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单词 Accord
1 He decided to go of his own accord.
2 I am in accord with your plan.
3 A peace accord was reached on 26 March.
4 His behaviour does not accord with his principles.
5 The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues.
6 Such an act would not be in accord with our policy.
7 What he has just said does not accord with the views of the majority.
8 Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.
9 in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
10 They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally.
11 His views accord with public opinion.
12 in of accord with sb.
13 He came back of his own accord.
14 The project is completely in accord with government policy.
15 These results accord closely with our predictions.
16 They praised Tom with one accord.
17 She mentioned it of her own accord.
18 The two statements accord superficially.
19 They signed a trade accord with the Americans.
20 Her actions accord with her words.
21 Our information does not accord with his reports.
22 Her behaviour and her principles do not accord .
23 out of accord with sb.
24 We live in perfect accord with each other.
25 The two sides signed a peace accord last July.
26 He was in complete accord with the verdict.
27 We ensure that our goods accord with modern standards.
28 Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.
29 These results are in accord with earlier research.
30 On 31 May the two leaders signed a peace accord.
1 He decided to go of his own accord.
2 I am in accord with your plan.
3 A peace accord was reached on 26 March.
4 The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues.
5 What he has just said does not accord with the views of the majority.
6 Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.
7 in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
8 On 31 May the two leaders signed a peace accord.
9 They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally.
10 They praised Tom with one accord.
11 She mentioned it of her own accord.
12 The two statements accord superficially.
13 We live in perfect accord with each other.
14 Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.
15 Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.
31 They live in perfect accord with each other.
32 The door seemed to move of its own accord.
33 With one accord they all stood up and cheered.
34 I am glad to find myself in general accord with your opinions.
35 The fact that he had left her of his own accord proved to me that everything he'd said was true.
36 The elections are mandated by a peace accord signed by the government last May.
37 They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.
38 She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come.
39 The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.
40 The army was accused of committing violations against the accord.
41 It is important to the success of any firm that its partners should be in complete accord.
42 They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty.
43 With one accord, the delegates walked out of the conference.
44 The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.
45 There was a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen.
46 What you say does not accord with the previous evidence.
47 What you have just said does not accord with what we have learned from the witnesses.
48 In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.
49 His version of events does not accord with witnesses' statements.
50 The symptoms will clear up of their own accord after a few days.
51 The government expected a temporary accord with the Opposition before the end of the year.
52 This action would not be in accord with our policy.
53 Such statements are not in accord with sound international relations.
54 They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug.
55 His version of events does not accord fully with the facts.
56 With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass.
57 He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.
58 Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.
59 Before 1987,[/accord.html] the accord between the Labour government and the unions was a simple affair.
60 Will we leave peacefully of our own accord?
61 The accord will be reviewed every six months.
62 The boat rocked gently of its own accord.
63 All the follow-through was in accord with these themes.
64 Both camps support the trade accord.
65 The new Accord station wagon offers safety and convenience.
66 All these accomplishments were sought by the Dayton accord.
67 They had been in complete accord with her work.
68 But it was a paper accord, without substance.
69 But the final confirmation of this accord never came.
70 They drank the whole bottle in perfect accord.
71 We must put into effect all that has been agreed upon, and reach an accord on everything that can be conceded.
72 Chloasma nearly always goes away of its own accord when the high levels of circulating hormones return to normal.
73 Optimists had hoped the answer was that opposition would ebb of its own accord as evidence of growth began.
74 Such an arrangement could only work if the pontiff and his people remained in absolute accord.
75 If no accord is reached by Friday, the directive will die anyway, under a time limit rule.
76 Require subsidiary and related companies to establish and implement environmental policies which accord with the Group's policy and principles.
77 Painting ought to be in accord with the physiological nature of man.
78 Leighton Smith, has said he can not change the deadline for the handover set in the accord.
79 Ongoing problems seem to arise of their own accord, and then to spread through the ranks with no ostensible cause.
80 Pivotilt is childproof, meets all major requirements for strength and safety, and fits all Stelrad Accord radiators from 18in upwards.
81 The failure of the Accord was also a severe blow to Mulroney and prompted opposition calls for his resignation.
82 After all, an accord generally requires flexibility, concession and compromise, something not easily achieved in public.
