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单词 Repeatedly
1. She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.
2. The loudspeakers blared the speech repeatedly.
3. She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly.
4. She was repeatedly snubbed by her neighbours.
5. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
6. My father repeatedly impressed on me the value of hard work.
7. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle 
8. He repeatedly asked Bailey for the report.
9. He repeatedly pushed his own claim forward.
10. The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.
11. The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest.
12. He repeatedly pushed forward his own claim.
13. He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.
14. She had been stabbed in the chest repeatedly.
15. She had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide.
16. He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.
17. He telephoned repeatedly, begging her to return.
18. Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.
19. Graham was repeatedly warned not to work so hard.
20. Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.
21. He is accused of repeatedly stabbing a sixteen-year-old boy.
22. He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly.
23. They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities.
24. He had been stabbed repeatedly with a kitchen knife.
25. The refugees were repeatedly refused entry into the country.
26. Both men have repeatedly denied the allegations.
27. Foster admitted punching and kicking the man repeatedly.
28. She had seen herself repeatedly maligned in the newspapers.
29. He begged her repeatedly to stop.
30. We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.
1. She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.
2. The loudspeakers blared the speech repeatedly.
3. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
4. We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.
5. My father repeatedly impressed on me the value of hard work.
6. He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly.
7. I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
8. The rebel forces have been repeatedly attacked by loyalist troops.
31. He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.
32. She was repeatedly subjected to torture.
33. They repeatedly tried to infiltrate assassins into the palace.
34. Repeatedly she plunged the knife into his chest.
35. I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
36. He was pinioned to the wall by two men while another one repeatedly punched him.
37. He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.
38. He has repeatedly urged the government to do something about this.
39. He was repeatedly kicked and punched as he lay on the ground.
40. The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child's school.
41. Frequently, men who check answer have not actually had the experience of being repeatedly rejected by women.
42. His back was covered with weals where he had been repeatedly beaten.
43. The rebel forces have been repeatedly attacked by loyalist troops.
44. There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed.
45. A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen.
46. Impulses that are repeatedly denied can arise in other forms.
47. He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.
48. He developed nervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.
49. He bled to death after being stabbed repeatedly.
50. He and his cellmate were repeatedly tortured.
51. Each side repeatedly accused the other of ceasefire violations.
52. Meanwhile, Kurt repeatedly and vehemently denied taking heroin.
53. The same species seem to crop up repeatedly.
54. Phillips has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence.
55. Clinton repeatedly has supported the portability and access provisions.
56. The President was applauded repeatedly during his 40-minute speech.
57. But more importantly, the network compromised itself repeatedly.
58. These are well documented complaints - made repeatedly.
59. Le Carre repeatedly denied the claim.
60. He looked confused and swallowed repeatedly.
61. Williams blinked repeatedly throughout the process, Groves said.
62. Knight has repeatedly denied ever being a gang member.
63. The station repeatedly aired a commercial for the tape.
64. Attorney Kathleen O'Connor repeatedly objected, citing Harris's earlier convictions.
65. He related how the fathers repeatedly brushed aside his request to be released.
66. He had repeatedly demonstrated that he had a greater tolerance of G-forces than most other men.
67. He gripped the bracket in both hands and repeatedly pounded the bung.
68. Gavin repeatedly tried to fob them off and one family has still not been paid.
69. If the model repeatedly moves to the right, then left cyclic trim is needed and viceversa.
70. Once again the novel repeatedly turns inwards to examine its own nature, presenting itself as a kind of palimpsest.
71. Like an amiable but daffy uncle, he repeatedly hangs himself with his own anecdotes.
72. As Baker repeatedly told jurors, the intent of punitive damages is to punish, not destroy.
73. Jordan has repeatedly led his team to the Promised Land of the NBA Finals.
74. He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.
75. In effect, Congress repeatedly gave away a sizable chunk of power to the unelected civil servants who staff federal agencies.
76. Registration for the sale has been repeatedly postponed to accommodate potential buyers, officials said.
77. South Pasadena residents repeatedly blocked plans to run the freeway through their city.
78. But the new West Indies proved encouragingly resilient, repeatedly getting up off the canvas to deliver the final knockout punch.
