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单词 Frail
1. She lay in bed looking particularly frail.
2. Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.
3. At 90, she's getting very old and frail.
4. His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.
5. Many old people become mentally frail.
6. He is frail after his illness.
7. Careful: that chair's rather frail!
8. The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.
9. She looked old and frail.
10. I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician.
11. She's still very frail and will need lots of tender loving care.
12. The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.
13. It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm.
14. Human nature is frail.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. A frail, thirteen-year-old girl, Helen Burns, befriends Jane.
16. There are exercises which even frail people can do.
17. They would grow into frail and colorless women.
18. It looked too frail for his hand.
19. The gallery is frail, the roof in fair condition.
20. A fierce storm engulfed the frail ship.
21. The frail web of human perceptions was laid bare.
22. But human culture is disturbingly frail.
23. Flesh is so frail - except yours, Joe!
24. The old woman was frail as eggshell and blind.
25. My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.
26. I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.
27. Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
28. She looked at Susan and saw with a pang how tired and frail she seemed.
29. You hardly need me to tell you that your father is still very frail and must not be upset.
30. It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail.
1. She lay in bed looking particularly frail.
2. Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.
3. His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.
4. Many old people become mentally frail.
5. My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.
6. I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.
7. The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.
31. He was physically frail, but mentally clear.
32. We're talking 80,000-plus, not a frail 930.
33. The Frasque, however, are not so frail.
34. She looked frail and shrunken.
35. She got too frail to take care of him at home, and he was put in a nursing home.
36. With a longer life span, a lot of people are just becoming too frail to take care of themselves.
37. The disabled and frail elderly will, of course, have special requirements and will need to select a home with a view to adaptation.
38. Anyway, since those days I've had a marked preference for small frail soft-spoken dentists like Mr Grover.
39. A bit too frail and woolly for the rough and tumble of ordinary practice.
40. For a very frail person, coming in to assist with eating tea once a week might be a family contribution.
41. Oh, he remembered honeyed, frail evenings walking in the walled grounds of the orphanage.
42. Firstly, the effect of attitudes towards, and values concerning, frail elderly people and their carers is critical.
43. Even females suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to view their thin, frail bodies as fat and unsightly.
44. It's supposed to help the vulnerable, the elderly, frail,[] physically and mentally disabled.
45. Frail and wheelchair-bound, Mr Packard had a hard time hearing the questions posed by reporters.
46. Some of them are frail physically but are as bright as a button in their minds.
47. There was one hold-up after another and all the time Clift became more and more frail.
48. After a 13-month stint, the wheezing and frail Chernenko died in March 1985 at age 73.
49. Even had my grandparents wanted to, they could not have traveled because of their frail health.
50. He appeared so frail that people taking communion were moved to sympathy.
51. Whether that holds true for very frail old people is doubtful as Wenger herself recognises.
52. She was covered with a blanket, so frail that she scarcely formed a mound.
53. In the process, it discovered such homes often provided better care for seriously mentally frail elderly people than local authority accommodation.
54. Aunt Margaret, frail as a pressed flower, seemed too cowed by his presence even to look at him.
55. He was frail and spotted, with the drawn and thievish look of a figure in a ducal portrait.
56. Mrs Harding herself was thin and frail but her son was a sturdy sixteen-year- old.
57. Hiving off frail people to a fourth age is a rejection.
58. The balcony is frail and higher than you thought but looks down on the unchanged saffron flowers of the pomegranate tree.
59. It was so painful to see how frail she had become in just a few months.
60. And the revolution in the structure of services and management meant elderly frail people found it increasingly difficult to assert their rights.
61. The arm, uplifted in a cheery wave, is bony, frail, almost opalescent.
62. Both of them noticed with shock how alarmingly thin she was, frail to the point of vanishing.
63. Though small and frail, he was a powerful and lucid debater.
64. Grandmother was getting too frail to live on her own, so we had to put her in an old people's home.
65. It is important to emphasise that older people should not be regarded enmasse as ill, frail or in terminal decline.
66. He looked so frail as I watched Gavin help him out of the car, followed by the cat basket.
67. And her frail brother bravely struggled from his sick bed to be best man.
68. Hilbert would be seventy the following year and Lewis said to his wife that his uncle was beginning to look very frail.