83 This would accord with the general understanding of the word objective, i.e. independent of the observer.
84 Perhaps, because I had really addressed myself to him for the first time, he thought we were in accord.
85 First, the in-flight schedule is sometimes arranged in accord with time in your departure zone.
86 A trade accord was signed in which each country accorded the other most-favoured-nation status.
86 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
87 Some researchers may edit their observations to accord with their theory.
88 Professor Lacey left of his own accord and was thanked for his valuable contribution.
89 If Olwyn did not go of her own accord she was taken, undressed and washed and put to bed forcibly.
90 In accord with its graphic image, the desired detachment stands half-way between a mild staccato and a legato.
91 It exploited fears that the accord would collapse to extract concessions previously denied it.
92 While touring the Accord plant, we stopped to examine the body shells as they enter the production line.
93 It is that the probabilistic idea is in accord with a kind of empiricism.
94 Despite October's United Nations-brokered peace accord, landmines still maim about 300 people every month.
95 The total wage rise of 6.25% built into the 1990-91 accord looks too high.
96 He slept a little, waking in his pavilion at dusk of his own accord.
97 The day before the signing of the last accord, Maya sorcerers prayed for peace in ancient capitals destroyed by the conquistadors.
98 S.-sponsored Dayton peace accord ended the killing in Bosnia, the Clinton administration is discovering how right he was.
99 The rabbits find that most objectionable and are often very pleased to leave of their own accord.
100 And what function do we accord, then, to Hitler's public persona in explaining the process which led to Auschwitz?
101 Class Status derives from the tendency of people to accord positive and negative values to human attributes and to distribute respect accordingly.
102 With such ancient remains, the first need is to accord them the same protection as other ancient monuments.
103 Does this mean Accord and Camry owners will be jumping ship for Chevrolet?
104 Where the foot passenger steps on to the limits before the vehicle reaches them, the driver must accord precedence.
105 When I knocked the third time, the door opened of its own accord.
106 Most committees ignore touchy problems until they go away of their own accord.
107 The subjects must continue to live their normal routines, but now in accord with the new local time.
108 The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
109 The life of a subsistence farmer simple does not accord with our notion of labour.
110 The rule itself is out of accord with modern medical conditions and should be abolished.
111 The courts, therefore, recognise as law and accord primacy to those measures which Parliament passes as Acts.
112 Bougainville is in a strong position to demand concessions in the talks that will follow the accord.
113 Mahmoud and Owen looked at each other, then with one accord started walking.
114 They also signed an accord on the formation of a North-South Joint Reconciliation Committee.
115 The spokesman noted that not all the paperwork on the accord was finalized but said he expected it to be so soon.
116 President Fidel Ramos welcomed the accord as a step towards restoring political stability to the country, a precondition for economic revival.
116 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
117 According to the police, however, there was a decline in the level of violence immediately following the signing of the accord.
118 Arnon warned that the settlers will hold Cabinet ministers who vote for the accord responsible for any violence that may result.
119 Longobardi had also stressed the remarkable accord on points of doctrine to be found among authors of the literati sect.
120 Fulfilling some aspects of the accord is exacting a heavier toll on the United States than many expected.
121 She felt so good she stopped the remedy of her own accord but within 2 weeks began a period.
122 I claim a right to live on my land, and accord you the privilege to live on yours.
123 The Customs officer, policeman, and magistrate began to nod, at first uncertain, reluctant, then with growing accord.
124 To reach an accord, the government will likely have to devalue its currency, which would help boost exports.
125 Conversely, those to whom citizens accord deference have been characterized by having an in-bred sense of duty.
126 A cigarette between his girlish lips seemed to be emitting smoke of its own accord.
127 Dealers who weren't going to make it left, often of their own accord, before getting sacked.
128 The highest praise can be given to works which match up and accord with these.
129 To become operative, however, the Accord required ratification by each provincial legislature by June 23, 1990.
130 Equities trailed Treasurys throughout the session, following bonds higher early on modest optimism about the prospect for a budget accord.
131 In February, federal government negotiators signed an accord with the Zapatista rebels that calls for expanding indigenous rights.
