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单词 Sag
1 Your skin starts to sag as you get older.
2 His cheeks are beginning to sag.
3 The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.
4 The tent began to sag as the canvas became wet.
5 The shelf was beginning to sag beneath the weight of the books upon it.
6 The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain.
7 The skin around my eyes is starting to sag.
8 He is heavily built(), but beginning to sag.
9 Weight has caused the sag.
10 I don't think a lady would sag.
11 We need to do something about the sag.
12 The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England.
13 In the early seventies, Sag Harbor was still a peaceful village.
14 His whole body seemed to sag with relief.
15 We felt the whole room sag and sway.
16 He runs a very fashionable restaurant in Sag Harbor.
17 Edberg seemed to sag after losing the second set.
18 The scarves sag, the whistles wheeze, one last outsize banana droops.
19 They sing at good grades and sag at bad ones.
20 With the years, the centers of such graves sag back to the ground.
21 Electricity poles come down, telephone lines sag, and the streets become clogged with mud.
22 One crack or tear in them, and they would sag like an old bag of sand.
23 Nylon does have an exasperating trait of expanding in the wet and cold, causing the fly to sag.
24 Kirilenko had light blue eyes, silvery stubble, the beginning of a sag to his lower jaw.
25 Insufficient support is provided for both keyboard and keypad which sag under pressure but the key actions are quite nice.
26 She sipped her tea and her body seemed to sag in the chair.
27 There were not enough exits to satisfy the fire marshal, and the choir loft had begun to sag.
28 Yanto took a quick look between the bars and felt his bowels sag.
29 Overloaded or lightly structured timber floors are also likely to deflect or sag, producing a dished or sloping floor surface.
30 It would decompose and could cause the pool liner to sag.
1 Your skin starts to sag as you get older.
2 The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.
3 The shelf was beginning to sag beneath the weight of the books upon it.
4 The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain.
31 Mike's jovial face seemed to sag.
32 Southwest sag of Tarim Basin has apparently dissymmetrical structure.
33 The Permian in the Zhanhua - Chezhen sag is the main section of reservoir of formed gas.
34 During Late Paleocene there were two greater transgressions in the sag.
35 This paper puts forward the assessment on the real-time operation state of the specific equipment while voltage sag happens based on the energy impact on users.
36 Dongpu depression, a oil-gas bearing basin, is situated in the southwest Bohaiwan basin. Puwei sag is a subunit that is tectonically located in the north central upheave of Dongpu depression.
37 Banqiao rupture structural belt is located on the eastside of Banqiao sag, which is controlled by Banqiao and Dazhangtuo faults.
38 The late-stage accumulation in the Huanghekou sag is characterized by late quick hydrocarbon generation, late vertical migration through faults, near-source accumulation and late charge.
39 Through indolence the rafters sag , and through slackness the house leaks.
40 This software can complete the calculation, analysis, saving data arid output of sag automatically. This software can promote working efficiency and reduce working tension in practical application.
41 On according the newest three earthquake preserve explaining fruit and drilling data of South Songliao basin in Yaoyingtai Changling sag area, analysis the rupture structure character.
42 First, the wavelet coefficients of basic frequency are extracted to identify the short duration disturbance like voltage sag, swell and interruption.
43 Conclusion From Late Permian to Early Jurassic the basin′s subsidence center was situated in Tiaohu Sag, until Middle Jurassic the basin′s subsidence center moved eastwardly to Malang Sag.
44 The Carboniferous-Permian coal measure strata in Dongpu sag is a fair source rock unit of Wenliu gas pool due to its stable distribution and high organic content.
45 Nonsandstone reservoirs between salt beds of Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang Sag of the Jianghan Basin are mainly composed of dolomicrite, glauberite rock, mudstone and their peperite.
46 Some of the tension Altman builds up starts to sag.
47 This will lead to "sag" in the power supply that doesn't exist in the true class A amplifier, which again results in a tonal change.
47 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
48 Voltage sag is that the root-mean-square value of supply voltage drops suddenly inthe short time.
49 The deep cracked gas pool in Dongying sag is characterized by condensate gas reservoir and net gas reservoir. The gas source originates from high matured source rock of the lower sub-section of Es4.
50 Ice coating on overhead contact line not only will influence contact line's sag and pole capability, but will influence the flashover voltage of insulator.
