单词 | Dwelling |
例句 | 1. It's time you stopped dwelling on the past. 2. Welcome to my humble dwelling. 3. Those two men are dwelling with us. 4. Our stable abuts against his dwelling. 5. Dwelling on the past only drags you down. 6. He smiled, his eyes dwelling on her face. 7. Why do you keep dwelling upon that matter? 8. In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now. 9. There was no point in dwelling on that. 10. I was dwelling on negative stuff. 11. Tell me, he said, your ideal dwelling place. 12. He imagined she was still dwelling on the accident. 13. Oglethorpe turned into his dwelling the picture of serenity. 14. It was no good dwelling on it. 15. Such non-ending cheeriness provoked the nonconformists into dwelling upon those aspects of the human condition which Socialist Realism refused to acknowledge. 16. It was a sight worth dwelling on, but not much use for present purposes. 17. All that exists of the imposing dwelling is a few feet of wall and an open fireplace adjoining Cumnor Church. 18. Do not sidetrack into dwelling on what is wrong with it. 19. Ideally the dwelling should be unoccupied and empty of furniture and floor coverings, although this is usually not possible. 20. Soon we arrived at Tower House, a suburban-style dwelling with a large front garden. 21. The mill and workshops now form a large dwelling as well as holiday homes. 22. The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling. 23. The building looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling. 23. try its best to collect and make good sentences. 24. When land had been apportioned, each family built their own dwelling. 25. The cottage was so small it looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling. 26. Nothing living, it seemed, would come anywhere close to this long abandoned dwelling. 27. Is this a record and by what percentage would you estimate it increases the value of my dwelling? 28. Several years ago he was remodeling a garage at his West University dwelling into a rental. 29. Tenby Tudor Merchant's House A beautifully furnished late medieval dwelling house near the harbour. 30. They in turn sold the property, which has now been converted into a dwelling. 1. It's time you stopped dwelling on the past. 2. Welcome to my humble dwelling. 3. Those two men are dwelling with us. 4. Our stable abuts against his dwelling. 5. In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now. 31. These are often conducted to ensure that everyone in a particular dwelling is registered with the local authorities. 32. It was not designed as a dwelling place in the first instance. 33. Public or private - the dwelling exception Under the previous law, the offence could be committed in public only. 34. Take your mind off negative things by dwelling on something positive and interesting that does not involve eating. 35. These priority households were also entitled to a discount from the land element in the finished dwelling. 36. As we explored the roofless shells of the other buildings we remarked on the way each dwelling was sunk into the ground. 37. A dwelling house was let at the rent of 16s. 5d. per week. 38. Externally, it is little altered, the mill house and mill now forming an elegant dwelling and farm. 39. It might be argued that it is. but it is worth dwelling briefly on the insights which structuralist Marxist accounts contain. 40. She differs from Proust, however, in dwelling on the reality and hence irredeemable transience of the past. 41. He hid in an abandoned dwelling, where a spider spun its web across the entrance, fooling the mob. 42. The loose-boxes were set around three sides of a square and away to the right, half-hidden, was a neglected-looking dwelling. 43. The episode dwelling on jurist Robert Bork succeeded, for example, despite dominance by Al Franken and Sen. 44. On the other hand a garden associated with an inner city dwelling will usually need to have a more formal approach. 45. But it would take 10 to 20 years to convert every dwelling. 46. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive. Thich Nhat Hanh 47. The limitation period is for six years from the date on which the dwelling was completed. 48. Any emptying should not involve the contents being taken through a dwelling place or place of work other than an open covered space. 49. In order to exclude domestic disputes, there is a proviso that the offence can not be committed inside a private dwelling. 50. It has now been sold and is a private dwelling and pottery workshop. 51. What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. Aristotle 52. The white blanket rolled down the hillside and lapped over the roofs of the dwelling and outbuildings of the little farm. 53. It was economical, thought Lydia, and reassuring to make your dwelling place of the same indigenous material as your grave. 54. This is worth dwelling on, because those who brush quality off as unaffordable abound in the business world as well. 55. When the reality is that a cottage pie housing a six-year-old ingredient could probably qualify as a listed dwelling. 56. The former was converted into a dwelling during the 1920s; the latter two have both been demolished. 57. By the late 1930s it had been converted to a dwelling and remains so to this day. 58. But this is my dwelling place and has been for nearly four months now. 59. It was incorporated by the architect, Alexander Skirving, into a private dwelling house he was building in Langside Avenue. 60. Interesting place, a large wooden dwelling in Tuscan red with green shutters behind a high brown wooden fence. 61. The Chemehuevi lived in a curve-topped dwelling framed by cottonwood and covered with bark. 62. Until recently Gomez had to feed the fish and invertebrates dwelling on the synthetic reef with supplemental food. 63. They returned six years later and purchased a corrugated zinc dwelling, and with their two sons became part-time islanders. 