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单词 Misconduct
1. He was fired for serious misconduct .
2. The father chastised his son for his misconduct.
3. The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
4. The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.
5. She was sacked last year for gross misconduct.
6. The manager resigned suddenly amidst rumours of misconduct.
7. His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.
8. The doctor was accused of professional misconduct.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. You made a public accusation of misconduct against Nigel.
10. The boy's misconduct cost his mother many sleepless nights.
11. Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.
12. He was assailed for gross misconduct.
13. His misconduct let in a host of troubles.
14. She was found guilty of gross misconduct .
15. The directors all deny financial misconduct.
16. Five civil servants were dismissed for dishonesty and misconduct.
17. There was no misconduct on the part of the police.
18. Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.
19. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
20. The congressman launched a strong attack on the president's misconduct.
21. She is now faced with dismissal on the grounds of misconduct.
22. He was unceremoniously removed from the list of members(), for gross misconduct.
23. The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.
24. They will consider whether or not he has been guilty of serious professional misconduct.
25. She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husband's alleged misconduct with his secretary.
26. A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.
27. Staff can lose their jobs only on grounds of professional misconduct.
28. Institutions tend to close ranks when a member has been accused of misconduct.
29. Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.
30. He was struck off the medical register for professional misconduct.
1. He was fired for serious misconduct .
2. The father chastised his son for his misconduct.
3. The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
4. The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.
5. She was sacked last year for gross misconduct.
6. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
7. The boy's misconduct cost his mother many sleepless nights.
8. His misconduct let in a host of troubles.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
31. She was fired for serious professional misconduct.
32. Purinton picked up a 10-minute misconduct penalty.
33. The commission decided there was no evidence of misconduct.
34. Mrs Jonker, of Southport, said Miss Owen had been sacked for gross misconduct after written and verbal warnings.
35. On receipt of the reply from the employer it was stated that Mr. Docherty had been dismissed for misconduct.
36. We usually treat physical violence towards others as gross misconduct and this could result in summary dismissal.
37. Tranmere Rovers manager John Aldridge has been fined after admitting misconduct.
38. An employer is entitled to dismiss an employee for misconduct.
39. Eight officers face misconduct charges before the Police Commission in connection with the Williams case.
40. Moral ambivalence is probably associated with a number of other features which distinguish regulatory misconduct from breaches of the traditional code.
41. Billy Bremner During his first ten seasons as a professional,[] Bremner lost almost half a season through misconduct.
42. Within ten days, a special prosecutor had been appointed to look into criminal misconduct.
43. There was a contractual term dealing with summary dismissal for gross misconduct.
44. Instead they retain the status of written professional standards. Serious or persistent breach of the standards could amount to professional misconduct.
45. A subsequent grand jury said there was insufficient evidence of misconduct.
46. He had been a flop there too because, after a couple of years, he had left amidst rumours of misconduct.
47. Expulsion from Congress is reserved for the most serious misconduct and is considered unlikely in this case.
48. Her attorney, Jon Wu, said she was being wrongfully blamed for alleged misconduct by subordinates.
49. At the same time, some of the misconduct charges appear to have merit, according to officials.
50. This principle might not be restricted to cases of misconduct or lack of capability.
51. The court also has a power to appoint new trustees and to remove a trustee for unfitness or misconduct.
52. This section covered police misconduct and the maximum sentence was one year in jail.
53. In exchange, the companies would be protected from punitive damage awards on past misconduct but not future misconduct.
54. The probe, code-named Foxglove, has long been marred by accusations of misconduct against the original two investigators.
55. The agency monitors police activities and investigates allegations of cop misconduct.
56. Inspector Michael Stasko, who has a background of investigating fraud and police misconduct, joined him there.
57. But these activities are not the type of persistent misconduct contemplated as the object of the independent counsel law.
58. Ask about the qualifications and training of workers, and whether the agency insures against misconduct.
59. Much of the debate over misconduct centered on whether Exxon acted properly by continuing to employ Valdez Capt.
60. Today, Dole and Barbour are gone and Gingrich stands diminished after having been reprimanded by the House for ethical misconduct.
61. Remember that it is not only a refusal to perform your normal duties which can amount to gross misconduct.
62. The council alleged serious professional misconduct after Mr Cole failed to give a patient a signed statement or prescription.
63. She also points to a 1989-90 grand jury report that alleged widespread police misconduct while Kolender was chief.
64. The police officer found guilty of being drunk on duty was dismissed for gross misconduct.
65. She never spoke of his unfaithfulness, never blamed him for his misconduct.
66. The employers learned of the letters and summarily dismissed the employees for gross misconduct.
67. Jones will stand trial for three charges of sexual misconduct.
68. He was suspended from duty and then, in November,[/misconduct.html] found guilty of gross misconduct.
69. Proceedings under the Children Act 1989 are civil but may involve allegations of very serious misconduct.
70. An employer need not give any notice if the employee's conduct constitutes gross misconduct justifying instant dismissal.
71. He was dismissed for gross misconduct, which seems to have centred on drug taking and homosexual activities.
72. He denied he had ever been guilty of professional misconduct, and he was just about to be disbarred in New York.
73. In any case of gross misconduct no notice or pay would be due.
74. She faces eight charges of misconduct and abuse of power.
75. In 1982 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and undertook not to let it happen again.
76. That set the fur flying and even United coach Geoff Konopka was also sent off for serious misconduct.
77. Unfortunately, as history has shown(), some of the companies are guilty of misconduct in the pursuit of such profit.
78. Serious or persistent breach of the standards could amount to professional misconduct.
79. At present, therapists cannot be found guilty of professional misconduct.
80. Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute serious misconduct.
