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单词 Circumstantial
1. The case against McCarthy is based largely on circumstantial evidence.
2. He had compiled a file of largely circumstantial evidence.
3. The case against him was largely circumstantial.
4. The case against her was circumstantial.
5. The evidence against him was purely circumstantial.
6. Their problems were circumstantial rather than personal.
7. There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.
8. The book includes a long and circumstantial account of Empson's conversation with the Queen.
9. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence but they still needed a clincher, something cast iron that would carry a conviction.
10. There was a mass of circumstantial evidence linking Watson to the murder.
11. The case against my client rests entirely on circumstantial evidence.
12. There is strong circumstantial evidence for this.
13. And it is usually critical in a circumstantial case.
14. The circumstantial evidence is merely overwhelming.
15. Investigators search for witnesses who have director circumstantial evidence.
16. None the less, this is clearly a circumstantial case.
17. Circumstantial evidence suggests that this animal is a significant problem for water voles.
18. They also provide circumstantial evidence for a close relationship between mind and brain.
19. The case against Coleman was largely circumstantial, supported by some inconclusive forensic evidence.
20. Some one who could put the circumstantial jigsaw puzzle together.
21. In summary, our results provide circumstantial support for the hypothesized link between solar cycle length and irradiance.
22. There was circumstantial evidence a plenty to support the Shijingshan theory.
23. Circumstantial evidence, I know, but evidence that strongly suggests that the engineer was clobbered by a heavy metallic instrument.
24. Again, we come across tantalising circumstantial evidence, with the aid of standardised tests.
25. This is only circumstantial evidence for a link between food sensitivity and colic, of course, but it is of interest.
26. Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence.
27. You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.
28. The evidence for the so-called atomic theory has been very much circumstantial.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. In 1994, Raddad was jailed for 18 years for Marchal's murder on the basis of circumstantial evidence.
30. According to her, Rick Lawrence is caught in a web of circumstantial evidence.
1. The case against McCarthy is based largely on circumstantial evidence.
31. Nevertheless calls for a congressional inquiry into the October Surprise allegations increased throughout the month as further circumstantial evidence was uncovered.
32. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support this explanation, apart from some rather dubious circumstantial evidence.
33. A shadow of a smile creased her mouth; but it was circumstantial, not genuine.
34. Despite the absence of precise measures, there are a few types of circumstantial evidence that suggest legislative weakness.
35. Evidence of a link between the arrival of television and the erosion of social connections is not merely circumstantial.
36. Such a contention is, of course, unprovable, since all the evidence is circumstantial and associative.
37. They concede, however, that their case against Sharif rests on circumstantial evidence.
38. No one knew by whom but the circumstantial evidence seemed to be mounting up.
39. The state will have to build its case with circumstantial evidence.
40. The evidence is undeniably circumstantial; the rare examples of actual letting usually come in the form of licences to demise.
41. There is certainly accumulating circumstantial evidence to suggest that this is in fact the case.
42. Soil temperature was not controlled in our study, and so the evidence linking temperature and root mortality is circumstantial.
43. The aetiology remains unknown, but much circumstantial evidence suggests that immunological mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis.
44. Kids, who are circumstantial outsiders, tend to identify with such creatures and envision them as their vengeful protectors.
45. The lack of evidence and the circumstantial nature of the testimony caused a public outcry.
46. Lynne, it may look circumstantial to you, but from where I sit the evidence is pretty overwhelming.
47. In the absence of witnesses, only a confession on the part of the defendant or sufficient circumstantial evidence will substantiate the offence.
48. This account of events certainly fitted the circumstantial evidence, but was seen by the jury as most improbable.
49. The reasons for the project collapsing were circumstantial.
50. There is much circumstantial evidence and some direct evidence.
51. His pages march on, direct and circumstantial.
52. The jury will not convict on circumstantial evidence alone.
53. My memory is circumstantial and unshaken.
54. You can't convict him merely on circumstantial evidence.
55. Circumstantial evidence is like a blackberry, which when red or white is really green.
56. In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official.
57. Specifically, because there is a direct interest between the accomplices, the probative force of their testimonies is generally weak and thus circumstantial evidence is needed.
58. Circumstantial evidence requires that the jury infer a fact from what the witness observed.Sentencedict
59. With vague circumstantial evidence pointing to Philippe, he was immediately arrested and charged with patricide.
60. It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.
61. Most of those reports were a nightmare - grotesque, circumstantial , eager, and untrue.
62. Circumstantial evidenceand documents that point to an individual as the perpetrator of a crime.
63. It also can be divided into three subcategories: verbal irony, circumstantial irony and dramatic irony.
64. Evidence is classified as real evidence, testimony, direct evidence, and circumstantial evidence.




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