79. In the past, McDougal has repeatedly denied that Clinton attended any such meeting.
80. Public defender Barry Collins was repeatedly blocked from unveiling possible discrepancies between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.
81. During the Renaissance, for example, it surfaced repeatedly albeit in somewhat garbled form.
82. Infants also have a memory for stories or music they heard repeatedly in late fetal life.
83. When an organization repeatedly puts self-defeating behavior patterns into practice, it eventually develops a self-defeating character.
84. The workers repeatedly heard that management needed higher productivity lower costs, and a better safety record.
85. Young people and ethnic minorities have repeatedly complained about police harassment.
86. The same new acoustic effect has been discovered repeatedly throughout the past century!
87. Popular Taoism repeatedly formed extremely hierarchical churches( ), and a series of more or less secret sects with anarchistic and mystical tendencies.
88. We repeatedly tried to contact the manager, an elusive man who was never in his office.
89. You are repeatedly pairing tension followed by relaxation, which you hope ultimately occurs naturally over time.
90. Since then, he claims, he's been repeatedly threatened, and now his garden shed has been daubed with graffiti.
91. He wriggled around in her arms, then turned and butted his head against her shoulder, lightly but repeatedly.
92. His own followers cheered him repeatedly as the rhetoric boomed out through the slight electronic distortion of the public address systems.
93. Employees, when surveyed, had repeatedly reported being stretched to the limit.
94. It also has faced allegations that it lied about prior supply shortages, which it repeatedly has denied.
95. Mumphrey dragged her up a flight of stairs and beat her repeatedly.
96. Citizen committees endorsed the idea repeatedly, but city and county governments have been unable and unwilling to do it.
97. Fill the wash basin with lukewarm water and rinse the seaweed repeatedly.
98. Theresa Stevens, 21, was beaten, repeatedly stabbed and strangled as she put up a desperate fight to save herself.
99. He thinks it is a type of shivering similar to repeatedly tensing one's muscles.
100. The flag-staff was repeatedly knocked over, and finally a boarding-pike was used.
101. The former television commentator has sought repeatedly to tell and sell his story since his acquittal.
102. Its style of performance and expression change repeatedly throughout each ballet as the dancer changes with the attendant circumstances.
103. It has been repeatedly reported that smooth muscle antibodies of autoimmune chronic hepatitis are directed to cell actin.
104. After supplying medical records and repeatedly telephoning the department, we were told in September that they had mislaid his file.
105. She has repeatedly tried to defend her husband against hostile criticism in the press.
106. But they still look for quality and are put off stores that repeatedly slash prices.
107. Hecklers repeatedly disrupted Duke's news conference, calling him a liar and a fascist.
108. Surprise doesn't register, instead, Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim's stomach.
109. Women repeatedly return to abusive relationships hoping to resolve the conflict and thus to not see themselves or their marriages as failures.
110. Mr Major has repeatedly made clear his strong opposition changing the voting system.
111. Yet the Mugabe government repeatedly issues public death threats against its foes.
112. Eleanor was beaten repeatedly by her husband and became depressed as a result.
113. That is why so small a group of internationally powerful banks are repeatedly chosen as lead managers.
114. This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
115. Sergeant Alan King died after being stabbed repeatedly by Vernage as he tried to crawl to safety.
116. Clinton repeatedly parried questions from reporters on his personal finances.
117. Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy.
118. Al Gore's presidential campaign repeatedly referred to his plans for tax credits as targeted tax cuts.
119. Several studies have shown that the physical stresses of repeatedly gaining and losing weight are linked with earl, deaths.
120. Goldman never denied repeatedly trying to contact Lee after the incident but said she wanted him to apologize.
121. Clinton has dipped into the conflict repeatedly since it erupted more than two years ago.
122. Following the decline of the Stockton to Darlington railway, the station gradually fell into disrepair and was repeatedly vandalised.
123. Speculators, however, repeatedly inflated the price enormously within days or weeks of release.
124. Even though her neck was repeatedly sliced, several gold chains she wore were not broken.
125. It may be some special legal word-ing, signature block, advertising message, or contractual term that is used repeatedly.