51 Methods Selective arteriography ( SAG ) and selective artery embolism ( SAE ) were applied in 51 cases of BAI.
52 The grained Carbonate rocks of Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag can be divided into oolitic limestone, sand-clastic limestone, mud-crystal sand-clastic dolomite, alga-gobbet limestone etc.
53 The first conspicuous sag in a reflection occurs at about 1.1 s.
54 Aluminum Conductor Composite Core is a brand new conductor for overhead lines. Its advantages are light weight, high strength, good thermal stability, low sag, large ampacity and corrosion resistance.
55 Dongying sag is a dustpan shape one with very abundant oil and gas.
56 Place the sag index applicator at one end of the glass panel, with a palette knife, lay down a small pool of paint just in front of it. The pool should cover the full width of the applicator blade.
57 From the economic point of view, economic loss assessment of voltage sag is discussed in the paper, based on the main factors of voltage sag causing economic losses.
58 The latter has very limited distribution due to its location only in slope of east of Mahu sag.
59 With dreams deferred, can angry whites do what Langston Hughes taught us—to let it fester like a sore, even to let sag like a heavy load?
60 The paper discusses the calculation method for conductor load distribution, tension and sag after installation of phase to phase spacers on compact type transmission lines.
61 Halle Berry , who I saw at some SAG Awards thing.
62 Sag: A defensive tactic in which a player drops off his man to help double-team a player in the pivot.
63 But when it came time to give out awards, Jolie won the triple crown— Girl propelled her to win the Golden Globe, the SAG Award, and the Academy Award for best leading actress in a supporting role.
64 This work points out the exploration direction of Durimu Sag and contributes to the knowledge of surface magnetic density surveying in desert areas.
65 During the stringing of overhead line conductors, only the percentage sag tolerance is usually given.
66 None of this surprises the Screen Actor's Guild. "I imagine most of the winners live well, " says SAG spokesman Greg Krizman.
67 But under the control of NE-SW tensile stress field of Early Cretaceous, in the eastern part of "Ergun Block" sag belt was formed and the basement tectonics is NE-NNE direction.
68 In the interim of Yanshan-Himalayan stage, the transition from sinistral to dextrorotation of Tanlu fault zone resulted in the transition of faults from NW-trending to NE(NEE)-trending in Zhanhua Sag.
69 The Permo Carboniferous coal bearing measures mainly occur in the fault depression of Luxi uplifted area and in Jiyang sag in Shandong.
70 The prospective targets are distributed on the hanging wall of the Baiyin fault and the SOuthern Tala fault in the West sag of the sub-basin.
71 The cable sag caused by cable dead weight is vertical.
72 This gas field locates in Chuanxi sag, Sichan basin. Reservoir lithology is mainly brown-gray, gray and gray-green with granule lithic sandstone and lithic quartz sandstone.
73 The crystal morphology, microstructure and hydrogen - annealed formation process has distinct impact on the sag resistance.
74 From the geochemical parameters of brine and halite in Western Tarim Basin, we could conclude that the perspective of potass is Kashi Sag and Yangxia Sag.
75 Salivary agglutinin(SAG) is a kind of glycoprotein that can mediate bacterial aggregation or adhesion. More and more researches have focused on the interaction between SAG and bacteria recently.
76 Abundant hot groundwater has been found during the oil exploration in Huanghua sag.
77 How the model is simulated and the fault information is applied is vital for accurately assessing the voltage sag stochastic probability in the feeder system.
77 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
78 The northeast sag in the north depression was formed by fault-bend folding of the hanging wall of the north dipping listric Weihai normal fault caused by the northward movement of the hanging wall.
79 Keywords: geometric nonlinearity, sag effect, equivalent modulus of elasticity, vehicle - bridge interaction.
80 In addition, the quality loss function is introduced to evaluate the economic losses of various types of voltage sags, thereby establishing the economic loss assessment method of voltage sag.
81 Tertiary period, Xihu Sag had experienced basinal evolution from back-arc basin, relict of back - arc basin to foreland basin.
82 This essay gives an account of the POC- SAG decode method and its application in wireless paging system.
83 The vulnerable areas of voltage sag corresponding to each voltage limitation are determined for different short-circuit faults of power system with arbitrary network parameters.
84 LVRT is a new and necessary request to wind turbines, which means the generator should keep connecting to the grid when grid voltage sag happens.
85 If higher import barriers deny sales and income to foreign exporters, foreign national incomes may sag.
86 During transmission line construction, sag observation is an important control item of stringing.
87 As Russian numbers sag, and as Chinese traders and labourers become more visible in Russian cities, fearful talk of the "yellow peril" has flourished.
