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单词 Dolphin
1) A dolphin leapt out of the water.
2) The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.
3) The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
4) Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans.
5) The dolphin is an intelligent animal.
6) A dolphin? Oh,(http:///dolphin.html) let me see!
7) The dolphin flipped over onto its back.
8) The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.
9) The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.
10) This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world.
11) A dying dolphin was found washed up on the shore.
12) This particular dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.
13) The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of creation.
14) Williams took Carney's place on the Miami Dolphin roster.
15) Shaved legs in the rain: beautiful like dolphin skin.
16) The dolphin catch was incidental to the fishing operation.
17) It was not a black man, just a dolphin.
18) As the demand grows, so does the dolphin kill.
19) New York cut the Dolphin lead to 24-17 with a 43-yard touchdown run by Adrian Murrell with 7: 37 left.
20) Sound production and hearing in the Bottle-nosed dolphin had been studied more than those of any other cetacean.
21) In one long experiment a woman and bottlenose dolphin lived together constantly fur several months.
22) Species such as Risso's dolphin and false killer whales are killed in smaller numbers.
23) The Dolphin Centre has maintained its usual popularity with attendances again breaking the one million barrier.
24) Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans, and cover a larger range of frequencies than we can hear or differentiate.
25) The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin.
26) Delighted shoppers looked on as the dancers weaved their way past Darlington Dolphin Centre.
27) The females close in on him, led by some old lady dolphin who has obviously had much practice at settling sharks.
28) Where else will you be cast in the role of a dolphin?
29) The pleasure and satisfaction of belonging to one of the world's leading whale and dolphin conservation groups.
30) Suddenly there was a commotion in the water and Tim appeared, dipping and diving like a young dolphin.
1) A dolphin leapt out of the water.
2) The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.
3) The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
31) Dolphin admits that its going to be tough marketing two standards to the same set of people.
32) A dolphin drew alongside, and by counter-opposing its flippers, barrel-rolled right in front of his mask.
33) The town's Dolphin Centre had gained a reputation as one of the best leisure complexes in the country.
34) The dolphin was near enough for me to reach out and touch it.
35) The surrounding carved stonework contained the date(http:///dolphin.html), and in the middle were metal panels displaying a dolphin with bulrushes.
36) The main target is striped dolphin, because it is the easiest to capture.
37) The Dolphin People shamans know a complex series of whistles that signal the dolphins to venture close to shore.
38) In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
39) Every time a dolphin school is sighted, the group decides whether to pursue it and attempt the drive.
40) The true effect on wild dolphin populations of prolonged exposure to chemical pollutants is hard to measure.
41) This resulted in some success in lowering dolphin mortality, but it is still at least twice as high as during daylight hours.
42) The dolphin has just about disappeared from the coasts of Britain.
43) The increase is unexplained, although theories include a rise in the local dolphin population and entanglement with fishing nets.
44) In studies in Hawaii in 1984, a captive bottlenose dolphin was trained to mimic computer-generated sounds by modifying its whistle.
45) If not, maybe that Miami Dolphin could do him a big favor, call himself something else.
46) Surely not ... She ran upstairs again, heedless of the dolphin thrashing wetly on the upper landing.
47) Three living dolphin groups have a record that extends back to about the late Miocene period some 11 million years ago.
48) Like the Indus River dolphin, boto are also sought after by wealthy institutions in developed countries.
49) Speculation that the Dolphin Centre could be used as a substitute has been ruled out by Mr Boyle as too expensive.
50) Over the past 10years whale and dolphin deaths have been linked to increased fishing activity.
51) Among their routines as they trip the light fantastic at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington are the old time and modern dances.
52) Inshore species, such as the familiar bottle-nosed dolphins, the white-beaked dolphin and the harbour porpoise, rarely strand in large numbers.
53) His small, glistening secretary plunged along in front of him like a dolphin under the bowsprit.
54) Northridge and Pilleri list many more instances of dolphin entanglement in set-nets.
55) Not only are they free, but one dead dolphin can bait over 350 traps.
56) Around the world, many cultures believe that any harm done to a dolphin may cause ill-fortune or sickness.
57) If a more decorative fountain is required, an ornamental fountain, such as this dolphin one, can be installed.
58) There have also been unconfirmed reports of algae blooms coincident with the dolphin deaths.
