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单词 Anticipate
1. Do you anticipate any trouble?
2. Mum tried to anticipate all my needs.
3. We don't anticipate any trouble.
4. I don't anticipate it being a problem.
5. We don't anticipate any snags in/with the negotiations.
6. We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. We don't anticipate any major problems.
8. We anticipate that sales will rise next year.
9. We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
10. We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for all eventualities/every eventuality.
11. They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.
12. I anticipate your success.
13. We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.
14. We don't anticipate any problems.
15. Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers.
16. Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.
17. Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?
18. I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.
19. I didn't anticipate having to do the cooking myself!
20. What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.
21. We anticipate hearing from you again.
22. He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.
23. A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience's needs and concerns.
24. We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.
25. The general misread the enemy's intentions(), and didn't anticipate the attack.
26. Try to anticipate what your child will do and forestall problems.
27. This year, we anticipate that our expenses will be 15% greater.
28. Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.
29. A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.
30. We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't anticipate.
1. Mum tried to anticipate all my needs.
2. We don't anticipate any trouble.
3. I don't anticipate it being a problem.
4. We don't anticipate any snags in/with the negotiations.
5. We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.
6. We don't anticipate any major problems.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. We anticipate that sales will rise next year.
8. We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
9. We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for all eventualities/every eventuality.
10. They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.
11. I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.
31. The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.
32. It's always best to anticipate a problem before it arises.
33. Victorian damsels madly anticipate his imminent arrival.
34. I don't anticipate that happening in the near future.
35. A skilled waiter can anticipate a customer's needs.
36. Schools anticipate an increase in student test scores.
37. However,[http:///anticipate.html] I do not anticipate any difficulties.
38. Efforts were made to anticipate religious sensibilities.
39. To anticipate any difficulties and provide immediate solutions.
40. How do you anticipate the changes proceeding?
41. Do you anticipate new developments in the future?
42. Our guests anticipate the end of high summer and the start of autumn.
43. We anticipate that our integrated clinical practice course will encourage students to adopt a more holistic approach.
44. Being able to anticipate the demands of the future makes us less vulnerable to stress.
45. The Soviet leadership could anticipate diplomatic dividends from these initiatives among the non-aligned countries.
46. So I may anticipate regular visits of inspection and solicitude while they wait for me to get a belly full of independence.
47. We anticipate that complaints will level off at approximately 950 a year.
48. But no one seemed to anticipate what has happened in the last two years.
49. He reached his hand down to tilt her chin or did she raise it to anticipate him?
50. The auction houses may anticipate an effect on prices(), although early and late impressions are already clearly differentiated in catalogue descriptions.
51. Our imagination can be either helpful or discouraging when it begins to anticipate a course of action.
52. Because of the ideal lively location and facilities, we anticipate the Magamar apartments to be very popular this year with Club Clients.
53. It is an interesting, well written book and I anticipate that it will gain a wide readership.
54. He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.
55. Please telephone us if you anticipate any difficulties in this or any other matter.
56. Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
57. Do not forget hidden costs like legal fees; do you anticipate further loans and/or an overdraft?
58. It minimises uncertainty and helps to anticipate changes for example in demography, social factors, values and employment levels. 3.
59. It is also sensible to anticipate all the questions likely to be asked, particularly the potentially embarrassing ones.
60. The formula has no necessary role in the will, but is employed simply to anticipate any difficulty which may arise.
61. The sleeping patient's eyes were bandaged, just in case she tried to anticipate what the surgeon would do next.
62. I think we've fixed everything, and I don't anticipate finding any more problems.
63. US investors anticipate that the Deutschmark will, in the long term, depreciate relative to the dollar.
64. But how do rational agents put themselves in a position of being able to anticipate changes in the money stock?
65. Such yardsticks, though imperfect, have continued to anticipate or accompany major changes in the economy.
66. The college say they're distressed by Tracey's death,[http:///anticipate.html] she had every reason to anticipate a good degree.
67. We had not bargained on that result, but nations rarely anticipate the consequences of war.
68. More information about what goes on in the community will allow the security chiefs to anticipate potential problems in school.
