, as player and captain, seesawed alarmingly during the 1991-92 season.
83) Scarborough Group enticed internationally renowned playwright Alan Ayckbourn into posing for a press photograph while signing appeal letters.
84) Yet she was pardoned, because she was an internationally famous actress.
85) She also appeared internationally as a cabaret artist and on television.
86) Since then many singers now internationally well-known have sung at Tilford.
87) We will convene a new private sector forum to promote London's position internationally.
88) Recently, John Fagin, an internationally recognized molecular biologist and former genetic engineer from Fairfield, Iowa, made a stand.
89) Such a veto would be difficult to defend internationally and could well lead to an uncontrollable erosion of the sanctions regime.
90) I am credited as the internationally known journalist and writer.
91) A few have become internationally known, but it often seems a hopeless task.
92) Though his compositions won many prizes internationally, Tan says that gradually, he found himself unable to express his real self.
93) In addition to a number of internationally recognised jazz musicians the Festival attracts a number of artists and attractions from around the region.
94) Nontraded goods produced with increasing returns create an incentive for factor movements, even when factor prices are equalized internationally.
95) Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.
96) They will vigorously pursue their policies to combat drug trafficking and misuse of drugs, nationally and internationally.
97) Life for Rent was released on Sept. 29 internationally.
98) It has grown into an internationally renowned event.
99) Oceans need to be protected locally(http:///internationally.html), nationally and internationally.
100) My plan is to raise internationally competitive golfers.
101) 42% of those aged 65 and above are travelling, may it be internationally or domestically, found the preliminary results of a new report from the ADAC Reisemonitor 2009 survey.
102) We should form large internationally competitive companies and enterprise groups through market forces and policy guidance.
103) Statement on Auditing Standards 70. An internationally recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
104) Suu Kyi has always advocated non-violent resistance, but is internationally renowned for her recalcitrance rather than her compliance.
105) S. is concerned about actions that seek to restrict access to the Internet as well as restrictions on the internationally recognized right to freedom of expression, ' she said.
106) With the U. S. sub-prime credit crisis sweeping the global economy into a crisis, many internationally Century renowned enterprises have to face financial crisis, even be forced into liquidation.
107) The pervious asphalt concrete is the paving material more advanced internationally, and just used locally.
108) These standard containers are internationally agreed as to dimensions, weight, structural strength and other features.
109) Overall, what we want is to open up domestically and internationally.
110) It is also vital to maintain an internationally harmonised approach.
111) Implant for orbital defect and CAD for zygoma complex fracture are now studied to be the leading research internationally.
112) Though it is a Vulgate social convenance internationally, there're still some difference opinions between countries about what to send, in which occasion to send it, or how to send it.
113) This development reveals that CMMI has been internationally recognized as a useful tool to enhance product quality and improve internal efficiency for software development organizations.
114) Chapter 7 looks at attempts to coordinate stockpiling policies internationally.
115) Red - eared slider turtles, a species said to originate in Brazil, are an internationally recognized ecological invader.
116) Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), who escaped from slavery, became an author and publisher and was internationally known for his instrumental role in the abolitionist movement.
117) To introduce Al cladding steel wire which is a kind of good conducting wire applied to electric cable and communication extensively and so on internationally at present.
118) Not a few of them have achieved successes in science and technology and are internationally known.
119) Internationally, the microcredit service has first successfully practiced in Bangladesh Country bank.
120) "Alcohol is the only strong psychoactive substance in common use that is not controlled internationally, " they say in their editorial.
121) It is expected to be popular with business customers since it can easily access voice and data services on networks internationally.
122) 93-year-old I. M. Pei, the internationally renowned architect, may have his final work in Nanjing, Yangtze Evening News reported.
123) ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market.
124) It has ever been chose as the remembrancer of import international conference and was collected by the famous person both nationally and internationally.
125) An internationally accepted highlevel computer programming language widely used in commercial data processing.
126) As the husband works internationally, the closely knit family's schedule has a 19-hour-a-day operating time stretching from breakfast at 7am to the end of the North American work day at 2am.
127) A lynchpin of the plan is transforming the province into an internationally renowned destination for travelers to learn about the Qiang and Dayu ethnic minorities' cultures within three to five years.
128) And both figures are well below the internationally recognized safety level.
129) Her team is trying to find an internationally acceptable gesture to quieten a ringing phone.
130) We accelerated the reform to institute a stockholding system in SOEs,(Sentencedict) and a number of large companies and conglomerates with the ability to compete internationally were formed.
131) The great - grandson of an Indian chief from Oklahoma had become internationally famous.
132) Inquiry Teaching has been considered an essential part of Fundamental Physics education in novation internationally.
133) Advance what liberalize as global aviation ceaselessly, of aviation trade compete internationally adding increasingly drama.
134) Indeed, the distinctive, concrete, shell-like structure of the Sydney Opera House has made it the internationally recognized symbol of Australia's largest city.
