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单词 Nut
1 He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell. 
2 He cracked his nut on the ceiling.
3 Take your spanner, and tighten the nut.
4 What a nut he is!
5 It is a tough nut for him to crack.
6 It is a hard nut for him to crack.
7 You must be off your nut, going out in the weather like this.
8 The nut isn't tight enough yet: give it another screw.
9 The nut has worked off.
10 He's a tough nut to crack.
11 My dad is such a nut.
12 She'll do her nut when she sees the mess.
13 We heard your sister doing her nut.
14 Ian's a tennis nut - he plays every day.
15 You must be off your nut!
16 The bird picked the nut out of the shell.
17 The nut has been worked on the spindle.
18 Oh come on, use your nut !
19 He's a complete nut, if you ask me.
20 There's some nut out there with a gun.
21 It doesn't matter; only a nut started.
22 He's a hard nut to crack.
23 Spread the nut mixture evenly over the bottom.
24 You can't do that! Are you off your nut?
25 What are you,() some kind of nut?
26 Use a wrench to loosen the nut.
27 The final exam was a tough nut.
28 She'll do her nut when she finds out!
29 He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut
30 I told him what she had said about him and he did his nut.
1 Take your spanner, and tighten the nut.
2 What a nut he is!
3 It is a tough nut for him to crack.
4 You must be off your nut, going out in the weather like this.
5 I told him what she had said about him and he did his nut.
6 The nut has worked off.
7 He's a tough nut to crack.
8 If you think this film is good you must be off your nut.
9 Where have you been? Your mother has been doing her nut for two hours wondering.
10 Printing visiting cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
31 She's a film nut.
32 If you think this film is good you must be off your nut.
33 It strikes me that he's right a tough nut to crack.
34 As a teenager, Jack was a real hard nut, always getting into fights.
35 The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut and marine algae.
36 He may have softened a bit in his old age but he's still a tough nut.
37 He grabbed my tie and I thought he was going to nut me in the face.
38 Celtic have lost only once this season and will be a tough nut to crack.
39 I didn't get home till three - my mum did her nut!
40 He drives like a nut he'll kill himself one day.
41 Where have you been? Your mother has been doing her nut for two hours wondering.
42 With two houses, three cars and child-support payments, he just couldn't meet his nut, even with a second job.
43 Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
44 She'll do her nut when she sees the broken window.
45 What kind of nut would leave a car on a railway track?
46 Printing visiting cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
47 You don't have to be a sports nut to enjoy skiing.
48 It was a small and peaceful demonstration so I don't know why there was such a big police presence. It was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
49 She's a tough nut to crack ; I don't think she'll give us permission.
50 Our nut roasts aren't exactly made for vegetarians.
51 Add nut mixture and spread evenly.
52 All it took was tightening a nut.
53 She eats a pistachio nut, and fastens her locket.
54 Talk about using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut!
55 Be awesome! Be a book nut! Dr. Seuss 
56 In fact, the nut resembles a girl's pudendum.
57 There are two ways to crack this nut.
58 Eleanor is such a nut.
59 Sprinkle pine nut mixture over and serve immediately.
60 The Annamese all chew betel nut.
61 The woman sounds like a real nut.
62 Tax will be an even tougher nut.
63 Beverley was a tougher nut to crack.
64 They put him in with the nut cases.
65 A chocolate nut upside-down cake was the request of Teresa Ipock of Longview, Wash.
66 It is usually about 20 millimetres in diameter, with the requisite internal nut and as hard as a stone.
67 McCready had shown him how to loosen the nut connecting the water pipe to the radiator.
68 The pragmatist knows it better than the idealist. 97 excess A sledge-hammer to crack a nut.
69 I reached into the door pocket and pulled out the heavy wheel nut spanner.
70 A semi-circular wedge is moved up and down an inclined groove in an aluminium nut, with a trigger.
71 That need is most frequently satisfied by recourse to a nut or three.
72 As a result, they act in the manner of the proverbial sledge-hammer to crack a nut.
73 Ignore the fact that a nut may be weakened by repeated use as hammer.
74 He changed the spanner for one clearly the wrong size and tried vainly to tighten the nut again.
75 The incident is passed on so that, over time, the betel nut becomes a symbol of eternal regeneration and devotion.
76 Shearer, a tough nut not inclined to whinge, said his ankle was like a pudding.
77 The fitting is assembled by putting the nut over the pipe first, followed by the olive and then the fitting.
78 He changed the spanner for one the correct size and tightened the nut.
79 The room was badly ventilated, and the floor was strewn with nut shells and orange peel.
80 She always struck me as a ginger nut sort of person.
81 She eats another nut, and needlessly, absently, combs her hair.
82 Remember too, that a nut going mouldy in air has room for the mould to show as fibres or a crust.
83 She eats a pistachio nut, and fastens her locket. New Year's Eve.
84 Fakhru rubbed one smooth slice with his thumb and then placed the spotted nut slice on his protruding tongue.
85 Truss-rod adjustment lives under the traditionally-situated cover above the nut, and offers full dual-action flexibility.
