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单词 Paradigm
1. This episode may serve as a paradigm.
2. He had become the paradigm of the successful man.
3. Pius XII remained the paradigm of what a pope should be.
4. The war was a paradigm of the evil and destructive side of human nature.
5. Would that bury the new economic paradigm?
6. To wit, a paradigm shift.
7. The Vietnam War has become a powerful anti-war paradigm.
8. The market clearing paradigm is reasonably robust and the Rational Expectations assumption is here most plausible.
9. The new paradigm will be very different from and incompatible with the old one.
10. The dominant paradigm within class-based urban and regional analysis nevertheless usually recognises the difficulties involved in creating a well-organised international working class.
11. To illustrate the paradigm, reference is made to an alcohol education course developed for offenders in trouble through drink.
12. A further component of paradigms consists of some very general, metaphysical principles that guide work within a paradigm.
13. They saw in it a narrative paradigm which offered the possibility of meaning in their individual experience to all men.
14. By establishing a paradigm for psychological investigation that lasted for some forty years, behaviourists seriously delayed the understanding of human cognition.
15. First of all there is the lack of paradigm consensus among those studying language.
16. The mere existence of unsolved puzzles within a paradigm does not constitute a crisis.
17. Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.
18. At best, what will emerge from this bureaucratic morass is an entirely new paradigm for dealing with cross-border studies.
19. The map represents an interpretation of the results of fieldwork sampling within a theoretical framework - the geological paradigm.
20. So what are we to do? Try once more to shift a paradigm?
21. This transference is exactly what one would expect if the dominant cultural paradigm is, as I have maintained, science.
22. Neither in Feyerabend's image of theory proliferation nor in Kuhn's paradigm shifts is there any simple model of progress.
23. We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
24. Thus routine science and routine scientific progress occur while, and only while, the governing paradigm copes successfully with apparent exceptions.
25. Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
26. The technical challenge is obvious when one realizes that traditional models of information management do not lend themselves to the new paradigm.
27. Thirdly systems philosophy which involves reorientation of thought and world view consequent upon the advent of system as a new scientific paradigm.
28. Such a perception was to lead to a new kind of paradigm or conceptual map.
29. It came to the conclusion that in many ways the object-oriented paradigm simply emphasises best practice for existing approaches to coding.
30. A failure to solve a puzzle is seen as a failure of the scientist rather than as an inadequacy of the paradigm.
1. This episode may serve as a paradigm.
31. Either Mrs David has had an enormous impact on her countrymen or a major paradigm shift has occurred.
32. A smaller structure makes it easier to make the transition to a new organizational paradigm.
33. Much of modern sociology lacks a paradigm and consequently fails to qualify as science.
34. Puzzles that resist solution are seen as anomalies rather than as falsifications of a paradigm.
35. Although they embody a real-world claim about how agents are motivated, they function more like a paradigm than a generalization.
36. Any anomalies tend to be accommodated by the ruling paradigm, rather than challenging it.
37. This new paradigm has enabled the development of highly structured and usually brief interventions in many areas of individual emotional problems.
38. The thing that brings a paradigm shift to its turning point is a war between the poles of the incumbent paradigm.
39. The transmutation of base metal to gold was the paradigm of this sacred task.
40. A paradigm tells us what things are like, how the world is, and how we should comport ourselves in it.
41. Within this paradigm, the two main criticisms levelled at mainstream Hollywood films are tokenism and homophobia.
42. Different scientists or groups of scientists may well interpret and apply the paradigm in a somewhat different way.
43. Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
44. Kuhn's own account of science entails that what is to count as a problem is paradigm or community dependent.
44. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
45. A paradigm example of this is the vexed question of spatial visualisation.
46. These two aspects together dictate the specific characteristics of a given model, or paradigm.
47. In my judgment, this is the paradigm of a case of unjust enrichment.
48. The old organizational paradigm encouraged employees to view themselves as the occupants of a box called a job.
49. While often the caption is the target node name, sometimes an attractive caption does not fit the semantic net paradigm.
50. Leaving the peasants in the dark From multi-sectoral operational components to the cross-cultural implementation of paradigm shifts.
51. When this happens, there is a scientific revolution and the old paradigm is replaced with a new one.
52. Lindsey also finds that citation counts favour the scientist doing work in the mainstream or dominant paradigm.
53. The paradigm sets the standards for legitimate work within the science it governs.
54. Only yesterday, or so it seems, Wall Street equity analysts almost unanimously acclaimed a new economic paradigm.
55. After all it's not every day you get caught up in a paradigm shift.
56. The relativist paradigm of the twentieth century has determined the form of our avant-garde literature.
57. Futurists call this kind of fundamental transformation a paradigm shift, although the term is now a misused buzzword for any change.
