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单词 Observatory
1. Guy's house was close to the observatory.
2. The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars.
3. The shuttle also will nudge the observatory gently into a slighter higher orbit to extend its lifetime.
4. The shuttle also will nudge the observatory into a slightly higher orbit to extend its lifetime.
5. The path was built to serve an observatory that functioned at the top of the Ben at the turn of the century.
6. The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Henry Ward Beecher 
7. He designed the Observatory office building in the city, which later won a Merseyside Civic Society building of the year award.
8. As you say, the place is now an observatory, and seemed quite ideal for my project.
9. Coastguards, police and the Lerwick Observatory received 17 independent reports of a UFO.
10. I pressed the button to close the observatory roof and set to work setting up my lights.
11. Scientists at the observatory are also investigating other uses for the system.
12. The Observatory Dome of the HKU Department of Physics.
13. On Oct. 7, 2010, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, observed its first lunar transit when the new moon passed directly between the spacecraft (in its geosynchronous orbit) and the sun.
14. Research at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory site was supported by the European Union and the Natural Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom.
15. Local observatory alerted residents that there would be a dust storm the next day.
16. These negotiations are at a delicate stage and senior staff at the observatory preferred to make no official comment when contacted yesterday.
17. The painting now hangs in the gallery at the Old Royal Observatory.
18. The men met each day at noon in the observatory to check the watch against the regulator clock and then rewind it.
19. Triangulations on distant hills were attempted, weather records kept, and there was an astronomical observatory.
20. Well-satisfied, and by now very hungry, I walked back to the observatory for breakfast.
21. According to Miss Latham, having set up the photographic plates in the observatory dome, they stepped outside.
22. There is an extensive rose garden, separate from the Observatory, laid out in the 1930s.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. Then I went over to the vice-president's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times.
24. Harrison charged that the ex-sailors were too old and wheezy to climb the steep hill up to the Observatory.
25. It was 6.15 a.m. in Washington, and he was still at his residence at the Naval Observatory.
26. And even if one wanted to at a bird observatory, one would find it difficult to lie in.
27. Hank raced off before I could collar him, scampering like a puppy along a path leading up to the Mills Observatory.
28. The talk by Jill Bechtold is part of a free series offered at the observatory since the beginning of time.
29. If confirmed, it will be the first corroboration of a similar signal that an Italian underground observatory called DAMA has been seeing for 10 years.
30. There is a small network of rhombus in Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.
31. But a team of researchers at Hawaii's Keck observatory cast their eyes on stars similar to our sun.
32. Bearded and looking tired, a clearly emotional Lewis crossed the Greenwich Meridian line at the Royal Observatory by carrying his boat with the help of supporters and cheering well-wishers.
33. According to the observatory, there will be a total solar eclipse tomorrow.
34. He created a high table, exquisite , observatory, instrument and apparatus, 16 project specialized measurement objects.
35. Superclusters within it have been examined, but the wall as a whole has only come into consideration in a new paper from a team led by astronomers at Tartu Observatory in Estonia.
36. The Observatory produces an annual tide table for Hong Kong.
37. In September 1999, this dramatic and detailed image was recorded by the EIT experiment on board the space-based SOHO observatory in the light emitted by ionized Helium.
38. The 40-inch telescope at yerkes Observatory was completed in 1897 and remains the largest refracting telescope ever built.
39. Last year a European observatory discovered the most Earth-like planet ever found – a world three times the size of our own.
40. One has become clear at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles, California.
41. The meteorological observatory and stations shall timely provide the free aerological sounding data, information and prediction for the weather modification operation.
42. A strong cold front penetrating into northern China will bring low temperatures, strong winds and scattered snowfall over the next three days, the central meteorological observatory forecast Sunday.
43. An unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory on Tuesday could cause some disruptions to satellite communications and power on Earth over the next day or so, officials said.
44. Hubble watched the night sky with instruments at the university's Yerkes Observatory.
45. China boasts the world's earliest observatory, built in Nanking in 1385 in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368 A . D . - 1644 A . D . ), three.
46. It is set up by the Cosmology Group of the National Astronomical Observatory of China.
47. The sales provided the money Langley needed to buy new equipment for the observatory.
48. To better understand the mass and structure of these stellar ejecta and track their velocity, NASA has turned to the dual STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) satellites.
49. Another complicating factor is that studies from Earth, using large telescopes such as the Keck Observatory atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea, have not found any sign of sodium in the E ring.
50. "I saw the X-37B from my home in Pasadena, California, around sunrise on March 31st," reports Anthony Cook of the Griffith Observatory.
51. Two giant telescopes and several multimillion-dollar university programmes are housed in the century-old Mount Wilson observatory.
52. The frame and primary module function of sounding data processing disposal program designed by our observatory were introduced.Sentencedict
53. The observatory is the largest, most sensitive gravitational wave detector ever built.
54. This paper describes the structure planning, system generation and installation of HP 1000 computer operating system at Shanghai Observatory.
55. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is mean solar time at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, London, England, which by convention is at 0 degrees geographic longitude.
56. Their information came from an observatory in New South Wales, Australia.
57. Hence it is suitable for the primary meteorological observatory as the 121 backup system.
58. NASA Earth Observatory image created by Robert Simmon using Landsat data provided by the United States Geological Survey. Caption by Holli Riebeek.
59. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has announced the winners of its Hidden Treasures astrophotography contest.
60. We're in an observatory on the summit of Mount Lemmon, a 9, 000-foot peak north of Tucson, Arizona.
61. In 1999 September, this dramatic and detailed image was recorded by the EIT experiment on board the space-based SOHO observatory in the light emitted by ionized Helium.
62. Hasinger and his colleagues have combined XMM and Infrared Space Observatory measurements of the Lockman Hole, putting a lower limit— 15percent—on the AGN contribution to the infrared background.
63. Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
64. On another cutting edge of radio astronomy is a brand new international observatory that's under construction in Chile's Atacama Desert.
65. The Montserrat Volcano Observatory reported that some flows, about 15 meters (49 feet) thick, reached the sea at Trant's Bay.
66. The Observatory also operates the official time standard for Hong Kong, provides basic astronomical information and maintains a seismological monitoring network.
67. The gardens that Brahe installed around his observatory are in the process of being restored by the Swedish government.
68. The test observations and initial analysis of a near infrared photometer used with the 1 -meter reflecting telescope at Yunnan Observatory are given.
69. This discovery was made by The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), which is installed at the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory in Chile.
70. Prediction of meteorological observatory occupies the first - line of the weather forecast service.
71. China boasts the world's earliest observatory, built in Nanking in 1385 in the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D.-1644 A.D.)(), three centuries ahead of the Greenwich Observatory built in Britain in 1670.
72. Pluto was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona.
73. Shoemakers went to an observatory near San Diego, California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.
74. The research, the product of more than a decade of observations at the WM Keck Observatory in Hawaii, suggests the planet could contain liquid water on its surface.
75. This dramatic triptych shows the Moon rise from left to right through the night sky over ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) observatory at Paranal in northern Chile.
76. An employee of the Stefanik Observatory in Prague uses a projection shield to show the partial solar eclipse visible in the Czech capital during the morning on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011.
77. The Hong Kong observatory issued a No. 3 strong wind signal on Tuesday morning to replace the No. 8 storm signal issued on Monday.
78. There is a link to the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory (MEVO). Moreover a Mount Ruapehu eruption information page is contained with downloadable movies and images from the 1996 eruption etc.
79. Miniature passive hydrogen maser is developed at Shanghai Observatory cavity design and square wave frequency modulation.
80. FEW European visitors to Beijing visit its ancient astronomical observatory, perched on a grey stone tower amid smoggy snarls of traffic.
81. Data from theChandra X-ray Observatory revealed a bright central star surrounded bya cloud of multimillion-degree gas in the planetary nebula known as theCat's Eye.
82. The Grand Canyon Skywalk is an observatory with a glass bottom[], allowing visitors to gaze into the spectacular gulf beneath their feet directly.
83. Tourist can get a bird's-eye view of the city at the 263-meter-high observatory room and the 350-meter-high "space cabin."
84. By agreement, the longitude passing through Greenwich of Observatory is called the prime meridian.
85. According to Dalian Meteorological Observatory introduction, the southern city of Dalian, Port Arthur and other places, visibility of 50 meters, the most serious, only 30 meters.
86. High precision quartz oscillators were used for the transmission of BPV standard frequency and time signals at Shanghai Observatory.
87. It was NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a satellite orbiting Earth that studies the sun, which witnessed the comet's death-blow.
88. January 3,1888: The refracting telescope at the Lick Observatory, measuring 91 cm in diameter, is used for the first time.
89. In 2001, Wu Tongchun personal Nebular Art Exhibition was held in Nanjing at the Purple Mountain Observatory.
90. The findings come from 11 years of observations at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii.
91. This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory.
92. The Gale or Storm Signal No.9 and the Red Rainstorm Warning were issued by the Observatory.
93. Mount Wilson Observatory was home to the largest telescopes in the world during the first half of the Nineteen-Hundreds.
94. American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh announces discovery of Pluto at Lowell Observatory.
95. That task falls to the Goma Volcanic Observatory, located in a dilapidated one-story building in the city center and staffed around the clock.
96. In this eclipse, the Observatory is slightly off the track of annularity ( by 10 km ).
97. In downtown Gyeongju is a palace built on a half-moon shaped hill called Banwolseong and there is also the oldest stone relic in the east, called Cheomseongdae Observatory(9.2m high).
98. Astronomers Ignas Snellen of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and colleagues have now demonstrated that such optical observations are feasible.
99. A man ues a camera on a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory of Kokino, soon after sunrise, early on June 21, 2010 -- the day of the summer solstice.
100. This paper is the fourth in a series publishing the results of an objective prism survey for emission-line galaxies with the 60 cm Schmidt Telescope of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory.