59) As the Dolphin approaches, summoned by Arion's song, the suspense is maintained almost to the last by means of secondary dominants.
60) When new computer sounds were made, the dolphin could immediately and with great accuracy copy the previously unheard sounds.
61) It had a head rather like a dolphin, with a blunt-ended nose.
62) It was a dorado or dolphin fish, a voracious predator which feeds mostly on flying fish.
63) There they found two boats tied up alongside the wharf, waiting to unload their cargo of dolphin corpses.
64) The controversy created by the research suddenly put Hector's dolphin firmly in the public eye.
65) The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, only four years old, is recruiting about 1,000 new members each month.
65) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
66) A dolphin is able to produce sonar clicks by forcing air through special passages and sinuses in its head.
67) Darlington Borough Council yesterday issued a writ for damages arising out of the £12m construction of the Dolphin Centre.
68) It must be virtually impossible for a dolphin to hide its inner emotional state.
69) Many creatures were sacred to him, chief among them the dolphin and the crow.
70) Speculation that the Dolphin Centre could be used has been ruled out by Mr Boyle who says it would be too expensive.
71) Inside were grouper, dolphin fish, conch, and lobster on the bottom.
72) Just ask Merlin the bottlenose dolphin.
73) I'll love SWALLOW and DOLPHIN till the kingdom come.
74) " Dolphin, " the old man said aloud.
75) Really wired to see a Dolphin pull-off that joke!
76) It is a big school of dolphin, he thought.
77) I was lucky to get him instead of dolphin.
78) Now go back and prepare the dolphin.
79) We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows.
80) Dolphin, dolphin, dolphin I love you.
81) Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin.
82) Form for most species upon Earth, except the human, dolphin and whale blueprints, are nonconscious or instinctual in nature.
83) The simulation model shows that, at high or medium mortality level, the probability of extinction for Chinese River Dolphin is 1. 0 or around 0. 5 within the next 100 years.
84) While you're watching, imagine you're going to kick from outside IN during your dolphin kick.
85) While you're watching, imagine you're going kick from outside IN during your dolphin kick.
86) A hovering mar - of - war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish.
87) Chinese River Dolphin is a specific species of rare and valuable animal in the Changjiang drainage area.
88) To swim butterfly correctly it is important to have mastered the body undulation and dolphin kick first before adding the arm movement.
89) In China, conservation efforts have already failed to protect the Yangtze River dolphin, the first large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the Caribbean monk seal in the 1950s.
90) Two charismatic animals—the Yangtze river dolphin, or baiji, and the Chinese paddlefish, a titan that once reached 7 meters in length—are down to a handful of individuals or have already gone extinct.
91) Dams have also taken a huge toll on China's biodiversity, causing fisheries to suffer and driving charismatic species such as the Yangtze River Dolphin to extinction.
92) This constellation is placed in the sky near other watery constellations including a dolphin (Delphinus), the sea monster (Cetus) and a fish (Pisces).
93) He is the son of Cronus and Rhea. Poseidons'symbols were the dolphin and the trident.
94) These are the stunning pictures of a rare pink bottlenose dolphin spotted swimming in a Louisiana lake.
95) Before you get to the bad part of the recovery, you still have to milk all that momentum by staying as tight as possible after you've finished your pulldown and dolphin kick.
95) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
96) But then I did not hook the dolphin until almost sunset.
97) I would be a dolphin because dolphins are intelligent creatures, and they have lots of fun.
98) Jars of oil from river dolphin fat sit alongside oil from anacondas and crocodiles.
99) The Ganges river dolphin is also in grave danger; only a few thousand remain, and they live in some of the most polluted rivers on Earth.
100) Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.
101) KEY LARGO, Fla. - The newborn calf of a deaf bottlenose dolphin that was found stranded last fall off a Florida beach died Friday at a marine mammal rehabilitation center.
102) As China developed economically, pressure on the river dolphin grew significantly.
103) To frighten off potential predators, enormous shoal of sardines grouped together into the shape of an 80-feet dolphin below the suce in Cebu in the Philippines.
104) One dolphin that had especially high insulin levels compared to others, also had a 10-year history of iron overload, or hemochromatosis.
105) This is the story of the Baiqi River Dolphin that makes its home in the Changjiang River.
106) Dolphin hunts also take place at a small subsistence level in the Caribbean and the Arctic.
