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单词 Legacy
1, An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.
2, He's gambled away all his father's legacy.
3, He received a large legacy from his uncle.
4, The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear.
5, She left her the money in a legacy.
6, She received a small legacy from her aunt.
7, Such attitudes are a legacy from colonial times.
8, The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature.
9, They each received a legacy of £4 000.
10, One proviso attaches to the legacy.
11, The war has left a legacy of hatred.
12, One proviso is attached to this legacy.
13, The problems were made worse by the legacy of centuries of neglect.
14, He thinks the legacy is a gift from the Gods.
15, The two brothers split on inheriting the legacy of their parents.
16, The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
17, They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
18, Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.
19, His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness.
20, She is the heir to a legacy of £1 million.
21, He dropped casual references to the legacy of his great work.
22, But it left a legacy - a positive one.
23, Daley has left a legacy that is pure Chicago.
24, The house was a legacy from her aunt.
25, What legacy are we leaving for future generations?
26, Nabaa also reflects the legacy of ethnic conflict.
27, The court would not even consider his claim for the old man' s legacy.
28, The book proved such a success that the authors followed it up with "The Messianic Legacy".
29, He lets on that he has inherited a handsome legacy.
30, You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.
1, An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.
2, He's gambled away all his father's legacy.
3, He received a large legacy from his uncle.
4, The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear.
5, He thinks the legacy is a gift from the Gods.
6, The two brothers split on inheriting the legacy of their parents.
7, The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
8, They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
31, That is a damnable legacy for any lawyer.
32, No legacy is so rich as honesty. William Shakespeare 
33, Mrs. Jarrett was leaving them with a legacy.
34, Young women artists today are beginning to see themselves as having a legacy, a past, a history.
35, All this wet stuff was a legacy from a very solid, very watertight concrete pool of yore.
36, As with many other puzzles, the caprices of politics have reinforced the legacy of history.
37, Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
38, Like the earlier effort by Torcy it left no real legacy.
39, The works of Scaevola apart, classical law seems to have continued to distinguish between legacy and trust.
40, His energetic commitment to the idea of openness and cutting through bureaucracy to give employees more responsibility will be an enduring legacy.
41, Such a legacy was hardly encouraging as far as the setting up of a free,(http:///legacy.html) unfettered press after independence was concerned.
42, But the North's recent comb-out of traditional industries leaves it with an imbalanced legacy and serious economic handicap.
43, Part of the command-and-control legacy includes our deep-seated belief that there is only one answer.
44, The greatest legacy for modernism has been the construction of the notion of the artist-as-genius.
45, His most important legacy to meteorology was as secretary of the International Meteorological Committee from its inception in 1874 until 1900.
46, A great-great - grandson of brewer Henry Weinhard carries the legacy forward into the fifth generation.
47, A part of the legacy, however, ceases to bear interest.
48, The abrupt change from legacy to trust is very striking.
49, Please help us with a donation or legacy in our favour.
50, He passed on heartbreak and sorrow, a legacy Bill had to work to overcome.
51, Paracelsus's influence on homoeopathy and holistic medicine is genuine, but the paracelsian legacy is much wider.
52, Olympic cities usually leave behind a legacy of grand structures to go with the competitions held inside them.
53, Each wishes to leave behind a legacy of solid achievement.
54, The problem of Multilateral versus Multinational nuclear forces became another legacy bequeathed to the Wilson Government when it came to power.
55, But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
56, Several First Division managers have broken relationships as a legacy of their work.
57, However, we have inherited such a legacy and we need, too, to work with existing services.
58, Then, there is the conspiracy of silence which is part of the legacy of Northern Ireland.
59, Their legacy from the poor law was a stock of homes, for the elderly and disabled, that were ex-workhouses.
60, Our Victorian legacy means that we have no access to the vocabulary of desire.
61, Mission - a wish to help others, to leave a legacy, to pass on knowledge, to serve a purpose.
62, Yet these will hardly bear the weight of a theory so grand as the fusion of legacy and trust.
63, He had an old banger of his own, bought with Philip Arbuthnot's legacy.
64, In this way, he inherits a legacy which the Tate and others can interpret.
65, The historical legacy of this hegemony continues to have a profound influence on the contemporary political landscape.
66, The region's legacy from these centuries was not confined to models of conflict, however.
67, He came to wangle your legacy from you and you refused.
68, That may be the most notable legacy of this affair: a Republican leader questioning enforcement of rules against adultery!
69, Isabelle must have left a legacy of frightening bitterness behind her in this place in order to set off a reaction like that.
