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单词 Slate
1) The sea was the colour of slate.
2) Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers.
3) The walls were mostly slate.
4) Its slate roof differentiates this house from others.
5) The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote.
6) The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.
7) Their cottage was roofed with green slate.
8) A skilled person can split slate into layers.
9) The area has been mined for slate for centuries.
10) Could you put these drinks on the slate?
11) The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.
12) A loose slate had fallen from the roof.
13) The falling slate sliced into his arm.
14) Slate splits easily into thin sheets.
15) 30,000 tonnes of slate are gouged out of the mountains every week.
16) Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again?
17) The slate roof differentiates this house from others in the area.
18) His eyes were dull like slate, grey like slate.
19) Start with a blank slate in the new year.
20) Massive slate crags rise above the river bank.
21) A slate floor ensures easy cleaning.
22) That slate face cracked pink, ran a tongue the color of strawberry ice cream over the lips.
23) Filtration: Undergravel Decor: The tank contains slate and bogwood with plastic plants.
24) I've no change, could you put these eggs on the slate?
25) A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean.
26) The proposal is to pay everything you owe,[http:///slate.html] so that you can start with a clean slate.
27) He received a nasty knock on the head from a falling slate.
28) Immature has tail brown but throat white, with most of bill slate blue.
29) It is dark green in plumage on the back with slate colour almost approaching to black below.
30) Orson Pratt, one of the originals, stressed the clean slate of history on which they wrote.
1) The sea was the colour of slate.
2) The walls were mostly slate.
3) The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote.
4) The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.
5) The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.
31) By flaking off successive layers, the tree displays a bark of beige, cinnamon, lime green and slate blue.
32) The mill still stands and is a curious mixture of brick, elm, slate and corrugated iron.
33) The pink brick and grey slate was catching the dying rays of the sun.
34) Suppose that a slate falls from our roof, leaving the attic exposed.
35) The bright light of Provence changed theatrically as the sky darkened to grey, then turned slate purple.
36) The bambina hardly knows me, let's give her, too, a start on a clean slate.
37) He promptly went into Cicero politics, runnIng his own slate of candidates.
38) Outside the snow was already melting on the slate roofs of the houses.
39) The falls of the flowers are a delicate yellowish green veined with slate blue.
40) We have often supplied rocks or slate, only to find the eggs laid on the side of the tank.
41) First among these was the introduction of penances which, it was hoped, would wipe the slate clean.
42) A lumberjack peered down from the slate above the door.
43) If the purists object to removing a slate roof and replacing it, then tough.
44) There was another Bentley outside the grey slate Gothic place with a smart yellow Cortina snuggling up against it.
45) Can I put it on the slate, and I'll pay at the end of the week?
46) Activity in the slate quarries continues with a mightily impressive new route at Hodge Close from Paul Cornforth.
47) From directly above them came a noise like an explosion in a slate quarry.
48) Most remarkably it continued to function under California's midday sun, when it's slate grey shell was too hot hold!
49) That he would atone for it and so the slate would be wiped clean.
50) A third candidate, radio talk show host Alan Keyes, filed a partial slate.
51) Many Lake District slate quarries are still working, but of course modern roads and vehicles make the job much less dangerous now.
52) An inspection through binoculars revealed a vertical slate stack, impossible to see from the cliffs above.
53) The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
54) A wind-blown polystyrene tray squeals along the stained pavement like a nail on slate.
55) When things go wrong Many people today believe that children begin life with a clean slate.
56) He wanted to use the subsidiary as a totally clean slate and he wanted true collaboration from the beginning.
57) A lasting peace requires the slate to be wiped clean.
58) This cleans the slate making it less likely that you will feel guilty or succumb to any future pressure or emotional blackmail.
59) A white cottage with a grey slate roof and a black chimney and a bright butter-yellow front door.
60) This volume will not include the slate crags,[] and by now a comprehensive new guide to these popular diversions should be available.
61) The sky past his profiled head had gone slate blue above a jagged paleness of snow.
62) A selection of hard surfaces should be provided in the form of flat rocks or slate.
63) Three days later the Largemouth pair spawned, over a flat slate at the back corner.
64) It had a grey slate roof and one small chimney, and there were two little windows at the front.
65) The mill still survives and is constructed of stone, with a slate tiled roof.
66) At the foot of the bed, a window looked out on dip-backed slate roofs.
67) Both slate quarries are open daily April to October, 100.00 a.m. -5.30 p.m.
68) The river birch trees spread their silvery shade over the slate walkways.
69) The houses are in a conservation area and have to be covered with slate roofing tiles.
70) Standard variable cost is better as any inefficiencies stay in the transferring division and the receiving division starts with a clean slate.
71) They were hard pin-points of slate blue beneath bushy eyebrows.
72) Even so, he was defeated in the City parliamentary election of 1734 and failed to make the opposition slate in 1740-1.
73) His replacement travelled for four days by train for half a day's climbing on the slate.
74) Decor is slate rocks, bogwood, pebbles, sewer pipe and plant pots.
75) Accusations of ballot-box stuffing at the neighborhood-run election were made about the meeting which nominated the new slate.