58. And as no-one takes the paradigm seriously, no-one is troubled to try to find an explanation for the seemingly anomalous data.
59. We intend to develop an object-based paradigm for the processing of geographical data types, within a relational framework.
60. The currently dominant paradigm throughout urban and regional sociology gives prime emphasis to class relations and processes.
61. The prospects for experimental tests of the dynamical transition paradigm seem particularly promising in the case of focal epilepsy.
62. Can we expect to see a paradigm shift, where people want to drive less?
63. Thus we also report a possible structural paradigm for IgSF adhesive interactions.
64. Before considering the possible applications of the dynamical transition paradigm, it is necessary to clearly delineate this restricted domain of application.
65. Community interaction of this kind could be a paradigm for race relations in the future.
66. Kuhn argues that science education is characterized by an uncritical teaching of the dominant paradigm within a subject.
67. As will be explained below, it is of the nature of a paradigm to belie precise definition.
68. For a number of reasons bilateralism is no longer appropriate as the paradigm model for the regulation of activities in the international arena.
69. Science will change its paradigm when new people coming into the field are persuaded by a different point of view.
70. He framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm.
71. The goal of the polymorphous initiative was to "institute a paradigm shift from static open loop to reactive closed-loop mission algorithms, application software, and hardware implementation.
72. Logical volume management (LVM) is a way systems can abstract physical volume management into a higher-level and usually simpler paradigm.
73. What we are talking about here is a shift from a machine-centered paradigm to a human-centered one.
74. The incommensurability of technology paradigm is featured by the variable technological core and technological belt.Sentence dictionary
75. Each programming paradigm (OO, FOP, AOP etc.) is great at solving a specific type of problems, but none of them, in my opinion, is the best at everything.
76. Currently there are different understandings and views on "XR", the technical paradigm of circular economy.
77. The central theme is that the analysis of semantic paradigm and syntagm of verbs, the bottleneck in NLP, form the groundwork in natural language information processing.
78. In the meantime, a postmodern science paradigm, based on organism, indeterminacy, chaos, complexity and entropy, began to take form.
79. In Blue Gene/L, we see a realization of a highly scalable MPP and clear proof that the cluster-based computing paradigm is here to stay.
80. Based on different values and discourse characteristics, different types of library science paradigm can be distinguished.
81. All these design and control offered the methods and successful paradigm to ameliorate controlled cooling system of medium and heavy plate production.
82. Based on Kuhn's theory of incommensurability of science paradigm, this article claims that technology paradigm is incommensurable accordingly.
83. As a main computing paradigm in the future, the pervasive computing presents dis- tinct challenges on the pervasive resource management.
84. From within the paradigm, anomalies are trivia, curiosities, illusions, or bad data.
85. Within such an information ecology, a classificatory structure cannot follow a one-size-fits-all paradigm but must evolve in cooperative interaction between librarians and their user groups.
86. Cappadocian Fathers review the theological debates between Nicene Fathers and Arianism since 325, and established Greek Christian theological paradigm in Late Antiquity.
87. The present experiment collected data with ERP, and used the stimulus of two letters Chinese words in the item method directed forgetting paradigm.
88. Following the experiment paradigm and employing Chinese double-word phrases, the research investigated the effect of AB Personality Variables and Age on Prospective Memory.
89. In contemporary psychology, a new paradigm named system paradigm, replacing the old paradigm named information process paradigm, has emerged.
90. We will investigate and analyze the research development and paradigm shift of LIS in the future using the proposed subject classification framework and other approaches.
91. This paper proposes a paradigm word selection method based on the category distinguishing ability of a word and the sentiment word table.
92. The paper claims that a scientific paradigm is probably the way to develop translation studies into a scientific discipline.
93. Today, the Web is made up of extremely interactive pages; however, it still relies heavily on a paradigm that is based on full-page transitions.
94. Some of these may require a major paradigm shift, but the actual execution can be picked up over time.
95. Does the biocides directive approach to risk analysis fit the toxicological risk analysis paradigm?
96. The new paradigm is big, heavy, substantial, with lots of computer-actuated muscle and ultrafast.
97. Fortunately, games theory provided an extensive paradigm for trust studies.
98. At the same time, reading syntactic ambiguity sentence will take on more cognition resources, and will have high mental load, which correlates to the syntactic ambiguity and the estimation paradigm.
99. In this research we used the DRM paradigm to see if there is any effect of experience, material property and processing level on false memory.
100. Because of the "impedance mismatch" between the object paradigm and the relational paradigm.
101. To further the study on Mao Zedongs philosophy, we should not only attach importance to Maos historical practice and his manuscripts, but find out new paradigm of theory for this field.
