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单词 Cobbled
1, The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.
2, The diplomats cobbled an agreement together.
3, Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.
4, The essay was cobbled together from some old notes.
5, The place is a cobbled triangle.
6, The government seems to have cobbled together these proposals.
7, She cobbled together an essay in half an hour.
8, The reforms have been very hastily cobbled together.
9, With its narrow cobbled streets and gabled houses, Brugge must be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
10, She cobbled together a tent from a few pieces of string and a sheet.
11, A long cobbled street bisects the town from east to west.
12, The student cobbled together an essay in half an hour.
13, They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.
14, The window looked out on to the cobbled yard.
15, The cobbled streets were closed to cars.
16, Lunch could be had in the inn's cobbled courtyard.
17, There were two cars on the cobbled forecourt.
18, They walked together across a cobbled square.
19, She followed Will along the mean cobbled streets until he paused alongside a narrow alley.
20, There was a wide, cobbled enclosure,[http:///cobbled.html] flanked on all sides by sagging black buildings.
21, To his left was a long, shadowy, cobbled passage running beside what looked like barred loose boxes.
22, The cobbled beaches swarmed with seals, and there was, as well, a fine colony of otters.
23, The cobbled yard outside the stables which were built in 1540.
24, The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade, but still the cars choke the cobbled streets.
25, Angela actually found herself holding her nose as she walked through the cobbled streets.
26, There was no phone number listed for the old seminary that opened on to a cobbled courtyard above the Praia Grande.
27, They walked through the barbican of the Rorim into the cobbled courtyard beyond.
28, He has total control over the broadcasting media and the government that he laboriously cobbled together over an eight-month period.
29, Nearby Newark is a picturesque market town with a cobbled square overlooked by buildings of architectural interest.
30, The Co-operative also had double doors with a wicket gate leading into a cobbled yard.
1, The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.
2, The diplomats cobbled an agreement together.
3, The place is a cobbled triangle.
31, They remembered cobbled streets and graceful balconies, the river Seine, and the lovers.
32, London's most famous riverside pub with a flagstone floor, a cobbled courtyard and great views.
33, The car rocked to a standstill in the walled and cobbled courtyard, outside the modern red-brick Stanford Park Hotel.
34, The cobbled streets and the boulevards spoke to him, told him tales he thought he had forgotten.
35, She cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, trying to remove the more ostentatious signs of plagiarism.
36, In some instances, I believe, spurious cases were cobbled together for propaganda purposes.
37, The politicians who cobbled together the convention's proposals still call themselves Unionists.
38, Cobbled together from 26 provisional decrees and executive orders, the economic-recovery programme is an ambitious inventory of investment and austerity.
39, He wandered an area of refrigerated warehouses with old dual-gauge tracks intersecting on the cobbled streets.
40, Two great doors stood open in an arched entrance and they came out into a cobbled courtyard.
41, Slide through an alleyway that seems to have history inscribed on its cobbled stones and we've reached the first stop.
42, Its cobbled courtyard and centrepiece - the thirteenth-century Knights' Hall - are open to the public.
43, Where the street broadened into a square, the houses were swathed in plumbago and bougainvillaea growing valiantly out of the cobbled pavement.
44, She came into the cobbled yard in front of the coach house walking carefully in her high-heeled sandals on the uneven ground.
45, Humble houses were cobbled together from leavings stuccoed over and painted in pastel tones of pink, ochre and yellow.
46, Claudia had just time to see a sign in gold and red before they turned into a cobbled yard.
47, We pushed past the steward, re-crossed the cobbled yard and entered the main palace building.
48, In the end these separate plans are cobbled together by a central planning department and adjusted to make them compatible.
49, Carol looked up at the weathercock as the car drew up at her house in the cobbled square.
50, Take strong and comfortable shoes - you will find cobbled streets everywhere. all summer long!
50, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
51, He eased the car gently up the cobbled ramp, passed beneath the shadowed arch of the gatehouse.
52, It was followed by a lunch party at a local restaurant where the tables had been placed outside in the cobbled square.
53, Le Palais, where the ferry docks, is an agreeable, unspoilt little town of ancient houses and cobbled squares.
54, They cobbled together their economic theories, then, while straddling the secular and the sacred.
55, For a modern, purpose-built resort it is surprisingly attractive, with its wood-clad buildings and cobbled shopping precincts.
56, At the side of the house, across a cobbled yard, lay an L-shaped stable block.
57, Years later I found it, a tiny pub tucked into a cobbled alley beside a large inn.
58, Alas, we always had to return to our cobbled back lanes.
59, He cobbled together a brunch of cold remains from the fridge, with lemon tea.
60, Its five boroughs were first cobbled into one municipality in 1898.
61, This beautiful little fishing town is packed full of narrow winding cobbled streets and colourful terraced houses.
62, Stein-am-Rhein Cars are banned from its cobbled streets, which are flanked by a positively intoxicating profusion of old buildings.
63, Bellagio is all cobbled alleyways, stretching upwards and away from the lakeside.
64, There is a bicycle built from bits of old sports equipment and a harp cobbled together from instruments.
65, He hunched his shoulders and stamped his way defiantly down the rest of the stairs and out into the cobbled street.
66, By comparison with the cold cobbled alleys[http://], the hotel restaurant was a scene of throbbing gaiety.
67, Mr Rollins loved it immediately, cobbled yard, rusty milling machinery and all.
68, Cuzco's few tourists are conspicuous as they explore the old cobbled streets.
69, In Bloomington, Ill., police use a variety of gang definitions, cobbled together from various state and local edicts.
70, It was lying on the edge of the pavement, with one end trailing on to the cobbled street.
71, Characters and their philosophies can be cobbled together from Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift and a reading of contemporary papers.
72, Somehow a collection for the next few months was cobbled together and gobbled up by the hungry customers.
73, Henry thought about it as he wandered back through the cobbled alley.
74, He led me up the cobbled yard and opened the door of one of the houses.
75, On the recce you really get to feel it: when you drive into a village on those little cobbled roads it's like a cowboy riding in on his horse.
76, A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.
77, When I was a little girl I dreamed of living in a terraced house on a cobbled street, because in wagons and caravans you never get any peace.
78, We trudged out onto a cobbled, sunbaked pan, featureless but for a rough semicircle of basalt rocks.
79, It contains little that could be described as news, just a load of cobbled together wild-eyed speculation.
80, With a conversion certificate, a few statues, and prayer beads, the kids have cobbled together Buddhist altars in their rooms.
81, The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.
82, The Victorian architecture and cobbled streets of this port town are truly picturesque.
83, But in five years, with coherent political leadership and a lot of luck, the institutional framework of a passably workable monetary union will have been cobbled together.
84, Cobbled streets weave past baroque palaces, lively beer halls, glowering castles, and light - infused cathedrals.
85, Stepney has the only blue-stoned cobbled street left in the South East.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:57:32