126. The name also appears repeatedly in the parish registers from 1562 onwards.
127. Unacceptable police behaviour in Roissy's waiting area has been repeatedly denounced by organisations that help immigrants.
128. Repeatedly doing this will move the cursor through all of the blank lines until it reaches the maximum.
129. Reading accounts of evacuation by more conservatively-minded social commentators, one repeatedly encounters this analysis.
130. A typical campaign consists of politicians repeatedly shouting their name, party affiliation, and other slogans through loudspeakers.
131. Mr Palomar's attempt to isolate the wave is a difficult and repeatedly unsuccessful one.
132. Mr Kerr had stepped in and overpowered the accused, who then had pulled a knife and stabbed him repeatedly.
133. A myrtle warbler in a flowering maple tree repeatedly probed into the massed flowers.
134. Is there anything wrong with watching a crash landing or listening to rattling machine-gun repeatedly?
135. The young man continued on his way and in the distance saw a man repeatedly jumping from a tree.
136. Household lights were repeatedly switched on and off, in protest against the government's economic adjustment programme.
137. One of the birds repeatedly dives and twists like a corkscrew on its way down.
138. Robert Crehan claims he was held down as the body building star repeatedly kicked him.
139. The massive bull lifted him bodily into the air and shook him repeatedly.
140. His owner(), Jeremy Young admitted repeatedly shooting him with an air rifle at his home in Princes Risborough.
141. Police said Bokin has also been repeatedly convicted of theft, possession of stolen property and writing bad checks.
142. Repeatedly he plunged his knife into the bewildered officer's head and chest until he collapsed.
143. She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
144. I was overlooked repeatedly, to such an extent that I became completely disgusted.
145. Dole repeatedly promises veterans that he would not touch their benefits.
146. Surely if the market is held repeatedly firms would realize this and formulate strategies that determine their actions overtime.
147. Parents repeatedly describe their work-inhibited children as overly sensitive and threatened by disapproval.
148. Haider has proved repeatedly that when it comes to politics he is capable of pulling a fast one.
149. However,(http://) favourable outcomes have been noted repeatedly when adequate treatment is given before the onset of central symptoms.
150. Billy Marks of Arlington said he was questioned repeatedly, given a polygraph and placed under surveillance for weeks.
151. During the six and a half years of marriage, I was repeatedly beaten, terrorized, tortured and sexually molested.
152. The chronic repeater Patients who repeatedly take overdoses pose considerable management difficulties.
153. It was the same man who had jostled her repeatedly during a bumpy ride on the Lexington Avenue Express subway.
154. A more serious incident was when Eric Langmaid, Chief Engineer, had to repeatedly stop the generators due to overheating.
155. In that experiment 19 enlisted men were repeatedly tested over a period of six weeks.
156. The same schemes are celebrated repeatedly with the government squeezing out every last drop of credit from West Belfast projects.
157. People in charge of the investigation have expressed chagrin repeatedly at the anger and impatience expressed by those whose loved ones perished.
158. During their investigation they repeatedly told the family that they must have provoked the attack.
159. Uydess said the company covered up findings that cigarettes were addictive, a charge tobacco industry officials have repeatedly denied.
160. Powered by solar panels and car batteries, the music machines repeatedly play a 15-minute recording made of the Farallones murre colony.
161. Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
162. Instead the focus is repeatedly turned toward establishing wifely submission as the guarantee of a rewarding, peaceful marriage.
163. Maggie sobbed with exertion as her hands dug repeatedly into the water.
164. She gasped repeatedly and Creed, goggle-eyed and slack-jawed, panted in time with her gasping.
165. The string section repeatedly cut through his fraught baritone with great sheets of emotional counterpoint.
166. The difficulty with natural selection which Taylor raises repeatedly is that it explains evolution by chance.
167. Rational agents are not repeatedly and systematically duped by the actions of the monetary authorities.
168. It prevents an enterprise from falling into the self-defeating trap of rewarding one constituent group repeatedly, and repeatedly penalizing others.
169. White told how he had repeatedly tried to escape, been twice captured, twice imprisoned, finally condemned to death.
