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单词 Deed
1. There is great difference between word and deed
2. The better the day, the better the deed
3. I'm not easily shocked,(/deed.html)but his deed was too disgusting.
4. He did the good deed on his responsibility.
5. His deed revealed him to be a kind man.
6. The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.
7. Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men.
8. The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.
9. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.
10. Murder is a foul deed.
11. He is faithful in word and deed.
12. Well, that's my good deed for the day .
13. This is the deed to John's plantation.
14. Smith changed his name by deed poll to Jervis-Smith.
15. Signing a deed of covenant makes £1 worth £1.33.
16. The worker's deed was beyond the call of duty.
17. He changed his name by deed poll.
18. A man's deed is the touchstone of his greatness or littleness.
19. The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.
20. The money was given to us by deed of covenant.
21. Mother decided to deed the house over to the eldest daughter before she died.
22. A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed
23. You are not going to fool me into such a deed.
24. He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.
25. The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.
26. None of us like the divorce of word and deed.
27. Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed.
28. She tried to strangle her baby and her lover helped her finish the evil deed .
29. His family could not understand how this quiet, well-adjusted man could have been driven to this terrible deed.
30. I took Sarah's children to school so I've done my good deed for the day.
1. I'm not easily shocked,but his deed was too disgusting.
2. He did the good deed on his responsibility.
3. His deed revealed him to be a kind man.
4. Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men.
5. The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.
6. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.
7. You are not going to fool me into such a deed.
8. This is the deed to John's plantation.
9. He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.
10. The money was given to us by deed of covenant.
31. She would not be able to relax until the deed was done.
32. Steve changed his name by deed poll to Elvis Presley-Smith.
33. The fee his lawyer charged for drawing up the deed was enough in all conscience.
34. An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.
35. I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer.
36. Finally the full horror of the deed is unveiled.
37. Somehow she had erred in deed or manners.
38. So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
39. The attempt and not the deed confounds us. William Shakespeare 
40. My grandfather signed the deed for this land.
41. For this deed he was disinherited.
42. The deed must be filed with the county recorder.
43. We can identify a formal partnership by the partnership deed.
44. The interior joy we feel when we have done a good deed is the nourishment the soul requires. Albert Schweitzer 
45. And they, in turn(),(http:///deed.html) commit the same deed on those who stand in the way of what they want.
46. The wicked characters are imprisoned, and Wilkin is made a captain for his heroic deed in battle.
47. Mr. Lloyd may be right in his answer to the estoppel by deed point.
48. It is the partnership deed which regulates the various legal rights and duties of the partners as between themselves.
49. The law makes it an offence to support, by word or deed, an armed struggle in another country.
50. It was a brave deed, for the oracle had said that he who landed first would be the first to die.
51. It offered low-cost housing and was free of the deed restrictions that limited black access to other areas of Los Angeles.
52. He subsequently decided to do penance for the deed, and set off to his foundation at Agaune.
53. Under the trust deed I appoint a Government observer and am consulted on the appointment of the chairman.
54. Something happens, a deed is done, and the consequences just go rolling on.
55. I got my deed and went right home... took off my pistol and hung it up in the closet.
56. In fact, it doesn't have to be anything properly identifiable as a deed to communicate interpretable evidence.
57. In the Esso case, the restraint in a supply and purchase contract was reinforced in a mortgage deed.
58. One of these so-respectable people had either committed the deed or engineered it.
59. Section 24 applies to all partnerships irrespective of the provisions of a given partnership deed.
60. That piece of paper would be, no question, a good deed.
61. The will maker can register it in person or send some one to do the deed.
62. Like his new name, changed by deed poll nine years before.
63. Of course, when it comes to oligarchies and bureaucracies, no good deed goes unpunished.
63. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
64. Might not a murderer, she wondered, erase the memory of the deed?
65. Not expecting to have to make any payment under the deed of indemnity.
66. Or you can enter into a second Deed of Covenant committing yourself to make payments under both the existing and new covenants.
67. How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world. William Shakespeare 
68. You can also ask to see a copy of the trust deed as well as the latest annual report and audited accounts.
69. The mortgagor creates by deed a legal charge upon the land.
70. The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
71. It would, to Rab, be an heroic deed if the man had fought.
72. When Medea knew the deed was done she turned her mind to one still more dreadful.
73. A deed planned in cold blood may appear very different to the perpetrator if he ever gets round to carrying it out.
74. And yet the deed for which he is best known needed no-courage at all, no effort, even.
75. A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes.
76. Worse was to come when no less a person than Khomeini called for their execution should the deed prove to be deliberate.