88 Voltage sag is a crucial power quality problem. Due to the unbalance fault present in occurrence of sags, it is more complicated to deal with the unbalanced voltage sag.
89 Post-rift abnormal subsidence have been discovered in Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), and during the study, the Baiyun Sag in the continental slope always is the focus, not the shelf of PRMB.
90 Based on the calculation of the minimum miscible phase pressure, the result to apply the CO2 miscible drive to reservoir development for Fan-124 in the Dongying sag is very good.
91 NWW fracture F3, F7 activities for the multi-phase fault. for the control of the ore-bearing sub-basin margin faults, as well as hot brine into deep ore mineralization Sag Harbor channel.
92 The sub-tectonic unit, Chaiwopu sag, which lies in the south margin of the basin, was a small intermountain superimposed sag developed on the fold basement of Upper Carboniferous.
93 The transformation ratio of the discovered reserves of Wanglongzhuang and Anle oilfields in the Jinhu sag is 30.5%, and the potential for oil and gas exploration is relatively great.
94 The Minqiao oilfield is located in the southeast of the Jinhu sag, west of Dongtai depression in the Subei basin. Volcanic rock oil reservoir has been found in the Funing Formation.
95 There may be many deep submarine fans with excellent prospectiveness of hydrocarbon exploration in South China Sea, with LW 3-1 gas field discovered in Baiyun sag, Pearl River Mouth basin.
96 The evaporite rocks consisted of halite and anhydrite rocks mainly existed in north and centre of Dongying sag where the deep fractures developed.
97 When a floor or roof or other large sections are supported on one side and collapse or sag on the other, they form a lean-to collapse.
98 These are the traditional products of the small towns in south Louisiana, sold along narrow roads that wend their way through land so low it seems to sag into the water.
99 In the piedmont belt of Washixia sag developed thrust nappe which leaded to incrassation of Jurassic source rocks, being favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation in this area.
100 Vaginal birth control sponge assumes the circular, its diameter is about 5.5 cm, 2.5 cm, thickness of about one side sag can cover your cervix, a belt to ring after sex pull out the sponge.
101 To make sure the petroleum migrating direction and pool-forming model in the Weixinan sag, 4 wells were chosen to do research on fluid inclusions and petrography.
102 The minimum economic reserves calculated with net present value method offer the economic limitation of gas exploration in Shiwu sag.
103 Second, it analyses the relation between the sag and the tension of the loose side chain at the head end unit of AFC, upon which the control system circuit was designed and the experiments was made.
104 With the fixed stiffness, sag, temperature and so on, survey precision of the tension force of the cable is determined by the sample rate and the sample length of the vibration signal.
105 In present structural unit classification scheme, Dongpu Depression belongs to Linqing Sag as a third class negative element in the southmost of Bohai Gulf Basin.
106 Shannon's ace scene stealing seemed to make him a shoo-in early in the awards season. Being overlooked by the Globes and SAG awards brought him down a few notches .
107 Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) is considered as the most effective device to compensate the voltage sag.
108 Taibei sag is the main prospect area for the exploration in pre-Jurassic formations in Turpan-Hami basin.
109 The Shahejie Formation of the 5 th structure in Napu sag is buried deeply.
110 It has been known that the hydrocarbon in Panyu low-uplift and north slope of Baiyun sag has a mixed source of Wenchang and Enping Formations.
111 Deep lake oil shale in the lower part of Member 3 of Shahejie Formation is the most important high quality source rock in Dongying Sag.
112 According to the feature of the decollement, Lianyuan sag can be divided into 3 subregions, i. e, east part, central part and west part.
113 Located on the southeast side of Rehetai oil gas field in the east sag of Liaohe Basin, Xiaolongwan area is a compound oil gas accumulation belt with warped fault blocks.
114 A novel three-phase VSG is built by three-phase autotransformer and IGBT based bidirectional switch, can easily control the types of voltage sags, sag duration, sag depth and sag phase.
115 Slope belt of dustpan?like sag may be divided into monoclinal belt and fracture belt as the characteristics structure, reservoir and oil pool etc.
116 Linnan Oilfield is a typical fault block oilfield in Huimin Sag.
117 In view of deficiency that DVR uses feed forward control method and PID control method to process voltage sag problem, the paper proposed a fuzzy PID control strategy.




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