70, But the bigger impact on the Clinton legacy may be the judges that Mr Clinton himself was unable to appoint.
71, But, as might, be expected,(http://) there is some negative legacy from the past in Doreen's adult experience.
72, It was the richest legacy he could possibly have bequeathed to his people.
73, The Crusaders also left a legacy to the Arabs, as did those other invaders who came and went.
74, But perhaps her most important legacy was in divesting the public culture of political language and political idealism.
75, The deal means property developer Legacy will turn the Dome into a hi-tech business park.
76, It brings no legacy, it discloses no new names or addresses.
77, She desired that the legacy should not be in any way altered by the pope nor any other person.
78, What, then, of the notion of a late classical fusion of legacy and trust?
79, The historical legacy of women's artistic practices must be acknowledged and researched not only for the sake of justice.
80, This has rightly been seen as an impetus towards the fusion of legacy and trust.
81, Further legislation followed, which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust.
82, In the excavated tombs there, the legacy of Koguryo lives in the murals depicting warriors on horseback.
83, My legacy to my children would be not to try to influence them in any way as to what they should study.
84, Would the disposition be interpreted as a legacy or as a trust?
85, More to the point, Labour's legacy from the 1970s and 1980s lives on.
86, The social psychological survey also left a legacy in the attitudinal questions which are very often contained in questionnaires.
87, The legacy of the Duvalierist years included endemic corruption and vast ecological damage.
88, He is beginning, ever so slowly, to think about the legacy he has built for himself.
89, There is also the legacy of cramped, poorly lit housing.
90, A mixture of bad workmanship, bad materials and bad design has left an extraordinary legacy of decay.
91, That experience was to prove singularly rich in its diversity and in its legacy of Sussex church architecture.
92, This legacy has been added to down the years, and continues to develop.
93, The legacy of the Thomson family is that the Machrihanish membership includes a lot of players making good scores with old-style swings.
94, With the legacy she left me when she died I bought the little flat on Fernhill.
95, The surrounding countryside is quite dramatic with the legacy of the vast lead mining industry still evident.
96, Unquestionably it was ancient Rome's greatest legacy to the medieval world, greater probably even than its literature and its poetry.
97, The steamship and the railway, the legacy of the colonial past and the expansive power of commerce make this inevitable.
98, The overbearing Palais de Justice is his least-loved legacy, but the Cinquantenaire museum complex is worth a visit.
99, Even efforts with their best grape varieties seemed to produce wines that could never shake off a legacy of bitterness.
100, It is a legacy of his past monogamy: Choose well, for it may be the only chance you will get.
101, This quite different context allowed some observers of the city to communicate a view about the squalor of the Victorian legacy.
101, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
102, Mr Zhao's fate, and by association his legacy, have become a big bone of contention in the leadership.
103, Ray McGovern and the other protestors at the 9: 15 liturgy were laying claim to this legacy of principled dissent.
104, He had made a will about 21 years earlier and in it left a legacy of £100 to Mrs Violet Peppercorn.
105, They bequeathed an invaluable legacy of moral integrity, revolutionary thought and political organization on which their Bolshevik heirs were to draw.
106, The war-time legacy of the five-shilling legal maximum on restaurant bills was an open cheque for profiteers to pose as restaurateurs.
107, He has always insisted, however, that the legacy of Rossellini was not merely stylistic.
108, Oh, Gramps, she thought tiredly, what a nice little legacy you left your granddaughter.
109, It deals with the spiritual as well as the historical legacy of the Lakota people from 1860-1899.
110, This is often a legacy of historic inception, piecemeal development, and political expediency.
111, In his acceptance speech, Kemp sought to reach out to those voters with references to the legacy of the Rev.
112, Ultimately these foundered on the legacy of hostility between the various parties and between Lini, Sope and Kalpokas.
113, Did Cornell realize how extensive his legacy would be over time?
114, We underline the importance of human contacts in overcoming the legacy of old divisions. 15.
115, Beveridge's legacy endures because the welfare state works tolerably well and is immensely popular.
116, There are many cases in the Digest in which there is a confusion between legacy and trust.
117, Their legacy may not survive the new system of classification now available in the National Curriculum.
118, Racial tension in the country is a legacy of slavery.
119, No, it was not Jenny who made him look askance at the legacy.
120, Nasser was later both to draw on that historical legacy, and to be compared to figures from it.
121, But the strikes themselves have left the most disturbing legacy.
122, Nevertheless, I have as much of a need to hand my legacy on to some one as any biological parent.