64. The significance of the fact that so many states are still in play is worth dwelling on. 65. When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to your breathing exercise. 66. They drew rein in Sparta before the lordly dwelling, a house far more splendid than either young man had ever seen. 67. Nana's house was the only painted dwelling in the row. 68. They are reclusive and idiosyncratic, dwelling in exquisite mansions far from each other with their families and a select band of retainers. 69. From that date until 1960 it became a dwelling in Pentrcwrt. 70. But there are other, less positive reasons for not dwelling too much on the war. 71. The two men are dwelling with us. 72. The koala is a nocturnal, tree dwelling marsupial mammal. 73. There is a busy street near his dwelling house. 74. The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies. 75. Defensibility is a necessary character of excellent dwelling environment. 76. Sometimes, an entire boathouse is turned into a dwelling. 77. N is for New Jerusalem, God-man dwelling. 78. That is a typical Uygur dwelling house. 79. His picture appeared prominently in every private dwelling. 80. These dwelling houses have been put to use. 81. In the light of the problems in fixing the price and the evaluation methods of urban commercial dwelling, the significances of this thesis are pointed out. 82. Secondary dwelling can be detached from Main, however this will increase slab and site costs. 83. I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog. 83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 84. The schoolmaster sat in his homely dwelling attached to the school. 85. Rudyard Kipling, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, Paul Gauguin, Samuel Beckett and others spent years dwelling abroad. 86. Without further adventure , they reached the dwelling of Governor Bellingham. 87. Let us go into His dwelling place ; Let us worship at His footstool. 88. Acts 2:5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 89. When we rethink the present dwelling directed by this topic, we find that the various Verdeckens such as breaking away things and nature, superorganic and people-oriented. 90. Nothing but work, drudgery constant hastening from dwelling to dwelling among the colliers and the iron - workers. 91. A minimum tension is exerted on the fabric during transportation in the chainless dwelling zone. 92. More than once she discovered his eyes dwelling on her. 93. Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America. 94. Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America. It has one hundred fifty rooms. 95. European cave - dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills. 96. In the divorce case involved the right of dwelling and rent of public housing, there is another case of affirmance of the right of dwelling and rent of public housing. 97. The flags represent 40 different nationalities, all currently dwelling in the Rockford area in significant numbers. 98. He occupies a three - story dwelling place on the Park Street. 99. Your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling. 100. Furthermore, by comparing with that of bungalows, the characteristics that warm in winter and cool in summer in cave dwelling are illustrated in quantity. 101. Mustapha guides the balloon up and alarmingly close to a 60-ft high cave dwelling. My silence is now based on fear but we drift by and upward. 102. In the United States, privately owned dwelling units for needy households constructed or rehabilitated with the assistance of government grants or low-interest loans. 103. Walter Gropius and Meier, the second headmaster of Bauhaus, had designed and constructed a dwelling district nearby Dessau from Yr. 1926 to Yr. 1928 aiming at realizing their ideology. 104. Look down from heaven, your holy dwelling place, and bless your people Israel and the land you have given us as you promised on oath to our forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey. 105. Objective : To explore the correlation of acarid mites allergens between working place and dwelling. 106. The locality was spoken of as though it had been the dwelling of a hangman. 107. The water pollution and eutrophication were judged by the assessment of hydrobiology with the species and quantity measure and analysis of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom dwelling biology and fish. 108. Most often infected wounds are found to harbor ordinary soil - dwelling bacteria, such as the clostridia. 109. Since the Seven-ties a dwelling place for artists and writers who settled there because living was cheap, the village had long enjoyed a dubious reputation for Bohemianism and eccentricity. 110. On the base of inhabitation environment, we would prefer dwelling to building. 111. Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place. 112. He has felt an influence dwelling always upon him like a curse. 113. Each scout inspects the site she navigated to and if she agrees that is a desirable dwelling place, she too performs a waggle dance when she returns to the swarm. 113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 114. As part of traditional local style house, the cave dwelling which adapts to the droughty climate and multi landform fully embodies the characteristic of the traditional ecological building. 115. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. 116. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 117. My goal is not to turn you into a monk or a cabin - dwelling misfit. 118. He insists authorities at Exmoor National Park have known of his dwelling for 15 years but began to challenge him only in 2009. 