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单词 Ore
1. They used to extract iron ore from this site.
2. They refined gold out of the ore.
3. Iron ore is found in rocks.
4. They struck a rich seam of iron ore.
5. Silver is extracted from silver ore.
6. Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.
7. Ore and coal had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.
8. Iron is abstracted from ore.
9. Women and children sorted the ore from the rock.
10. They dug against a lump of ore.
11. This ore assays high in gold.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. We dowse oil and ore in South America for big companies.
13. A new ore - dressing plant is rapidly going up.
14. It is possible to premix the ore at the shipping point, thus saving time at the iron works.
15. A rich vein of iron ore was found in the hillside.
16. This ore prospects well.
17. The ship was hauling a load of iron ore.
18. Many of the ships also carried iron ore.
19. Supplies of the raw material, iron ore, changed.
20. Where possible the ore, as has been mentioned, was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick.
21. When the iron ore was worked out the township including the school would pack up and move on.
22. The failure of a motor had adversely affected ore treatment in the previous quarter, the company said.
23. Until evidence of such ore bodies can be produced, skepticism regarding their existence is fully justified.
24. When rain water hits pyrite ore, it forms sulfuric acid, which leaches out copper and other metals.
25. This ore contains substantial volumes of zinc and copper, which are produced as by-products of the more valuable tin.
26. Geologists have found a few remaining pockets of iron ore.
27. The improvement was due to a higher level of gold ore treated during the period.
28. Once production was under way there came a great demand for the engines from the ore mines of Cornwall.
29. The iron and steel industry of Rotherham exists because long ago iron ore was mined locally as well as coal.
30. Information was being shovelled back and forth like iron ore or stone.
1. They used to extract iron ore from this site.
2. They refined gold out of the ore.
3. Iron ore is found in rocks.
4. They struck a rich seam of iron ore.
5. Silver is extracted from silver ore.
6. Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.
7. Ore and coal had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.
8. Iron is abstracted from ore.
9. A new ore - dressing plant is rapidly going up.
31. The Portland, Ore., skiwear supplier to Whole Earth is owed $ 130, 088.
32. Crucial intercepts are the rare electronic nuggets plucked from masses of ore dug by rank-and-file miners.
33. They used to swap aluminium ore for shiploads of them imported from the Soviet Union.
34. It involved exchanging ore from his new McCamey's Monster mine for manufactured goods.
35. These were a series of ore bodies which occurred in a 5 m thick sandstone unit and became zinc-rich towards the east.
36. No longer did they s? ore their teacups on the windowsill.
37. Most of this local iron ore was mined from shallow pits and from adits dug into the valley sides.
38. In the uranium mines, workers breathe in radioactive dust as they dig out the metal ore which contains the valuable element.
39. Heap leaching uses chemical solutions to dissolve gold from heaps of crushed ore.
40. A quantity of ore is here shipped off to distant smelting-houses.
41. Earlier studies on the deposit indicated the copper ore can be treated using conventional methods.
41. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
42. In fact, things have never looked ore promising for the future of transportation.
43. To see a black smoke is to see a body of ore actually being formed.
44. Shortly afterwards, he secretly arranged for the building of a cargo fleet to carry the ore via the Great Lakes.
45. Norman ore was to have been smelted there with Ruhr coal, transported cheaply by sea.
46. This applies to, for example, gold, petroleum, copper, iron ore, lead, silver, nickel and zinc.
47. It found itself amongst the stockwork of veins and rich ore was being found continually.
48. Extending from massive brackets ore lamps to light the shop fronts.
49. The increase in world demand for refined gallium, which has no naturally occurring ore, is reflected in the market.
50. It soon ventured into steelmaking to use its coal and iron ore.
51. As they had need, they drew aside to let ore wagons pass with their loads of concentrate and matte.
52. These ironworks were built in 173 6 and were worked for 130 years, exploiting local iron ore deposits.
53. The other one was wracked with arthritis, from unloading the ore boats in too many Chicago winters.
54. Total copper production rose 5 percent because of higher ore grades at and increased output at Escondida.
55. The iron ore is easily extracted by quarrying with giant excavators.
56. The carbon in pulp process uses higher grade ore which is crushed, milled and mixed with chemical solutions in large tanks.
