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单词 Borrowed
1) A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 
2) Borrowed garments never fit well.
3) Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.
4) Japanese has borrowed heavily from English.
5) The Treasury borrowed £40 billion,[http:///borrowed.html] just to stay afloat.
6) He has never borrowed money from me.
7) She borrowed a novel from the library.
8) He repaid the money he had borrowed.
9) He borrowed a mechanical book from me.
10) I borrowed a primer of science from the library.
11) He borrowed heavily to set the company up.
12) He borrowed £150,000 and used the money for legal expenses.
13) They've borrowed so much money that they're up to their ears in debt.
14) Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.
15) He lost his book and borrowed one from another boy.
16) They borrowed something in the order of £10 million.
17) Seemingly, he borrowed the money from the bank.
18) English has borrowed from many languages.
19) She borrowed £50from her mother.
20) He borrowed 15 dollars off me.
21) The word "depot" was borrowed from French.
22) She borrowed some money of me.
23) I borrowed his words for my book's title.
24) He borrowed a pound off me.
25) The word was borrowed from French into English.
26) She borrowed £2 000 from her parents.
27) He borrowed a novel from the library.
28) The expression 'nouveau riche' is borrowed from French.
29) I borrowed a water bucket from a villager.
30) Since his cancer was diagnosed, he feels as if he's living on borrowed time.
1) Japanese has borrowed heavily from English.
2) The Treasury borrowed £40 billion, just to stay afloat.
3) He has never borrowed money from me.
4) She borrowed a novel from the library.
5) He repaid the money he had borrowed.
6) He borrowed a mechanical book from me.
7) I borrowed a primer of science from the library.
8) He borrowed heavily to set the company up.
9) Since his cancer was diagnosed, he feels as if he's living on borrowed time.
10) He borrowed £150,000 and used the money for legal expenses.
11) They've borrowed so much money that they're up to their ears in debt.
12) Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.
13) He lost his book and borrowed one from another boy.
14) Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
15) I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
31) English has borrowed many words from French.
32) The government borrowed money to bolster up the economy.
33) English has borrowed words from many languages.
34) She borrowed my car without my knowledge.
35) The amounts she borrowed were not excessive.
36) Some musical terms are borrowed from Italian.
37) The moles borrowed holes in the ground.
38) The playwright borrowed the essence of plot from Shakespeare.
39) Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.
40) My brother once borrowed some money off him.
41) Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
42) You borrowed some records of mine[http:///borrowed.html], didn't you?
43) Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it.
44) I borrowed some money of him.
45) We borrowed 80% of the purchase price.
46) Interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed.
47) Handel borrowed music from other composers.
48) He borrowed heavily to get the money together.
49) The borrowed money was quilted in his belt.
50) I couldn't afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.
51) According to the latest opinion polls, the government is living on borrowed time.WHICH WORD?
52) The poor stationer was at the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.
53) They found themselves overextended when they borrowed the money for the new house.
54) All kinds of toys can be borrowed from the toy library.
55) They borrowed heavily from the bank to start their new business.
56) The cinematic effects in her films are clearly borrowed from the great film-makers of the past.
57) 75 per cent of the amount originally borrowed is still outstanding.
58) He returned two books he had borrowed from me in 1963.
59) John picked us up in his car, or rather his dad's car which he'd borrowed.
60) I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man.
61) This book is so well worth reading that it should be begged, stolen or borrowed rather than missed.
62) Before leaving the school he recollected himself suddenly and returned the borrowed books to the library.
63) Despite repeated assurances he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.
64) It is unlikely that serious decisions will be taken by a minority government living on borrowed time.
65) I borrowed my ideas from Eliot's famous poem 'The Waste Land'.
66) My mother has a lot of hats so I borrowed one of hers.
67) The book you borrowed last week must be returned to the library before next Wednesday.
68) Patrick crashed a Ford that he'd borrowed from the car pool at work.
69) 'Steve stole it - or rather borrowed it,[http:///borrowed.html]' he amended.
70) Morgan borrowed £5,000 from his father to form the company 20 years ago.
71) Perhaps that illness, diagnosed as fatal, gave him a sense of living on borrowed time.
72) I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
73) I didn't need to go to the bank I borrowed some money from Mary.
74) I don't have any scruples about taking her car?she's often borrowed mine.
75) He borrowed from a number of sources, with due acknowledgement.
76) He's still on my back about that money I borrowed.
77) Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed his book?
78) Here are the books I borrowed from you a week ago.
79) She's been living on borrowed time for the last year.