119. Its eyes are turreted and can be moved independently so that it can view two different objects simultaneously! This comes in especially handy as it is tree dwelling. 120. Q The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter - system dwelling , between earthly lives. 121. This second dwelling, if he ever achieved it, should be resplendent, a monument to himself. 122. God's words interpret his deeds, and both "give significance to God's dwelling with man (theophany)." 123. They defiled your sanctuary and set aflame the dwelling place of your name. 124. The pain of Illidan's unrequited feelings haunted him and he found himself dwelling on dark thoughts. 125. Forwhile we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do notwish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, sothat what is mortal may be swallowedupbylife. 126. Pennsylvania Station and the Biltmore Estate and Vanderbilt 50-room dwelling were designed by Charles Follen McKim of McKim, Mead, and White in New York. 127. Duplex house : is a dwelling comprising two units either side-by-side . Often looks like two houses put together, sharing a wall appears as a townhouse, but with two different entrances. 128. The diagram below is a cross - section of a typical dwelling in a ZED. 129. For Yakisugi House, it was the small cave dwelling found near the Caves of Lascaux in France Fujimori encountered on his own travel. 130. The farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars and constituting the dwelling place of God and the angels in the Moslem and cabalist systems. 131. A yurt is a portable, felt - covered, wood lattice - framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads. 132. After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon. 133. Did they show their teeth , as you surrounded their dwelling? 134. After gorging itself, the colo retreats to its cave dwelling to hibernate and digest. 135. The actuality of the dwelling house in huizhou area is very complexity. 136. To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied. 137. It'shows the types of walls which are often used in dwelling blocks. 138. The deepest dwelling vertebrates on Earth, snailfish have been discovered in ocean trenches in other parts of the Pacific. 139. He reread the letter adoringly, dwelling over her handwriting, loving each stroke of her pen, and in the end kissing her signature. 140. The county has Scenic spots and historical sites such as Lion Mountain, Elephant Mountain, Carp Mountain, Xiadongtian, and Shuitanken Cave Dwelling. 141. The Chinese ancient emperors tended to connect themselves with dragons to deify their supreme status and authority. They were marked deeply with dragons in dressing, diet and dwelling. 142. Here, an Indian boy walks with his mother under the shadow of Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium back to their temporary dwelling after having worked a full day on a drainage system on Feb. 3. 143. The occupancy rate above 80 % reflects that it is an ideal location for investment, leasing and dwelling. 144. Below ground level the dwelling guards his swimming pool, areas for massage, fitness and sauna in a triangular hypostyle hall only reached by daylight in its far most corner point. 145. Next time you have a problem, think about how you can improve the situation instead of dwelling on all the negative aspects. 146. People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King. 147. In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion. 148. The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling, guarded by the kind and tutelary deity. 149. I have truly built you a princely house and dwelling, where you may abide forever. 150. In Osaka the rights to fecal matter from the occupants of a dwelling belonged to the owner of the building whereas the urine belonged to the tenants...Fights broke out over collection rights and prices. 151. From childhood he had a delight in dwelling on dark things. 152. Artemia cyst is the diapause egg of the artmeia hopper, dwelling in the salt-water reservoirs. 153. Viewing from the global scale, the occurrence of settlements seemed to have started from the ground cave dwelling since the late period of homo erectus. 154. The priests in their yellow robes moved silently through the green trees, and on a pavement of black marble stood the rose-red house in which the god had his dwelling. 155. North Pole: The supposed dwelling place of the American Father Christmas. 156. Dantes led the owner of the yacht to the dwelling of a Jew. 157. For the Malawi Federation, a sister to the Namibian Federation, group loans were taken to finance the construction of identical dwelling units for the development of housing on 222 plots in Lilongwe. 158. The eight - roomed dwelling house on No.1500, Wuzhong Road, Shanghai. 159. Chinese scholar-bureaucrat gardens have lots of aesthetic functions, because they are not only the dwelling of scholar-bureaucrat, but also the practical ground to realize privacy and be comfortable. 160. Cutting side hill or escarpment plumbed, the artificial cross section of the cave to be shaped, it comes into being cave dwelling after excavating inward then. 161. The people is living in a cave digged out from the hill slope and this is the famous Cave Dwelling Village for Shaanxi and Shanxi - a special kind of housing specially at the Loess Plateau. 162. Building up concentration dewater treatment model in dwelling area was suggested according to high water content waste, dewatered sewage directly discharging into city sewage conduits was analyzed. 163. The earthquake-induced landslides distributed in the tableland surface, gentle slope hills and tableland of the valley, is consistent with the cave dwelling and the engineering construction. 