76) In the games room, supported by slate and iron pillars, a tracery of iron girders held the low glass ceiling.
77) They were the homes of lead miners or slate workers in the last century.
78) Boats have to negotiate a narrow winding channel between high slate walls to reach it.
79) The minute particles in the rock have been flattened with the result that the slate splits easily into thin sheets.
80) Dirty grey clouds tumbled across the sky above the slate roof, now the only thing that shone, glazed with rain.
81) In addition to winning the presidency Carey also swept into office with him every member of his reformist slate of candidates.
82) Working without advisers and with a poor slate of generals, Lincoln was able to reunite the country and end slavery.
83) He routinely did his Easter duty, kept the Commandments, but often slept through the Sunday slate of masses.
84) Every so often, some one would buck the trend: in 1982 Mr Kinnock was dropped from the slate, but kept his place.
85) It is a good sign to have married men, with kids, on the slate.
86) A.. Generally, a slate roof will last for 100 years without, it is hoped,[http:///slate.html] leaking.
87) Here are scattered numerous slate boulders which have been carried by glacier action and dumped on a limestone shelf.
88) We then cycled uphill to the town of Rosebush with its deserted slate quarries.
89) Although there is never a clean slate on which to start planning, the new start provides the necessity for such planning.
90) Porous state My slate roof is leaking through general wear.
91) He was particularly delighted by the hearth - a seven-foot-by-three slate slab - probably a gravestone, he thought.
92) It need not cost much to replace a slate or clean a gutter.
93) All can be used with tile-covered roofs, or as a contrast, with slate roofs.
94) Many academics really do believe that all of us are now beginning once again with a clean slate.
95) But, today, she gave almost pious attention to every scrape of the slate pencil.
96) Best Director nominees usually parallel the Best Picture slate with one exception.
97) The most commonly used rocks are those composed of silica, quartz, granite, slate, and other similarly stable materials.
98) Not withstanding this, we have an immediate need to protect our property from the moment the slate falls.
99) Matching long-line briefs, £19, s, m, l, Also in classic navy and slate grey.
100) We must start wiping the slate clean of all such inner accounting.
101) Because the sun shone so brightly the slate roof blazed like a slab of silver.
102) Ranks of houses stretched away into the distance like waves breaking on a rocky shore, their slate roofs glistening.
103) The new-born child is virtually a clean slate, to be written on by the world.
104) The giant slate quarries and tips of waste rock at Llanberis and Bethesda are great scars on the landscape.
105) A material so light as to be virtually indistinguishable from natural slate.
106) Dorchester Terrace was a row of tall red houses with sloping slate roofs.
107) The nuts are dropped in the pot, and a slate placed over its opening, camouflaged with earth or leaves.
108) Llanberis has changed from being a slate quarrying town to being a tourist centre.
109) Slate or quarry tiles and faded rugs complete the look.
110) The little girl opposite is copying her numbers carefully from the blackboard on to her slate.
111) You could probably sell the slate(), if you can find a buyer.
112) It would be nice if we could wipe the slate clean and start over.
113) It depended for its prosperity on the local slate quarries and when these ran into trouble so did the railway.
114) I found the protozoan attracted in large numbers to slate panels we deliberately left at vents for one year and then recovered.
115) Start with a clean slate.
116) We hired him because of his clean slate.
116) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
117) Let's just wipe the slate clean the new year.
118) Tangerine instead of orange . For a clean slate?
119) You must have a slate loose this morning.
120) No slate can acquiesce to such breaches of order.
121) He angrily Banged his slate upon the taBle.
122) Can We Clean the Slate and Begin Again?
123) There is a loose slate in his house.
124) What kind of job uses stained wood and slate?
125) A swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls.
126) Remember, you walk into the club with zero social proof points, with a clean slate.
127) All together, roofing slate plane tickets at up to form a dome.
128) It boasted a stronger slate of movies (potent new works from Pedro Almodovar, Wong Kar-wai, Zhang Yimou and Jean-Luc Godard) and burst with star power under the brilliant Riviera sun.
129) Anyway, courtesy of you and your captain, my slate is clean.
130) There is no doubt that the real goal of the commission — its chief is a candidate on the slate led by former President George W. Bush's old pal, Ahmed Chalabi — was to disenfranchise Sunnis.
131) The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to the Paleolithic era.
132) The preparation of aluminium sulfate by using laminated slate as raw material is presented.
133) Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.
134) Soil of distribution is brown soil and yellow-brown soil which developed from granite, sandy shale, slate.
135) Start with a clean slate every time you move onto a new project.
136) Some juvenile delinquents can be taught to start with a clean slate.
137) Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl.
138) They had given him a white slate with a stump of pencil tied to the corner.
139) This means that if schemaValidate() is executed again within the same code sequence, you will start with a clean slate, and only new errors will be reported.
140) The house is clad in a medium gray brick with dark gray slate roof tiles.
141) Vanderbilt is a Brooklyn freelancer with a keen skill at delivering fresh perspectives on everyday things -- sneakers, public storage spaces, prefab houses -- in Wired, Slate and Artforum.
142) A green, gray, or red metamorphic rock, similar to slate but often having a wavy surface and a distinctive micaceous luster.
