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单词 Urgent
1. It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.
2. This condition requires urgent treatment.
3. I must post this letter; it's urgent.
4. He was in urgent need of medical attention.
5. We have an urgent thing.
6. It is urgent that the law be changed.
7. He was in urgent need of money.
8. They've called an urgent meeting for this evening.
9. Can you come to the phone?it sounds urgent.
10. I'm afraid I've got urgent business now.
11. They have made an urgent request for international aid.
12. The law is in urgent need of reform.
13. It is most urgent that we operate.
14. Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.
15. I have some urgent business to attend to.
16. There is an urgent need for food and water.
17. He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.
18. The paper calls for an urgent shake-up in the system for looking after the elderly.
19. Go most urgent,[/urgent.html] is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions.
20. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
21. There is an urgent need for more day care centres and more hospital beds.
22. We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill.
23. There's an urgent need for more nurses.
24. 'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?'
25. Getting food, medicine and blankets to flood victims is the most urgent priority.
26. He's got to sign that paper - will you tell him it's urgent?
27. Sorry to disturb you , but I have an urgent message.
28. I want to talk to your manager about an urgent matter.
29. More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection.
30. We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound was the most real emotions.
1. It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.
2. This condition requires urgent treatment.
3. I must post this letter; it's urgent.
4. He was in urgent need of medical attention.
5. It is urgent that the law be changed.
6. He was in urgent need of money.
7. They've called an urgent meeting for this evening.
8. Can you come to the phone?it sounds urgent.
9. I'm afraid I've got urgent business now.
10. They have made an urgent request for international aid.
11. The law is in urgent need of reform.
12. Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.
13. There is an urgent need for food and water.
14. 'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?'
15. He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.
16. Getting food, medicine and blankets to flood victims is the most urgent priority.
17. The paper calls for an urgent shake-up in the system for looking after the elderly.
18. He's got to sign that paper - will you tell him it's urgent?
19. Sorry to disturb you , but I have an urgent message.
20. I want to talk to your manager about an urgent matter.
21. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
22. There is an urgent need for more day care centres and more hospital beds.
23. We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill.
24. More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection.
25. Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.
26. He rushed in with an urgent telex from Hong Kong.
27. If the matter is urgent, I'll see if I can crowd you into Mr. Black's timetable today.
31. He was detained in Washington on urgent business.
32. She panted out the urgent message.
33. Her voice sounded urgent on the phone.
34. Don't forget that one, it's rather urgent.
35. The doctor has been called to an urgent case.
36. He had urgent business in New York.
37. Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.
38. I have an urgent message for you.
39. He says the matter is urgent.
40. Necessity forced an urgent solution.
41. Some urgent business took me away from Shanghai.
42. My car is in urgent need of repair.
43. An urgent message was radioed to us this evening.
44. The injury required urgent medical attention.
45. His voice was low and urgent.
46. She was urgent for the doctor to come.
46. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
47. I'm afraid something urgent has come up.
48. She was urgent in her demands.
49. Pressure for change has become urgent.
50. I received an urgent summons to her office.
51. The harbour walls need urgent reinforcement.
52. All cases involving children are treated as urgent.
53. This project is in urgent need of funding.
54. Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was.
55. Policies which address these issues are an urgent necessity.
56. I hate to interrupt, but it's urgent.
57. Something urgent has come up; I have to go.
58. It supplies an urgent need.
59. There is an urgent need for qualified teachers.
60. We've an urgent job on this week, so it's all hands to the pump.
61. The man was clearly in need of urgent medical help.
62. The complete disarray of the opposition parties leaves the field clear for the government to implement urgent reforms.
63. He's calling for urgent consultations between the government and the oil industry to resolve the problem.
64. The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.
65. Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener to me. It proves that one can do anything if the need is urgent.
66. The country's leadership is determined to break with past practices and to solve urgent economic problems.
67. A shipment of urgent medical supplies is expected to arrive very soon.
68. The report called for urgent action to reduce lead in petrol.
69. There is an urgent need for someone to tackle this problem.
70. The doctor was called up three times during the night to attend urgent cases.
71. In transmitting urgent messages the king gained time by relaying at each town.
72. The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.
73. A person's courage is put to the proof in any kind of dangerous or urgent situation.
74. The General was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to more urgent problems.
75. There's some urgent correspondence here that hasn't been dealt with.
76. The matter can wait until the next meeting; it's not urgent.
76. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
77. I can't see the visitors right now. I have an urgent matter to attend to.
78. The money could be better spent on more urgent cases.
79. It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital.
80. The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.
81. He rushed in with an urgent telex from Hong Kong.
82. All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government,() asking for extra funding.
83. The ringing of the telephone at midnight made Doctor Milton at once become aware that there must be an urgent case coming.
