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单词 Shit
1 There's so much dog shit on the pavement.
2 She's so full of shit.
3 Don't give me that shit.
4 You do talk a load of shit!
5 Shit happens,but life goes on!
6 He doesn't know jack shit about cars.
7 Shit! I've left my purse at home.
8 I don't give a shit on your care the least about me.
9 Spending money is as easy as shitting, while earning money is as hard as eating shit.
10 Get your shit together.
11 His dad would beat/knock/kick the shit out of him if he disobeyed.
12 One of these days I'll get my shit together.
13 You're shit and you know you are!
14 Everything that journalist writes is a load of shit.
15 Shit - the damn thing's broken!
16 You're full of shit .
17 Shit! I've missed the train!
18 The man's a complete shit.
19 That little shit stole my money.
20 This is a load of shit.
21 I'm not eating that shit!
22 This will teach you not to shit on me.
23 He doesn't know shit about what's going on.
24 You're in deep shit now.
25 I woke up feeling like shit.
26 She talks a load of shit.
27 Oh shit, we're going to be late!
28 You expect me to believe that shit?
29 He's an arrogant little shit.
30 The little kid stepped right in a pile of dog shit.
1 There's so much dog shit on the pavement.
2 She's so full of shit.
3 Don't give me that shit.
4 He doesn't know jack shit about cars.
5 Shit! I've left my purse at home.
6 The little kid stepped right in a pile of dog shit.
7 Get your shit together.
8 His dad would beat/knock/kick the shit out of him if he disobeyed.
9 Everything that journalist writes is a load of shit.
10 Pollock is a little shit.
31 His presentation was a crock of shit.
32 Pollock is a little shit.
33 I don't give a shit what Nigel thinks.
34 You said you had maps and shit.
35 I'm not going to take any shit from them.
36 We get treated like shit in this job.
37 I don't give a shit what you think!
38 Get your shit together then come on over.
39 He doesn't give a shit about anybody else.
40 Don't ask Jack to do anything - he's got shit for brains.
41 I shit my pants when all the lights went out.
42 I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan.
43 That dog had better not shit in the house again!
44 Don't creep up on me like that - you scared the shit out of me.
45 They're a shit team.
46 I'll be in the shit if I don't get this work finished today.
47 I'm shit at tennis.
48 They had like, no shit, 40 different kinds of beer.
49 Ben gets a lot of shit from his parents about the way he dresses.
50 When the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be here.
51 There are people I treat like shit.
52 What are you looking at,(http:///shit.html) you little shit?
53 He'd been excited too, dumb shit.
54 You got the shit kicked outta you.
55 Who really and truly and honestly gives a shit?
56 To shit oneself is to admit existence. Fair comment.
57 So the shit really is hitting the fan.
58 So you heard this shit from Amelia?
59 Can't stand the little shit, personally.
60 We really do look like shit.
61 Holy shit, ve have good time.
62 He had to get out of this shit.
63 There's a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk.
64 Everybody always treats me like shit.
65 Come in to work next morning looking shit.
66 You have a head full of bad shit.
67 And, by the way-Clive's full of shit.
68 You looked like shit the other night.
69 Why are you into this kind of shit?
70 It doesn't look like they did jack shit.
71 We know we're in deep shit.
72 Shit, he was a good bloke.
73 Just put your shit on the chair over there.
74 You think they give a shit about the producers?
75 The cities all looked like shit alley to me.
76 Shit! I've lost my keys!
77 The room began to smell of feathers and shit.
78 I can only get this passbook savings shit.
79 The rest of that shit is disposable.
80 You can stay home and look like shit.
81 The school made you feel like shit.
82 Who had made shit a sacrament?
83 Hes made out of clay or some kind of shit like that,(http:///shit.html) only he looks like a human.
84 Then again, Metheny has never seemed to give a shit, which is the way it should be in jazz experimentation.
85 Before the night was over he was going to beat the shit out of that no-good, fucking drunk.
86 The number six in the call sign always meant boss, chief shit.
87 Like in the Teamsters, where they beat the shit out of people in parking lots.
88 Shit, she said, I would have liked some one doing that if I were him.
89 She put up with a lot of shit from her ex-husband.
90 Did he want me to eat shit or the words stick in my throat and choke me?
