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单词 Vulture
1. He's a bit of a culture vulture - always out at galleries and theatres.
2. Co. investment firm specializes in vulture investing.
3. I felt like a vulture sitting there waiting for bad emergencies to happen.
4. Mack Stroupe is circling like a vulture, even as we speak.
5. The decline of the vulture is due to the success of livestock farming and loss of habitat.
6. The king vulture sat on its perch, naked head and neck.
7. Two-year-old form suggests Culture Vulture will be the toughest rival for Musicale.
8. The vulture is manipulating the stone and using it as an extension of its beak to crack the egg.
9. The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor.
10. There is a vulture that breaks ostrich eggs by hurling stones with its beak.
11. In some areas the vulture has vanished, with extinction possibly five years away.
12. That vulture is capable of doing anything.
13. Was G ---- a vulture after all?
14. American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard.
15. Bearded vulture, Drakensberg Range, South Africa.
16. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. A vulture feeds on carrion.
18. The Turkey Vulture could scent up to 10 miles.
19. We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.
20. The vulture extended his scrawny neck.
21. How can vulture good tooth?
22. This product becomes by a Laos red acid vulture.
23. Fall while fighting me, and you'll be vulture meat!
24. Yes, he looks like a real vulture.
25. Once he even took off after a circling turkey vulture.
26. Also in a remarkable state of preservation is a flute made h-am the ulna at Vulture.
27. When Creed called, Jed was watching a news report about a vulture who'd just been arrested on a murder charge.
28. Williams Holdings is perhaps the classic example of the vulture purchaser.
29. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
30. The scent of disaster attracted her like carrion attracts the vulture.
31. Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture.
32. Often you would see some dead animal floating by and a vulture or two would be on it, and the crows would flutter around it hoping for a bite.
33. A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.
34. Currently, humans are doing little to help the spread and survival of the Egyptian vulture populations.
35. Unexpectedly, just gave a city, fly from inside sky suddenly a vulture holds the flesh.
36. It is also home to some giant animals like the eland, the world's largest antelope, and the bearded vulture, a huge raptor.
37. Fiat's Sergio Marchionne had spoken too bluntly about the need to cut capacity in Europe, and RHJ was portrayed as a vulture investor.
38. These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture.
39. On a snowy Spanish hillside in Aragon, a griffon vulture vies with a raven for a scrap of food.
40. A naked Lady, with swelling breasts full of Milk, with a Vulture on her Hand.
41. This product becomes by the red sandalwood lump fine vulture.
42. The vulture is one step closer to mealtime than jackal, but it's not home free yet.
43. Check out this lappet-faced vulture. Would you wanna mess with this bird?
44. Avalokitesvara, standing in the centre, is reminiscent of scenes of the Buddha preaching at the Vulture Peak, by reason of the large almond-shaped aureole.
45. The ninth stick opens Dehong old person to pull the seeing-eye dog , in accompanies a sick person to provide nursing care under the help runs to hundred year city vulture.
46. There are some things that would gag even a vulture.
47. The Egyptian vulture population declined by 90 percent in India during the past decade.
48. You're looking at a glorious bird that may just be the most unappreciated creature on the African Serengeti. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.
49. Why does the vulture always hover in the sky here?
50. In StarCraft, some units had instant attack animations (Corsair, Mutalisk,[http://] Vulture).
51. Indeed , one species, the slender - billed vulture , numbers a mere 400.
52. A: There are some things that would gag even a vulture.
53. A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus) of the vulture family, ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage.
54. He had the eye of a vulture - a pale blue eye, with a film over it.
55. There's three pounds of food in there, and it's gonna stay in there. Right? Not if this Egyptian vulture has anything to do with it.
56. The Egyptian vulture, a new addition to IUCN's 2007 Red List, has declined along with many other vulture species.
57. See someone come, two cinereous vulture Tengs get empty but rise, empty in the half in hover around, finally seeing have no machine can take advantage o, hence the flying of Yang Yang walked.
58. The Egyptian vulture is one of the few birds in the world that figure out how to use a stone as a tool.
59. Early people's hawk and vulture on the ground to the mountain, albatrosses, gulls on the sea surface, can float to fly in the vast sky , could not be regarded as intelligibly .
60. At nearly four feet tall, it's the largest, most aggressive vulture on the Serengeti.
61. A very large vulture (Gymnogyps californianus), related to the condor of South America, found in the southern California mountains and nearly extinct.
62. The Egyptian vulture is one of the few birds in the world to figure out how to use a stone as a tool.
63. It depicts the familiar eye of Horus, a symbol of protection from evil, flanked by the cobra goddess representing Lower Egypt and the vulture goddess representing Upper Egypt.
64. A turkey vulture spreads its wings in one of California's deserts.
65. It is a large, black vulture with patches of white on the underside of the wings and a largely bald head with skin color ranging from yellowish to a bright red, depending on the bird's mood.
66. On the way to the Police concert, we stopped in Williamsburg. Jai thought it was hysterical that a turkey vulture followed me around for several hours during a walk.




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