84. Anyone who comes into contact with these chemicals should seek urgent medical attention .
85. The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.
86. Many people are in urgent need of food and water.
87. Mr. Smith is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent I'll see if I can crowd you in.
88. I've been trying to puzzled out which piece of work is most urgent.
89. Officials at the State Department say the issue is urgent.
90. His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.
91. It's obviously not urgent or else they would have called us straight away.
92. The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments.
93. Urgent deliveries of medicine may be sent by motorcycle courier.
94. Building a new children's home will cost a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent need for the facility.
95. Bring the children out and l'll have an urgent report to write.
96. It would be an exaggeration to call the danger urgent.
97. Don't try to hurry me into writing that letter, it's not so urgent.
98. She apologized for the intrusion but said she had an urgent message.
99. I've got a lot of urgent work to do at home and will have to go into purdah for a couple of weeks.
100. I'm afraid something urgent has come up; I won't be able to see you tonight.
101. If the matter is urgent, I'll see if I can crowd you into Mr. Black's timetable today.
102. In America, the microchip industry has been put in the "top ten" industries for urgent attention.
103. His mother leaned forward and spoke to him in urgent undertones.
104. Urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.
105. She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call.
106. How fast can you post to the port with this urgent message?
107. There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform.
108. Let's leave that matter aside for now and talk about the more urgent problem facing us.
109. Up to now,[http:///urgent.html] Mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.
110. Some of them needed urgent medical attention.
111. Is everything as urgent as your stress would imply? Terri Guillemets 
112. There is urgent need there for food and clothing.
113. Please give this URGENT consideration and action. 3.
114. Of more urgent concern is the international dimension.
115. Her expression indicated that the call was urgent.
116. It was a desperate moment, full of emotion, urgent.
117. But debates about mouse buttons are impassioned and urgent.
118. A bustling, affectionate, urgent, eruptive, enterprising character.
119. Mrs. Flanagan was detained in Washington on urgent business.
120. Mr Major now faces accusations that he forced the Maastricht motion through the House for no urgent reason.
121. Police are warning that the chemicals are highly toxic and anyone who comes into contact with them should seek urgent medical attention.
122. They can not be urgent if they must be contrived for him.
123. In the 1960s this preoccupation gave way to an urgent need to consider domestic problems such as racial disharmony and poverty.
124. The First Lady had an upcoming swing through four cities that required my urgent attention.
125. The Civil War had been fought in the main in the borderlands, precisely where the national question was at its most urgent.
126. But the finding has worried council officers who now want urgent talks with Harwell.
127. This allowed for fairly good availability of well selected donor organs thus more easily facilitating an urgent transplant programme.
128. It feels like an all-news network should: instant, informed, urgent without being hysterical.
129. Besides, all of this serves as a diversion from the urgent issues of the day.
130. There was a click, but she stood listening to the dial tone, steadied by its urgent drone.
131. That morning he stretched his back and sipped black coffee and enjoyed the sudden, urgent peristalsis of a much younger man.
132. That morning seemed endless as we waited for an ambulance to transport the most urgent cases to the hospital.
133. In reality, what is being funded is not interactive video but a solution to an urgent educational problem.
134. John Head, from Huntley in the Forest of Dean, is a cancer sufferer and recognises the need for urgent help.
135. On the Avon, some of the weirs date back 1,000 years and are in urgent need of restoration.
136. That's the biggest and most urgent task facing the restorers,[/urgent.html] a company from Hay on Wye.
137. The role of adult education networks and institutions whose mission encompasses a strong social purpose is now an urgent issue.
138. This is a time to catch up on urgent paperwork and swap stories with colleagues about the events of the day.
139. In the wake of the Daily Post revelations, health chiefs have called an urgent meeting to discuss the matter.
140. Severe urgency was defined as an urgent need to defecate which has to be relieved in less than one minute to avoid incontinence.
141. Thus there was little that could be acquired and developed immediately by those other builders who had an urgent need for land.
142. Occasionally, severe shocks will rock the system and urgent action will be needed.
143. These are urgent issues because the few charities that bend or break the rules put the law-abiding majority at a disadvantage.
144. Then a great many of the bar's occupants began to behave as if they had just remembered urgent appointments.
145. Will he please grant an urgent debate on the specific subject of the exchange rate mechanism?
146. Thousands may therefore be in need of urgent legal advice and assistance with the enforcement of their rights.
147. There is no need for the great majority of them even to know where the urgent need has arisen....
148. She was sounding unexpectedly urgent as they approached the empty checkout counter.
149. That is, unless the Postman was called out on urgent strike.
150. Manchester-based Eyeline faces closure unless it gets an urgent 12,000 cash injection.
151. They argue that, given the pressure on defence budgets everywhere, there are more urgent priorities.
152. I try to avoid stress — it makes me feel like I'm rubber-stamping all my organs "Urgent!". Terri Guillemets 
153. John Miles, senior consultant neurosurgeon at Walton, told the inquest that an urgent scan showed a large rounded lesion.