77. But no good deed goes unpunished in noire crime stories.
78. Then he fought with the title company claiming irregularities in his deed and those of his neighbors.
79. Schneider is known for his tireless political activism in deed and in word.
80. Went in there, saw the judge, and he say the deed was null and void.
81. The dissolution, taking an account of the distribution of assets, should normally be provided for in the partnership deed.
82. I may as well explain here why he did this much-criticized and desperate deed of daring....
83. The reason for which body and soul unite follows from a deed -- the Titanic act of dismembering and killing Dionysos.
84. It has become standard in share sale transactions for there to be a separate deed of indemnity for taxation.
85. The terms of the trust will need to be documented and the trustee made a party to the trust deed.
86. Thus, the first payment should be on or after the date on which the Deed of Covenant is signed.
87. She doesn't know that Pete, of all people, did the dreadful deed.
88. People will argue that she did it as a good deed, in helping her husband's friend.
89. His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance.
90. In the mortgage deed the respondents further covenanted that they would purchase all their requirements from the appellants exclusively.
91. So then I would not be here today, to go back and commit the deed!
92. Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. Mahatma Gandhi 
93. Again, the appropriate mortgage deed will be sewn into the back of the certificate.
94. Again, prior planning under the partnership deed may provide for purchase of a deceased or retired partner's share by valuation.
95. Stepping into terra incognita by deed seems to trigger openings into the terra incognita of metanormal experience.
96. After changing his name by deed poll to Captain Beany he needed a renewed passport to match his new identity.
97. If some families favor expressing anger through icy silence, others prefer a more fiery style, whether through word or deed.
98. He recruits a couple of buddies, and on Easter Sunday 1994 the deed is done.
99. Any new stock will need to be constituted by an appropriate trust deed or loan stock instrument.
100. The nicest feeling in the world is to do a good deed anonymously and have somebody find out. Oscar Wilde 
101. In the absence of consideration the agreement is not a contract unless it is written and sealed, as with a deed.
102. I suggested that he might think of removing the last three syllables from his name, which he did by deed poll.
103. A deed was traditionally a contract under seal or covenant.
104. These trust deeds usually contain an expert clause about the remuneration of the trustee appointed under the deed.
105. Gandhi had mental health because in him word, creed, and deed were one; he was integrated.
106. A deed of transfer was executed on 18 October, whereby the developers transferred the land in question to the Prudential.
107. Parents can teach children their values by word and deed.
108. The surgeon is isolated by his deed, his unnatural callousness lit by a cold clinical glare.
109. On this battleground no act of bravery, no deed of chivalry, would go unrecorded.
110. A clause within a contract or deed for annulment.
111. He is faithful in word and in deed.
112. We'll never call that a heroic deed.
113. At what point does a noble deed fanaticism?
114. Heir apparent to inherit housing, land deed tax levy.
115. The agreement will do the deed next month .
116. The deed was drawn in due form.
117. His last act must be a deed of impiety.
118. The bomber's nefarious deed destroyed many innocent lives.
119. That is a praiseworthy great deed.
120. The very easiness of the deed held her back.
121. At what point does a noble deed become fanaticism?
122. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department.
123. This means that the title insurance officer physically evaluates the deed to the property(), and then reviews all of the liens and encumbrances that have been filed against that deed over time.
124. Using a "deed in lieu of foreclosure, " the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt, usually on contract.
125. Yan Fu is illuminating thinker who firstly comprehended western culture in deed.
126. Dr Foy, whose marriage ended in the 1990s, changed her name by deed poll in 1993.
127. The most common question I get about first kisses is this: When should I do the deed?
128. Did you see Deed give a girl an engagement ring?
129. It would be a terrible deed to smash up Italy, and it will cost us dear.
130. Through tempests the sun rays of freedom have cheered us on Like the new path created by Great Lenin To a righteous cause he raised the people Inspired them to labour and valorous deed!
131. Girl Scout is pure in thought, in word and in deed.
132. Let us bow in deep humility to adore God for this wonderful love, and ask for grace in very deed to yield ourselves to the denial and the death of self.
133. I have never implied to you by word or deed.
134. There was one accursed deed done at this spot before now.
135. Preaching of self-contempt, eternalised in guilt. In words and deed, a man's high treason.
136. Best the sport is do the deed, and say nothing.
137. Now he preferred an idea to a deed,a poet to a hero, and he admired a book like Job more than an event like Marengo.
138. No?Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.
139. The person designated to receive the income from a trust, estate, or a deed of trust.
140. In the play as in the poem, the distinctive peculiarities of the "deed of gift" are that it is sealed in blood and that it involves the giving of the self, body and soul.
