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单词 Intake
1 He has been advised to increase his fibre intake.
2 I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.
3 What is your daily intake of calories?
4 Try to reduce your intake of fat.
5 The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.
6 Make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins A, B, C and D.
7 Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults.
8 Intake in state primary schools is down by 10 %.
9 Sickness may develop from inadequate fluid intake.
10 The intake valve was jammed open.
11 This year's intake seems/seem to be quite bright.
12 You need to watch your alcohol intake.
13 He heard a sharp intake of breath.
14 Intake in universities is down by 10%.
15 She gave a sharp intake of breath.
16 Algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.
17 You should maintain a low intake of fat.
18 Last year's intake just didn't measure up.
19 He wants to reduce his salt intake.
20 You should think about reducing your fat intake .
21 Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day.
22 The teacher-training college has increased its intake of students by 50% this year.
23 Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.
24 Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.
25 The school has an annual intake of 20 to 30.
26 One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.
27 When the news was announced,[] there was a sharp intake of breath.
28 It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.
29 His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.
30 One of the best ways to get to your ideal size is to cut fat intake right down.
1 He has been advised to increase his fibre intake.
2 I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.
3 What is your daily intake of calories?
4 Try to reduce your intake of fat.
5 The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.
6 Make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins A, B, C and D.
7 One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.
8 Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults.
9 Intake in state primary schools is down by 10 %.
10 The Department is gearing up for increased intake of students.
31 The Department is gearing up for increased intake of students.
32 Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.
33 The school is preparing to welcome the new intake of students.
34 Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.
35 Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.
36 There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.
37 They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters(), and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.
38 Laminin has been related to alcohol intake.
39 Patients keep daily diaries of fluid intake and voiding.
40 There was a sharp intake of breath.
41 So by rationing these foods you cut calorie intake.
42 Eberson is the intake officer for the prison.
43 Above the minimum level, the risk increases with intake.
44 The always therapeutic intake of champagne helped.
45 This need not mean drastically reducing food intake.
46 This will give you your average daily calorie intake.
47 Laminin concentration is also related to alcohol intake.
48 A good average intake is about 20g per day.
49 Control your intake of smoking, alcohol and spicy food.
50 Pregnant women should reduce their intake of caffeine.
51 Furthermore, dietary manipulation studies have shown that high fat intake can increase faecal bile acid excretion.
52 She felt giddy with the first intake of smoke, but suddenly saw how to make a whole of the face.
53 Fenton moved his big prison rig closer too, in anticipation of a fresh intake of captives.
54 The po solution is to move the factory upstream of itself so that its effluent is drawn into its intake.
55 Indeed, there were fewer patients than expected taking NSAIDs, perhaps since intake had been reduced because of chronic duodenal ulcer disease.
56 She heard the soft intake of his breath, then he was drawing her down on to the grass.
57 Poly-unsaturated fats should constitute the next largest share of your fat intake, after mono-unsaturated fats.
58 They obtain most of the liquid they need through the intake of green vegetation.
59 So it is also the diet to choose if you have sensibly taken to heart the well-established benefits of reducing fat intake.
60 Patients assigned to receive steroids consumed an unrestricted diet and were asked to record their food intake during the first four weeks.
61 Women may respond to the unpleasant feelings associated with the peak progesterone levels by increasing their caffeine intake.
62 The serum concentration of IGF-I and growth velocity both improved with increased calorie intake.
63 Eating less meat, which has a high salt content, meant that they needed to supplement their salt intake.
64 Most people try to do this by restricting their calorie intake, usually by cutting it in half.
65 They reduced their chemical intake because they now reclaim the metals.
66 All of a sudden, she realised there had been a collective intake of breath and that everyone around her was staring at the monitors.
67 The means by which body water content may be altered is by changing either intake or excretion of water, or both.
68 The percentage of mature students in relation to the total undergraduate intake was just over 6%.
69 They have no specific food requirement and wild rabbits have no significant water intake.
70 She shrank so quickly because she cut her daily calorie intake from more than 5,000 to 2,000.
71 Dietary purine intake may provide a significant source of uric acid.
72 Once you reach your target weight, you can increase your intake up to a maximum of 70 grams a day.
73 By balancing your calcium intake at an early age, your bones are better prepared for these potentially damaging changes.