57. In 1994-95, she guided the boys' freshman team at her high school in Lake Oswego, Ore.
58. At least 1,000 passengers were stranded at the airport as inbound flights throughout the day were diverted to Portland, Ore.
59. Got a fair bauxite strike and some low-grade iron ore, but it's standard.
60. So they want a shitload of land around the ore body -- three or four times what they actually need.
61. The tenants of Coniston Hall were to have the preference for carting ore.
62. In 1919-20 he served on a number of national committees concerned with the mining industry and ore supplies.
63. Vanessa Redgrave plays a psychiatrist who runs a Portland, Ore., rehab center for torture victims from around the world.
64. Here there are thick deposits of iron ore near the base of some rocks of oolitic limestone which are of Jurassic age.
65. Ore from underground is crushed and ground to remove the larger particles.
66. It was rutted deep by ore wagons, scalped of its timber.
67. Blood, he tells us, was associated by our ancestors with iron, because of the red that hides within the ore.
68. How far does the iron ore have to be taken inland to the nearest blast furnaces?
69. The water forms sulfuric acid, which leaches copper, cadmium, zine and other metals from the ore.
70. She moved to Portland, Ore., where she worked several jobs until later working as a welder at the shipyards.
71. The ore minerals are bounded by the vein walls.http:///ore.html
72. Valueof sericite ore is high by mineral seperation.
73. Concentration of ore would simply require prolonged interstratal migration.
74. A new metal ore found in Northrend is Cobalt.
75. The ore assay 75 percent of gold.
76. Origin of Iron Ore: Banjarmasin area, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
77. Based on the microscopic study according to the mark of laminated tourmaline-bearing rock the Kemi ore body was found in the almost abandoned old mine.
78. The paper described the development of a La-Mg-Si-Fe nodulizer alloy from the ion-absorbed rare earth ore of Jiangxi province.
79. The shapes and the rich-thick positions of ore bodies are controlled by the crossing positions of dense small concealed faults nearly EW with the concealed faults of NNW direction.
80. The ore dilution rate depends on the ore drawing parameters.
81. The method of ammonium magnesium arsenate has been used to remove the arsenic from leaching liquor of arsenic-containing molybdenum ore.
82. The stability of ore and rock in Lianjiang Silver Mine is very poor so that an overhand slice and drift mining with cemented tailings filling was used for mining.
83. Unit of measure for stainless steel scrap and iron ore.
84. Uses in tunnel column, the coal mine ore hydraulic prop, the details invites the telephone communication.
85. Therefore ore controlling mechanism of Sidaogou gold deposit includes Au mobilization, migration passages and accumulation spaces controlled by ductile shearing.
86. The ore is in heterogranular and metasomatic dissolution textures and massive, dense massive and veinlet-disseminated structures.
87. Naturally these high rates of production were exhaustive of America's better ore supplies.
88. Baitupo calcbentonite ore is mined easily owing to the stable, shallow buried ore bed with large thickness.
89. Neotectonic movement played both positive and negative roles in uranium ore - formation.
90. The paper introduces the research of mineral processing test of somewhere's low - grade ferromanganese ore in Yunan.
91. The free cyanogen determinator is used to make density analysis of free sodium cyanide in the cyanide leaching solution of gold ore.
92. Especially the important mineral products can not satisfy the demand, such as the petroleum, rich iron ore, chrome iron ore, copper mine, sylvite, etc.
93. In open stopes the ground above the stope will support its own weight. So the stope is shaped like a series of rooms divided by walls or supported by pillars of ore.
94. After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
95. The present study shows the sodium sulfate has promoting effects on the sulfating roasting of sulfide ore and on the metal leaching of roasted ore.
96. The floatation process for the mixed primary ore is investigated.
97. Ore prices in the market for immediate delivery have risen above contract prices, weakening China's position.
98. That included China's bottom-line iron ore price and every steelmaker's inventory, production cost, schedule and manufacturing details.
99. Physical commodity markets that are heavily dependent on China such as iron ore and rubber are down 10-15 per cent since mid-February.