135) Classical reading for pleasure is JinseCul CO, LTD investment book brand, main contact agent global deceased countries scholars, writers and works internationally, and full of domestic producer.
136) Concert pitch is an internationally agreed standard pitch with the A above middle C at 440 vibrations per second, but there have been divergences from this.
137) Contingent fee system originated from U. S. A. It's currently the more popular legal charging method internationally.
138) For the first time, Basel III will also be introducing a new, internationally applied, leverage ratio requirement that includes firms' off balance sheet commitments and exposures.
139) Today the Firestone brand is internationally known as a symbol of quality rubber products.
140) This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists.
141) Cercis chinensis leaf blight disease is a new disease that infects and causes harm to Cercis chinensis, about which there are no researches internationally thus far.
142) Besides, the two parties will pursue other projects such as Open Office, an internationally certified (CC) office suite, and developing Korean language for excellent open software.
143) In recent twenty years, the reform of real property tax systems has been paid great attention and emphasis internationally.
144) Internationally, the applications of automotive composites go with the stream of energy efficiency, environment friendliness and safety.
145) The existing payment system of supply-side cost of medical insurance internationally are of mainly two types that are prospective payment and retrospective payment system.
146) Negotiators pledged that North Korea could have a nuclear energy program for civil electricity generation by meeting strict internationally sanctioned safeguards.
147) Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970 ) was an internationally famous British philosopher.
148) One of the means for the deep reform of higher professional education is to apply flexible study system and the credit hour system, which are used internationally.
149) Methods A comprehensive analysis was made of internationally advanced experience and equipment in biochemical laboratory management and the development of the discipline in China was reviewed.
150) It also took a big step forward in the recognition of Community Psychological Medicine internationally.
151) Mr. Guo Musun is Chinese of Science academician, internationally enjoys the very high prestige chemical expert.
152) Recognized internationally as Veneto's leading wine producer, the Allegrini family has played an important role in the history and development of Italy's Veneto area ever since the 16th century.
153) Internationally, agedness salvation existed as an ethic concept and a practical activity early five hundred BC.
154) The new standards are also favorable for technical exchange internationally for China's products to enter international market.
155) School into highly open, research oriented, internationally renowned and first - class comprehensive school of management in China.
156) The hotel seats on the oriental "Champs Elysees" the laudatory name of Hengshan road, has a good reputation in Shanghai and internationally is a well known four star commerce hotel.
157) Chapter 6 reviews policies in industrial countries and counts their costs and benefits domestically and internationally.
158) Uncertainty is an internationally recognized quality measurement used to assess the parameters, is to report the scale of measurement.
159) Negotiators pledged that North Korea could have a nuclear energy program for civil electric generation by meeting internationally sanctioned safeguards.
159) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
160) Materials are sufficient, cost is low and profit is large to develop the project in the District. The products are internationally advanced and will supply a gap of the province.
161) Dr. Myron Wentz is an internationally recognized microbiologist, immunologist, and pioneer in the development of human cell culture technology and infectious disease diagnoses.
162) Chaga is also called Inonqqus obliquus and chaga, etc, is the internationally acknowledged immune star.
163) Only the Greek Cypriot-controlled Republic of Cyprus is recognized internationally.
164) As a kind of new-style terms of payment, the time that imprest card is using domestic and internationally is not quite long.
165) Writing, producing and directing local film projects from an early age, Maja Borg has gone on to work internationally on films in Sweden, Romania, Scotland, United States and Jordan.
166) The subject which researches MIAO nationality culture has already become an internationally erudition.
167) Internationally renowned geneticist, one of the founders of modern genetics, a distinguished scientist and educator.
168) Introduced the United States a few be engaged in market vitriol domestic and internationally investigate company.
169) This paper presents a CAMAC system which is an internationally accepted standard interface.
170) Labor and capital were mobile within a country, they believed, but not internationally.
171) Internationally acclaimed composer, Tan Dun conducts his composition , 2000 Passion.
172) The contagiousness of the virus will influence the speed of spread, both within countries and internationally.
173) Use recognisable symbols and shapes, such as those internationally accepted for play and fast - forward.
174) DSM is an internationally operating chemical group of companies which has its head office in the Netherlands.
175) The system of export credit insurance is a type of convention being used internationally.
176) Mr. Ralph Allwood, an internationally famous conductor, is using his masterful skills in conducting the boys, who are singing an almost perfect chorale.
177) Dietrich:German-born american actress and singer whose first internationally famous role was the sultry-voiced temptress in The Blue angel (1930).
178) Gillett and Hicks hired Barclays Capital to put out feelers internationally to find a buyer.
179) Ceramist and plastic artist internationally well-known, is also a PhD Prefessor at the university of Sao Paulo.
180) The post office said last month that as of mid-May, it would no longer transport goods internationally via cargo ships for individual customers.
181) I am one of the few young women who has made it as a writer financially and internationally.




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