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单词 Tough
1. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. 
2. Toughdays don't last. Tough people do.
3. Life is tough, but I'm tougher.
4. It was a tough decision to make.
5. Elephants have a very tough hide.
6. The meat was as tough as old boots.
7. She touched its tough irregular surface.
8. This meat's so tough I can hardly chew it!
9. The overland route is across some really tough mountains.
10. She's been having a tough time of it lately.
11. These toys are made from tough plastic.
12. Remove the tough outer leaves before cooking.
13. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
14. The tough road often leads to the top.
15. It was a tough race.
16. He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.
17. Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.
18. I've always been drawn to tough, gutsy women.
19. A spell of tough luck discouraged him.
20. It is a tough nut for him to crack.
21. Things were pretty tough at first.
22. It must be tough for you.
23. Polyurethane varnish provides a tough, scratch-resistant finish./tough.html
24. Tough glass is needed for windscreens.
25. He has a tough character.
26. She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
27. She's a tough lady.
28. The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies.
29. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.
30. He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions.
1. It was a tough decision to make.
2. Elephants have a very tough hide.
3. The meat was as tough as old boots.
4. She touched its tough irregular surface.
5. This meat's so tough I can hardly chew it!
6. The overland route is across some really tough mountains.
7. She's been having a tough time of it lately.
8. These toys are made from tough plastic.
9. Remove the tough outer leaves before cooking.
10. It was a tough race.
11. He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.
12. Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.
13. I've always been drawn to tough, gutsy women.
14. A spell of tough luck discouraged him.
15. It is a tough nut for him to crack.
16. Things were pretty tough at first.
17. It must be tough for you.
18. Polyurethane varnish provides a tough, scratch-resistant finish.
19. She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
20. She's a tough lady.
21. The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies.
22. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.
23. He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions.
24. This meat is tough.
25. Both sides have tried to outdo each other to show how tough they can be.
26. We'll have to make some tough decisions - there are no easy options.
27. Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.
28. He is a tough negotiator. We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one.
29. We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town.
30. It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family.
31. This meat is tough.
32. The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial.
33. Both sides have tried to outdo each other to show how tough they can be.
34. We'll have to make some tough decisions - there are no easy options.
35. Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.
36. No matter how tough the life is, you will eventually find someone who'd make you willing to stay with.
37. He is a tough negotiator. We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one.
38. We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town.
39. Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you. Ovid 
40. Life is tough, and if you have the ability to laugh at it you have the ability to enjoy it.
41. It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family.
42. Children's shoes need to be tough.
43. He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration.
44. He's a tough nut to crack.
45. She' s had a tough life.
46. You think you're so tough, don't you?
47. The general assigned him to do the tough task.
48. He is tough to work with.
49. He was the quintessential tough guy.
50. The company fought off tough competition.
51. I've had a tough few months, but I'll survive.
52. You're just going to have to tough it out.
53. The school takes a tough line on cheating.
54. Has the government been tough enough on polluters?
55. Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers.
56. The President has adopted a tough stance on terrorism.
57. It's time to get tough with football hooligans.
58. Then this guy started acting tough.
59. They've had an exceptionally tough life.
60. My boss has given me a tough job/assignment.
31. He's a tough nut to crack.
32. Self - confident , ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well.
33. Beneath its surface glitter, the fashion industry is a tough place to work in.
61. Politicians are trying to appear tough on crime .
62. She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.
63. My mother was very tough on my sister.
64. She doesn't seem cut out for this tough neighbourhood.
65. Surviving tough times can really deepen your relationship.
66. The new democracies face tough challenges.
67. He's not tough enough for a career in sales.
68. Julia was a very tough, sharp-tongued woman.
69. The President is talking tough on crime.
70. The government has promised to get tough on crime.
71. We will not back away from tough measures.
72. We'll face a tough fight in the upcoming election.
73. You didn't get the job? Oh, tough luck!
74. The meat is too tough to eat.
75. It's tough finding a job these days.
76. It's a tough/not an easy proposition.
77. He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising.
78. We've had to make some very tough decisions.
79. Tough decisions will have to be made.
80. The reptile's skin is tough and scaly.
81. The meat was tough and hard to chew.
82. We had to get tough with him.
83. She is bright, tough and spunky.
83. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
84. Many homeless people are facing a tough winter.
85. She was a tough, no-nonsense leader.
86. You have to be tough with these young thugs.
87. It's time to get tough with drunk drivers.
88. The school takes a very tough line on drugs.
89. The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.
90. He had a tough tanned face and clear eyes.
91. I had set myself a tough assignment.
92. She's often been painted as a tough businesswoman.
93. When the chips are down, she's very tough.
94. It's tough being married to a cop.
95. He was having a really tough time at work.
96. Tough new safety standards have been introduced for cars.
97. I find his books pretty tough going .
98. California has adopted a tough stance on the issue.
99. They are very tough on drunk drivers.
100. Tweed is timeless, tactile and tough.
101. The meat was tough and flavourless.
102. He plays the tough guy in the movie.
103. The government has introduced tough new import restrictions.
104. Isn't the meat a trifle tough?
105. The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.
106. Stoneware is tough and cannot be scratched.
107. It was a tough but clean game.
108. The proposal faces tough opposition from powerful vested interests.
109. The final exam was a tough nut.
110. Jack is tough, but always straightforward and fair.
111. His record reveals a tough streak.
112. There are tough penalties for drinking and driving.
113. His approach had won him a reputation as a tough manager.
114. It's going to be a tough competition but I'm mentally prepared for it.
115. It strikes me that he's right a tough nut to crack.
116. Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times.
