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单词 Overdose
1. She took an overdose and died two days later.
2. When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.
3. Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose .
4. She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills.
5. He had his stomach pumped after taking an overdose.
6. She took an overdose of paracetamol.
7. She died from a heroin overdose.
8. He died from an overdose of alcohol and barbiturates.
9. I was suffering from an overdose of culture.
10. He died from an overdose of barbiturates.
11. She died after taking a massive overdose of drugs.
12. Heroin overdose is a major cause of death among heroin users.
13. He took an overdose and was in the hospital for weeks.
14. She took an overdose after a row with her boyfriend.
15. An overdose of sun, sea, sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge.
16. Just before Christmas he took an overdose of pills.
17. He died from an overdose of narcotics.
18. Besides, she had only pretended to take an overdose.http://
19. The deceased died from an overdose of diet pills.
20. Doctors said afterwards the overdose was potentially life threatening.
21. Be careful, however, not to overdose on blue.
22. Had a brother who died of an overdose.
23. In despair, I unsuccessfully took an overdose.
24. An overdose can cause mental disorders, fits, a coma or death.
25. What to do if some one takes an overdose 1.
26. Each year, one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose.
27. An inquest found that the deceased had died of a drugs overdose.
28. She went into a deep coma after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
29. Everything points to her having died from a drugs overdose.
30. Medical opinion varies on how many tablets it takes to overdose.
1. She took an overdose and died two days later.
2. When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.
3. Each year, one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose.
4. He took an overdose and was in the hospital for weeks.
31. Since 1980 the number of drug overdose deaths has increased by 540 %.
32. In some cases, the increased blood levels of a drug can cause an overdose effect.
33. Montag returns home just after his first meeting with Clarisse to discover his wife has taken an overdose of sleeping tablets.
34. Dosing Don't be tempted to overdose the fish - it's better to use less when treating with herbal remedies.
35. Nevertheless, despite considerable improvement in her social circumstances, she took a repeat overdose one year later.
36. In a patient presenting late or after a particularly large overdose recognition of the onset of liver failure is crucial.
37. But they had troublesome side effects, and overdose could be fatal, a critical problem in suicidal patients.
38. The overdose did not appear to have involved serious suicidal intent.
39. A single sip of bleach is not toxic, but an overdose of Tylenol can kill you.
40. Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose.
41. Moon died in 1978, after an overdose of the prescribed drug he was taking to ease himself out of alcoholism.
42. Peter committed suicide the next day with an overdose of sleeping pills.
43. Bardot took the overdose on Saturday while staying at her villa near St Tropez with Bernard and friends.
44. His daughter had died of an overdose of drugs three years before.
45. Benzodiazepines, of course, are prescription only drugs, and an overdose is far less likely to cause death.
46. People who overdose in a suicidal attempt may take one or several drugs but generally ingest at most one pack of each.
47. He was working with the Woody Herman band at the time of his death following a drug overdose.
48. The hospital subsequently discovered that her death was the result of a massive overdose of a powerful anticancer drug.
49. Progress in reducing the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose may come only from preventing rather than treating fulminant hepatic failure.
50. At the age of 20 she took an overdose when she thought a boyfriend was about to desert her.
51. A similar overdose left a second patient, Maureen Bateman,[] with severe heart damage.
52. Kennedy has long held a fascination for Jimi Hendrix, who died from a drugs overdose in 1970.
53. Janet, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, had taken an overdose of paracetamol in circumstances which suggested low suicidal intent.
54. Most patients coming to hospital after an overdose are not at serious risk.
55. Sister Aimee died in 1944, from an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets.
56. After taking an overdose he told his neighbour what he had done and she called an ambulance.
57. Editor, - Gary P Bray makes several suggestions to reduce the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose.
58. Salicylate overdose in adults also results in both a metabolic acidosis and a primary respiratory alkalosis.
59. The 18-year-old male died of an overdose of sleeping pills.
60. Finally, the patient himself asked that the doctors kill him: they did so - through a drugs overdose.
61. Four years ago, his sister Margaret died after taking a heroin overdose.
62. Although many patients are prescribed psychotropic medication, only a small proportion of these will go on to take an overdose.
63. When she refused he took an overdose of his barbiturate tablets in front of her.
64. And if the clients died of an overdose of bullets, he was not too proud to go to their funerals.
65. Because blood concentrations of most opiates are quite low even in overdose, screening is usually done on the urine.
66. The 37-year-old took an overdose of painkillers and lay in sub-zero conditions with just a sleeping bag.
67. If she died of a drug overdose, it will show up in the autopsy.
68. The patient described here took an overdose not long after her marriage somewhat unexpectedly came to an end.
69. Excess electrolytes are excreted through the urine, but it is not wise to overdose them.
70. Also, an overdose of barbiturates can severely depress the central nervous system and lead to death.
71. Deaths from paracetamol overdose are unnecessary, and efforts should be made to decrease this mortality.
72. One boy died in a mysterious fire, another of a drug overdose.
73. The conclusion is inescapable. This was an accidental drug overdose and not a suicide.
74. He got thrown out of the halfway house for an overdose.
75. He reportedly told police who questioned him after the school attack that he had taken an overdose of tranquilizers.
76. No hypnotic was prescribed in view of the risk of a further overdose.
77. Because of its wide use and toxicity at high concentrations, phenytoin is often the subject of overdose.
78. The resulting frustration may be, inpart,[] why they have taken an overdose.
79. In addition there was a small risk of her taking an overdose.
80. The other argument for prescribing serotonin reuptake inhibitors has been their reported lower toxicity in overdose compared with some antidepressants.