107) Concentrates on the key techniques of design and implementation of the NDDS ( NanDa Dolphin Searcher ) system.
108) Animal sex advocate Malcolm Brenner (who is also, predictably, a Wiccan), is republishing a memoir he wrote about a nine-month sexual relationship with a theme park dolphin.
109) Yup, conflict and violence – everyday life for bottlenose dolphin.
110) What is the difference between a dolphin and porpoise ?
111) Others have gone extinct - like the Pyrenean Ibex or the Baiji river dolphin.
112) Ian: "One of the things that I think about while I am doing the dolphin kick on my back is trying to have proper head position."
113) One of more than thirty dolphin species worldwide, the bottlenose is the most common species in the coastal waters of the southeastern United States.
114) But the dolphin died early Friday evening, said Julika Wocial, the Riverhead Foundation's rescue program supervisor.
115) They keep the feet high and behind the body. The focus, again, is to finish the extension of the hands before initiating the dolphin kick.
116) I don't think I can get anything but a dolphin here.
117) From the side, you can see it's basic dolphin kick... but as Kevin rotates his body toward the camera, you'll notice the distinct outside-in motion of his legs.
118) When the boy dies in an accident, the broken-hearted dolphin loses his will to live.
119) But the dolphin has a bottle-shaped nose and cone-shaped teeth while the porpoise has a flat nose and chisel-shaped teeth.
120) Some people have it easier to learn the dolphin kick and body undulation than others, and it seems that girls learn this motion faster than boys.
121) Zoologists failed to find a Yangtze River dolphin during a survey of the creature's historic range, the first likely extinction of a large vertebrate in 50 years.
122) We make out that dolphin is altogether too intelligent to bother with some of the low-down, destructive things we humans, in our questionably evolved state, get up to on dry land.
123) The Chicago Zoological Society's Dolphin Research Center in Sarasota Florida, a sister facility, saw some changes in the dolphin population in the Gulf.
124) By comparison , the bottlenose dolphin has extremely keen vision in water.
125) Butterfly: A stroke made in the prone position where both arms are lifted simultaneously out of the water and flung forward, in combination with the dolphin kick.
126) The dolphin looks green of course because he is really golden.
127) " What an excellent fish dolphin is to eat cooked, " he said.
128) This thesis includes three chapters:1. Some developments in the studies of river dolphin phylogeny based on morphology, paleontology, and molecular biology were reviewed.
129) With Mobb member Stephen "Rasta GT" Dolphin as the lead hype man, you can't help but to move to this track.
130) Your weakness, the endurance end of the kick, can be developed by doing fast dolphin kick sets underwater.
131) However, at California Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, a bottlenose dolphin blows a mass of bubbles whilst looking over a female Bengal tiger, they are good friends now.
132) I deem dolphin as the most interesting animal in the zoo.
133) A controversial documentary about Japan's annual dolphin slaughter is due to be screened in Tokyo tomorrow, despite last-ditch attempts by hunters to have it banned.
134) For two years, she’d been watching the injured bottlenose dolphin named Winter swim around the tank.
135) There were so many shapes, but I had only seen a few, such as two dolphin swim out of the sea, mysterious stone on the Rapa Nui, large amount of tropical fish and so on.
136) Doctor Harald Benke, director of the German Oceanographic Museum, says that it is very rare for the dolphin to be suckling its calf in the presence of the police boat.
137) The messageis the same with the tiger and the Yangzi river dolphin.
138) Deena Hoagland, a licensed social worker and executive director of Island Dolphin Care, says that dolphins don't have magical powers.
139) Shemsen breached like a shark-chased dolphin and gulped air like a drowning lubber .
140) Look, through the eyes of a physicist, at a bounding kangaroo, a swooping bat, a leaping dolphin, a soaring Coast Redwood.
141) A hovering man-of-war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish, but the school was moving too fast and too far away.
142) Ian: "One of the most important aspects of having good underwater dolphin kick is having a tight streamline."
143) Interstingly, the butterfly kick was developed separately, and is also known as the "dolphin kick".
144) A single downward dolphin kick followed by a breaststroke kick is permitted while wholly submerged.
145) DOLPHIN is expected to recurve after it traverses the ridge axis.
146) River dolphin that scientists have been searching for and have been unable to locate any of the species, they now believe it is extinct.