69. Mitchell also said he did not anticipate contortionists having any specific problems with their bones as they age.
70. To anticipate something to come in this inquiry, an ordinary definition of the neuron is an example.
71. One could anticipate far more poisons being put down, and such activities must have a detrimental effect on the environment.
72. While on this topic, it is convenient to anticipate part of the next chapter where future pecuniary loss is considered.
73. Those original Contract polls were not thorough enough to anticipate public reaction to really stupid political behavior.
74. Suppose some broker was able to anticipate the radio sign from Chicago, then he could jump the gun.
75. The two companies said the Ministry of Defence had been supportive of their approach and they did not anticipate any regulatory problems.
76. You must try to anticipate these kinds of situations and to prevent problems before they start.
77. Unfortunately we have no trainee vacancies at present, nor do I anticipate any in the near future.
78. I didn't anticipate spending days mucking out some of the dirtiest piggeries I had ever seen.
79. Better therefore to try to anticipate such a calamity by assuming the role of an active and vigilant peace-maker.
80. It also helps them anticipate situations that are particularly difficult.
81. But that review did not anticipate the additional burdens placed on our military in the past few years by international peace operations.
82. People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances.
83. Siemens builds an attrition rate into its design and does not anticipate that all students will finish.
84. One does not normally anticipate the presence of a burglar.
85. The class spent considerable time examining these photographs, attempting to anticipate the kind of personalities they were to be working with.
86. Since we anticipate strong demand for this new product range we recommend you to place your first order as soon as possible.
87. Policy discontinuity frustrated industrialists and investors who wished to engage in forward planning: they could not anticipate stability in government programs.
88. Worse yet, it seemed to anticipate both problems and the cost of resolving them.
89. Parents can learn to anticipate difficulties and develop avoidance strategies as part of a positive parenting approach.
90. Other central committee members urged the party to speed up its own reform and to anticipate the changes happening in the country.
91. Try to anticipate what the ball will do, especially if the greens are contoured.
92. Nothing could be more deadly than to be able to anticipate every move our partner will make.
93. The more we anticipate the fear reaction the more likely it is that it will occur.
94. This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run.
95. Fundholding practitioners would be less constrained in their clinical decision making and patients could anticipate more choice and improvements in services.
96. Those who anticipate that both will be granted will campaign for legislation to enforce a new schedule of environmental safeguards.
96. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
97. If you look at people who cope successfully with difficult situations, they often automatically think ahead and anticipate the circumstances.
98. Either at New Year or before July you can anticipate a change in the everyday running of your life.
99. It can anticipate problems and provide a means for reaching solutions.
100. There is neither a biblical past to escape to nor a peaceful future to anticipate.
101. Hernandez and Brown said they anticipate that Congress will cooperate and grant the city Medicare and Medicaid waivers.
102. One must want to move to the next frame, anticipate the following sequence of color, texture and drama.
103. We also anticipate, together with your lawyers, assisting in the interpretation of any warranty and indemnity requirements included in a contract.
104. The pilot himself can help anticipate the swing into wind by applying full out-of-wind rudder before he starts to roll.
105. I anticipate that his direct examination will require at least an hour.
106. Prices rocketed to anticipate the devaluation and speculation was rife.
107. We may in fact anticipate some slippage in the timetable as a result of two factors.
108. By looking ahead, management are then in a good position to anticipate potential problems.
109. For instance, the Expert can observe regular patterns of irregularities in the mains supply and anticipate them in future.
110. Version 8. 0 also comes with an improved installation routine that is faster and better able to anticipate conflicts.
111. I anticipate many changes in society over the next 100-year period.
112. It was also criticized for failing to anticipate the catastrophe.
113. The systems planning team ought to anticipate problems that may occur.
114. I can only hope that she had enough wishing power left to anticipate with some pleasure the life awaiting her in Colorado.
115. He knew Bishop was lurking around somewhere, but the Adjudicator presented no danger he couldn't anticipate.
116. What I did not anticipate was that this would prove to be a matter as much of intrigue and scandal as of science.
117. But more critically, Sega failed to anticipate the rapid drop in demand for its less powerful 16-bit game player.
118. They could anticipate earning a decent, middle-class wage there for most of their working lives.
119. It is called the Top-Flite Magna and Spalding - correctly, one fancies - anticipate much scepticism.
120. Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. Benjamin Franklin 
121. Anticipate that some one three times the size of an economy-size seat will be sitting next to you.
122. If things go wrong Every now and again you will not make the progress that you anticipate.
123. What do you anticipate as a consequence of your present situation?
124. Some analysts expect growth and inflation, and others anticipate recession and bad earnings.
125. If investors anticipate stable future interest rates, then the yield curve will be flat.
126. If you learn to anticipate the future and shape events rather than being shaped by them you will benefit in significant ways.
126. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
127. At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
128. This should be carefully typed or printed in the form that you anticipate using when the collection of data begins.
129. He could not anticipate the demands on his time, so he could seldom commit to any meeting in advance.
130. He could not anticipate new problems nor adjust to the winds of change.
131. It will not necessarily be fatal if the estimates fail to anticipate precisely the needs for the year ahead.
132. Unfortunately we have no vacancies at present nor do I anticipate any in the near future.
133. The elements of a nutrition program plan provide the manager with the tools to anticipate results and conduct ongoing evaluation.
134. We didn't anticipate, though, the scale of this innovative activity.
135. All he could feel was his body,() trying to anticipate the next touch.
136. It failed to anticipate that victory could come only at an unthinkable price.
137. Anticipate the problems your client may have with self-monitoring ahead of time, and rehearse strategies to deal with those situations.
138. Other operators Owners Abroad and Airtours confirm they anticipate a more buoyant market post-election.
139. They may also do so if they anticipate that their liquid assets may soon be squeezed by government monetary policy.
140. Summit participants failed to anticipate the vast inflationary effect of the international oil crisis of the 1970s.
141. These techniques are used by parents who can anticipate the child's reactions.
142. Manufacturers need to anticipate the ebb and flow of consumer demand.
143. The companies said they anticipate the new system will be operated under the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
144. Now with the introduction of a new continental landbridge fare Sealink anticipate a steady growth in freight carryings during 1991.
145. Sometimes the purpose will be described but often it won't, since you may try to anticipate the result.
146. Study, explore and anticipate social change affecting the global environment; 3.
147. New parents rarely anticipate just how difficult unequal parenting is on a marriage.
148. But he did not anticipate needing any weapon.
149. Elinor would ever condescend to anticipate enjoyment.
150. A good general tries to anticipate the enemy's movement.
151. It is impossible for the bank to anticipate payment.
152. I anticipate his arrival at four o'clock.
153. Hardships grope for years. If I can anticipate results.
154. A good general tries to anticipate the enemy's movements.
155. He tried to anticipate all my needs.
156. If I know your sect I anticipate your argument.
156. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
157. I anticipate nothing but grateful approbation.
158. Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?
159. I anticipate success in effective economic control.
160. DMO is an important procedure in conventional processing , so here we summarize some key development in the history and the main algorithms of DMO process techniques. It can be anticipate...
161. CD 34 expression and DNA aneuploid in AL can't anticipate the short - peroid clinical outcome.
162. The material to send in the whet room directly, adopt special stir to anticipate centrifugal wing wheel to separate compellable inlet pulp the machine.
163. This year, the Heng w. rapid arterial road will evolve an engineering previous period job and anticipate to finish construction in 2013.
164. Anticipate manipulation by adopting an early warning system of large trader reporting and possibly position limits.
165. Fraud: After two companies are amalgamative in coordination synergism perhaps won't is like anticipate so big.
166. Their research used an "ex vivo human skin explant model" which helped them come to their recent conclusions and which they anticipate to help in further research in preventing HIV transmission.
167. The European nation was not expecting to lose the war, let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
168. In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who seems to anticipate their every move.
169. This text explains to Xutuan coal mine west breeze well and main well a method, error margin for of run-through measuring analysis with anticipate.
170. Every attempt should be made to anticipate this generation gap.
171. Our common sense enables us to anticipate part of its analysis.
172. Probably for the first time in history, investors can enjoy positive cash flow as well as anticipate a future increase in equity.
173. If you don't anticipate what may happen , you'll find yourself at a loss when sth . crops up.
174. A four-year study of short sales, published in The Journal of Finance in April, found that short sellers were "extremely well-informed" and able to correctly anticipate price declines in stocks.