123, Ulpian would no doubt have been uncomfortable with the harshness of the jump from legacy to trust.
124, This is a legacy of suffering that we have to be on guard against.
125, They are a precious legacy from the early years of our movement.
126, Bingham wants to leave a fitting legacy to his successor and all the signs point to him achieving this.
127, He left me a legacy of letters inquiring about jobs, and the replies.
128, Revelling in colour and contrast, drama and dissonance, boldness and individualism, it was the architectural legacy of Romanticism.
129, Its legacy: changes in employment policies, more security measures and more money from the legislature for improvements.
130, It is a legacy of this and previous generations and must be tackled now.
131, For the health-conscious Muscovite, another Soviet legacy is potentially more nerve-wracking still.
132, This was an enormously significant legacy for all educators that followed.
133, The assimilation of legacy and trust is not, then, a general phenomenon but is related somehow to Scaevola in particular.
134, The legacy might be what scholars who have taken him seriously have learned from him about human collective life.
135, But his greatest legacy is his now largely forgotten work as an actor-manager inthe 1930s and 40s.
136, The emperor is confronted with the case of a modal legacy, the modus being restitution of some property to another individual.
137, The most lasting legacy of the war was the claim of the army officers to rule the state.
138, Whoever wins will inherit an unenviable legacy.
139, The old system has left a mixed legacy.
140, These books are his legacy to the college.
141, To receive by bequest or as a legacy.
142, She offered to settle a legacy on Katharine.
143, His uncle left him a legacy of $ 50,000.
144, Euphemistically known as " legacy codes, " they were in fact far older . Mir.
145, They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets.
146, For the congresswoman to attempt to hijack the noble, rationalist legacy of Britain’s greatest 20th-century peacetime premier for her own campaign is regurgitatively infuriating.
147, With the legacy of psychosurgery, it's important that we don't misrepresent things as therapy when they're not.
148, Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy.
149, The legacy of 9/11 has been costly, in terms of resources as well as in terms of lives—of troops, civilians and contractors. The current debt crisis also traces its antecedents to that day.
150, According to the contract, ManTech personnel will provide IT support to the Navy's legacy Ship Maintenance and Logistics Support Information Systems Program.
151, Underlying India's strategy is a traditional policy of "non alignment", a Cold War legacy in which it was portrayed as a leader of developing nations away from the U.S.-Soviet Union axis.
152, And it was from Cody that he inherited money -- a legacy of twenty - five thousand dollars.
153, For a board with built-in GSM/GPRS support (for example, a board with a Siemen's MC-45 module wired to a UART channel), the legacy serial driver can drive the link.
154, On the soccer field, Pele's legacy is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports.
155, What legacy of land and soul is destined to corrode?
156, As the precious cultural legacy left by salt workers in south Sichuan and the result of collective intelligence, salt workers' work song has showed the laborers' feelings and aesthetic taste.
157, This is not only my tribute to the late, great Charlie Parker (1921-1955), but also to some of the legends who have left us, yet left a great legacy of music behind with us to enjoy.
158, In ways that this biography seems not entirely to appreciate, Kennan's far-sighted opposition to American over-militarisation makes his personal career history less gripping than his legacy.
159, His parents left him a large legacy and he is now living on easy street.
160, Under the legacy loan program, investment funds will be created to purchase pools of assets.
161, An enticing combination of colonial legacy, cultural diversity and progressive modernity.
162, Legacy non-JMX devices and servers (such as an SNMP-compatible device or subnetwork) can be readily "adapted" into a JMX-manageable resource by providing a Java MBean wrapper.
163, An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house.
164, As immateriality culture legacy bashan folk song should be passed and developed in the new times.
165, The Soviet legacy for post - Soviet Russia's foreign policy.
166, Matsushita made a considerable effort to pass on his company's legacy to each new recruit.
167, Webster's longest lasting legacy is the changes he proposed in spelling.
168, Indeed, for many people, the idea of inheriting cultural legacy has never occurred to them.
169, The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.
170, For example, you may want to map models that are related but have developed independently such as a canonical data model and physical data models of one or more legacy systems.
171, Perhaps the most interesting angle on the Pierre Cardin legacy is its current relevance, as viewed by a designer who was not even born when the geometric futurism was created.
172, The tax collector assessed 3 million dollars as the legacy tax.
173, Blitz, fourth, is an essential element of Britain's wartime legacy.
174, The right of inheritance, as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance, is the core of all the legacy system.
175, On Sunday, Mr. Obama urged all countries to join in a common effort to rid the world of nuclear weapons, calling their existence the "most dangerous legacy of the Cold War."