147) Curious pals: Fungie the dolphin and Jack the terrier jump into ecstasy when they meet in Dingle Bay.
148) The Aero L-29 “Dolphin” is a Czechoslovak training aircraft that made its first flight in April 5, 1959.
149) I know there are freestyle, back - stroke, breast - stroke , butterfly and dolphin.
150) The dolphin kick and body undulation exercises simply teach you how to learn the technique described above.
151) The greatest threats to marine mammals are being caught in fishing nets or being struck by shipping vessels, although for the Yangtze river dolphin, pollution is a major contributor.
152) In addition, there are fish, the Chinese white dolphin, Acipenser sinensis, is the largest Netted, 1.5 meters wide-body, the country is only this one.
153) Distribution of nutritional composition in muscle tissue was analyzed for rough-toothed dolphin ( Steno bredanensis) from the South China Sea coast.
154) He did it, in part, because of his amazing dolphin kick.
155) Obviously,( ) the dolphin is noise wave with the ex - sum to act.
156) Location: Dolphin Bar, 67 meters east to the West Entrance of the Xinghai Beach (near Dalian International Yacht Club), Dalian China.
157) The Amazon dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, parted company with its oceanic ancestors about 15 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.
158) Elements of the butterfly include pull, breath, recovery, entry and dolphin kick.
159) It was reported today that a dolphin called Moko saved two pygmy whales stranded on a New Zealand sand bar .
160) Most of the continental U.S. could fit into the massive jungle, and the surrounding rivers and lakes house threatened and vulnerable species like the pink river dolphin and black caiman.
161) The most physically demanding stroke , the butterfly features the simultaneous overhead stroke of the arms combined with the dolphin kick.
162) In a California theme park, Akaasha, a 6-month-old tiger cub, was transfixed by a dolphin that stared back at her during a recent outing.
163) While sleeping, the bottlenose dolphin shuts down only half of its brain.
164) The symbols of Apollo were the wolf, swan, raven, stag, dolphin, laurel, and lyre.
165) M : I know there are freestyle, back - stroke , breast - stroke, butterfly and dolphin.
166) Who knows... if you've always had trouble moving forward with your dolphin kick, maybe you're not making the right connection with the water and this little trick can help.
167) Practicing this drill could give you a new dimension in your dolphin kick.
168) Interestingly, the butterfly kick was developed separately, and is also known as the "dolphin kick".
169) He was there to witness the crash in population of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) from 150 animals in 1996 to almost none in 2007.
170) The young as-yet unnamed wholphin is one-fourth false killer whale and three-fourths Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.
171) He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.
172) The dolphin was cold and a leprous gray-white now in the starlight and the old man skinned one side of him while he held his right foot on the fish's head.
173) A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.
174) From the side, you can see it's basic dolphin kick... but as Kevin rotates his body toward the camera, you'll notice the distinct outside-in motion of his feet.
175) Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.
176) At up to 450 pounds and eight feet in length, the Amazon dolphin, or boto, is the largest of the four known species of river dolphin.
177) The estuary keeps the surrounding land rich and fertile and provides a natural habitat for a number of threatened species, including the rare La Plata dolphin.
178) And since the dolphin area was isolated at the far end of Marineland, Jeff often found himself alone with the playful creatures.
179) The Wines of Cape town offer an exceptional quality like the Dolphin Bay Chenin Blanc which was the winner of the Wine Magazine Best value award 2007.
180) She has named them Tursiops australis, although they will commonly be known as the Burrunan dolphin, an Aboriginal name meaning large sea fish of the porpoise kind.
181) Today the sea was gentle compared with antipodean oceans where I have sported like a dolphin.
182) Bob :There were so many shapes, but I had only seen a few, such as two dolphin swim out of the sea, mysterious stone on the Rapa Nui, large amount of tropical fish and so on.
183) If you think your child will enjoy splashing around with a big, smart, aquatic mammal, a dolphin experience might be a fine investment.
184) To the west of Enif, half way to the star Altair in the constellation Aquila, is Delphinus the Dolphin — one of the few constellations which actually resembles its namesake.
185) We also pointed out that dolphin - kicking is a misnomer.
186) To frighten off potential predators, enormous shoal of sardines grouped together into the shape of an 80-feet dolphin below the surface in Cebu in the Philippines.
187) Yup, conflict and violence – everyday life for a bottlenose dolphin.




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