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单词 Awaiting
1) He is in custody awaiting trial .
2) He's anxiously awaiting his test results.
3) She is in prison, awaiting trial.
4) I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.
5) She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
6) Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.
7) She is anxiously awaiting a decision on her future.
8) She is still awaiting an answer.
9) He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.
10) The smuggler is in prison tonight, awaiting extradition to Britain.
11) He's awaiting trial, which is expected to begin early next year.
12) I sat outside the boss's office awaiting my summons.
13) Your car is awaiting collection at our garage.
14) Murphy sat in a prison cell awaiting trial .
15) This historic watermill is currently awaiting restoration.
16) Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.
17) He is in prison awaiting trial on drugs charges.
18) There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery.
19) We're anxiously awaiting the court's ruling on this matter.
20) Police are awaiting the results of a forensic examination.
21) They're eagerly awaiting the big day.
22) We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.
23) The treaty is awaiting ratification.
24) She stood there,(http:///awaiting.html) docilely awaiting my decision.
25) I am anxiously awaiting your reply.
26) The plane circled, awaiting permission to land.
27) The industry was awaiting a judgment from the European Court.
28) We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact number of casualties.
29) He is anxiously awaiting the result of the medical tests.
30) Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.
1) He is in custody awaiting trial .
2) He's anxiously awaiting his test results.
3) She is in prison, awaiting trial.
4) I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.
5) She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
6) Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.
7) She is anxiously awaiting a decision on her future.
8) He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.
9) Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.
10) The smuggler is in prison tonight, awaiting extradition to Britain.
11) He's awaiting trial, which is expected to begin early next year.
12) We're anxiously awaiting the court's ruling on this matter.
13) We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.
14) The treaty is awaiting ratification.
15) He is anxiously awaiting the result of the medical tests.
16) The regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack.
17) The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
31) The General and his cronies are now awaiting trial for drug-smuggling.
32) He's awaiting trial in a military court on charges of plotting against the state.
33) The regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack.
34) Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks.
35) A man awaiting death by lethal injection has been saved by a last minute reprieve.
36) They are awaiting trial on charges of plotting against the state.
37) I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
38) There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting him back here.
39) The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
40) I am now awaiting results to further tests.
41) He, too, looks attentive, as if awaiting an order.
42) He is still awaiting an asylum decision.
43) Investigators were awaiting results of toxicology tests.
43) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44) The high-resolution mass spectrometer is awaiting approval.
45) Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks; failure would activate them immediately.
46) Two very new and raw advisers were awaiting the arrival of Mr Rocke.
47) Two men have been charged with murder and are now in prison awaiting trial.
48) The judiciary is a farce: 80 % of prisoners are awaiting trial.
49) The company has completed trials on a lymphoma drug and is awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
50) A total of 18 former Noricum employees were already awaiting trial in Linz.
51) Most of all I am eagerly awaiting his return to Wimbledon this summer to bring more fun and excitement to the fortnight.
52) Eighteen more defendants have been indicted in the conspiracy, including six who are in custody awaiting trial.
53) Most still linger in county jails, awaiting the outcome of appeals or seeking jury trials.
54) He is awaiting trial in Luzira Prison, near the capital, Kampala.
55) Now, however, they sat looking out of the window, evidently awaiting my return.
56) Anna was raped and strangled by a man who was on bail awaiting trial for rape.
57) The team is awaiting the outcome of an appeal against a combination order which is normally awarded for serious offences like burglary.
58) They are there to brighten up the place and to foreshadow the eternal pleasures awaiting Khmer heroes in the afterlife.
59) The sportswear giants broke off their deal with the world sprint champion who's awaiting a four-year ban for drug abuse.
60) Their applications for asylum are being processed gradually; most are still awaiting a decision.
61) Plant officials were awaiting approval of the plans by a review board of senior managers.
62) They will remain there in a state of torpor, patiently awaiting the return of the rains.
63) Today the police said that after a postmortem examination, they're still awaiting the results of more tests.
64) The top two leaders of the group, Gilberto and Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela, remain in prison awaiting trial.
65) A bill awaiting action would end benefits for addicts and alcoholics.
66) Some asked for political asylum and are awaiting passage to friendly third countries.
67) Inside Whitemoor prison near Peterborough, he's still awaiting a decision on when that hearing will be.
68) Puccio is also the lawyer for Alex Kelly, a Connecticut man awaiting trial on rape charges.
69) He'd spent 18 months in prison awaiting trial and served 6 months of a 10 year sentence.
70) Their bodies were left for several hours to serve as an example of the fate awaiting people who oppose the regime.