74 In order to cut down on salt intake, first remove salt containers from the table.
75 You should also establish the patient's usual pattern of fluid intake and output by tactful questioning.
76 Reduce your intake of salt, sugar and junk foods - especially beneficial if you suffer from water retention.
77 Sodium intake may modulate both the hypotensive and the renal responses to angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors.
78 Being over-generous when pouring one's own is a well documented cause of excessive intake.
79 Teacher Training, Training Course Administrator,[http://] expressed the need for a continuing intake of trainee teachers.
80 If the problem is severe then the child and mother may need to be admitted to hospital for observation of nutritional intake.
81 Intake of diary products was less in the patients and probably contributed to the normal faecal fat excretion.
82 However, on the basis of the findings of this study Universities need not fear increasing their mature student intake.
83 These foods will make up the calories they are losing when cutting down on their saturated fat intake.
84 The recommended daily intake of water to help flush away toxins is 2 litres-so sip constantly all day long.
85 She heard the sharp intake of his breath and desire flared out of control so that, despite herself, she responded.
86 Excessive protein intake can be dangerous, putting stress on the kidneys and causing dehydration.
87 It will analyze and graph your daily intake and compare it with the recommended dietary allowances set by the government.
88 It is usual to record the fluid balance so that intake and output and their relationship may be assessed.
89 These changes were accompanied by a greater and more sustained increase in energy intake in the steroid group.
90 You're effectively cheating your body by reducing your calorie intake and your body sends out different responses because it's confused.
91 In extreme conditions where very little carbohydrate or fat is eaten, any protein intake can also be used as fuel.
92 Your food intake is of prime importance during the rest and recovery stage.
93 I force her skinny little arms into the position I need and ignore the sharp intake of breath.
94 Marian heard a quick intake of breath from Allen, the sound a horse makes when it is about to bolt.
95 For a subject in balance, sodium excretion equals sodium intake.
96 Therefore after six months the dieter is behaving according to all twenty-six goals and she has achieved a considerable reduction in sugar intake.
97 There are no studies on the acute effect of alcohol intake on gastric acid secretion in chronic alcoholic patients.
98 Goats are highly susceptible to Haemonchus contortus particularly when they are precluded from browsing and derive all their food intake from pasture.
99 Today, the average intake of 20g a day puts us among the lowest fibre-consumers in the world.
100 It can be produced in sheep by reducing the food intake of ewes in early pregnancy.
101 Ten gallons of water entered the engine room through an air intake, but both engines continued to run normally.
102 Schools with an intake of troubled poor children struggle in the league tables, lose children and lose money.
103 It is evident that this study did not differentiate between the intake of bulk laxatives and stimulatory laxatives of the anthranoid type.
104 So this should help you in keeping the calorie intake low.
105 Duty and intake systems to detect incipient problems early and to provide a rapid response. 3.
106 Finally, causes of increased intake or production of potassium must be considered.
107 Also, buying canned or frozen food rather than fresh food cuts down our vitamin intake by as much as 25-30 percent.
108 Getting your diet right Reduce fat intake - to 15% of your diet or less.
108 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
109 Where an intake of breath is not necessarily followed by an exhalation.
110 The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
111 The usual daily intake of potassium is 70 to 140 mEq.
112 In modern mills, grain is stored in silos which are often separate from the mill and near to a bulk intake point.
113 There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.
114 In the cases studied alcohol intake was never higher than 50 g/day.
115 The comprehensive tour included barley purchase, intake, laboratory, steeping, germination, kilns and malt dispatch.
116 Alcohol intake, serum lipids and obesity Alcohol may have several effects on serum lipids.
117 Therefore, to their inadequate intake of phosphate is added urinary loss from a secondary form of hyperparathyroidism.
118 If you are the right weight already you could very probably still be healthier if you reduced your intake of saturated fats.
119 The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that stable workers could have been exposed to as much as 190 times the acceptable daily intake.
120 The increased healing rate in wine drinkers is consistent with other reports that moderate alcohol intake may be harmless or beneficial.