132 He had followed his script, fulfilled his stereotyped purpose, but never really acted of his own accord.
133 But there are many desirable dispositions that do not accord with the constitutional structure we live under.
134 The aptly named Honda Accord has been produced in co-operation with Rover.
135 Police conducting surveillance of a stolen Honda Accord that was parked, saw two males getting into the car.
136 On financial markets today, bonds and stocks plunged amid growing pessimism about an early balanced-budget accord.
137 The eight-point accord followed 18 months of UN-sponsored peace talks, ending in 10 days of intensive negotiation in New York.
138 But another incident occurred to prevent an accord, and once more it involved the persistent Lefebvre.
139 The accord resulted from informal talks held over the previous year.
140 Simultaneously, three other dealers left of their own accord, disillusioned with the lack of fresh client coupons.
141 National elections called for under the peace accord are expected to place around Sept. 1.
142 A healthy man to put himself into a sickbed of his own accord.
143 Officials had indicated that he would not meet the delegation until after a final accord had been signed.
144 Four Patriotic Accord deputies began immediate moves to impeach eight Supreme Court judges on the grounds of incompetence.
145 The accord tried to establish standards to protect basic rights even when a government declared a state of emergency.
146 This choice allows us to accord primacy to the authority's interpretation, while still preserving judicial control.
146 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
147 Almost of their own accord his hands shuffled the rest of the pack.
148 The accord, which followed two years of negotiations, was scheduled to come into force in September 1994.
149 Dialogue and accord have been translated into government by diktat.
150 My review of the Honda management style started with the Accord plant in Marysville.
151 The 1945 Potsdam and London agreements and the 1971 quadripartite accord on Berlin were thus suspended.
152 These conclusions thus accord more with Hayek's views on distributive justice than with those of Rawls.
153 Their complete accord with singer and songs makes for the most perfect symmetry.
154 Some investors assert that the lack of a spending accord, for now, will buoy bonds by choking off economic growth.
155 The street system did not accord to a grid pattern.
156 North and South Korea signed an accord calling for peaceful coexistence.
157 Such a charge is in strict accord with the statutory language, and illustrates the meaning to be placed on those words.
158 Particularly with the Liberals, who struck up a sort of Bucharest-Ettrick Bridge accord.
159 This is a view which would accord with the dualistic tradition to which his novels predominantly belong.
160 The Hague conference is the last chance to determine how to put the accord into effect.
161 For the accord of sovereign status only made sense within a framework of law.
162 The Tucayana demands included the cancellation of the Kourou accord and autonomy for Amerindian areas in the interior.
163 The accord, which sought to end political violence, was agreed by 31 parties, including religious and business groups.
164 A decline in activity may now come about if both accord the region less strategic value than they have given it hitherto.
165 But it is becoming increasingly important that an accord on foreign corporate investment is negotiated between leading industrial nations.
166 The use of sanctions must accord with the Department's policy covering these measures.
167 For industry, these demands are intolerable, and companies have threatened to derail the accord if they are included.
168 But the new Accord comes at a crisis time for the motor industry.
169 The two sides signed a peace accord in 1994 after a nine-year civil war that killed 500, 000.
170 It was hoped that a formal accord would be signed at a national multiparty peace conference on Sept. 14.
171 In spite of firm resolution, his shoulders drooped again, almost of their own accord.
172 Post-war organization theory develops the democratic elitist account to accord a much more substantive policy role to administrative elites.
173 This is not in accord with parliamentary procedure.
174 Accord with the requirements Anglicize, relaxed and nature.
175 His words are in accord with his ideas.
176 He had stopped diltiazem on his own accord.
177 This is in accord with his intention.
178 The relationship is in accord with Arrhenius' equation.
179 The Basel Capital Accord sets international capital adequacy standards.
180 We praised him with one accord.
181 Hence at that particular period self was in accord.
182 Done of one's own accord; voluntary.
183 But theas the Copenhagen Accord, is not legally bandingbinding.
184 Burden operation accord with cannot use default parameter.
185 They agree to that arrangement with one accord.
186 Your views are not in accord with mine.
187 The levelness and straightness of the foundation channel steel should accord with the design and specifications.
188 Resistance simulation control electricity eddy current system, make the revolving speed and braking moment relation accord with the condition of correspond speed and resistance relation.
189 ACCORD Lipid confirms both the hypothesis and the value of adding fenofibrate to a statin to reduce this high residual cardiovascular risk.