117. After some tough bargaining(sentence dictionary), we finally agreed on a deal.
118. He wouldn't last five minutes in the police force - it's far too tough for him.
119. I soon realized that being tough was getting me nowhere fast .
120. You need to be pretty tough to succeed in the property world.
121. He had shot three people dead earning himself a reputation as a tough guy.
122. She's had a really tough time the last year and a half.
123. Self - confident , ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well.
124. She told herself to be brave and tough it out .
125. He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.
126. We've got a tough programme, hard work right through to the summer.
127. She won't last long in that job it's too tough.
128. She resents her mother for being so tough on her.
129. Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree.
130. Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.
131. It was a tough race and I had to pace myself.
132. Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang on in there and it'll be OK.
133. Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle.
134. He's a tough kid and he acts up a lot.
135. This case is going to be tough, but I promise I'll give it my best shot.
136. The resin from which the oil is extracted comes from a small, tough tree.
137. She's almost 90 but she's still as tough as old boots.
138. They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.
139. Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.
140. You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.
141. According to Mandy, Pat's tough exterior hides a shy and sensitive soul.
142. It's a difficult situation, but if we can just tough it out, things are bound to get better soon.
143. He was a tough politician who wasn't afraid to speak his mind.
143. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. The situation called for someone tough, and I was a complete marshmallow.
145. He may have softened a bit in his old age but he's still a tough nut.
146. The reporters were asking a lot of tough questions .
147. Are you sure you're physically tough enough for this job?
148. "It's tough at the top," he said. "It's tougher at the bottom," riposted the billionaire.
149. It's time you woke up to the fact that it's a tough world.
150. In this business you have to be tough , and the devil take the hindmost.
151. Well, that's just their tough luck! It was their mistake.
152. Beneath its surface glitter, the fashion industry is a tough place to work in.
153. He has her support to fall back on when the going gets tough.
154. It's about time teachers started to get tough with bullies.
155. It was tough talk, coming from a man who had begun the year in a hospital bed.
156. She is a tough decision-maker who does not court popularity.
157. He stressed the government's readiness to take tough action against terrorists.
158. I know it's going to be tough, but I think I'm in with a sporting chance of winning.
159. The bags have tough exterior materials to protect against knocks, rain and dust.
160. The company is going through a tough time at the moment.
161. The men who work on the oil rigs are a tough bunch.
162. In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.
163. The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene.
164. The Government is being accused of double standards in the way it is so tough on law and order yet allows its own MPs to escape prosecution for fraud.
165. The company admitted that it had been a tough year.
166. The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
167. It's counter-productive to be too tough: it just makes the staff resentful.
168. She didn't tell us she was coming, so if this screws up her plans that's just tough.
169. The family has had a tough time of it these last few months.
170. You have to be tough to be successful in politics.
171. They are calling for tough legislation to tackle this problem.
172. It was nip and tuck as to who would win the playoffs, but Denver's determination helped them to beat a tough Washington team.
173. He might be in his eighties but he's tough as old boots, that man.
174. Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussy cat really.
175. This course is really tough, - sometimes I feeling like packing it all in.
176. All managers face tough decisions at one time or another.
177. Several governments have adopted tough new anti-terrorist legislation in the wake of the attacks.
178. It's rather tough on him falling ill just as he's about to go on holiday.
179. The flooring needs to be tough enough to withstand wear.
180. Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition.
181. It's tough on Geoff that he's going to miss the party.
182. The White House is hanging tough for a good agreement to be reached.
183. It was a very tough decision but we feel we made the right one.
184. Don't be too tough on him-he was only trying to help.
185. The tough new measures on drug abuse are likely to be a case of kill or cure.
186. Constant injury problems had made it tough for him to hold down a regular first team place.
187. I did a really tough aerobics class and then went out for a meal and undid the good work!
188. Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".
189. It's been a tough time, but I'm sure you'll come through and be all the wiser for it.
190. Life is tough for kids who aren't keeping up in school.
191. Learning to read as an adult is tough work, but you can win this battle if you try.
192. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.
193. In her time at the United Nations she was considered a tough negotiator.
194. You will come through any crisis if you hang tough.
195. It's been a tough six months and I feel I've earned a few weeks off.
196. The EU is taking a tough line with the UK over this issue.
197. The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.
198. They do tough interviews so you'll need to have your wits about you.
199. There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.
200. The meat was so tough that I simply couldn't get it down.
201. He's a good interviewer, tough and quick on the uptake .
202. The Dutch champions were denied victory in a tough 2?2 draw at Porto.
203. He's as tough as nails - a good man to have on the team.
204. Long hours and tough working conditions are often par for the course in catering.
205. His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.
206. He is used to tough defenders(/tough.html), and he usually gets the better of them.
207. It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill.
208. The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime.
209. He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.
210. Kid - glove methods haven't worked it's time to get tough.
211. It's going to be tough but we'll pull through it together.
212. I don't really fancy their chances against such tough opposition.
213. He is dreadfully tough.
214. He is known for taking a tough line on security.
215. He's got an instinct for survival in a tough job.
216. Having to stay indoors all day is tough on a kid.
217. The government is taking a tough line on drug abuse.
218. You'll need some fairly tough footwear to go walking up mountains.
219. It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics.
220. It's tough being a reporter. For openers, there are the long hours.
220. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
221. The minister faced a tough grilling at today's press conference.
222. She's a tough nut to crack ; I don't think she'll give us permission.
223. It was a tough call , but we had to cancel the game because of the weather.
224. The soldiers were under the command of a tough sergeant-major.
225. These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:54:13