81. How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance?
82. Church takes accusations of sexual misconduct extremely seriously.
83. I acquit Edward of all essential misconduct.
84. I. Unreasonable demand and work stoppage, serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the FISHERMAN of the lawful orders of his superiors.
85. The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.
86. But a leaked directive from theCentral Propaganda Bureau revealed a more salacious side to his misconduct:"All media are not to report or hype the news that Liu Zhijun had 18mistresses."
87. Sexual misconduct is a fuse for setting off social disorder.
88. Therefore, to avoid a vacuous academic talk, ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance.
89. Capitals are increased by parsimony, and diminished by prodigality and misconduct.
90. A related text is found in 1 Corinthians 11 where Paul rebukes and admonishes the church because of the misconduct of some at the Lord's Table.
91. The Company's Audit Committee will lead all investigations of alleged violations or misconduct.
92. Seventhly, negative impact of market economy during the period of social transition is the social condition of PE teachers' misconduct.
93. Incapacitation by sickness or disease caused directly or indirectly by your misconduct.
94. As one of the serious official misconduct crime, misprision is attacked by each authority at anytime.
95. The misconduct of the business resulted in a loss of 10,000 dollars.
96. In cases of serious misconduct or incompetence, the Employee may be dismissed without any period of prior notice or warning.
97. Delay in making presentment for payment is excused when the delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the holder, and not imputable to his default , misconduct, or negligence.
98. And nationwide,[http:///misconduct.html] male teachers still commit far more sexual misconduct than females.
99. Yet doing so will be hard, not least because of the country's well-earned reputation for pervasive academic and scientific misconduct.
100. We do targeted integrity tests where we believe that an officer or a group of officers are engaged in some sort of serious misconduct or corruption.
101. The theory of misconduct responsibility of expert attestor is very convincing, so in practice, there has been deviation from the tradition.
102. ORI monitors institutional investigations of research misconduct and facilitates the responsible conduct of research (RCR) through educational, preventive, and regulatory activities.
103. It always has a strong connection of the act of the behavioral agent and this kind of act contains using privilege, abusing rights, scrimshank and self-seeking misconduct.
104. Balboa was accused of criminal misconduct in regard to his record keeping.
105. Sometimes there is no legal remedy for types of journalistic misconduct that can upset readers and viewers.
106. Whether on the bench for a term of years or for life, a judge may be removed from office only for gross misconduct and only by formal proceedings.
107. Immediacy refers to the length of time between the misconduct and the discipline.
108. Models of how to deal with scientific misconduct come in all shapes and sizes, Mayer says.
109. What in the west is considered serious misconduct (cheating at exams, fabricating research data, ghostwriting or plagiarism come to mind) are routine practices and seldom punished.
110. Mutual action in criminal law mainly includes buying action, misconduct, breach of duty and certain transgression and other mutual actions.
111. With the recalculation of base inflation since then, the penalty for this misconduct would have cost to date of approximately 300 thousand dollars.
112. Punitive damages are often requested by a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the defendant for his misconduct, and are awarded with an amount beyond the plaintiffs actual loss.
113. At the present stage, there exist the phenomena of love faille or sexual misconduct due to wrong view of love, especially education loss of view on love from school and family.
114. Gibson said an internal School District investigation found no other allegations of criminal misconduct by Sprinkel.
115. He's already charged with perjury , obstruction of justice and misconduct.
116. The purpose of such review is to recognize meritorious performance asas to investigate possible misconduct.
117. When using punishment, it must be to the extent of the misconduct and not delayed.
118. If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial, a later prosecution may be barred.
119. Not withstanding any other provision in this agreement, the Employer may terminate this agreement summarily and without notice for serious misconduct on the part of the Employee.
120. Some of the misconduct is so institutionalised that it passes for normality. When, for instance, a free-kick is flying in there will be bumping and blocking in the goalmouth.
121. Official misconduct was a blot on his predecessor's fair name.
122. I'm obligated file a report if I feel there's been prisoner misconduct.
123. The employee has engaged in serious misconduct leading to material damage.
124. A jury found the airline guilty of wilful misconduct because its lax security allowed a suitcase bomb on to the plane.
124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125. He was hurt by any allusion to his previous misconduct.
126. Death penalty is usually imposed because of some type of gross misconduct.
127. However, the limits were not applicable if the federal government could show that the discharge was due to "willful negligence or willful misconduct within the privity and knowledge of the owner".
128. Eighthly, lack of relevant laws and regulations is the institutional origin of PE teachers' misconduct.
129. Take steps to prevent corrupt practices and professional misconduct. Declare conflicts of interest.
130. Throughout the trial, the first of its type In Mankato, we maIntaIned our policy for sexual misconduct cases that come to trial In crimInal court.
131. He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press.
132. Aren't you just using Akira as camouflage to cover up your misconduct?
133. Talking in a whiny voice may be dementing but it is not gross misconduct.
134. The employee had been dismissed for serious misconduct when he was observed using a mobile phone while driving the employer's fuel tanker.




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