91 I bow over the toilet to retch but reverse away fast as last night's urine smells like cat shit this morning.
92 And of course, that little shit has no right to try and ambush me or get me with a booby trap!
93 Blacks troubled him most because the sight of a white worker emptying shit cans engaged their attention.
94 Two carthorses gone past, he announced: lots of good shit.
95 I had to pretend, because he was beating the shit out of me.
96 If she could tell no one else she admitted to herself that she did like shit.
97 I had a nightmare so commonplace and realistic that it scared the shit out of me.
98 Triple bloody shit, and several other words to that effect.
99 But what could it be if it was warm and cuddly and baby shit yellow?
100 Some of them didn't work out too well ... Who really gives a shit?
101 And it used to make me feel like shit to hear that.
102 It stank to high heaven of salt-fish and shit, the aforementioned by far the more offensive.
103 My wife loves all that weird shit, so if I can support a friend, might as well support a friend.
104 Here goes ... I expected to look like shit but this was ridiculous.
105 I quit that shit cold turkey and never did it again.
106 Eventually, they got to the part of the story where they found Sandoz, and the shit hit the proverbial fan.
107 Shove his face into his own shit, they were learning, and he will devour it, smacking his lips.
108 If this weird shit was going down all around him, it would pay to be as inconspicuous as possible.
109 Lady, you want this shit in your basement cleaned out?
110 The shit went into a waste bin, and Lucy went into the Wardrobe room to wait.
111 Not that shit about elves, but what you just said,(http:///shit.html) Carolyn.
112 I guess if they are reasonable there is no reason to give them any shit.
113 The little room smelled of his pipe tobacco, eau de Cologne, shit.
114 His health went to shit when he was 21 and newly married.
115 I thought she was full of shit, but what the hell?
116 Can't a groover just have a burger without having to scrape eight tons of shit out of it!!
117 She definitely couldn't stay with us: Dad would get in shit with Anwar.
118 Every one of them sounded as though it had been written by the worst kind of shit.
119 I mean, shit, I got to know what he's thinking, right?
120 People take time to get into all that shit What's the state of the funk today?
121 Almost all of them express gratitude that somebody gives a shit.
122 He caught her and dragged her back home and beat the shit out of her.
123 The shit that could be on his mind drifts upward and stays up there until he finally stands still.
124 Shit, I sound like I was bunking with the guy.
125 Life gets really simple once you cut out all the bull shit they teach you in school. George Carlin 
126 The walls are black and slimy with lichen and pigeon shit.
127 Advertising of sanitary protection can no more mention blood than advertising of toilet paper can mention shit.
128 Billy coughed when the door was opened, and when he coughed he shit thin gruel.
129 One night I got stoned and saw exactly what I'd become - a spoiled, heartless little shit.
130 A big ego so utterly ungracious and another big ego, Niki's, that had to swallow that kind of shit.
131 Go out and mow the lawn, and don't give me any shit about it, either.
132 But see the shit that they make it for is actually not in, in accordance with what actually helps us out.
133 And began to tell me what a piece of shit that was.
134 That fish wasn't scheduled to beat the shit out of Doug.
135 They retailed around £38-£45, depending on the model, and for sound kicked the shit out of my Levin.
136 Then, Shit, meant to reach no farther than the chamber where his ears hear his voice from the inside.
137 Shit, I could use one, having to stand out here until they get good and ready.
138 They had, like, no shit, forty different kinds of beer on tap.
139 I woke up with a hangover and felt like shit for the rest of the day.
140 I done my job, I earned this money, all this shit!
141 And no one gave a shit about the pressure of it all.
142 They could give a shit if you like this stuff.
143 But what Gunshot have got over those they're criticising is that they don't give a shit who they upset.
144 The frantic search for trainers past is simply a reaction against the shit trainers syndrome!
145 We knew we were in some deep shit at that time.
146 He took no shit from anybody, gambled constantly, and won most of the time.
147 Roth also turned his hand to poetry, his best-known volume being, as you no doubt guessed, his Shit Poems.
148 As David said, the union simply does not give a shit.