141. If you are truly determined to do the deed there are two options: you can deactivate or delete.
142. The primacy of the deed is over word and thought.
143. But when one mortgages, the deed of trust or mortgage requires the collateral to be insured.
144. The key to the irony of the line is the curious phrase "The deed of gift, " which means considerably more than merely "the act of giving. "
145. It is the key of the paper to design a type of detecting structure, which can avoid being contaminated by smeary oil, so that the on-line test of oil content in the wastewater can be realized in deed.
146. In case of absence of the meeting, the director shall entrust another person to attend and vote for him with a trust deed.
147. I swear to you, father, Marguerite knew nothing of this deed of gift.
148. The facial mask roles as an intensive care-project, it can make your skin absorb nutrition in the enclosed condition. So you'd better keep using it evey day in a week, it will do the deed.
149. The best of the sport is to do the deed, and say nothing.
150. Would you qualify volunteering your time to a worthy cause, giving food to a homeless person, or doing a good deed as "getting things done"?
151. As Paul says in Colossians 3:17, "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
152. We have sought in word and deed -- a new era of engagement with the world.
153. A Girl Scout is pure in thought in word and in deed.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
154. When the tiger cat feel that they have the ability to learn to complete, it deviated from its usual practice good deed goes unpunished, even from pouncing , it is necessary to eat a cat.
155. The deed for the common commercial transaction total price ( or appraised value ) of 1.5 %.
156. The documents necessary to reconvey said deed of trust shall be executed and delivered for recordation with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office.
157. Some thought of the queerness of her deed affected her.
158. Eg: We must be true in word and resolute in deed.
159. Best of the sport is to do the deed, and say nothing.
160. It's an honour for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed.
161. Michael Pugh and Rebecca Griffin merged their names by deed poll to become Mr and Mrs Puffin when they married last year.
162. You shall give me the names of these men, and I will send you a full deed of outlawry against them.
163. Calm is the thought, calm the word and deed of him who, rightly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipoised.
164. Can the title deed title of house ownership and state - owned land use permit be handled together?
165. Telegraphic Transfer (T/T): At the request of the buyer, the local bank sends a trust deed for payment by cable to a respondent bank at the seller's end and entrusts him to pay money to the seller.
166. According to the deed, you closed escrow on that place four years ago.
167. One must be true in word and resolute in deed. One's reputation is important.
168. From her previous deed, we know she is a little reasonless and pute, To bury this scandal , she chose to keep silent and bear this sorrow alone.
169. The photocopies of my Hong Kong Identity Card and deed poll are attached.
170. Rachel's chance to do the deed comes quickly when she learns that Finn has a possible future as a football quarterback. Finn decides to invite Rachel over to his house where they'll be alone.
171. But upscale housing definition relaxation, is obviously reduces purchases homes the deed tax.
172. The catch is Starbucks wants consumers to pass on their benevolence by performing a good deed for another person, say, to hold open a door or buy someone a cup of coffee.
173. Best of the sport is to do the deed, or shout nothing.
174. The trust deed is valid for original, invalid for copy.
175. He did not ask the people to be impartial in thought as well as in deed.
176. Donetion was set up , heart-warming deed was appeareded in disaster area. Chinses - heart was seen by everyone.
177. His closing words complete his memorable life-giving legacy ? "If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you.
178. In Aram Zova, in Aleppo, they tell a tale about Hakham Ezra Hamawi of blessed memory, concerning a deed which exalted him in the eyes of the gentiles and won him a name in all the cities of the East.
179. China's foreign ministry called the incident an " inhumane terrorist deed. "
180. Three scouts reported to their scoutmaster that they had done a good deed that day.
181. The Su Man Man is chance excited at the gape of starting, start devoting one's minding of teach the farmland great fortune ball to pitch ball, have some evadable posture deed.
182. In addition to God's revelation through nature (the creation) and in the human heart (mind), that is, general revelation, God has revealed to man the way to eternal life, in word and in deed.
183. A great many people presume upon a reward when conducting a good deed.
184. So they sent for the notary and the deed was made(Sentence dictionary), and the Seigneur signed it on the wash-basin.
185. With each deed, the recipient is handed a "cheer pass, " a numbered card that serves as a tracking device for the effort's viral component.
186. To wear the health neckcloth, it is able to refresh himself and wake brain, also can adsorb greater part of smoke in the occasion with much smoke, playing protecting function to people in deed.
187. And after I had delivered the deed of purchase to Baruch the son of Neri, I prayed to the Lord, saying.
188. We should be true in word and resolute in deed.
189. The wise are controlled in deed in words, controlled in thoughts, verily, they are fully controlled.
190. He pictured to himself persons vicious and unhappy, whom he would help in word and in deed; he pictured oppressors whose victims he would rescue.
191. Belief and deed are two important concepts in Judaism and Christianity.
192. In very deed, just as the new life in us is an actual participation in and experience of the risen life of Christ, so our death to sin in Christ is also an actual spiritual reality.
