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单词 Woven
1, The fabric is woven on these machines.
2, The strips of willow are woven into baskets.
3, The fabric is woven of cotton.
4, The fibres are woven into fabric.
5, The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.
6, The baskets are woven from strips of willow.
7, This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets.
8, The carpet was specially woven to commemorate the 1,000th anniversary of the cathedral's foundation.
9, Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.
10, The story is woven by that boy.
11, His coat was woven from wool of many colors.
12, Thread of real gold can be woven into silk.
13, A pattern is woven into the fabric.
14, The floors are covered with woven straw mats.
15, Threads of real gold were woven into the cloth for the royal garments.
16, Fragments of woven cloth at the site(), clearly point to the production of textiles.
17, The whisky is inextricably woven into Scotland's history, customs and culture.
18, She had woven a whole fantasy about living in a cottage by the sea.
19, The biography is woven from the many accounts which exist of things she did.
20, But it takes shape as it is woven.
21, Melton is a thick,(http:///woven.html) very tightly woven woollen cloth.
22, She wore bracelets woven of Peruviian string.
23, Taffeta Nylon: A closely woven lightweight nylon.
24, Use underlay under woven carpet, or jute-backed tufted carpet.
25, The webs which are woven are many and varied.
26, Climbers had woven their way into the timber railings.
27, The woven fabric will have a surface pattern similar to that shown in Fig 1.
28, Sure, being a lesbian is intricately woven into the web of my identity.
29, I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 
30, None of this would have been possible without the development of a woven artificial grass.
1, The fabric is woven on these machines.
2, The strips of willow are woven into baskets.
3, The fabric is woven of cotton.
4, The fibres are woven into fabric.
5, The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.
6, The baskets are woven from strips of willow.
7, This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets.
8, The carpet was specially woven to commemorate the 1,000th anniversary of the cathedral's foundation.
9, Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.
10, His coat was woven from wool of many colors.
11, Threads of real gold were woven into the cloth for the royal garments.
31, Alternatively, stripes on the body of the garment can be combined with a central woven panel using several different stitches.
32, The motions of the earth are woven into our daily lives in myriad ways.
33, They rebounded off the woven mat of cabin tops, spraying out horizontally.
34, The formula attains a high mark when a diversity of variables is woven into a unified design.
35, To each side of the hearth was a high-backed wicker armchair in an intricate closely woven design fitted with patchwork cushions.
36, Margaret fell in love with a muted green-based carpet with a pattern of tiny red squares woven around the borders.
37, Woven textile cloths are manufactured mainly from natural fibres such as cotton or linen although some have a proportion of man made fabrics.
38, Diagonal designs, whether painted on bare floor boards or woven into carpets, will always seem to push space out.
39, It is a fine example of Stoddard Mercia Contract's Custom facility, where a special design can be woven.
40, Others were wet and clingy and had pulsing red veins and stringy muscle cords woven into them.
41, There may be surprises, but they are woven into the fabric, the kind of surprises you live with.
42, The seats of their stools are woven rubber inner tubes.
43, At the entrance to the bathroom, I slipped off my regular slippers and put on woven straw slippers.
44, The hotelier family's punning motif-a bull with its horns to the ground-was woven into the vestibule carpet.
45, Conversely a loosely woven fabric would not be successful for a Roman blind, which requires a firm, stable fabric.
46, After knitting some simple woven fabrics using a single colour of weaving yarn, why not experiment with different yarn combinations.
47, Although Liverpool held the territorial advantage for long spells, their elaborate patterns were woven to little effect.
48, When discovered, her face and upper body were protected by a large woven winnowing basket.
49, Man and algae sealed in the capsule divorced themselves from the wide net woven by the rest of life.
50, A simple weaving shed or thread separator is used to raise and lower the warp threads through which the weft is woven.
51, The panama hat, in the finest woven straw, is the most classic version and a worthwhile investment.
51, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
52, The web was so finely woven that he had no way forward but by continuing the deceit.
53, Textrix weaves a sheet web composed of extremely fine and closely woven silk.
54, Shopkeepers beckoned us into their premises where we were tempted by sparkling silver jewellery and traditional greek hand woven mats.
55, The faint sound of his cello, as I lay tucked up in bed, is woven into my childhood memories.
56, His name was derived from his habit of wearing a blue hood of coarsely woven cloth which masked his face.
57, Beneath the cloak was a kind of blouse, made from woven brown wool with long sleeves edged in red.
58, The present Spinnery was the local retail outlet for the fine woven and embroidered work.
59, The far edge of the acacia grove was bordered by a shoulder-high wall topped by woven millet stalks.
60, If they had asked, I would have pulled them myself, woven them into an amulet.
61, By the end of the evening an extraordinarily complex pattern will have been woven, initiated by just one person.
62, Hand woven needlepoint and rag rugs, cushions, throws and fabric accessories.
63, And there had been green and gold and scarlet dragons painted on every wall and woven into every silk hanging.