149 I skate down the road a bit before I shout at cops - or anyone that was giving me some shit.
150 I used to change my mind about things right in the middle of doing the shit.
151 The turning point came about two nights after the shit episode.
152 This is his umpteenth bust on similar charges, the little shit.
153 I know you better get your shit together with her.
154 This is serious shit, and it's no wonder some people are freaking out and saying reading will be it.
155 It's a terrible thing to be told that and then to do what the director says and it feels like shit.
156 Everytime I am about to go to a cup match I imagine myself travelling back home feeling like shit.
157 People must believe that you're such a tough shit you would snap them in half if they sneezed.
158 It may be so, but we have to get off that shit.
159 It's got to the point now where everyone thinks everything we do is just deliberate shit, us causing a disturbance.
160 Wednesday was good, Thursday is bad. Tough shit, but with the Dead them's the breaks.
161 I try to think of nice ways to comment on his appearance without saying he looks like shit.
162 But the shit proliferates, he wrote, and there is still much to be done.
163 Not office gossip or patronising shit about trusting the Registry files.
164 All this space and they get to shit on a perfectly good balcony?
165 If you wonder why people give you a hard time, it's because you write shit like this.
166 Considering we ve got such shit players and shit management that s not bad is it.
167 How many pages from that pile of shit you have in front of you are necessary?
168 Now, that's the shit make these niggaz wanna holla.
169 Heraclitus You can't step in the same shit twice.
170 Hume There is no shit, just me shitting.
171 Heidegger Shit! I was a Nazi.
172 Spinoza One big, beautiful, rational,() cosmic shit.
173 Parmenides One big, finite, round, motionless, continuous shit.
174 Occultism: I see shit happening in your future.
175 Utopianism: This shit does not stink.
176 Neoplatonism The First Shit is the best shit.
177 Shit . Tell him Ali would've done to Tyson.
178 Zen: Shit only happens when it does not happen.
179 Socrates The unexamined shit is not worth shitting.
180 Jehovah's Witness: Knock , knock, shit happens.
181 Juno : Shit, yes, just close her on up.
182 Hedonism: There's nothing like a good shit happening.
183 STOICISM: This shit is good for me.
184 Zen Buddhism: Shit is, and is not.
185 Whitehead Every shit is everywhere at all times.
186 You' re a slimy, pukey piece of shit!
187 Averroes God turns potential shit into actual shit.
188 Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.
189 Thanks for pointing out the only two possibilities in the universe shit - cock.
190 If some shit ever does pop off, I'm supposed to be beside'em.
191 What's with the mission impossible III, bull shit , Milo?
192 Shit happens ! I just dropped the new cell phone into the flush toilet.
193 I came to rip off any of this dusty old shit that the man has.
194 Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are, pus ball!
195 Dostoyevski If no shit is true, then all shitting is permitted.
196 The idiotic Indian sang a shit - song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.
197 Paddock: Well, damn good thing yoou didn't, right? Shit, I ticked off.
198 Baudrillard Shit is no longer possible, only the simulacrum of shit.
199 Eat shit and put your head in the toilet bowl!
200 Q : Why does a Scouser whistle while he is having a shit?
201 Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are, puss ball. "
201 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
202 Paganism: If you send shit out into the world, it will return to you threefold.
203 Avicenna First there was the universal shit, then all the particular shits.
204 Xenophanes If shit had a God, God would look like shit.
205 I threw that piece of shit around like a rag doll.
206 I like the shit you did with Ruckus too , that shit was fat.
207 And you think we have leisure time to listen to some ghost shit now?
208 Why am I tripping on shit I know is there?
209 That gangly sack of shit, third from the front. He'll be first.
210 We didn't know what we were getting into with this John Wayne shit.
211 I don't know which is the bigger piece of shit, you or your Landrover.
212 Kierkegaard : In fear and trembling I leap into the shit.
213 Zeno If you can cut shit in half forever, is shit infinite?
214 Occam Given several shits, the simpler shit is more likely to be the true shit.
215 Niggas say that they the shit, when they barely just potty!




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