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单词 Emotionally
1 All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.
2 Emotionally, physically, and financially I was on the ropes.
3 He implied that we were emotionally immature.
4 A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
5 She felt emotionally battered.
6 She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.
7 I am emotionally unavailable.
8 This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.
9 He felt creatively and emotionally sterile.
10 A wedding is an emotionally charged situation.
11 Nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding job.
12 The experience left her emotionally drained.
13 They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.
14 Sue felt exhausted and emotionally drained.
15 The news upset him emotionally.
16 The experience had exhausted her physically and emotionally.
17 You're too emotionally involved with the situation.
18 She tries to remain emotionally detached from her patients.
19 The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parents'divorce.
20 I try not to become emotionally involved.
21 I never wanted to get emotionally involved with him.
22 Several of the children had been sexually/physically/emotionally abused.
23 It was an emotionally stressful time for him.
24 They have suffered physically and emotionally.
25 Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women.
26 She is emotionally immature.
27 Try not to become too emotionally involved with the children in your care.
28 He is emotionally disturbed.
29 Her organization gave succour and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged.
30 A secure background will help a child to grow emotionally.
1 All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.
2 Emotionally, physically, and financially I was on the ropes.
3 He implied that we were emotionally immature.
4 A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
5 She felt emotionally battered.
6 Her organization gave succour and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged.
7 She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.
8 It was an emotionally stressful time for him.
9 She is emotionally immature.
31 Though Paul had wanted a child, he wasn't emotionally ready for it.
32 It's purely a business arrangement?there's no need to get emotionally involved.
33 He was not emotionally stable enough to think through his decision.
34 He was emotionally unstable.
35 He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails.
36 He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict.
37 The teenage years cover a period in which people mature physically and emotionally.
38 She spoke emotionally about her experiences as a war correspondent.
39 She is emotionally disturbed.
40 I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.
41 Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.
42 He became emotionally distant from his friends and family after the illness.
43 Many children have become emotionally disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.
44 It's not always easy for nurses to distance themselves emotionally.
45 In an emotionally charged speech, he said he was resigning.
46 It's hard for nurses to be objective about their patients, if they become too emotionally involved with them.
47 The right-wing group had already been poleaxed mentally and emotionally.
48 She cared for Jem in her way but did not want to become emotionally committed.
49 It was one of those films that leaves you emotionally drained.
50 Are you saying that you're becoming emotionally involved with me?
51 He accused her of being snobbish and emotionally inhibited.
52 The defendant is mentally and emotionally disturbed.
53 They're likely to become emotionally upset.
54 Individual children develop physically and emotionally at different rates.
55 Self-discipline is conquering yourself mentally( ), emotionally and physically. Dr T.P.Chia 
56 I ask Val-does Casey believe he is emotionally disturbed?
57 He was also at loose ends emotionally.
58 He made demands on her mentally and emotionally.
59 Emotionally, nothing could be further from the truth.
60 A mutual therapy session for emotionally dislocated correspondents.
61 Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
62 They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
63 Vartian says he wants the museum to be as emotionally powerful and historically accurate as Washington's U.S.
64 A number of factors may then precipitate a psychotic episode, including emotionally arousing events and a stressful environment.
65 They were no longer disrespectful of authority, and their worship was anything but emotionally fervent.
66 Positive thoughts make people more creative and powerful, mentally and emotionally. Dr T.P.Chia 
67 Was it safe to trust someone who was so emotionally unstable?
68 Physically he had been just one millimetre closer to Doreen than ever before, but emotionally he had crossed a frontier.
69 If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally impulsive person, you are more likely to lose your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
70 She believed that the motivation to lose weight could only come from people bottoming out emotionally.
71 As frailty increases that kind of basic tending by the family may ease the terminal phase for everyone, practically and emotionally.