100. And the ore contains hydromica ( illite ), quartz, organic material and algal fossil.
101. Arsenical gld ore is one kind of the most refractory ores.
102. When they assay the ore,(Sentence dictionary) they found that they had discovered a very rich vein.
103. Verified test with a copper sulphide ore was carried in laboratory scale.
104. Success i -- ore a function of consistent commonsense than it is of genius.
105. The ore - hunting indicator is of calcite - potassium feldspar veins containing pyritohedron pyrite.
106. Loose sand or ore used to line the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in preparation for pouring molten metal.
107. Based on the study of geophysics date, the exploration of finding ore deposit was put forword.
108. The process and production mechanism of reduced iron powder from mill scale and iron ore was described. Finally, it was compared the characters of different grades of reduced iron powder.
109. The paper describes the study of Ti recovery from the raffinate of high-Ti ore solvent extraction.
110. The hanging wall block is relatively little disturbed , but the ore zone beneath bears abundant evidence of tangential movements.
111. The results showed that the reduction temperature of V-Ti magnetite ore with powdered metal and sodium salt could be reduced obviously.
112. According to the characteristics of copper sulphide ore, the mineral processing flow-sheet and new reagent system were investigated and adjusted.
113. The ore bodies are stratiform or stratoid in the depth and vein form at the shallows , displaying an overpass pattern mineralization.
114. Ore spotting and pIt'supervision, to minimize ore loss and dilution.
115. Township enterprises product, coal, iron ore, gypsum, coke, and ceramics.
116. The frequent bucket falling accidents of aerial ropeway haulage in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine greatly influence the ore delivery to Shanxi Aluminum Works.
117. BLT.L), the world's second- and third-largest iron ore miners, agreed to combine the operations into a 50-50 joint venture, generating savings of at least $10 billion.
118. "BE! "The plentiful son shows off to receive orders and arranges new representative director in the ore valley, and Mo family's affair.
119. The average daily throughput was 1 , 370 tons of ore.
120. Budget announced a new central excise duty and service tax rate remain at the current level of 10%, but the basic rate of consumption tax from 4% to 5%, to a unified iron ore export duty to 20%.
121. Correlation factors between them are analyzed via statistic regression, where thickness of ore formation is regarded as a random variation.
122. Sea sand iron ore is a kind of cheaper ore, using this ore as sintering material can decrease production cost.
123. G manual magnetic ore separator: Uses the artificial high - quality goods the river sand magnetic separation machinery.
124. The results show that ore particle size has an important impact on catalytic bioleaching of low-grade primary copper sulfide ore with activated carbon.
125. Through an exploratory survey of residual deposit in the sourthern zone of a copper ore mine, inclined thin veins with difficult occurrence and complicated mining conditions were discovered.
126. The leaching mechanism of niobiuma refractory niobium - tantalum ore by concentrated potassium hydroxide was studied.
127. The Caiwa middle - sized antimony deposit is located on the western Shanxi-Henan antimony ore belt, The hosting rocks are Yanlinggou Formation graphite marble of the Qinling Group.
128. The intermediate-acid volcanic rock is the main metallogenic mother rock. the ductile-brittle shear zone is the important ore conducting structure for the formation of gold deposit.
129. The molybdenum ore , is in Heman provinces, is in the altered rock cataclastic and veinlet belt.
130. It has obvious horizontal zoning from marble, talc ore body to amphibolite.
131. Gacun argentiferous polymetallic ore deposit is a volcanic exhalation - sedimentary deposit.
131. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
132. A low - sensitivity probe was purchased to cope with the ore.
133. The dominant bacteria in the oxidization zone of gold ore bodies are mainly the Bacillus cereus of the genus Bacillus.
134. The forsterite ore deposit in Yichang of Hubei Province, being one of the limited large ore deposits across the Mainland China, is used to produce molding sand.
135. The seaborne trade in iron ore will increase 10 percent, a record annual gain, to 1.01 billion tons this year on growing Chinese imports, Goldman said in the report.