170. The commitment to the commune, as the best means of taxing and policing the peasantry, was repeatedly reaffirmed.
171. Because of his color, it has been repeatedly assumed that he does not really belong at Vassar.
172. Both men fired repeatedly, guided by the occasional flash of a rifle ahead of them.
173. They asked for more, repeatedly, and continued to harass and threaten her.
174. Ray, now 69 and terminally ill with liver disease, has repeatedly changed his story over the years.
175. The same syllables were sung repeatedly at a number of different pitches.
176. Mineral, vitamin and blood-sugar levels have been repeatedly shown to affect ability to relax.
177. She was repeatedly doing up and undoing the bottom button of her black cardigan.
178. He took her to a Forest Hill bedsit where he repeatedly raped her before releasing her.
179. Repeatedly she found he had rung the private,(http:///repeatedly.html) ex-directory line at Camilla's home Middlewich House.
180. The position, as the Government have repeatedly made clear, is that trusts will remain part of the national health service.
181. He fell and grovelled in agony as the driver lashed him repeatedly about the head and body.
182. The power of eye-to-eye contact with a newborn has been brought home to us repeatedly.
183. Anderson repeatedly refused to predict when the company will move back into the black.
184. Pete Wilson took in his unsuccessful presidential campaign in which he repeatedly highlighted affirmative action as a cutting-edge issue.
185. The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
186. The preference for directives as opposed to regulations for environmental matters has also been repeatedly expressed.
187. In six rounds of voting, deputies repeatedly failed to elect a candidate by the required majority of 531 votes.
188. This was another of the instructions that would be repeatedly announced, ignored and forgotten over the next decade.
189. Buthelezi had repeatedly insisted on a meeting with Mandela on an equal footing and in his capacity as head of Inkatha.
190. Chirac has repeatedly called on the United States to increase aid to developing nations.
191. Colin Powell, who would help Dole draw moderate voters, has repeatedly said he is unavailable.
192. Training for speed must work repeatedly on the fast twitch fibres on a stop - go basis.
193. After repeatedly failing his examinations, he was eventually called to the bar in the Inner Temple.
194. It was only because it was repeatedly interrupted that it did not become all-pervasive, and ultimately intolerable.
195. Whiter illustrates his point by showing how the conditions of Elizabethan dramatic presentation reinforced the use of certain repeatedly connected images.
196. He would shout her name, call repeatedly into the wind until she appeared on the balcony to wave.
197. Dole has repeatedly tried to avoid giving Democrats the opportunity for a straight vote on the wage.
198. But peace talks stalled, and pro- and anti-rebel factions have clashed repeatedly.
199. A child might not complain of itching, but she might be rubbing her eyes or nose repeatedly.
200. Both places represent semiarid savannas and have repeatedly been affected by drought and famine.
201. Dole, to his credit, has repeatedly declined to play politics in the most sensitive diplomatic areas.
202. In an even more pointed joke, Werner Heisenberg was repeatedly paged over the public-address system for two days running.
203. Two small boys trapped a crab, repeatedly poking it with a stick until it went belly up and played dead.
204. Francis Gary Powers repeatedly claimed he was at maximum altitude when he felt the impact and saw the flash.
205. Simpson has said so repeatedly since his acquittal in the case.
206. The series has never won an Emmy, though it has been nominated repeatedly.
207. Even more than Sukenick's,() Raymond Federman's novels repeatedly blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction.
208. He has stated repeatedly that he will not concede any territory to neighboring countries.
209. But Clinton had left her dangling, repeatedly refusing to say whether she would win reappointment.
210. She saw no reason for fear, and said so repeatedly.
211. Party chairman Chris Patten, who repeatedly urged caution, was not to know that Treasury forecasts of recovery were baseless.
212. It is recommended for on-the-spot checking for animals before they enter the herd and those with repeatedly high cell counts.