72 As a child, she had been physically and emotionally abused.
73 Also, emotionally it is very important that we do not carry resentment towards each other.
74 In the high-visibility, emotionally compelling cases such as maternity stays, an uproar resulted.
75 The young prince will feel emotionally bruised that his parents' marriage is over.
76 Most epileptics are quite emotionally stable and have no more difficulty adapting to life situations than the average person.
77 Or are they simply reacting emotionally to finely crafted television commercials and populist rhetoric?
78 The high school environment, it would seem, is one with few peaks and troughs, undemanding and emotionally flat.
79 Similarly, other professionals working in the field of catastrophic illness should have other interests that they are heavily invested in emotionally.
80 Abortion is still a very emotionally charged issue in the U.S.
81 Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally.
82 But it is a skill to be learned and practiced by the teacher / library media specialist of the emotionally disturbed.
83 Life is a great challenge to human beings, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and physically. Dr T.P.Chia 
84 The child is usually too emotionally overwrought to listen to reason.
85 Such a position is, psychologically and emotionally speaking, almost unbearable.
86 And the hardest thing is to be with them emotionally instead of just getting them busy and reading your own book.
87 Organizing the open forum had been emotionally taxing as well.
88 After three months he moved to a half way house for the emotionally disturbed.
89 Those who survive best emotionally do so partly by the gift of their inborn temperament.
90 A 25-date tour saw the band both triumphant and emotionally disturbed.
91 But more important, and certainly more divisive, than such occasions was the endlessly controversial and emotionally potent question of precedence.
92 The teenage years cover a period in which young women and men mature physically, intellectually and emotionally.
93 Brian felt emotionally attached to the unit and staff and felt abandoned and alienated by being moved elsewhere.
94 Hamilton said that, depending on how the students fared emotionally Tuesday morning, he might cancel classes in the afternoon.
95 And even more astonished he went back to la Sologne - not just physically but emotionally.
96 But most types of children can be emotionally healthy individuals and can become wonderful parents.
97 This child is clearly very disturbed emotionally and may require long-term therapy.
98 If I resembled her emotionally, I was in for years of domestic hurricane.
99 Anyway, what she does is work with emotionally disturbed people, teaching them to express their innermost feelings through poetry.
100 Men are emotionally dominated - their minds are always overwhelmed by the power of emotions, and often tend to believe what the heart feels. Dr T.P.Chia 
101 Many protect themselves even from patients' questions, by always being very busy or emotionally unapproachable.
102 When they boarded the train back to London all were still emotionally exhausted: throughout the long journey little was said.
103 This was very disturbing emotionally for George, but it really had to be done.
104 Intellectually rational and emotionally intelligent people are the winners in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
105 But emotionally he was pitiful(), held to ransom by an appalling wife.
106 He abused her both physically and emotionally until his death.
107 With those who reached him emotionally he recreated the rejections he had experienced as a young child.
108 I mean he just used her emotionally and then dumped her.
109 Try to avoid shouting at him or upsetting him emotionally.
110 He is both sharply divided from his party opponents and emotionally involved in electoral contests.
111 As previously stated, the attack is often associated with an emotionally traumatic event.
112 And most people I know find it easier to cope when they do not believe they are emotionally sick.
113 Neither my husband nor I want our daughter to be as emotionally unaware and cut off as most men are.
114 If you are a prudent, self-restrained and emotionally disciplined individual, you will be able to control your future in a better way. Dr T.P.Chia 
115 Some 10,() 000 seriously emotionally disturbed children under age 18 receive behavioral health services.
116 He is emotionally unstable, and his aggressive attitude often culminates in violence.
117 Every day ... I will become emotionally much calmer ... much more settled ... much less easily disturbed.
118 We will teach you that they can be very necessary components in an emotionally healthy life.
119 Love is the greatest joy and love- caretaker, as well as an emotionally selfish and destructive force in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
120 She works with emotionally disturbed people, teaching them to express their innermost feelings through poetry.
121 She was repeatedly told that there was nothing physically wrong with her, that the pain must be emotionally caused.
122 I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers. Woody Allen 
123 Abortion is not a painless procedure, it kills a living unborn baby and can scar a woman both emotionally and physically.