86 This is a critical feature on such an instrument, as a badly cut nut here would wreak havoc on playability.
87 Daytime television is a tough nut to crack. New shows have to be good enough to beat the old favorites.
87 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
88 A lot of people think he's a complete nut, but he's actually quite harmless.
89 Their feet are an awful dream of bunions - but the buffalo's brazil nut bugle-horns can never sound reveille.
90 The betel nut lay in slices on a white dish.
91 We begin with the nut cutlets of a vegetarian household where Harriet and Vesey meet as adolescents.
92 Apparently, this made the conker more malleable, allowing it to absorb the impact of my prize pickled nut.
93 Certainly the grace and old-world tradition of nut trees are an asset to any garden.
94 Elsewhere, the tree had grown randomly at lower elevations, and the nut was used for local consumption.
95 When you pour the concrete, be sure the threads are clean so nothing interferes with installing the nut.
96 Leftover savouries, such as nut roast, make good sandwich fillings.
97 You can now unscrew the nut and let it slide down the pipe as you don't need it now.
98 In taps, replacing the tap washer and tightening the gland nut will both contribute to stopping water hammer occurring.
99 He cleaned out a pocket and tapped in a nut.
100 West Ham will be a tough nut to crack especially with big Lee in good form at the moment.
101 She would have written me off as a time-wasting nut.
102 Another help is selenium, a vital trace element: one brazil nut will provide your daily needs.
103 And there are numerous sweet spreads to go with fruit and nut bagels.
104 Remove from oven and sprinkle fete cheese and herb and pine nut garnishes over top.
105 He picked up a thick pair of cutting shears and trimmed a betel nut.
106 He started asking me a lot of questions about my personal life. I think the guy's some kind of nut.
107 One old woman chewed betel nut and nodded weakly as the bullets boiled in.
108 No doubt it was easier to reform it with Dzerzhihsky nut of Moscow, although he retained his post as head.
109 Insertinch carriage bolts about 7 inches long to accommodate a washer and a nut on the inside of the beam.
110 One glance was all it took to realise this was one hard nut to crack - his features still completely impassive.
111 One spare nut on a table may not seem much of an asset, but 10,000 nuts going spare are a liability.
112 Adam Sandler stars as a hockey nut who becomes a professional golfer, turning golf tournaments into goof tournaments.
113 He conceded, however, that the company tightened a nut in the fuse box on Saab models after 1992.
114 His winning concoction was Macadamia Fudge Torte: chocolate cake with fudge-filled cavities, topped by macadamia nut streusel.
115 Also, the D-32's nut has a nasty sharp corner on the treble side.
116 If you are determined to cultivate fruits, then the safest bets are berry bushes and nut trees.
117 He who eats the nut must first crack the shell Jeremy Cherfas Walnuts come in hard and convoluted shells.
117 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
118 He looked a little like a damp nut, Oliver thought.
119 Eat plenty of wholefoods, such as wholemeal bread, rice and pasta, sugar-free cereals, porridge, nut pulses and seeds.
120 The principle of proportionality - do not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut - is straight forward logic.
121 In the kitchen, drain at the draincock Use a bath/basin spanner to undo the nut on the tap connector.
122 Lawyers claim that she's a nut who's concocted a story of date rape.
123 And the place is a nut we're hardly likely to crack with an army, let alone this handful of us.
124 Already highly successful in popular music, dance and commercial television, blacks have found the movies a tougher nut to crack.
125 If he did I must have been asleep. 14 unbeaten with 9 wins. Tough nut again on Saturday at Norwich.
126 Install jam nut to a snug fit.
127 Silver plate . Thick Brass nut, Gold plate.
128 It is a hard nut to crack.
129 Single Entry Valves - CAREFULLY tighten single Union Nut.
130 Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.