121 When he heard the deep intake of breath, Joe related.
122 Situated in an area of falling population and high unemployment, the school has a racially mixed intake.
123 The most frequent effect of excess alcohol intake on serum lipids is elevation of triglyceride levels.
124 Sea mammals can, however, easily cope with an intake of sea water.
125 If the limitations of the 24-hour recall are kept in mind, gross calculations of nutrient intake are valid.
126 Clearly, a rhythm in food intake might be able to adjust the body clock via several mechanisms.
127 There was a sharp intake of breath behind him, and there she stood in the doorway looking at him.
128 While decreasing your energy intake, you must continue to eat enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
129 The increase in the serum insulin concentration after steroid treatment may reflect increased energy intake or induction of insulin resistance.
130 They fasted for a further 2 hours, after which they were allowed normal food and fluid intake.
131 In addition, these patients usually reduce their food intake when disease flares up.
132 The inner gate closed behind the new intake of prisoners.
133 He went to police college on April Fools' day, 1970, where he was the best student among his intake.
134 So how do we eat the rest of our daily intake of fat?
135 There is some evidence that salt is bad and many people have cut salt intake in recent years.
136 Use your diary to form a picture of the kind of person you are when it comes to food intake.
137 Insiders say the front air intake, rounded but not necessarily elliptical, will be below the impact-absorbing front bumper.
138 I remember one dashing lecturer who regularly took his pick from each year's fresher intake.
139 After the intake of azo-bound drugs,[] the mucosal concentrations are very low despite a low systemic absorption.
140 If age, weakness, or intercurrent illness prevents adequate fluid intake, then severe hypertonicity may result.
141 Indeed, until relatively recently a healthy food intake was described as one that included quite heavy protein intake.
142 As her eyes closed she heard her own swift intake of breath.
143 An accurate record of Mr Reynolds' fluid intake and output was kept.
144 Incontinence is another problem that can begin by excessive alcohol intake.
145 He figured out how much money would be saved if they reported half of their intake.
146 The F-Plan also reduces your calorie intake in order to allow you to shed weight at sufficient speed.
147 The oral intake of complex carbohydrates is often restricted in patients with an acute diarrhoeal illness.
148 U.S. citizens score a little higher than we do, with an average intake of 27g daily.
149 To boost your protein intake, choose lentils, beans and pulses, which are all low in fat too.
150 Satiety was increased with a larger bulk of food intake.
151 Before take off you remove the front cover over the airspeed intake and then start your propeller.
152 It is no use stimulating muscle growth if your protein intake is insufficient.
153 Fifty five patients had dietary intake of iron assessed and data from 47 were evaluable.
154 He pulled a small notebook from his pants and slowly recorded his intake.
155 Primo could feel his fingers losing hold of the on / off switch of his intake valve.
156 For the non-obese patients, simply reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may control the diabetes for a time at least.
157 Evidence is mounting against the received wisdom that interfering with a person's cholesterol intake can reliably alter his or her destiny.
158 This type of training is very demanding and rest and food intake are most important.
159 The front air intake duct area varies according to the radiator size of each model.
160 Alternatively, all fluid intake and output may be measured and recorded.
161 Age of starting smoking, cigarettes per day and years of abstinence, and regular alcohol intake.
162 Inside the room he could distinctly hear his own breathing - the sharp intake of air, followed by the slower exhalation.
163 In primary polydipsia, hyponatremia and hypotonicity occur in the face of maximal urinary dilution because water intake simply exceeds water excretion.
164 Court intake clerks must reject any document that does not meet legal requirements.
165 Protein is so important that nearly all diets, nomatterwhat other failings they may have, emphasize adequate protein intake.
166 A similar time interval was respected between the intake of the last dose of drug and the endoscopy.
167 He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable.
168 Between 1670 and 1750 the capital's intake of seaborne coal from the north-east averaged an annual half a million tons.
168 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
169 Those allowing themselves 1,500 calories daily might reach a fibre intake of 50g daily.
170 In a peculiar twist, large numbers of Western women mimicked Eastern women in low calorie intake.
171 Sulphate concentration in the colon is largely dependent on dietary intake.
172 A high intake causes rats to develop cancer, with damage to the testes and infections.
173 In addition suboptimal dietary iron intake was found in many of the patients though this was seldom the sole cause for anaemia.