69. Mr. Lorrimer's voice, frail and querulous, was bleating at the other end.
70. She was so tiny and so frail, and her eyes saw something that was visible to no one else.
71. She looked frail, her finger like a chicken bone inside my hand.
72. His chances of defending a frail total of 226 slipped away with the steady rain that fell for the last two hours.
73. Walter looked extremely frail and old as he stepped out of the car.
74. And she has shown already, beneath her frail exterior,[http:///frail.html] Kylie is as tough as old boots.
75. Her frame was small, her arms looked frail and very white against the raw silk.
76. What Ida Rebecca saw was a frail little creature with her hair cut in the sassy new pageboy bob.
77. A more immediate peril was her frail stupid desire to ask some sort of help from either Gildas or Ludens.
78. There were two servants still: the woman he had glimpsed, and a steward more frail and more sullen.
79. The clearest evidence for this is the dearth of people keen to work with frail older people.
80. Frail Kathleen Lillyman, 61, died of a stroke after Raymond Oxborough's attack.
81. He was asleep, his frail hands folded on the white sheet.
82. Constipation is uncomfortable, it may cause incontinence, it may cause confusion in some one who is mentally frail.
83. He advised caution in the anti-bourgeois backlash, recognising the damage it could cause to the already frail economy.
84. After Charlotte's death in 1943, the villagers all noticed how extraordinarily frail and sunken Shaw looked.
85. He was slight and frail, even as a young man.
86. The young, the old, the frail are all sucked into its sweeping tide.
87. Thinking of the frail figure sitting in the gloomy room at the sanatorium(), trusting the great Bonanza.
88. His age and frail health should not be used as an excuse to allow him to evade trial.
89. Eventually a frail young women appeared, shaking with fear, and was taken into a nearby house.
90. Once accepted, the frail child progressed well both in dancing and general education.
91. As events would prove, it was a frail umbilical cord from the customer to design and manufacturing.
92. She smiled and went right on believing in herself and in her frail body.
93. But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.
94. We are frail, penny-pinching, well-bundled and preoccupied with our small concerns.
95. Miss Tish had grown so frail, weakened in mind and spirit.
96. She was a small, frail old lady in her late seventies with remarkably clear, unwrinkled skin and wide blue eyes.
97. While some special interests get fat, the average taxpayer gets stuck cleaning up the manure and feeling pretty frail.
98. Frail souls and stronger can be dashed to the ground by gale force winds that blow for days on end.
99. Long-stay care in hospitals is provided for the physically or mentally frail elderly.
100. Her frail hands picked at her dress of black, fluffy wool.
101. The great man himself is now 95 and too frail for any involvement.
102. She leaned back on both elbows, smiling at me faintly down the length of her long, frail legs.
103. She sat up a little straighter, raising her frail body in the bed.
104. More and more instruments took up the melody, drowning out the frail lyric line.
104. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
105. She is very frail and beautiful and both were wildly enthusiastic.
106. When he left Trinidad he was already over 60, frail, and in poor health.
107. A fierce gale, huge waves, and a drenching rain bear down upon the frail whaling ship with all their might.
108. She was frail and bony, her hands looking as clumsy as gardening gloves on her narrow wrists.
109. The other frail said he was a wet smack.
110. He is old and rather frail.
111. She said something, with a frail laugh of sadness.
112. Her health is very frail.
113. Willie's old robe flapped around his frail figure.
114. His mother was doddering and frail.
115. Frail infants , repeated respiratory tract infection.
116. The bridge is a frail wooden structure.
117. The frail columns bear the architrave.
118. Many are the times I have accompanied my frail, elderly mother on doctor and hospital visits, and had my explanations and information routinely ignored or pooh-poohed.
119. And ever and again, her wandering glance reverted to the frail atom of humanity her side.
120. The humble frail man, graphic artist, character coy, gentle nature, very ordinary at first glance.
121. In the deepest frail season of life, the rain and the snow are the only warm interspersion.
122. He is a man of seventy-six, with a white beard, a frail frame, and a thinnish voice.
123. Despite her frail appearance, Jocasta Nu was known as a firebrand among the Jedi.
124. Shawl pulled tightly about her frail shoulders, blushed by fever, she was standing in front of the widow's walk windows, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of her husband's returning sails.
125. They underscored the importance that drivers need to use kid-glove care when chauffeuring sometimes frail or very young passengers around the town.