213. Again, he was interrupted repeatedly with applause, but this was a crowd which does not cheer.
214. The principle is repeatedly and thoughtlessly violated.
215. Mr Jiang asks repeatedly from his fertiliser store.
216. To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort.
217. To stretch ( taffy, for example ) repeatedly.
218. The copy, cribbing and falsification are repeatedly arising.
219. The president has repeatedly questioned their impartiality.
220. She appeared repeatedly as an expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
221. On the stage designer says delightedly , under the stage owner hears to nod repeatedly with gusto.
222. Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over.
223. On mainland love musical instrument, person animal two big phyletic build a style repeatedly disparate.
224. The voyage home began, but not before an intruding aeroplane had repeatedly circled the ship.
225. Masturbation is not a good thing when one shoots blanks repeatedly.
226. The Rudd Government has repeatedly called for caution by both sides in thewilds of the Antarctic.
227. One question that is asked repeatedly is why Harry has to use a quill pen?
228. Convulsions look terrifying, but they are rarely fatal unless they recur repeatedly.
229. Auction and repeatedly issuance of line operation license are not allowed.
230. These unverified statements are repeatedly as evidence over a lengthy period of 20 years.
231. The treatment by transfuses blood repeatedly, the adrenal cortex hormone primarily, partial blood transfusion safe reliable.
232. In addition, he has repeatedly made threats to shoot so that the Bremen goal jittery.
233. A principle is involved, a life - and - death principle which is repeatedly and thoughtlessly violated.
234. As the mountain climber fell to his death, his body was repeatedly dashed against the cliff.
235. Eg . Mr . Nixon has said repeatedly that American war in Indochina would soon be over.
236. Fossa cubitalis place can flap repeatedly, appear even slight gore.
237. Many of your readers, including so - called highbrow critics, have repeatedly subjected your books to negative readings.
238. Mr. Micheletti has repeatedly refused to consider the reinstatement of the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya .
239. He nodded repeatedly as if carried away by wretchedness and frustration.
240. Probably formed in Early Proterozoic, it was rejuvenated repeatedly in late stage.
241. Sarah repeatedly tried to fast from compulsive, joyless praise - seeking.
242. Their Kinfolk have been forced out of their homelands repeatedly, sometimes dragged away in chains.
243. A tour guide said repeatedly that the this kind of road was just like pock.
244. The Tigers, a small guerrilla force of around 5,000 fighters, have repeatedly resisted conventional attack.
245. The filament of castor oil plant synthesizes many bundles repeatedly, call much style stamen.
246. It occurs and repeatedly. The disease influences the patients in sociality, emotion, and so on.
247. I've repeatedly tried to enthuse him about commercial possibilities, but he scoffs and sends me chases.
248. We can swab it repeatedly Sassafras pages, and then dust lightly flick.
249. He had been indicted for money - laundering and repeatedly admonished by the House Ethics Committee.
250. Does sword arm humerus interrupt bone what to tweak to have repeatedly?
251. This is not alarmist talk; it is a truth repeatedly borne out by history.
252. Studies have repeatedly found unacceptably high levels of harmful bacteria in street food products.
253. After breaking the law repeatedly, the hoodlum was finally caught and brought to account.
254. Results The repeatedly of C oulter LH 750 is higher than Coulter MAXM.
255. Meanwhile Russia, for all its truculence, has repeatedly delayed supplying the nuclear fuel for Bushehr.
256. His chief general staff , Ilker Basbug, has repeatedly said that firepower alone cannot vanquish the PKK.
256. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
257. To form ( candle ) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.
258. Every sort of villainy has repeatedly been brought home to him.
259. That was pretty discouraging and disheartening to see that happening, and it happened repeatedly.
260. Have repeatedly won the province in the city and the quality of pacesetter advanced enterprises.
261. Does someone say serious whelk contains syrup fruit to also cannot eat more repeatedly?
262. An army of pyjama - clad bloggers has repeatedly outsmarted long - established newspapers on breaking stories.
263. Just as strikingly, the decline of empire has repeatedly coincided with intolerance and xenophobia.
264. To form ( a candle ) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.
265. There are three juxtaposed but not - in - sync images in this work. Unharmonious frequencies song repeatedly and randomly.
266. Yan Jing Ke suspected Prince an excuse to delay repeatedly urged innuendo.
267. Accusations of wrongdoing had repeatedly been brought to its attention.




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