193. If you don't review the loan papers carefully, you may later find out that you've signed up for a refinancing or high-interest home equity loan, or unknowingly transferred your deed.
194. She is one of those revolutionaries who are absolutely true in word and in deed.
195. Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.
196. I want your commitment to the new project in word and deed.
197. Chen shouted miserably and was bleeding nonstop. Wang was shocked by her own deed and dropped the knife on the ground, sitting there soullessly.
198. Agency may be created expressly by deed, writing or oral appointment.
199. To sum up, do not drink, do not smoke, do not indorse, do not speculate. Concentrate, perform more than your prescribed duties; be strictly honest in word and deed.
200. What need of daily, tender, abiding fellowship with God, if we are in very deed to enter into His mind, and to have His thoughts make their home in us.
201. Concentrate, perform more than your prescribed duties; be strictly honest in word and deed.
202. Now, since I was going to have to tell him sooner or later in whose favour I was making the deed of gift, I decided to confess the truth there and then.
203. The suicide was of unsound mind when she committed the deed.
204. Plus, they aren't fussy about who they'll do the deed with, sometimes mating with their own father or brothers.
205. Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc.
206. Trustee gives the covenants as provided in Clause 13 of the Trust Deed to the Employer.
207. Of the page most lower part has " just information " , click go in, those who show is notarial deed of Beijing notarization place, clew win a prize in a lottery person can be at ease add award.
208. The title deed for the house bears date November 5, 1988.
209. But before town owner Bobby Cave signs the deed over, he must ensure the eBay bid is legitimate.
210. You also must provide evidence of change of name(if applicable). Thiswould include a Marriage Certificate or a Deed Poll notice.
211. Deed Poll or Change of Name Certificate of applicant and sponsor.
212. Tow black don't make a white. You can't palliate your own badness with other's bad deed.
213. Real estate documents The most important real estate documents are the Deed of Trust and Warranty Deed for any property you currently own.
214. The first documentary mention of a Venetian glassmaker is found on a deed of donation in 982 to the Benedictine monastery on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore by a Domenico.
215. In 2007, the descendant Yagi stayed away from tea after his wife died in an accident years ago which he believed is the deed of a curse by the black tea.
216. Have you at any time been a party to a deed of arrangement or entered into any other form of arrangement or composition with your creditors?
217. A deed and its counterpart have to be signed, sealed and delivered by the contracting parties.
218. A new regulation also required property developers to pay fully for leased land before obtaining the deed.
219. The head of Ethiopia's Afar region insists that Eritrean soldiers had done the deed.
220. The deed was attested by the subscription of his signature.
221. Also, there's something very primal about doing the deed from behind that brings out the animal in even the most mild-mannered guy.
222. This paper reviews the preparation, properties and application examples of pow - deed polymer material.
223. Mortgage Deed and Guarantee are two legal documents that are most often used and therefore what people expect to come across on a daily basis.
224. A great many people presume upon a reward when doing a good deed.
225. The deed of transfer in terms of which the DME alienated the mineral rights defined these as certain 20 unnumbered base mineral claims.
226. We have and in word and deed and a new era of engagement with the world.
227. Shields, through her Second Life avatar Jezebel Bailey, tried to deed over 22, 000 square meters of land to a friend.
228. Nature is born modality of life. The arts in word and deed are all life arts.
229. Desdemona. Wouldst thou do such a deed for all the world?
230. Record registration organs handle record registration by the trust deed and record registration seal through record registration network of Ministry of Commerce.
231. If anyone included in the application has changed his or her name (for example, by marriage or deed poll ), a certified copy of evidence of the name change.
232. This originally is"recycles waste"the good deed, however, uses the sea sand unreasonable, actually will give the country and the populace brings the harm and even the disaster.
233. Referred notarial deed to serve as evidence namely, on the court, the accused also just can is opposite notarial deed is captious, have a bit omit advocate notarial deed is invalid at every turn.
234. To implement the purchase of real estate deed tax, stamp duty on subsidies.
235. On the evening before the ceremony, Mrs. Meloney had shown her the deed of gift.
236. Comparatively, 500,000 new home transactions, purchasing homes saves deed tax only then 5000 Yuan.
237. Though the lesser gods thought this a heinous deed , and refused to purify Ixion.
238. Township head: is this the title deed of your mummy's house?
239. Christ as man, partaker of our nature, is in very deed true God.
240. He is a soldier in deed but not in name.
241. That foolish deed of his will remain a blot on his escutcheon.
242. The notifications pursuant to the Trust Deed with respect to interests in Units in RREEF China Commercial Trust received by the Manager have been published on the website of HKEx.




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