81. The motive force for this enthusiasm is not internationalism or an overdose of brotherly love, but the size of the market.
82. Some one who thinks he is taking the herbal product but is instead using the illegal Ecstasy could overdose, Green said.
83. Mr Hayward said Roberts had tried to kill himself again in the last day or two with a drugs overdose.
84. She mentioned the dashing don in a note found in the room where she took an overdose of pain-killers.
85. Lymon died from a heroin overdose, Garnes during heart surgery and Negroni from a stroke.
86. For small children, an overdose can result from swallowing as few as three vitamins with iron.
87. Time was also spent exploring the consequences of the overdose and finding alternative ways of coping with similar problems in the future.
88. During his absence from home one night, she died of an overdose of laudanum.
89. Last December, he took a drugs overdose and in September slashed his wrists and groin with a smuggled razor blade.
90. They stamp out graffiti, quash drug deals, bust carjacking rings, rescue drug overdose victims, even prevent suicides.
91. On other occasions he had taken a drugs overdose and slashed his wrists.
92. Acute cocaine overdose may occur at any stage if a package bursts.
93. Soon after that, she ended up in hospital after a drug overdose.
94. The cause of death was given as a combined overdose of barbiturates and alcohol.
95. A full inquiry has been launched to find out how Newall, 27, was able to take a drugs overdose.
96. Read in studio An inquest's heard how a student took a drugs overdose because he was worried about his exams.
97. He died of a horse overdose.
98. The woman was treated for a possible amitriptyline overdose.
99. Whatever happens(), never take an overdose of this medicine.
100. Any invigorator take overdose harmful.
101. She took an overdose of sleeping pills.
102. He died by taking an overdose.
103. And of course, an overdose can kill you.
104. An overdose of this drug can kill.
105. Because we'd done two hours on this peroxide never-was, passing apparently from some kind of drug overdose in some seedy hotel room in Florida.
106. Objective To study the anti-aging of pyracantha on aging mice model induced with overdose of D-galactose.
107. The autopsy revealed that Kevin had died from a heroine overdose.
108. We speculate that the fatal effect was primarily due to the overdose of verapamil.
109. To get their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges.
110. Defense lawyers previously suggested the pop star might have self-administered an overdose of the anesthetic propofol while Murray was away from his side.
111. Overdose collagen fiber degradation were accelerated by high-fluorine aquatics,[http://] and the bone was sclerosed.
112. In 1970, guitarist Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.
113. He is suffering from insomnia. Hence, he usually takes overdose of methaqualone, and that is all the worse for his health.
114. Desipramine overdose is more likely to result in death than overdose with other tricyclic antidepressants, notes a company letter sent to healthcare professionals.
115. Weakened after a difficult bout with pneumonia, Teasdale committed suicide in 1933 with an overdose of barbiturates .
116. If you take ipecac when you're overly sleepy and your gag reflex isn't working well, you can turn a manageable overdose into something much worse.
117. The investigation began after a student overdose at the fraternity house.
118. He instead blamed his bumbling and at times incomprehensible performance on an overdose of cold medicine.
119. Dental fluorosis distributes all over the world. The main cause of it is overdose of fluorine.
120. Quick! John! It's Carmela. I think she's taken an overdose.
121. In case of accidental overdose, contact a poison control center immediately.
122. This finding raises the obvious and disturbing question: can you overdose on Noggin by, for instance, running for hours, amping up your production of the protein throughout?
123. I am not kidding; all overdose of this drug really can kill.
124. Weakened after a difficult with pneumonia , Teasdale committed suicide in 1933 with an overdose of barbiturates.
125. Some cases of accidental overdose of methyl salicylate and camphor have been fatal.
126. We did our best to waken the man who had taken an overdose of opium, but all to no purpose (or all in vain).
127. Most poignantly, just three weeks before she died of an overdose at the age of 36, she says she felt that 'life begins at 40'.
128. You can't overdose on hugs. It's important for families to spend time snuggling in bed together, reading, or talking or playing games.
128. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
129. Antidote for overdose application: emetic, cathartic, alkalescent foods and beverages.
130. Multivariant linear stepwise regression analysis show that the pulse pressure, the systolic pressure , overdose compliance are important influencing factors of IMT.
131. Because blood is so rich in iron — and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron — any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose.
132. The coroner said Jackson died of "acute propofol intoxication," an overdose of a hospital-grade anesthetic aggravated by effects of the sedative lorazepam.
133. Fatal hyperphosphatemia after oral phosphate overdose in a premature infant.
134. The tragic end of Mike Starr, the Alice in Chains bassist who died on Tuesday after a heroin overdose, might look like just another rock death.
135. Acetaminophen and Tylenol overdose is a leading cause of liver damage in the United States.
136. If results of these tests are normal, the most likely causes include drug overdose, occult infection (including toxic shock), and obstructive shock.
137. The markedly elevated phosphate levels, coupled with very low calcium levels, led us to conclude that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure as a consequence of phosphate overdose.
138. Conclusion After a feeding of 1% sodium metabisulfite solution, testis tissue showed hydropic degeneration, that is, toxic effect on mice reproduction can be caused by overdose sodium metabisulfite.




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