126. Have you ever seen how a frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble?
127. Or at the most, you become a frail narcissus at the water's edge - your self-loathing, indistinguishable from your self-love.
128. If lacks it, the hair will become frail, the easy furcation , will not have the gloss.
129. Mawlawi Abdul Rahman – Mawlawi Sahib – is a thin, frail and very shy man with a thick beard.
130. Feeble steps were heard on the stairs, and an old man, tall and frail, odorous of pipe smoke, with shaggy, unkept gray hair and a dingy beard, tobacco stained about the mouth, entered uncertainly.
131. I don't know whether your frail tears could water your dream, but what I'm clear your pain has already sabotaged undamped ardor of life.
132. In one section of the ground an area that UEFA had allocated as 'neutral' was to be segregated from the adjoining area allocated to Liverpool fans using nothing more than a frail chicken wire fence.
133. In response, the New York Times said "To think that one frail life stands between this insolent, clownish creature and the presidency!"
134. In his rare public appearances, the crown prince looks frail and distracted.
134. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
135. She was a little woman, frail, and even sickly looking.
136. Yet in other moments he seems petulant , tentative and even frail.
137. Can you know, these safety the equipage is also very frail and equally need to be maintained with concentrated effort.
138. He was so frail he practically limped into the Aurum Care Centre.
139. At last Becky's frail limbs refused to carry her farther . She sat down.
140. He moved over to the window: a smallish, frail figure, the meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the Party.
141. Situated in hungriness area, Wuhai city's economic has been flourishing from its mining development for 30 years, but its frail ecological environment has been destroyed.
142. Our favorite casting is Jeremy Davies (Lost) as the frail and whiny Fredo Corleone. Although, those thin ties he wears in almost every role may not fly with his mafioso persona.
143. A crazed, frail - looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam - powered armor.
144. By all accounts, these new centenarians are far from the frail, ailing, housebound people you might expect.
145. He was very frail, and his eyes were really uncanny.
146. Huddled beneath her ermine mantle and surrounded by her ladies, serving girls, and knights, the southron queen seemed a frail, pale, shrunken thing.
147. Ever since his recovery he has been placidly frail, yet capable of surprising endurance.
148. Physically he is frail and must sustain himself by imbibing magical potions of his own creation.
149. He moved over to the window: a smallish, frail figure, the meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the party.
150. Frail but articulate, she lives in a comfortable Beijing flat with her husband, now 94, their son and daughter-in-law.
151. Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.
152. But Jesus didn't consider the direction of frail men, like Peter, and " truning around [ His back to Peter] and seeing HIs disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying , Get behind Me, Satan!
153. Suddenly, I heard a frail crying sound, like bleat of a small lamb.
154. Sometime, men are frail, too, and feel turndown without rhyme or reason.
154. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
155. Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate to reproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health, robust women can afford more of both than frail ones.
156. How slight a thing will disturb the equanimity of our frail minds!
157. She resented KO Chung - mou's scornful tone, and his implication that she was a frail, timid creature.
158. The region of west Inner Mongolia lies in arid, semi-arid, terribly arid climatic zone, and the ecological environment is very frail.
159. Spends Laney -7.5: Although person body still obviously frail, but he already unfolded the future through the performance to become star player's potential.
160. All the blood and lymph had been drained out of him by an enormous debauch of work, leaving only a frail structure of nerves, bones, and skin.
161. Because Dunhuang Grotto locates the Gobi area havingatrOcious weather, muras are threatened andtO be very frail.
162. Never was anything at once so frail and so indomitable.
163. Even frail people who've already passed their 90th birthday can add muscle mass and strength.
164. Snoopy was too frail to be shipped in the unheated baggage compartment of a plane.
165. The next morning, the uncle opened the woodshed to find the frail aunt frozen to death.
166. After the market continued murky one year, everybody psychology was very frail.
167. Qat, or catha edulis, has become the national pastime in this poor Arab country of 19 million, but one many experts say is ravaging Yemen's frail economy and sucking up precious water.
168. The Gardener 27 Pleasure is frail a dewdrop, while it laughs it dies.
169. The desalination emotion, the far cordiality, the false code cannot block from the frail heart.
170. Curiously full of vitality, But a little frail and quenched. Her woman's instinct sensed it.




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