190 Tuvalu, in speaking against the accord, likened the financing offered to the "30 pieces of silver" Judas Iscariot received to betray Jesus.
191 As the base of the whole simulation application, the Object Model must accord with the standard of HLA1516.
192 This experimental analysis results show:Eight hybrid composements accord with law of independent assortment, accord with 1:1 proportion.
193 For the porous absorbent sample , we found its sound transmission loss don't accord to mass - controlled law.
194 Still have, stability of partial product low temperature does not accord with a standard to ask.
195 A new accord between the Federal Reserve and Treasury should re-establish the Fed's independence and accountability so that it is not called upon to monetize the debt or engage in credit allocation.
196 The quantum theory of light is in complete accord with these observations.
197 So the author demonstrated that the establishment of the positive prescription system is accord with the objective development rule of things.
198 Improvement shall be in accord with the company's mission statement.
199 In the part of transit assignment, transit exchange area is introduced and capacity restriction method is improved to accord with passenger travel behavior.
200 To this kind of case, if website still with knowing to counterplea undertakes for tort, without the basis, also do not accord with avoid duty condition.
201 He said the war had reached a stalemate and that a political accord was the only solution.
202 Although this assumption is not in accord with physical movement of merchandise in most business, there is a strong logical argument to support LIFO method.
203 Almost a year later, I purchased another car; it was a teal 1989 Honda Accord LXi.
204 Stick receive intensity to accord with or exceed a shoe to use a level.
205 Former bedroom designs staff, the bizygomatic breadth design of many sitting room is 4 meters of less than, look now, this already did not accord with current life trend.
206 Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules,[] including the Counter Claim filing fee.
207 The figure design should be accord with the figure of the electrical machine.
208 Under the accord India could import nuclear fuel and reactors despite having tested nuclear weapons but not signed the non-proliferation treaty.
209 For example, the company has developed more than 70 Islamic indexes to help individuals invest in accord with Islam's Shariah laws.
210 The exercise of the right of rescission is to accord with legal essentials of establishment a nd its exercise takes legal effect on the creditor, debtor and the third party.
211 The property that silkworm raiser collaboration organizes must attend completely of one's own accord by silkworm raiser, the farmer autonomy that builds according to certain way is organized.
212 These results are in accord with real economical development situation and elastic demand of tobacco commodity.
213 The effects of hyperglycemia on calcium load and cyclic AMP content in skeletal muscle may accord with its anti-insulin action, which may be involved in the mechanism of glucose toxicity.
214 The station that is you mainly should have enough the content that attracts them, such they just can help you of one's own accord popularize.
215 At last, introduce the idea of CSU school - level teaching management model accord to the facts.
216 Sohu is in side of brand ad business is to accord with anticipate.
217 Acts 19:29 And the city was filled with confusion; and they rushed with one accord into the theater, seizing Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, Paul's traveling companions.
218 He said Syria has decided to comply with the long-standing Taif Accord and U. N.
219 Advocate the bedroom introduces downy maize series, increase many gout results. Indoor whole furniture all introduces cany product, those who accord with consistency is harmonious.
220 In evaluating the planeness error, the keypoint of the least region method is whether it is in accord with the least condition.
221 The results shows that for the first flux- jump field the predicted results in the paper are accord with experiments especially approach the numerical results within a large range.
222 Accord to analysis of the work theory, the static and dynamic characteristics of the magnetic particle brake, we resolved the problem of its fast-speed.
223 The reason, course and result for the performance development should accord with the aim of incremental value.
224 And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.
225 Recently in the analysis of active sonar signal detecting performance, the statistical model of reverberation envelope is assumed to be in accord with Rayleigh-distribution in computer simulation.
226 The second part: New Basel Capital Accord and enterprise - wide risk management.
227 Basel Capital Accord puts forward a claim of banking capital adequacy ratio, regulates computing method, and requirements for supervision and information leaking.
228 To get images of high quality with aerial camera, the focus of the lens and the situation of the real image plane must accord with the technical standards.
229 The clinical expression of result patient and lab examination all accord with acute to spend toxic sex liverish to diagnose a standard again.
230 The views of the President and Vice President accord on the new tax bill.
231 This model is capable of predicting the queue length at the saturate signalized intersection, and its prediction result is strongly adaptive and in accord with the practical traffic flow condition.