131 Nearby attractions: Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation, Hilo.
132 My favorite nut is the pecan.
133 I had a little nut tree.
134 Screw rings, rings nut. Butterfly nut. Butterfly screws.
135 Location: Barbados nut is a highly poisonous plant.
136 The action ripens and the hickory nut matures.
137 Why don't you try tightening the pinion nut first?
138 My boss a hard nut to crack.
139 It was then a hard nut to crack.
140 Abnormity nut need three sets of mould take shape.
141 Great. Now everybody thinks I'm a nut case.
142 Tighten packing nut lightly if leaks occur around stem.
143 Single Entry Valves - slightly loosen single Union Nut.
144 Rhodium over silver plate . Brass nut, Gold plate.
145 Do not tighten packing nut enough to bind stem.
146 You can use a spanner to loosen the nut.
147 It has been to one of the four big nut tree seeds now which inferior to almond.
148 Disc is fastened securely to disc hanger with a lock nut and cotter pin.
149 He sold that system to the betel nut farmer, raising his first cash.
150 Printing business cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
151 Hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
152 Nut trees such as filbert, hazelnut and yellowhorn produce well with only sun in the morning.
153 I am a Clark Gable nut : I have seen all his films.
154 Menehune Mac, founded in 1939, is the oldest existing manufacturer of macadamia nut candies in Hawaii, according its Web site.
155 Use to unscrew Flame Adjuster Nut & Pump's Stop Nut.
156 Unscrew the nut from the service connection of suction valve and connect the compound pressure gauge.
157 How to define a constitution is a hard nut for the legal community to crack.
158 SOMETIMES the only way to crack a nut is with a sledgehammer.
159 The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut.
160 Mount Olympus, home of the gods of the ancient Greeks, was said to have had an abundance of chestnut trees producing this sweet, edible nut.
161 Cashew nut shells contain oil that is extremely irritating to human skin.
162 Our area of expertise is nut jobs in Halloween costumes.
163 People believed that the Devil was a nut - gatherer. At Halloween, nuts were used as magic charms.
164 Panthenol, fatty alcohols, and nut oils. These common additives moisturize and lock in hydration.
165 But the nut race doesn't go quite as planned - and soon turns a nutty nut chase!
166 Extract pine nut oils pine nuts by solvent extraction, and test their physical and chemical characters.
167 The range includes track roller, carrier roller, sprocket, idler, track link assembly, track shoe, track bolt and nut, bucket pin and bushing etc.
168 Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, saffron, myrrh, angelica, ossein, peach nut seed extract etc.
169 As described at fullbellyproject. org , the Universal Nut Sheller is a cement cone within a cone.
170 Hazelnut nut maturity and variety of closely related species and climatic conditions.
171 Studied the emulsification technology conditions for the pine nut powder micro encapsulated processes.
172 Sautee spinach , pine nut and raisin with a dash of salt and pepper.
173 And all for the sake of my little nut tree.
174 Keeps lips soft and smooth with moisture replenishing organic shea nut butter and rosehip oil.
175 The cola flavor in the drinks come from the cola or kola nut.
176 After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened.
177 Tighten the N coupling nut on the AC servo motor side temporarily.
177 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
178 Remove the upper suspension arm nut and bolt at the axle bracket.
179 And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock.
180 He suspected that pesticides from a neighboring macadamia nut farm were to blame.
181 You're thinking a 4 - oz scoop of Baskin Robbins Baseball Nut ice cream.
182 The adjusting nut and the anti - fake seal fixing body are arranged on locknut through screw threads.
183 The brown pigment of loquat nut is natural and pigment.
184 As described at full belly project. org, the universal nut Sheller is basically a summand corn with in a corn.
185 Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
186 The movable device mainly consists of the nut, bolt, lifting wedge, backseat, supporting seat of the clamp plate, spring and pressure plate and so on.
187 The cola flavor in the drinks come from the kola nut.
188 The chicks began growing wider, taller, more robust beaks similar to those of a nut - cracking finch.
189 How to tackle the non-performing asset is a hard nut to crack for bank industry all over the world.
190 Crikey, is he a hard nut to crack. I don't think he watches MLS.
191 Each nut grows inside a small, pear - shaped peduncle — a false fruit.
192 One combined with an officer and HMG is a tougher nut to crack for the sniper.
193 Hold the yoke with Wrench 67 Remove the pinion shaft nut and washer.
194 I baked one loaf of carrot nut bread and two loaves of zucchini spice bread.
195 The winter's frost must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen.
196 Hardware, Screw Bolt, Nut, Spring, Rivet, Washer, Furniture Accessories Springwashers.
197 Employing an experienced chef to make sandwiches is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
198 Grasp Stem Nut with fingers or pliers and lift module from body.
199 They are made up of sleeve, lock nut and lock washer.
200 Do not tighten packing nut enough to bind stem. This uneven regulation and excessive stem wear.
201 Turn the wiper module over and remove the nut that secures the wiper motor crank arm to the wiper motor output shaft .
202 The fatty acid compositions of 11 nut species were determined.
203 The difficult terrain of the Pennines will be a hard nut to crack.
204 If you want to create a model of a better way to live and make a living, you don't want to be written off as a nut case.
205 The extension includes fittings and extension pipe with handwheel or nut mounted.




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