136. Using coke in iron ore reduction produces copious quantities of airborne particulates.
137. Those joint ventures would naturally purchase their iron - ore needs from Vale.
138. After assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
139. Mayuan is a newly discovered Zn - Pb ore deposit on the northern margin of Yangtze landmass.
140. Adsorption is regarded as an important metallogenic mechanism for the supergene and epithermal ore deposits.
141. Typically, a steel mill will choose a particular ore or blend to suit its configuration.
142. Iron ore mainly in the mountains of Kent , Altai mountains, lakes and hovsgol selenga basin.
143. Iron is extracted from iron ore by heating the ore with coke and limestone.
144. Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
145. Mercury antimony ore is widely distributed over the zone of western area of west Qinling Mt.
146. From all aspects of view, the air permeability of the material bed was better and the carbon distribution became reasonable and sinter ore was even during sintering.
147. The determination of fluorine in phosphatic ore by electrode method was presented.
148. Sedimentation - exhalation siliceous rocks are of great significance in the study of ore deposits.
149. Monocline dipping ore body mass is the bedrock mineralization, and ore-controlling scale is small.
150. Sales: iron ore, Kuangfen. Coke, pig iron, steel; Building materials, machinery electrical equipment.
151. The rules and formula of ore grade estimation under any complicated conditions can be accurately found out by the proposed method, and the results are precisely consonant with the practice.
152. The FCMC cyclo-microfroth flotation column is a kind of new effective separation equipment for fine particle ore.
153. The breakthrough advancement of exploration in recent years on granitic type, remelting porphyritic type and syntectic porphyritic type ore deposits was discussed in detail.
154. In this paper, the importance of dephosphorization process in treatment of high phosphorus ore is analyzed.
155. The speech discrimination sc ore with close set vocabulary were 90%and with open set vocabulary were 87%in 13cases of preschool age children.
156. A combined flotation - hydrometallurgical technology was proposed for a refractory copper ore in Sichuan.
157. In order to improve the ballability of iron ore concentrates of Kun-Steel, the effect of calcium bentonite and sodium bentonite on the ballability of iron ore concentrates were compared in this paper.
158. The clear water I, II, III are recycled in the subsequent production flow. The ore is used for constructing dam. The filter residues are removed for dry stack or burned for building bricks.
159. Seamless experts said determining future market demand is an important factor in iron ore prices.
160. The bauxite belongs to the genesis of continental mineralization and is batanogeochemical weathering eluvial ore deposits.
161. Spodumene is a typical kind of pegmatite,(http:///ore.html) which forms mainly in the ore vein of granite-pegmatite.
162. The ore was heated in the kilns to drive off water and carbonic acid gas.
163. I have been approached by planners in New York City, Portland, Ore., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Surrey, B.C., Toronto, Paris, Bangalore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Incheon, Shanghai and Beijing.
164. The method of structural overprinting geochemical halo based on zonation primary halo is one of the new approaches for forecasting of hidden ore body.
165. This paper brie - fly introduced the result of the preliminary experimenf of high phosphorus manganese ore.
166. Sphalerite was oxidized and leached by manganese ore in acidic condition(sulfuric acid system), lixivium of which was used to extract indium and separate iron.
167. The process and production mechanism of reduced iron powder from mill scale and iron ore was described.
168. The alteration distribution from ore body to wall rock is skarn-high silicification-low silicification-quartzification and carbonatization.
169. The kilns were used to process silver and lead ore and are no longer in operation today.
170. Through a series of laboratory and small pilot scale continuous experiments, the feasibility of urea - calcium superphosphate production with Yichang phosphorous ore has been proved .
171. Class B: areal geology survey; geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing.
172. The steel revival has hampered China's ability to bargain down iron ore prices paid to Rio, Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd.
173. To separate hematite, supposed hematite, specularite, limonite, siderite, manganese ore, chromite and so on.
174. The influencing factors of the uncertainty of measurement result for uranium in uranium ore by volumetric analysis method were discussed.
175. Mineral resources are mainly tungsten ore, lead ore, zinc, and clay mineral - based.
176. Principal uses include ore processing, fertilizer manufacturing, oil refining, wastewater processing and chemical synthesis.
177. The geochemical characteristics reveal that the metallogenic elements are derived from the subaqueous ore - bearing hot brine.




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