64, Anyone who is interested in woven textiles will find this a useful source book.
65, Throw-over bedspreads are another great use for the thicker woven lengths.
66, The walls were made of stripped palm fronds, closely woven and tied with hemp to the wooden uprights.
67, He was wrapped in a blanket and had a crudely woven cap on his head.
68, Fig. 2 shows very simple woven stripes using design 1.
69, Miriam presiding over a display of woven baskets and woolly mitts - some hopes!
70, An account of that can be woven into the story of skulduggery that now follows.
71, The walls were lined with another fine matting woven in a large diamond design of red and green.
72, Aimed at the hotel and brewery market Victoriana is a new range of jacquard woven fabric by Sekers.
73, The yarn to be woven should be threaded through the second side of the yarn mast.
74, Five mill owners in Lewis nevertheless spun yarn woven by the crofters.
75, Merchants would travel around on a regular basis giving out raw materials and collecting the spun, or woven, product.
76, She wore an immaculate grey suit and a tasteful, blue woven hat.
77, Information technologies, including a combination of telecommunications and computing, are the cord out of which the organizational fishnet is woven.
78, Spun wool and woven cloth would be displayed for their inspection.
79, Knit an even number of rows without weaving before knitting another two-row woven stripe.
80, In addition, prefixes are used to indicate that a particular rug was woven by a sub-group of a better known major group.
81, The lay brothers brought the fleeces to hamlet and village and collected the spun yarn and woven cloth from the workers.
82, The boats are made mostly of rice straw,(Sentencedict) woven and bound together.
83, Tears are clearly woven through her life in a natural way.
84, Their womenfolk were dressed in tanned skins with beads woven into their hair.
85, High quality, tightly woven fabric is used, with Hood's renowned soft finish for easy handling and long life.
86, They can be woven into the fabric of everyday life, the human experiences of trying and failing.
87, They supply the trade with top quality woven and printed furnishing fabrics and proudly display the Royal Warrant.
88, Jobs are woven into the fabric of our public policy and the laws we live under.
89, A new spider had woven from her shoulder to her upraised arm, a film-set touch that was too apposite.
90, Set in San Diego, the play examines the tangled web woven by those who conceal certain truths from others.
91, It is woven into our souls and has an evocative quality.
92, They controlled this cottage industry by buying, selling, transporting and exchanging raw wool, spun yam and woven cloth.
93, Always remember to return them to non-working position after completing the woven fabric.
94, Those were distant days, when the fishermen on my island had long woven baskets like loaves of bread.
95, Twilight and mystery were woven into the words - along with fear and a reluctance to accept the inevitable.
96, Most clothes were of woven wool or linen, and the richest people even had silk garments.
97, The gold threads and the jewels woven through it sparkled in the light of the lamps.
98, For example, it will work with kaolin and woven fabrics.
99, Curtains of closely woven cotton lace were stretched across the windows, fastened so tightly they kept out both air and sun.
100, Sekers Service Supreme Breaking all records, Sekers supplied a customer with specially woven cloth in an amazingly short time.
101, All tend to be regarded as semi-disposable but life can be extended by bonding reinforcing woven mesh or synthetic sponge laminates.
102, Textured seats and colourful woven floor matting add to the hot tropical ambiance.
103, It looked as though it had been woven like the baskets which were used to collect tea from the old plantations.
104, Or an infinity of channels coming from tiny speakers woven into the table cloth?
105, They made me wonder if I could use pure woven wool as a base for my own technique with the machine.
106, The Everqueen herself gifted him with a heart-shaped broach which she had woven with enchantments for his safe return.
107, Some collections are using fine knitted fabrics for jackets, which have traditionally been made from woven fabrics.
108, It is this which makes a patterned woven carpet something special, a point not always understood by the customer.
109, It enables borders to be woven as an integral part of the carpet allowing continuation of the design without mitred corners.
110, Not quite so easily found just yet, but proving popular, are linen-Lycra mixes, often in knitwear rather than woven fabrics.
111, A chain of greasy hair is woven in his comb.
111, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
112, Arachne's contribution was a woven hanging on which she had depicted the lives and loves of the gods.
113, Turakina had on a gown into which were woven gold and silver threads.
114, But it was the omnipresent manufacturer's logo woven into increasingly complex designs that really offended the fashion police.
115, The outside of the shoe was constructed from woven fabric and metal with a ribbed silicon rubber tread.
116, Versatec: A densely woven fabric made from highly breathable superfine fibres.
117, In fact, both of these subjects are woven into the core courses Jimi has had today.
118, Even the accounts of the slave revolt are woven skillfully into the novel.
119, The design is transferred to the loom and woven into the carpet.
120, It was almost a shock to realise that there were actually big waves out beyond the flimsy rim of woven basketwork.
121, The grasses are woven together with cotton to form a mat, which is then bonded on to a paper backing.