154. Peter Green describes his intervention in one recent matter of urgent public controversy.
155. Aid officials and provisional government spokespersons appealed for urgent medical and food aid.
156. Despite recent media attention, Edith Morgan finds continued resistance to change and an urgent need for positive measures.
157. A medical spokesman explained that he needed an urgent operation to treat glaucoma caused by diabetes.
158. Over in the sanitation department, long-neglected dumps are in urgent need of attention.
159. The growth of financial conglomerates, however, has caused insider dealing to be a more urgent and immediate problem.
160. Perhaps he should put him top of his visiting list: at his age, it might be urgent.
161. Programmes can be deployed to meet urgent needs at certain times.
162. These measurements, which will show trends in energy use, identify areas needing urgent attention.
163. The Test and County Cricket Board were last night seeking urgent talks with major counties to consider an appeal.
164. They are simply a much more urgent requirement than in most other areas of application.
165. Main outcome measures Long term survival in patients after urgent cardiac transplantation and perceived quality of life.
166. There are higher rates for work that is very complicated,[] difficult or urgent.
167. Despite the urgent need to halt economic decline, neither has a clearly defined policy.
168. The declamatory, repetitive, rhythmic prose of Ossian throbs with urgent sonorities and captivates the ear with its haunting incantations.
169. It's the most obvious sign of the serious defects that need urgent attention.
170. Roughly half the children who are adopted feel an urgent need to discover their origins.
171. They walked quickly, as though in a hurry to complete some urgent assignment.
172. Bacterial meningitis is quite a rare disease but it can be very serious and requires urgent treatment with antibiotics.
173. Information from unconventional sources not related to the industry carries the extra burden of having to be proved relevant or urgent.
174. Yet at the same time he offers the black underclass, and its more urgent needs, little more than benign neglect.
175. Earlier this year Aberconwy Community Health Council called for urgent action to tackle the situation.
176. The overload of urgent daily business constantly distracts teachers in their attempts to step back to examine underlying causes and long-term problems.
177. Make it a firm arrangement faithfully followed, and do not allow all the other urgent distractions to crush out this opportunity.
178. These sessions had the desired effect of driving home the urgent need for change.
179. Mrs Earley's grand-daughter Mandy made an urgent appeal to council housing officers.
180. There is an urgent need for Arab states to boost their income.
181. Doctors are under urgent types of demands on their time so they go for efficiency.
182. I'm sorry I'm late. I had an urgent call to deal with.
183. County commissioners face urgent issues that are more deserving of government time and money.
184. A: Air couriers act as delivery persons for packages too urgent or sensitive to fly as general cargo.
185. A pained, urgent expression was deepening on his face like a plea that Carla did not know how to answer.
186. After 10 years nothing had happened, so in 1968 the Institute of Trademarks Agents called for urgent action.
187. Also alleging rape and torture, Amnesty urged the government to take urgent action against the security forces.
188. I first learnt of it when, dining one night in a London restaurant, I received an urgent summons from Harold.
189. They were both chuckling to themselves, and talking in quiet, urgent whispers.
190. She urged health authorities to carry out urgent research into the problem.
191. The outbreak of a new war made defence against chemical warfare agents once again an urgent problem.
192. It must be possible to override normal dispatch disciplines for urgent requirements.
193. If this election were about urgent crises, big problems, complex choices, the Democrat would walk it.
194. However it was reported that member countries considered oil and energy problems less urgent than in the past.
194. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
195. But the law-abiding people of Dundalk agree urgent action needs to be taken.
196. The movement inside her filled her completely, an endless fluttering of wings, intense and urgent pecking of beaks.
197. The committee made no comment but as far as can be ascertained, no action was taken; more urgent matters required attention.
198. More recently, the demand for fast breeder reactors has seemed less urgent as worldwide supplies of uranium have become more plentiful.
199. Prioritising - the ability to distinguish between, for example, the urgent and the merely important. 3.
200. With the need for international cooperation more urgent than ever, there were still as many frontiers as in any earlier age.
201. Both of these draw attention to the urgent need to provide better opportunities and facilities to encourage walking and cycling.
202. At a special meeting with the minister, an all-party delegation from the capital's boroughs will press for urgent action.
203. One of the most urgent measures is a blanket ban on all animal and bone meal in animal feed.
204. The need for reform is urgent and it indisputable.
205. In addition to demand stimulus in Asia and Europe, there is an urgent need to increase risk capital, especially in Anglo-Saxon economies.
206. The old and new problems in crude desalting which need urgent attention were shown out by large amount of testing data. The measures to tackle these problems were presented.




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