80) He's been living on borrowed time ever since his last heart attack.
81) I've borrowed the negatives of her wedding photos so I can get some pictures printed.
82) Many companies had borrowed heavily to cover their losses.
83) Bernstein asked when Hunt had borrowed the book.
84) Later Seius borrowed additional money from Titius.
85) Maxwell had borrowed heavily to finance his business projects.
86) I borrowed this dress from my sister.
87) Remember that garden fork he borrowed?
88) They went into town in a borrowed carriage.
89) Iris borrowed beds from friends and turned the attic into an impromptu dormitory.
90) But politicians have borrowed decency from these words with such abandon, they are bankrupt.
91) He repaired to it, deposited three dollars, borrowed a book and some sheet music, and then bought a violin.
92) Interest is charged only on the amount actually borrowed, not on the total amount available.
93) But the man who built a fortune on borrowed funds continued to extend and over-extend.
94) New words are coined or borrowed or made out of combined parts from existing words; the meanings of old words gradually shift.
94) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
95) Money must be borrowed to pay for the deficit, but money must be borrowed to pay interest on the borrowings.
96) This word, which was originally borrowed from a Celtic language, has been lost in the modern language.
97) For the richness of morse code is a borrowed richness.
98) Those that matched Darby's description had been borrowed from the newsroom and the wording of the death threat typed on them.
99) The concept of assessing foot volume instead of width to achieve a good fit is another idea borrowed from ski boot technology.
100) Rogers discovered that his own humor worked better than jokes borrowed from other writers.
101) It looked like the high life, but it was life on borrowed time.
102) Benjamin borrowed a quill and a piece of parchment and copied the verse down, word for word.
103) Sandra: She borrowed Shelima's book at the end of science.
104) Words like these are borrowed, l believe, from business terminology, from marketing and advertising firms.
105) As nothing was done, she borrowed the car and made several trips, Philip assisting, to the rubbish dumps.
106) Despite this, externally borrowed funds are used to supplement domestic funds made available to finance their development by the government.
107) With his broken-down truck and borrowed electricity, Carvel was the prototypical sole proprietor.
108) Markets-where money is lent and borrowed, and paper assets are bought and sold.
109) So I borrowed a yoke of oxen and plowed an adjoining field.
110) Of course, he tries to keep up appearances, but he lives entirely off borrowed money.
111) Musicians were so desperate to hear Michelangeli that they borrowed violin cases and sneaked in through the stage door.
112) Originality is nothing by judicious imitation. The most original writers borrowed one from another. Voltaire 
113) While the adults sat on their forms we sat ourselves down on an assortment of broken chairs borrowed from the neighbours.
114) The report drew criticism, however, for failing to identify any of the companies or individuals that borrowed from the jusen.
115) She'd called at the library on her way home and borrowed some books on the Dordogne.
116) The basic design of the nodes is borrowed from commercial file servers.
117) This was especially so with people who were likely to borrow large sums of money, if they borrowed at all.
118) I also borrowed a small silver bowl for collecting water from the drainpipe.
119) She has a lid for the pan and a borrowed hot water bottle with her.
120) The capital gains on the transactions are deferred until they complete the transaction at a future date by replacing the borrowed shares.
121) Many firms had borrowed heavily to cover their losses, driving government banks into insolvency.
122) The interest payable on a Car Loan is added to the capital amount you have borrowed.
123) When the Czar needed money he usually borrowed it from Rothschild or some banker.
124) They borrowed the idea of the tea ceremony, adapting it to the tea gardens meant to separate people from everyday concerns.
125) Claridges and the Savoy had to fight off take-over bids with borrowed money.
126) Hardin returned the compliment with a blaster specifically borrowed for the occasion.
127) He borrowed my cyrillic typewriter and wrote a long letter to Minister of Culture Demichev, seeking clarification of the position.
128) Poverty hounded the bishop, so he borrowed and cadged like a Franciscan beggar of old.
129) Most worrying are smaller companies which borrowed heavily but do not have big banks behind them.
130) Father Kleinsorge went to fetch water for the wounded in a bottle and a teapot he had borrowed.
131) But it is an idea borrowed from the enemy camp.
132) Business interest, interest paid on money borrowed to use in a trade or business, is always deductible in full.
133) His fundamental mistake was not only to buy all his planes, but to buy them only on borrowed money.
134) So with borrowed gear, no harness and a stranger I set off.
135) If it needed a car it borrowed the Army's one.