176, The tug-of-war between Scientologists and anti-Scientologists over Hubbard's legacy has created two swollen archetypes: the most important person who ever lived and the world's greatest con man.
177, In thinking about TIMS, remember that we'll have to link to legacy accounting applications.
178, Legacy systems, performance, and other QoS attributes will tend to be constrained to use the most optimal access mechanism: whether pure services, hard-wired, or hybrid.
179, Zang Kejia left a rich legacy to contemporary Chinese Parnassus after he passed away. His new poetry creation still has profound influence on modern poets.
180, The U.S. Marine Corps also will deploy Falcon III AN/VRC-110 radios to begin the transition and replacement of legacy SINCGARS radios.
181, In the inheritance of legacy shares, it mainly explored "Legitimate successor" as well as the legatee of the scope of the disposal options.
182, During card insertion, orinoco_cs, like legacy network device drivers, invokes register_netdev to get an ethX network interface name assigned to the WLAN interface.
183, As technology hurtles forward, we must think back to that legacy.
184, Here we see Machiavelli's legacy transmuted in Hobbes's philosophy of power.
185, Leaving aside a faint resemblance to Nickelodeon Jr.'s Dora the Explorer, we like the idea of a video game that can teach kids to avoid the deadly consequences of warfare's long legacy.
186, This recyclable and self-contained nature is a legacy of Microsoft's earlier object oriented applications effort, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standard.
187, This method of exposing legacy AS/400 programs is reliable since it uses JTOpen with IBM support and is easier for Java developers due to awareness of open standards like web services.
188, Most IrDa chips in the SIR mode are UART 16650-compatible (16650 is a common PC UART), so the legacy Linux serial port drivers can serve as link-level drivers.
189, We have numerous success stories from all around the company, in reducing boilerplate and making it easier for new engineers to come on board and learn the complex inner workings of legacy code.
190, Article 21 Where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy, the successor or legatee shall perform them.
191, Article 34 The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.
191, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
192, Playboy's Asian fans -- most unaware of Hugh Hefner's legacy in the United States -- snap up shirts, bags, and belts bearing the rabbit logo in malls across the continent.
193, Otherwise, it risks irrevocably damaging the historic legacy of the 2008 Games.
194, But for me, it was the legacy of Byron and the Shelleys — and thejuxtaposition of such larger-than-life characters in such a pristinebuttoned-down place that gave Lake Geneva its most powerful allure.
195, The legacy of past policies weighs heavily upon current ones.
196, The Wagner clan, he writes, inherited " a glorious but poisoned legacy ".
197, Your legacy stylesheets do not need prefixes on the standard function names to run in a 2.0 processor.
198, Users continue to invoke the legacy IT systems using the original application means, typically through a user interface (such as a mainframe dumb terminal or a packaged application's UI).
199, Dolly's legacy includes the possibility of making patient - specific embryonic stem cell lines.
200, Are you living in faith and obedience to Him? What be the legacy of your life?
201, The aquarium where Paul lived first mooted the idea of erecting a memorial to the octopus after his death last year and now the soothsayer's legacy has been enshrined with the permanent monument.
202, A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
203, The foreign policy legacy of Gorchakov is of great importance to Russia as it advocates and pushes a domestic priority strategy while pursuing a more sober-minded pragmatic foreign policy.
204, Six months on from the end of the Olympics and Holmes is doing her bit for the much-vaunted legacy.
205, Play through 10 thrilling stages as both Lawrence Talbot and The Wolfman and experience the brute strength and insatiable bloodlust that launched a legacy of horror!
206, A legacy of decades of lead and zinc mining have left a city poisoned by debilitating concentrations of lead dust in the soil and by metals in the water.
207, As I reflect on my potential legacy on this Father's Day , Grandpa Switzer gives me something to aim for .
208, The catalog service was then implemented by a service controller, and this controller accessed the legacy catalog application to provision the catalog data required by the catalog service.
209, India celebrates Mahatma Gandhi legacy by releasing 209 prisoners throughout the country.
210, Mr Rove 's departure has also set off a debate about his legacy.
211, But the legacy of Chernobyl and other accidents has changed that.
212, It's a legacy which will hang around the country'sneck for some time to come.
213, They instill in you the legacy of Confucianism, especially the values of hierarchy and hard work.
214, If a affective legacy is wonderful enough to continuator, he would have a everlasting spring. Then we should show our sensation.
215, To many Americans the westward march illustrates a legacy of individualism.




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