102. Proposals operating outside the paradigm -- those dabbling in distracting trivia -- get nothing.
103. Dr. Kumaran and colleagues designed an experimental paradigm that would allow them to track the emergence and application of conceptual knowledge.
104. This paradigm breaks in Cairngorm for example when a module fires an event to update the model.sentencedict .com
105. The authors focus on the paradigm shift reflected in the call - processing data of intelligent network elements.
106. In the last couple of years, he has been lecturing about GAMP and the new paradigm of pharmaceutical manufacturing with use of Quality by Design worldwide.
107. The third chapter in the tragic sense of classical aesthetics, tries to find out the animation art aesthetic paradigm Narrative tension and depth of support points of thinking.
108. But for the power user, this paradigm for source control is very cool.
109. The open source paradigm embraces this kind of disaggregation and, more broadly, mitigates against the idea of stovepiped expertise categories.
110. The Power PC theory was tested by using the concentrative presentation of graph representation of information and the paradigm of comparing causal power.
111. At last, science revolution emerges, the limitative factor of paradigms could midwifery a new paradigm.
112. Aslo, functional analysis paradigm involves function substitution hypothesis and function complementation hypothesis.
113. Describe the dynamic - programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.
114. Using the Political Economy Paradigm, this paper provides an integrated framework for analyzing channel governance.
115. The saying central on "Science Ethic" has many kinds of ways to express, the representative paradigm are determinism of ethic, dualism assorting with science and ethic and anti-logos centrism act.
116. Keynesian interventionism was still the overwhelmingly dominant paradigm in the mid-1970s, though it was already on the cusp of decline.
117. He further conducted real-world experiments with multiple project teams to demonstrate the significance of this paradigm in exploring software design diversity.
118. The paradigm was developed based on a study of cells infected with the Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus , or KSHV, also known as human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8).
119. The morpheme repeated prime paradigm was used to probe the mental representation of compound words.
120. The defects of research paradigm of chemistry didactics exist, and the reasons are various.
121. Utilizing both free-choice paradigm(active) and forced choice condition(passive), self-expression could result in the spreading alternatives effect for European Americans.
122. In the paradigm of coupling PROLOG to DBMS, one of the key problems to be solved is efficiency. This problem strongly concerns the cost of each time intersystem communication.
123. Secondly, the paper is focused on the SA system of a sociology paradigm of large dam project from three levers, which are microcosmic lever, middle lever and macrocosmic lever.
124. Every year at around this time I hand out awards for paradigm - shifting, best - in - class management guff.
125. In this paradigm, translating is both a relevance - seeking, ostensive - inferential process and a dynamically - adjusting process.
126. The existing paradigm serves to rigidify decision-making at a time when extraordinary flexibility and rapid change are essential.
127. Finally, based on the theory of paradigm, which put for ward by famous philosopher of science Kuhn, Thomas S. in 1962, the author propose his own superficial solution to grue paradox.
128. The Oasis all electric refrigeration system is a paradigm shift in transport refrigeration.
129. The war theory and the ideas of Clausewitz provide an important theoretical paradigm to pursuit effective ways to end war, and to strengthen security and peace by international cooperation.
130. Elasticity, solubility, inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects.
131. With the emergence of the functional style of programming, do you see features from this paradigm going into some future of PHP?
132. Reflections on Business Decision - Making: Time a Paradigm Shift?
133. Assumption of Resource Scarcity of public policy and assumption of Economic Man exist in this paper. Paradigm means law, Weltanschauung, example, model, measure, instrument, standard, and application.
134. SET is a security paradigm for on-time credit payments whose transaction model is composed of cardholder, merchant, acquirer, issuer,[http:///paradigm.html] etc.
135. This has fostered the current allopathic paradigm of "symptom care" in lieu of the more important issue of "health care."
136. And this returns us to the SCAD jumping paradigm used by David Eagleman.
137. To avert the risk of judges' abuse of their power, a "due-procedure judicial activism paradigm" should be adopted so as to render appropriate regulation as well as protection.
138. Forget about shared folders -- that is an outmoded paradigm.
139. Modularity-based value which is the latest trend of the industrial organization, is the customerization paradigm of organization, based on the dynamic allocation of value modules.
140. Nevertheless, due to its long history and large member of scholars, various contradictions appear among its literary opinion, theoretical principle, critical paradigm and creative practice.
141. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church realize the magnitude of the paradigm change.
142. the one between big expectations and overeager spending, is a paradigm that could cripple the sustainable growth of mobile in the enterprise.
143. The traditional definition of realism, rationalism and revolutionism provides the starting point and the framework for the basic philosophical paradigm of international security.