164. Yurt is a traditional Mongolian dwelling house. It is also an epitome of Mongolian culture. 165. He looked with inquiring earnestness at his two daughters and Edmund, dwelling particularly on the latter. 166. With the rise of people's demand on inhabitancy environment, homeintellectualized has become the inevitable trend of the development of dwelling house. 167. Ancient Village Shijiagou is a typical model of ancient cave dwelling off River Fen. It is of great historical, scientific and artist value. 168. Then the Enlightenment Being took the forester to his own secluded dwelling place. 169. Staudinger remained in jail on Tuesday, a day after being arrested on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and shooting into a dwelling. 170. You stroll magisterially through your dwelling, browsing your music collection on your phone. 171. Ancient cave dwelling buildings have great reference value for interior environmental design today. 172. This paper sugests a zero energy cave dwelling solar house in accordance with the thermal characteristics of the traditional cave dwelling locating in the loess plateau in the north of Shaanxi. 173. People carry the holy fire and processional banners to the Teacher in the dwelling of dawn. 174. Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park. 175. The Earth tremor that shook our California dwelling at that moment seemed an omen of confirmation. 176. They are all our Chinese ancestors dwelling in the Paleolithic age. 177. They worked under gloomy lighting for long time with eating simple meal and living in the cold cave dwelling. 178. In this paper the casualty loess landfall are classified into two types according to their modes of development: tension-sliding loess landfall and collapsed earth cave dwelling . 179. The value-added of constant price of Owner occupied dwelling service takes the resident living area as volume index and applies the volume extrapolation method to calculate. 180. In San Francisco, the dragonet is at his dwelling with Shao Ruhai. 181. The child was reportedly stuck between an elevator car and the elevator shaft at a residential dwelling. 182. The Chinese large land and effulgent culture not only foster Chinese generation and generation, but also create rich and colorful dwelling culture. 183. Children run in the cave dwelling as an exercise , Qian County , Shaanxi Province, China. 184. The research and analysis of the loess cave dwelling disaster not only has the engineering background, but also has important humanity and ecological significance. 185. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews , devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 186. They enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling. 187. The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter - system dwelling , between earthly lives. 188. Modern facilities together with longstanding styling have created matchless dwelling places. 189. Now they bought a dwelling by installment and her father pay for the first initial payment for them, so happy couple, right? 190. Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption. 191. The construction pattern of cave dwelling suggests many remarkable principles, and involves a series of questions of common architectural interests. 192. And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. A - MEN. 193. Shou-jin-liao (Zonary Bungalow) is a type of traditional dwelling with unique local flavor. 194. The results showed that soil moisture content, normal load, load dwelling time, and their interactions had important influence on the soil adhesion. 195. The National Electric Code, in Article 690.5, requires that any PV array installed on the roof of a dwelling must incorporate a ground-fault protection device to reduce fire hazards. 196. Stop being a fuddy-duddy any more, always dwelling on the past just means nothing! 197. In mixed communities, of forest dwelling and settled peoples, the forest dwellers are rarely consulted, but are grateful for any employment of largess their receive. 198. The character of this paper is that the linear recursive analysis is adopted on the prediction of demand and supply in Xi"an dwelling house market on which the strategy study is based on." 199. Ira Block is a master at photographing difficult subjects like this cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde in Colorado. 200. Behind every apartment - houses, beside each dwelling, were small garages. 201. Mr. Wang: Shijiagou is a cave dwelling building in Shanxi, in fact it is a hillside building which located in a valley with the terrain. 202. About one hundred people lived in this cliff dwelling during the thirteenth century. 203. This lack of information on the Miro's dwelling place is largely due to the fact that we have been unable to obtain a single photograph of the Miro looking comfortable in its surroundings. 204. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin. 205. The flags represent 40 different nationalities(http://), all currently dwelling in the Rockford area significant numbers. 206. Globally speaking, the market size stands at hundreds of thousands of Longevity Dwelling Houses. 207. Instead of dwelling in excuses and lamentations, celebrate positive and valuable results. 208. Today the word suggests a rustic dwelling or inn in a natural setting, often one used seasonally (e. g. , a ski lodge). 209. Hammarus is a sandhopper dwelling in the fresh water reservoirs. 210. While continuously proving a shelter to human Longevity Dwelling House can prolong human's life span. 211. Whereas its living environment is very bad now, its quality of community and ascription is weakening, and its dwelling culture is declining. |
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