136) Owen had borrowed the wife of a Coptic colleague as a companion for Jane Postlethwaite.
137) Wheelchairs may be borrowed at the entrances to the Museum.
138) In 1605, five years after ordination, he borrowed a horse, sold it and disappeared for two years.
139) And it is what happened to the Republic of Ireland, where successive administrations borrowed heavily for job creation purposes.
140) The government borrowed from the banks about four-fifths of these deposits, to finance its deficit.
141) With a borrowed battery, he passed an electric current through the solution.
142) Homeowners who have borrowed from Coventry for five years or more are charged a lower special rate of 6.99 per cent.
143) She spends the next ten years taking in washing, slaving away to pay back the money they borrowed to replace it.
144) He found Kersey, sitting at the desk in an upstair, borrowed office surrounded by house-to-house reports prepared on the premises.
145) Could you live with yourself if you borrowed from family and friends, and then went bust?
146) Kate borrowed his denim jacket, which she draped across her shoulders.
147) By the end of the war the Canadian government had borrowed over $5 billion from its own citizens.
148) All their recipes had been borrowed - by their own admission - from earlier works and their style is charmless.
149) Everything else is borrowed from other places, and it has that transplanted feel to it.
150) I fussed about, preparing myself, washing, combing my hair and putting on my borrowed finery.
151) On his return, he borrowed money from Harriet to settle debts from his continental fling.
152) A night lit up by gowns covered with glitter and the flash of borrowed diamonds the size of the Hale-Bopp comet.
153) Kyl, one of the leading critics of the weapons convention, in effect borrowed from the implementing legislation for the convention.
154) This would reduce the amount of money that had to be borrowed to finance the construction of the new house.
155) At that Crist borrowed four dollars from one of his sisters and was released.
156) An ex-girlfriend has borrowed a gun. Others have fled town.
157) Money borrowed from a pawnbroker did not have to be repaid for fifteen months.
158) They need to be gradually weaned away from a lifestyle based on borrowed funds.
159) Accusations of cheating by the use of borrowed external power could easily be met.
160) Given that borrowed funds can always be placed on deposit the spread could be regarded as the real cost of borrowing.
161) The next entry is of a dress she often borrowed from her friend Dora[], with whom she lived after the divorce.
162) Stravinsky confessed that he borrowed the idea from Tchaikovsky and his own example was followed by later composers of specially commissioned scores.
163) In Phipps the accused borrowed the car to drive his wife to Victoria Station.
164) Do werewolves feel this sense of safety as they creep back just at dawn into some borrowed body?
165) The Corporation had borrowed large sums of money, used, amongst other purposes for the construction of the Docks.
166) He borrowed money from me and didn't even have the common decency to pay me back.
167) Body: A thing of shreds and patches, borrowed unequally from good and bad ancestors and a misfit from the start. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
168) She found the poem in a book she'd borrowed off Mrs Parsons.
169) Smiles quoted Benjamin Haydon as dating his decline from the day he first borrowed money.
170) He had discharged himself on May 30, borrowed some money from a friend and headed off to East Anglia.
171) John knew he could manage - he hadn't borrowed much money and he had a solid regular customer base.
172) Clearly, we would need to allow for interest on any amounts borrowed to finance the development.
173) The answer is that it was borrowed from the gravitational energy of the universe.
174) Students using the libraries are advised that examination papers can not be borrowed or photocopies but there are sets available for consultation.
175) During the inflationary period the universe borrowed heavily from its gravitational energy to finance the creation of more matter.
176) Fresco has borrowed concepts from Adobe PostScript and the Canute text layout system and includes PostScript-like structured graphics.
177) She began to shed the brilliant borrowed chameleon plumage, she wanted to let Lucy in.
178) First, many large and seemingly reliable companies borrowed money from banks at low rates of interest.
179) The city used revenue from the course and clubhouse to pay off the $ 7 million it borrowed to build the course.
180) We borrowed one sum to modernise our premises, which we are paying back long-term.
181) The book you borrowed is overdue.
182) I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money.
183) She found pieces of Indian pottery with designs borrowed from Spanish pottery.
184) Dials and sliders are idioms borrowed directly from Mechanical - Age metaphors of rotating knobs and sliding levers.
185) At this point, Shu - ying borrowed Chueh - min's piccolo, saying , " That flute's too reedy. This is sharper. ".
186) Ethnography is a term borrowed from anthropology, meaning the systematic and immersive study of human cultures.
187) The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where leads the team.
188) The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where the quarterback leads the team.




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