174 Crystal iced spires in twinkling reflection, Sharp intake of breath at such perfection.
175 Also, watch your intake of alcohol and illicit drugs like marijuana.
176 Having located the air intake manifold we noticed a significant difference between the diagrams in the manuals and our engine.
177 Here again, dilution is impaired, but reduction of water intake below output will lead to a rise in serum tonicity.
178 Aquasense also monitors the water intake and use of detergent, giving useful energy savings.
179 Thus, a radiograph six hours after meal intake showing incomplete gastric emptying of markers indicates delayed gastric emptying.
180 Here you can discover exactly how out of whack your daily holiday intake actually was.
181 The intestinal permeability test result was even less reliably related to the gliadin intake than the antigliadin antibody test.
182 What slim people are actually like in terms of food intake Food preferences are obviously a very individual matter.
183 Many are highly adept at adding up their calorie intake.
184 Excess dietary energy intake, coffee or tea consumption, wine, beer, spirits or alcohol consumption.
185 Cumulative alcohol intake certainly plays a role and other environmental factors, in particular nutrition, may also be important.
186 And on March 20, a man argued with and threatened to sue two intake clerks who refused to record his documents.
187 The panel stressed that these nutrients are important for good health and that a minimum daily intake is important.
188 However, the objective must be to reduce the intake of all pesticides to the absolute minimum.
189 These were meat eaters who admitted to not caring about their intake of salt, sugar, caffeine or calories.
190 The next examination was scheduled for April, to be followed shortly by a new intake.
191 Truculently she pushed her hands through the glossy waves and then froze, suddenly aware of Lucenzo's prolonged intake of breath.
192 The survey asked how the patients felt as well as what their typical intake of caffeine was before the surgery.
193 The University will reach its target of 5000 students next September with the admission of a new intake of 1150 first years.
194 Keep a food diary Details of daily nutritional intake are required.
195 Their bodies seem unable to sense a high intake and continue to manufacture cholesterol in excess of requirements.
196 In fact this is a debit side to the food intake.
197 Some major agencies have a regular intake of graduates for training schemes.
198 Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients./intake.html
199 Poor souls, all they were doing was cutting calorie intake - the hard way.
200 But intake of other green vegetables has increased from 0.19oz to 0.50oz per week.
201 The daily intake should be divided into at least three doses because of the short half-life.
202 It appeared that, in terms of weight, it was roughly the equivalent of an agricultural labourer's daily intake of rice.
203 to reduce your daily intake of salt.
204 The physiological mechanisms regulating feed intake in poultry are complex and involved in many nerval routes and humoral factors.
205 The main principle of selective withdrawing is analyzed and the layout of march-past intake and eclipsed form intake are introduced on the basis of stratified flow theory.
206 There was a proposal in the United States to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants.
207 I heard, even over the babble of the crowd, a sharp, shocked intake of breath.
208 Helmholtz resonator has a simple configuration, but it has a good noise eliminating performance at low frequency. So it hs been widely used on the engine intake and exhaust noise reduction.
209 We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.
210 All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.
211 In vivo incorporation also showed similar results. It is apparent that dietary fat content, rather than total caloric intake, could be the primary factor for the change of lipogenesis in animals.
212 The average daily dietary intake of calories is 2952 Kcal per person.
213 Whateer the method, 99 percent of participants reduced oerall calorie intake.
214 There was still quite proportion of people whose intake of energy, protein, fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin B group, zinc, potassium and other nutrients were lower than RNI.
214 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
215 The carbohydrate intake of a diabetic exceeds the capacity of his kidney to excrete sugar.
216 Many burned patients will take oral fluid and regulate their own intake.
217 Add pasta to your salads to bump up your fibre intake.
218 Comment: In a previous epidemiological study, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was inversely associated with dietary intake of both fish oil and vitamin B12.
219 A high intake of polyunsaturated fat in the diet, while good for the heart, may lead to inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers.
220 The air intake duct is fully lined with a silencing material.
221 The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tryptophan, flavor and sweetener supplementation on spontaneous feeding behavior and feed intake of weanling piglets.




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