144. Due to Kuhn's the function of paradigm was ruling and leading the practice of the community.
145. Augustine, Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm.
146. And so Eagleman came up with an original experimental paradigm: SCAD jumping, which is often described as bungee jumping without the bungee.
147. In the financial circle, controversy on size premium and value premium has long history. There are two kinds of theories explaining the premium phenomenon:Traditional paradigm and behavioral paradigm.
148. In means of virtue existing, governments publicity is not its essential or first attribute, but governments achieve administrative paradigm of publicity.
149. Social Network Analysis has emerged as a key paradigm in modern sociology, technology, and information sciences.
150. Our approach is to combine object-oriented paradigm with formal methods in software engineering, especially abstract data type theory, and algebraic specification of systems.
151. Not all may be suited to the paradigm shift into oneness ahead.
152. Marx's practical ontology, as the unique paradigm of ontology, overcomes the disadvantage of the traditional ontology and shows incomparable theoretical advantage and convincingness.
153. The Six Sigma philosophy has solved this dichotomous paradigm for organizations in other fields, and seeks to do the same for the medical devices field.
154. The prevailing paradigm for programming was functional decomposition with procedural languages.
155. Scala is an attempt to incorporate functional concepts and terseness without losing the richness of the object paradigm.
156. Many ascending children in the golden era ahead will be born of this nature; and this can only be accomplished as more devoted to this path choose to ascend beyond the regenerative paradigm ahead.
157. With the change of paradigm, the Geoscientific fashion of System Thinking begin to appearance and it is the importance breach on modern geoscience thinking.
158. This represents a paradigm shift from static use of a stand-alone machine's resources at one location to dynamic sharing of resources of multiple machines in parallel at any location.
159. Task switching as an important paradigm in the study of control mechanisms provides a possible method for investigating some aspects of these controls.
160. One key assumption in this paradigm is that poverty is a cause of environmental destruction and that economic growth can help both people and the environment.
161. There is one voice calling for compromise: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack released an open letter last month calling for a "new paradigm of coexistence and cooperation" between the two sides.
162. Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the "Cogito, ergo sum" proposition, namely the Performatory Interpretation.
163. By using pictorially aided paradigm and pictorial rating scale, to explore 80 children's separation anxiety of four age levels.
164. Multi - paradigm parallelism is the characteristic of large - scale parallel application systems.
165. This paradigm is changing as businesses and homes begin generating more wind and solar electricity, enabling them to sell surplus energy back to their utilities.
166. Object-oriented design and programming is paradigm of programming in which a software system is modeled as a set of objects that interact with each other.
167. This wall can easily be overcome with a paradigm shift and a new factoring of the business logic based on Resource Lifecycles.
168. Since the late Qing Dynast, there has been an uneven transformation of humanities in Chinese academic from the traditional paradigm to modern one.
169. "The emerging paradigm views addiction as a chronic, relapsing brain disorder(), " said a Newsweek cover story on addiction.
170. You cannot just quickly tack on a set of robust and reliable relational constraints to the representation in XML that, really, is closer to a different modeling paradigm.
171. PBL teaching is an international popular didactical paradigm, but there is seldom practical experience in local higher medical education.
172. Also it tends to hide one advantage of LaTeX, which contradicts the WYSIWYG paradigm.
173. The dissertation studies the basic logic frame of argumentum and the meta theoretical paradigm of the modern western liberalism.
174. The penman only discusses the paradigm of ecologism curriculum to open out how the paradigm of humanistic curriculum is transcended by the paradigm of ecologism curriculum.
175. The new paradigm is big, heavy, substantial, with lots of computer-actuated muscle and driver assistance, and ultrafast.
176. Social Contract" lias long been a classical paradigm in the field of political philosophy in the west, bul it contains an inherent contradiction."
177. The rules and policy language are used to separate paradigm selection codes from function codes, which can realize dynamic selection of paradigms and ease system maintenance.
178. With the reference to the free-choice paradigm, we explored the characteristics and mechanism of false memories induced by cognitive dissonance.
179. Constituted Taylorist paradigm shows more organic connections among the other management theories before and after Taylorism.
180. This new paradigm will predetermine likely responders, assess responses earlier, and adjust treatment based on continued molecular analyses of tumors.
181. A prototype for the testing tool is designed and implemented by using object - oriented paradigm.
182. The principal concern of this paper is to illustrate the evolution of paradigm of IS-LM/AS Model with the core functions in macro-economics.
183. Event - related fMRI ( fmri ) design is a newly developed research paradigm cognitive neuroscience in recent years.
184. The emergence of CRAMS in India is a changing paradigm, and one that needs to be followed if the country is to move with the times.




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