143) Does Ron Artest have a clean slate with the Rockets?
144) We want to buy Granite, Marble, Travertine , Limestone, Teakwood, Slate Marble.
145) They're available in four natural-stone colors: Shadow Slate, Mountain Slate, Taupe Slate and Harvest Slate.
146) Tom scrawled on his slate, " Please take it -- I got more. ".
146) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
147) He had a clean slate so the principal did not punish him.
148) The slate was approved by acclamation during the closing general session of the meeting.
149) Speaking of feminism and pathology, a recent Slate piece about the misogyny of porn moguls like Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner rubbed you the wrong way.
150) And smile enforcement is just the beginning; a whole slate of behavior-recognition software will someday pick people out of a crowd for insufficient perkiness.
151) Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx.
152) They wanted to start again with nothing but their reason and a tabula rasa clean slate.
153) Two greyish shapes steered there , like long, rounded pieces of wood or slate. They were fish.
154) The company has since posted the videos online as part of a new ad campaign dubbed "the Mojave Experiment" (the ads are running here at Slate ).
155) Richard Leebove, of the Hoffa re-election campaign, says he doubts she could unite the union without a slate of candidates behind her: unusually, she is running alone.
156) What would your life look like if you could start over with a clean slate?
157) Ceramics Tiles Floor Marble, Granite Slate , Quarizite Onyx, Teak Parquet.
158) The administration has preferred to act as if the slate has been wiped clean, but the president's tough stance suggested that the 1979 legal opinion might have new relevance.
159) Let's forget our quarrel and start again with a clean slate.
160) The contractor couldn't use shingles for the roof because slate was specified.
161) The next morning he gathered an armful of pieces of slate and began.
162) Instead of choosing neutral shades of navy and slate, she selects pieces in eye-popping cobalt hues.
163) The ballots he carried, preprinted "party tickets," endorsed the slate of Democratic candidates, headed by Harrison.
164) What would your life look like if you could start with a clean slate?
165) The ability to start with a clean slate every 2-3 months is priceless.
166) "Working with Spaceport's kind of a green field, a clean slate, " Voorhees said.
167) Not only does it protect you from malicious surprises, it helps make sure that you start with a clean slate so that your new data isn't blended with a previous user's data.
168) When you clean off the slate, take care not to break it.
169) The host rocks are mainly calcareous siltstone and silty slate.
170) Each test case can then start with a clean slate.
171) The Pre - cambrian alumino - siliceous slate is the host rock of antimony deposit inHunan.
172) Out west, classic 1900s Arts and Crafts design themes are enjoying a revival, making hand-hewn slate styles a popular choice.
173) Emily Bazelon and I researched false rape allegations for Slate in 2009, when a Hofstra student garnered headlines for recanting after claiming that she was gang-raped by five men in a bathroom.
174) It was Interior Latex Slate Speckled Grey, from accidentally leaning my head against a wall while house painting earlier.
175) The slate can be divided into three types: shaly, sandy and phyllitization slate. It was formed by regional metamorphism of fine detritus in continental shelf.
176) The anisotropic property of slate is more evident than that of sandstone.
177) For use on vinyl, asphalt, rubber, linoleum, sealed wood , terrazzo[http://], slate and ceramic surfaces.
178) And a flat, paper-sized slate, a latter day tabula rasa, is still changing all of the above in ways we haven't yet measured.
179) Furnace slate, brick or cobble can be used to decorate the EXCALIBUR 'S appearance , and become the focal point.
180) We are able to provide natural split pavers , slate, sandstone, quartzite products, etc. Flagstone mats, pavers on mesh, cobblestone, etc.
181) The upper member of the Lujiaping Formation is mainly dark slate, light gray-green (after weathering) sericitized slate, and silt slate.
182) A metamorphic rock intermediate between shale and slate , that does not possess true slaty cleavage.
183) My Slate colleague William Saletan points out that a recent paper has laid the groundwork for a pro-life defense of onanism.
184) Very well, Claud, we'll clean the slate, and forget all the past.
184) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
185) Still, being on the business end of a med student's first exam can be harrowing , according to this dispatch from a Slate reporter.
186) Bob Woodward, Ron Suskind and I recently debated on Slate the issue of how much we really know about Bush's biggest decision.
187) The last slate of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games with a total of 28 major events and 302 minor term.
188) Do you remember what I wrote on the slate? ".
189) The building has a slate roof, typical of the Liguria region of Italy and is supported on special designed stilts above the water.
190) Granite Tile, Marble Tile, paves granites , curbstone, Bluestone Tile, Slate Tile, Granite Countertops, Mosaic.
191) They don't know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly.
192) He's out on active service, wiping something off a slate.
193) After the government abolished slate duty in 1831, rapid expansion was propelled by the building of narrow gauge railways to transport the slates to the ports.
194) The insured situation is built of brick stone concrete and is roofed with concrete, slate tile or other incombustible material.
195) So starting with a clean slate must be very tempting, but then again, it would be a huge engineering effort for them to do this.
196) Large black markings, slate colour , or rusty tinge either of top or undercoat are highly undesirable.




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