122, Woven into these personal accounts are potted histories of disturbing events, ancient and modern.
123, They are instruments for national survival and should be woven into the whole fabric of the primary school curriculum.
124, L.D.P.'s stair runners are woven with borders in a variety of narrow widths.
125, It could also be woven into an invisibility cloak.
126, Many woven fabrics are constructed using the plain weave.
127, It is woven of [ from ] silk .
128, The government used the sumptuary law of woven gold as the main methods of forbidding the expenditure of luxury in Song Dynasty.
129, Arts & Crafts : all kinds of straw - woven & wicker baskets.
130, Such as: paper, plastic film, woven fabrics, aluminum and so on.
131, The cloth is woven herringbone twill and is composed of flax fibrils entwined with cotton fibrils.
132, Pathologic analysis revealed a subchondral fracture with callus formation, indicated by the presence of woven bone, in all cases.
133, Electric permeability tester can detect knitting, woven fabric, non-woven fabrics and other textile materials in certain pressure on the permeability properties.
134, Tootle helps keep them all organized with convenient side pockets in this made-to-last fabric tote with durable woven handles.
135, With the Air Gripper System ( AGS ), spandex yarns in the weft also are woven faultlessly.
136, Against or longer –woven products mark the automatic loading , blanking systems users can greatly facilitate the use , a substantial increase in production efficiency.
137, The same day, Philomela read the message woven into the robe.
138, Products include shopping bag, garbage bag , T - shirt bag, biodegradable bag bag, non woven bag.
139, Features: This network is a woven belt and a right-left helical screw alternately weave, usually connected by straight or curved section string section string.
140, In" Doctor Faustus "(1947), the authors composer Lai Fu Jin personal tragedy and national tragedy woven into one.
141, Wreaths are woven of wool, feathers(), or even human hair.
142, Four groups of water - jets are woven into a cat's cradle of thirty - two interlacing streams.
143, Sichuan Mingjian garments Co. ltd a vertical company specializes in denims and woven.
144, They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines.
145, He had even lusted for Halina, already woven a net in readiness to ensnare her.
146, Wove paper: Paper produced Using a plain, woven dandy roll and there fore without laid lines, as distinct from Laid paper.
147, Fabrics with extremely complicated woven designs are manufactured using Jacquard loom attachments.
148, Each doll is a kind of color, from start to finish chosen by a woven cotton, hemp rope, and a cluster of heavens and the earth's aura, so it has a magical legend of magic.
149, Woven, Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics, Jacquards , Knits Linings , Prints, Strh, Wovens.
150, Woven modacrylic fabric, containing less than 85% by wight of continuous madacrylic material mixed mainly or solely with cotton excl. pile and chenille fabrics.
151, These fibers in the sized condition can be plied and woven into fabric.
152, Usage:It is mainly applied to hydraulic looms and air-jet looms for recording the length of woven fabric, provided with auto-stop function at fixed length.
153, A statement from the museum explains that Shiloh will sport "Mom's signature pouty lips and delicate features" and "will lie peacefully inside a woven bassinet.
154, There on the floor were rag rugs Ellen had dyed and woven herseof.
155, His love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion.
156, Inspired by country folk's loose "smocks", Burberry designed a tightly woven fabric made from water-repellent linen or cotton yarn.
157, Manufacture of endless woven wire cloth used in paper production is described.
158, Terry cloth is a type of fabric with woven loops providing thickness.
159, Serr and Forde used 9 X 15 cm bags of tightly woven white cotton gabardine.
160, These threads had not as yet been successfully woven together.
161, It was a melancholy little drama,(http:///woven.html) woven from bits and scraps of gossip and neighbourhood legend.
162, PACKING: ( Domestic ) In plastic woven bags of are packed in gunny bag of 25 kgs net each.
163, Meet Tonia Welter's Keyboard Tablecloth, a fully functional keyboard with electronics woven into a water-resistant fabric shaped like a large doily.
164, Structure:High Temperature High Pressure Hose for the winding wire matrix, skin coated nano-refractory coating layer, stainless steel wire woven layer and layer fire-retardant composition.
165, A court is not bound to credit bald assertions, unsupportable conclusions, and opprobrious epithets woven into the fabric of the complaint.
166, Regardless of the weft being woven, the machine adjusts every insertion for minimal air consumption.
167, FR 4 : Flame Retardent laminate made from woven glass fiber material impregnated with epoxy resin.
168, Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
169, Zhuang Jin for cotton yarn to by, for the five - color line of latitude and woven into.
170, Their works, which have woven the emotions and wishes of people into an art from, are movingly powerful and thus reflects the spirit of their times.
171, They knew nothing of cultivation and nothing of any sort of basketwork or woven cloth.
172, For years, all these strands had been woven through our Indochina policy.
173, Woven Roving is a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving in plain weave pattern.
174, The furniture is covered with horse - hair woven in alternate dull and glossy stripes.




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