232 On the approval by the US House of Representatives concerning the US-India civilian nuclear cooperation accord, Liu Jianchao said that China has taken note of the report.
233 I could only envy her that sort of easy congruity — how wonderful, it seemed, to feel in accord with what others thought of you.
234 It is also limited by intersymbol interference when transmission speed of code accord with Shannon expressions in the course of baseband transmission of digital signal.
235 Men prosper and succeed who work in accord with natural forces.
236 It is shown that calculated crystal lattice parameters are in accord with the values of experiment.sentencedict .com
237 We established testing equipment for validating academic analysis, experiment results accord with academic analysis.
238 To examine once a year all safety devices accord with country relative safety standard.
239 Wear facemask and protective goggles that accord with safety standard.
240 Results The dose - response relationships of above mentioned both carcinogenesis factors all accord with the lineal - square model.
241 They pursued economic policies in accord with the national interest.
242 When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself.
243 Organize pathology examination through cornea, small also one cross-eye cornea did not see unusual, accord with clinical transplanting condition completely.
244 He did not mention his government's wavering on the Kyoto accord.
245 Otherwise, the ill-formed teaching language has a negative and irreplaceable effect on the students and the teachers. It does a lot of damage to the accord development of the whole society.
246 It concludes that results are in accord with analyses in theory, and anticipative purpose is obtained.
247 However valid, these doubts and quibbles left the accord in limbo.
248 The evidences mentioned above were accord with the morphological changes of thyroid follicular epithelial cell and adenohypophysis thyrotroph seen under electronic microscopy in a sense.
249 This is to certify that the bearer's Physical Examination Record for Foreigner accord with the requirement.
250 It is in accord with the interest of the people.
251 Be engaged in the person that day shift works, basically accord with law of section of day and night, general insusceptible .
252 By the practice testify, the machine accord with request of dispart and select .
253 The sintering test results show BLCWS is in possession of very predominant sintering performance and accord with its slagging property.
254 Being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning living organism.
255 And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.
256 These four levels interrelate and interdepend each other. When we deal with medical image which accord with DICOM standard, primary problem is how to get the data of the image file.
257 Pierre Vercauteren, politics professor at the University of Mons, called the new political consensus a "historic moment"."The conclusion of the political accord its a huge relief for Belgian people.
258 He had only just started to sing when with one accord they left the room.
259 The hearts of our people accord with those of yours.
260 The results of theoretical analysis are in accord with that of experiments.
261 Being confronted with the decreasingly nature resource and the entironment polluted, the green reclaiming and reuse of the discarded products accord with the circular economy development.
262 All of the results are within the accepted error range and accord with the theory and numerical simulation.
263 Under the accord, any EU readmission request not answered by Pakistan within 60 days will be considered accepted.
264 If accord with these two conditions, be willing to provide platform grandly.
265 The doting & growing series of Beijing people accord with the fixed program for this city.
266 Each place airline can choose to join of one's own accord among them either group company,[] also can not incorporate with any companies and self-existent.
267 Accord with human engineering design of the torch handle and quick connecting cut cut torch technology makes operation more easy.
268 It has no nocuous substance and accord with the standards of ISO14000. It also does not generate any pollutant bringing harm to people's health when being installed and in use.
269 Whatever we do ought to accord with the interests of the people.
270 Choosing financial policies must comply with the principles of time consistent and contingence to keep it accord with financial position and opportunity.
271 ALL PVDC products of our company accord with the standard of all pharmaceutical and food packing of EU and USA.
272 Store Keeper has right to reject products which are not accord with Purchase Order.
273 What accord has Christ with Beliar? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
274 Frame C style of 2 kinds of table construction, easy to operate and load or laying-off material, accord with work efficiency.
275 What we have done is in full accord with the humane spirit.
276 It can simplify computer program and input of initial parameter and accord with the style of engineering design language, thus it has much superiority.
277 The Group of Seven's Plaza Accord in the mid - 1980 s addressed dollar overvaluation.
278 The results show that when size effects occur, the interactions between projectiles and targets don t accord with geometrical similarity law.
278 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
279 The mechanical property of the samples with slight banded structure is unnecessarily excellent, the annealing parameters adopted ought to accord with the reduction after cold roiling.
280 The accord has a four-year initial term, and two three-year renewals if Yahoo requests them.




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