124 Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
125 The problems arise because old age is a period of increasing dependency - materially, physically, socially and emotionally.
126 Even Horton's family hadn't realized how sick he was, both physically and emotionally.
127 They are emotionally unable to take charge of their social and work responsibilities.
128 Other chapter books are, of course, emotionally inappropriate for very young children.
129 Nizan occupied a privileged position in Sartre's life both intellectually and emotionally.
130 For much of the time there was continuous subcutaneous and repressed friction, broken by occasional and emotionally trying attempts at reconciliation.
131 Thirdly, when the situation is emotionally charged with feelings running high, it is more difficult to resolve.
132 Just another morning in just another primary: just another crop of emotionally scarred children.
133 Such emotionally fervent piety was also provided with a catalyst in the devotional use of images.
134 They offer to their old people many opportunities for social interaction and for emotionally rewarding experiences.
135 The emotionally devastating effects of non-accidental injury, especially to children, has been receiving dramatic mass media coverage recently.
136 The time off from competition enabled the players to regroup emotionally and adjust to life without Young.
137 Herskovitz created Thirtysomething and now knows exactly where the emotionally richest fault-lines of family relationships lie.
138 Two emotionally mature parents, moderate family income and stable home life are way ahead of age on the list.
139 It can provide a safety net for children in danger as well as for those who have socially or emotionally lost their way.
140 You can't fault Ayckbourn's production but, for once, his comic vessel has problems carrying such emotionally heavy cargo.
141 Cecilia viuda is highly charged emotionally and tears flow freely.
142 Most parents and teachers believe that mOst work-inhibited students are not severely emotionally disturbed.
143 I was too emotionally immature to ask myself what my own expectations might be.
144 As infants in foster care, both girls had suffered physically and emotionally.
145 We can begin to understand this vital principle when we reflect on how we have been emotionally wounded in the past.
145 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
146 The discovery of his idol's feet of clay proves intolerable to the lonely, emotionally stunted fan.
147 The story of that day unfolds in a way that is delicate, deliberate and emotionally telling.
148 It is a temptation for all mothers whose lives are emotionally unfulfilled.
149 Member of the multidisciplinary team Primary nurses aim to establish an emotionally therapeutic relationship with their patients based on trust and confidence.
150 They relate less to their child, play less with her, in an attempt to stay emotionally distant from her.
151 Constantly guarding their rather distant borders of self, they become emotionally disconnected, often enduring the consequent loneliness for a lifetime.
152 He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
153 After losing the game, Coach Saylor came to the press conference looking and sounding emotionally drained.
154 BWhile not physically abused, Tamika, like most children of addicts, is emotionally starved.
155 She was so emotionally fragile that being sober was simply too painful.
156 Science's masculine image makes it more appealing to boys who are likely to be less emotionally mature.
157 The woman is much more emotionally exposed to the disappointments and false dawns.
158 Cecile was emotionally overwrought.
159 How much easier to cut yourself off from all these problems and withdraw emotionally into the less demanding machine of prison life.
160 Statistics can be notoriously unreliable, particularly in a sport as emotionally excitable as football.
161 They included the emotionally disturbed, the retarded and the neurologically damaged.
162 It explains how to make sure that fathers are emotionally connected to their children when they are home and when they travel.
163 A most practical and emotionally calloused Youth interrupted.
164 Dealing with hirsutism and PCOS can be emotionally difficult.
165 Dyslexia can also affect person emotionally.
166 Dyslexia can also affect the a person emotionally.
167 The play is emotionally naked and relentlessly visceral.
168 Dyslexia can also affect a person emotionally.
169 We feel physically abler and emotionally freer.
170 However, the skyline is making people somehow emotionally constrained.
171 He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose.
172 The object has no real value, materially or emotionally.
173 It satisfies the user's requirements both functionally and emotionally.
174 Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally.