101. Last year Chikako Yasui, now at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and her colleagues reported on 111 newborn stars in a Milky Way exurb, over twice as far out as the sun.
102. Muscovite university has zoologic, anthropologic, ancient live thing geological 3 museum, 4 astronomy observatory, and arboretum and place of numerous scientific research.
103. In the new study, researchers used the Herschel Space Observatory. The brightest spots on their sky map all turned out to be gravitationally magnified galaxies.
104. The Observatory approached a sometimes elusive area of research and policy, extracted context-specific lessons and best practices, and made a long-standing problem look much more manageable.
105. The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles, said experts from the National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory.
106. Here a deep exposure of an extremely dark sky over Paranal Observatory in Chile shows the gegenschein so clearly that even a surrounding glow is visible.
107. Observatory, and an agnostic, best explained the atheism of many scientists.
108. The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.
109. This paper describes an integrating photometer built at Purple Mountain Observatory recently.
110. The ancient astronomic observatory, about 80 kms northeast of Skopje, is more than 4,000 years old.
111. WISE joins two other infrared missions in space -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency mission.
112. Mr. Chen Jiasheng started from the optometrist in the Observatory watch company, and then began to learn repair a variety of world-renowned watch of mechanical watch, floor clock[sentencedict .com], and master clock.
113. Earlier, astronomer George Ellery Hale had offered Hubble a position at the Mount Wilson Observatory in southern California.
114. Pseudo-time travel like this happens every day, with pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the mammoth Keck telescopes in Hawaii and the Chandra X-ray Observatory satellite to name just a few.
115. Finally given are our detailed work results. We get the FWHM and EE of the Yunnan Observatory 1m optical telescope.
116. According to the Montserrat Volcano Observatory, pyroclastic flows reached the sea through Aymers Ghaut on January 18, 2010, and flows entered the sea near Plymouth on February 5, 2010.
117. Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory possibly will issue later today the typhoon blue color early warning signal.
118. Clyde Tombaugh was too poor to go to college, but he got a job as an assistant at Lowell Observatory, and eventually he discovered the planet Pluto !
119. The Hong Kong Observatory had received four reports from the public by 5pm today (August 19) about a waterspout that occurred around 8am for a few minutes near Po Toi Island (see Figure 1).
120. The first public exhibition of a Foucault pendulum took place in February 1851 in the Meridian Room of the Paris Observatory.
121. Earlier this year, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a glimpse of a huge snakelike tendril of magnetic plasma on the sun, extending hundreds of thousands of miles across the surface.
122. Workers of the observatory had been making amateur telluric current observations.
123. The equation was developed in 1961 by Dr. Frank Drake at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
124. This composite image of Cepheus B combines data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
125. The longest continuous record of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (1958-present) comes from Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.
126. The meteorological observatory in Beijing said the storm could hit the city.
127. Just another night watching the stars rotate around the southern celestial pole at La Silla Observatory.
128. Upcoming satellites, such as the European Space Agency's Planck observatory that is scheduled for launch next year, will look for corroborating evidence.
129. This paper describes approaches taken by the Shanghai Observatory to increase the frequency stability and operational reliability of its hydrogen maser. Performances of the new maser are given.
130. The Fujian Province meteorological observatory has issued the typhoon yellow warning signal yesterday.
131. The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time, referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, near London.
132. GuoShouJing astronomy yuan high table, exquisite, 16 meter GuoShouJing observatory, plan China's yuan is outstanding astronomers.
133. The people who work at the Naval Observatory must also find time for another responsibility. They keep the Master Clock for the United States.
134. The observatory said the relatively strong localized convection led to the formation of the waterspout.
135. Hubble left the Mount Wilson Observatory during World War Two.
136. The Mount Wilson Observatory offers a "virtual walking tour" of this historic telescope.
137. Mayor and colleagues used the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher or HARPS, a telescope at La Silla observatory in Chile(), to find the planets.
138. At the middle scale is the plate boundary level, where the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) will image and characterize the slow deformation of the earth along the western U. S. and Alaska.
139. A different an imaging detector has been taken by Lick observatory in developing the image - dissector scanner.
140. Based on the water tube tiltmeter observatory data, the author analyses the ground tilt tide, finds that the abnormal change of amplitude factors of EW and NS componts is corresponding to earthquakes.
141. The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine at Lick Observatory.
142. The Keck Observatory has been invaluable in detecting extrasolar planets, worlds around other stars that were long postulated but only detected in the last dozen years or so.
143. Leverrier sent his information to the Urania Observatory in Berlin, Germany.
144. A primary mission of the center, which is sponsored by Mt. Cuba Observatory in Greenville, Del., and UD, is to coordinate the activities of the Whole Earth Telescope.
145. Gaskell claimed the university did not appoint him director of their student observatory because of his Christian faith, despite him being the best candidate.
146. The paper describes the hydrogen storage principle of the LaNi alloys and its application in the Hydrogen Maser of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory .




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