175. "It is best not to swat at the fly's starting position, but rather to aim a bit forward of that to anticipate where the fly is going to jump when it first sees your swatter, " suggested Dickinson.
176. CDT and AVI anticipate close technical collaboration to develop the business opportunity.
177. The world economy must decarbonise more urgently than carbon markets anticipate.
178. In irised out had on urban area big land, ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor.
179. Its main characteristics is a carton that single a carton handicraft feed to anticipate, General curl carton applicably .
180. They try to anticipate how well the architecture will address requested requirements by examining the architectural design (decisions) made during early phase of SDLC.
181. If you anticipate a drawn - out downtrend, it is better to sell short the underlying security.
182. If the economy recovers more robustly than I anticipate, spending can be cancelled.
183. Welcome you heartily and anticipate the coorpation between us delightedly!
184. Based on experiment and collection of the spheroid container ball slice to model data, a new method is proposed to the shell plate and descends to anticipate using one calculation method.
185. We too frequently borrow trouble , and anticipate those may not happen ago appear.
186. Anticipate the need for granular SSLPEER filtering by designing a naming convention for certificate distinguished names that contains useful organizational unit fields.
187. Demonstrated resourcefulness with ability to anticipate needs, prioritize responsibilities ,[http:///anticipate.html] take initiative and work independently.
188. Mom Liana Scott says paying close attention to 9-month-old Keaton has helped her anticipate his needs, which makes life easier and more fun for both of them.
189. He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies.
190. Engineers anticipate that multiple sections of small size will be combined to produce large displays for computers, high-definition television (HDTV) receivers, and even road signs.
191. The sequel to this novel is eagerly anticipate by many readers.
192. As news spread Monday, there was some celebration on the Chinese Web, but also a note of chilliness toward the U.S. than I didn't anticipate.
193. An entire third of the campaign is now playable. The cinematics and structure are under heavy work at the moment, and we should anticipate more later in the year.
194. The Freedom of Information Act wasn't built to anticipate this situation and that's evident from the way the Fed tried to shoehorn their argument into the trade-secrets exemption.
195. Analyze mass production test result and reliability test results, anticipate problems, and devise preventive measures.
196. You anticipate the Day of Judgment and furnish the recording angel with material.
197. So he folded his hands and waited -- for what, he could not anticipate.
198. A reporter asks the president the question on everyone's lips: "Do you anticipate being re-appointed?".
199. Anticipate Luosituofu an aircrew will restore to build before long, build possibly inside 1 year.
200. That longan blinks to anticipate treatment of water spirit, gaze at small fox black 78 black slightly distress face.
201. Let's anticipate abender what God has adored us with, and what we are doing anniversary day to advance ourselves brainyly, dre beats, concretely, affectingly.
202. To pass the test, she requires that he anticipate her needs and offer unsolicited support!
203. In addition to that, the anesthesiologist should anticipate the difficulty in intubation and rhythm abnormalities during the peri-operative period.
204. What I did anticipate was that she ate them all leaving me with nothing except the Pocky I managed to take with me (which was admittedly a good Pocky, the Giant Hello Kitty Green Tea Pocky).
205. It has been impossible to anticipate the amount of bile drainage.
206. We anticipate meeting a lot of opposition to our new plan for traffic control.
207. That being said, I anticipate Two Thrones more than any other action platformer on the horizon.
208. They dialogue with the assemblers to anticipate their needs and add the appropriate services both retroactively and proactively.
209. Above environment of competition of the current situation of passenger liner industry, network and development anticipate.
210. Your choice cannot be dependent on the results you anticipate or hope for, because you will not know those results till after the die is cast.
211. Operational art requires commanders who can visualize, anticipate, create, and seize opportunities.
212. You can anticipate a decrease in Open Interest when a market retraces after a prolonged rally .
213. One might anticipate that calcium efflux, like that of sodium, is mediated by an ATP - dependent pump.
214. Suddenly, the old mummy gives off without the knowledge of from anywhere , look at the old mummy rictus needing to speak, I just anticipate single-step: "Finish writing vacation first plan ".
215. The idea of tracking evolution in order to anticipate its future course is bewitching.
216. He may cite previous patents and suggest that they anticipate our claims.




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