175 If your parents leaned too heavily on you emotionally, you might still need to be parented,(http:///emotionally.html) no matter what your age.
176 Techniques for healing emotionally include colour therapy, energetic drainage, trigger point release, creative self expression, and cell memory healing.
177 Admittedly, what you learn near June 18 will make you feel emotionally overwrought.
178 We are totally captivated, both emotionally and intellectually, by all the imaginary realness of the dream.
179 Individual growth process, is actually a continuous processing requirements of the process, and some of the essence of emotionally connected needs are not satisfied, can produce growth trauma.
180 Women who felt abandoned by their fathers are likely to choose emotionally unavailable husbands, for example, and men raised by hypercritical moms will be drawn to wives who pick on them, he says.
181 The study, "When Emotionality Trumps Reason," examines how jurors make decisions rationally and emotionally.
182 My show is an exercise in will - fully ignorant, emotionally based, non intellectual, incurious passion about things.
183 Emotionally invested in their well-being, he was thrilled when an experimental drug, L-DOPA, snapped them out of their coma.
184 When we lose a dear friend, someone we have loved deeply, we are left with a grief that can paralyse us emotionally for a long time.
185 With a laid-off father who likes drinking and often scolds him without reason, he says he hardly feels emotionally attached to his father.
186 Her mother was an out of control channel that would bring through some of the most vicious of entities that would batter Mila emotionally and physically.
187 Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally?
188 Life for the successful doctor can be emotionally and financially rewarding.
189 The amygdala had the greatest response to scenes as most emotionally intense.
190 Whenever the stately national anthem is performed, I am invariably emotionally roused.
191 Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future - not wedded to the past.
192 The answer is that by then I would have emotionally attached myself to this person and would then be in a situation where I would either have to settle for less than what I wanted, or break it off.
193 One day while he was autographing books in a Harlem department store, an emotionally disturbed black woman pushed her way through the crowd and thrust a sharp letter opener into King's chest.
194 Spouse revenge filicide: occurs when a mother kills her child to emotionally harm that child's father.
195 Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
196 This jibes with research showing that women are physiologically and emotionally more sensitive to unsatisfactory relationships.
197 Rectovaginal fistula, an abnormal epithelium-lined communication between the rectum and vagina, poses a great impact emotionally, socially, and sexually in all affected women.
198 According to a new survey, 84 per cent of women struggle with so-called 'toxic friends' who are self-absorbed, emotionally draining, critical or backstabbing.
199 He had never learned that a person might be emotionally -- instead of intellectually -- great.
200 But whether that flexibility is intrinsic, or rather cultural, socialised or even emotionally led, remains a grey area.
201 They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.
202 The regimental commander who told me these spoke slowly and emotionally.
203 The vasectomy, he explained, was because children could weaken a fighter emotionally, distracting him from the cause of waging class war and destroying capitalism.
204 Junior High is a transition time for our students physically, emotionally and academically.
205 Secondly, migrants find difficulty in integrating with city life culturally and emotionally.
206 When you're emotionally overwrought, it can be hard to remember exactly what was said.
207 When teens drive the course alone, in what Steinberg calls the emotionally "cool" situation of an empty room, they take risks at about the same rates that adults do.
208 They become overly sensitive to relationships with others and can lash out emotionally.
209 This is an excellent lunation for examining our belief structures and learning about those places where we are most emotionally invested in being right.
210 Ah, this has to do with holographic manipulations and emotionally charged scarring that lock in such thought-form from long ago.
211 Remember to use the knowledge gained from reading the guest to point out features that might provide a benefit; instead allure and entice them with visually and emotionally descriptive language.
212 A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that change of life.
213 You may be a little emotionally disoriented at the eclipse, so don't make any rash moves while you're in reactive mode.
214 Feeling emotionally and playfully engaged with your partner is a must.




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