71) She flicked her eyes to Steve standing on the porch terrace eagerly awaiting admittance to a house of horror.
72) At Gloucester Prison while on remand awaiting trial the prosecution say Gardiner made threats against White.
73) Pienaar is still awaiting the day he can field his first-choice side.
73) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
74) The swans started to build their nest several weeks ago and everyone at the factory had been eagerly awaiting the big day.
75) The two alleged gunmen are awaiting trial in federal court.
76) In many fields, however, negotiations were awaiting the outcome of the dispute over farm trade.
77) He remains in Washington awaiting the outcome of a police investigation.
78) Suddenly Tambini had run over to where most of us stood, awaiting our turn at the firing point.
79) Hospital waiting lists have grown to almost one million people awaiting treatment.
80) The British army was trapped on the sands, awaiting destruction.
81) Usually an administrative service, e.g. notifying all interested parties that a Design Change is awaiting assessment.
82) Her appeal is pending, awaiting the outcome of the Texas dispute.
83) The respective fates awaiting the two groups of embryos could not be more dissimilar.
84) I am like a shipwrecked survivor holding fast to the debris, awaiting the arrival of the scheduled liner.
85) Currently the building is dismantled and is stored at Bo'ness awaiting the day when the rebuilding operation can begin.
86) Ted is incarcerated in California, awaiting trial on murder charges.
87) But the words masked the meaning and reality from the crowds of fallen men and angels who were awaiting the final denouement.
88) Its managing director, Enzo Papi, is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
89) Her employer and friend, Susan Drake, sat mending below, awaiting her husband's return.
90) Lane has been convicted of attempted voluntary manslaughter and is in custody awaiting sentencing next month.
91) The Supreme Court's decision also focused attention on the Freedom of Choice bill currently awaiting congressional consideration.
92) Koskotas himself remained in a prison awaiting trial on major fraud charges.
93) He's already been in prison for seventeen months awaiting trial on drugs charges.
94) A relationship is like being in a forest, where snakes lurk awaiting the chance to entice. Anthony Liccione 
95) They remained disassembled for several years in storage awaiting a studio decision on their fate.
96) The committee is awaiting a decision from head office before it takes any action.
97) Dexfenfluramine, which is currently awaiting FDA approval, also increases serotonin levels.
98) Alan Watkins, who was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor himself, gave Amaranth his approving eye.
99) A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.
100) He was awaiting arraignment last night.
101) I turned on the squirt gun, and she stood there, stiff, arms at her sides, eyes closed, as though awaiting mummification.
102) It was around that time he painted his most famous work The Night Watch. It depicts a group of city guardsmen awaiting the command to fall in line.
103) Remember that error-checking only happens during marshalling -- this means that erroneous data can be floating around in these member variables while they are in memory,(http:///awaiting.html) awaiting marshalling.
104) The relaunch of the NASA satellite is awaiting White House approval and is going through the budget process for next year.
105) Gamers are nervously awaiting the next expansion pack, Cataclysm, which will see the familiar lands of Azeroth left unrecognisable after an attack by the Dragon Aspect Deathwing.
106) Picture a serpentine tangle of a thousand snakes, piled together cozily, calm and sleek in their subterranean nook, jointly awaiting the signals of spring.
107) We cannot simply add a transition from the Awaiting Approval state to the Canceled state driven by the cancel operation..
108) We prospectively compared the results of QFT-G to TST in patients with chronic liver disease awaiting transplantation.
109) “Money is tight,” she wrote, “and collections are often roomy, full of underexposed artwork awaiting the illumination of curatorial insight.”
110) In opposition to American Academy of Neurology clinical guidelines, the investigators and editorialist recommend splinting only while awaiting surgery or for those who refuse surgery.
111) I thanked her anew for modifying my marriage gown, and ensured her it was safely bagged and awaiting the day I would dress it downbound the aisle on the arm of my actual "Mister Right".
112) Investors are eagerly awaiting data on U.S. nonfarm payrolls for December, due at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time, for more clues on the state of the American labor market.
113) My first car, a beat-up old Mustang, was a lemon -- sometimes it felt like I spent more time awaiting roadside assistance than I spent driving it.
114) Can the occasion of moment of have visions of can be how grand, so, we or the patient Geneva that awaiting the coming year!
115) He wrote memoirs but, like a jazzman improvising on a theme, wandered off inveterately after other people: "An accidental shove on a crowded Loop corner, while awaiting the change in traffic lights;"
116) League and union officials are awaiting a National Labor Relations Board ruling on an unfair-labor practice complaint filed by the union in May, which could change the parameters of the discussion.
117) While President Obama has taken on the heavy neocon legacy (Afghanistan and Iraq) he continues with uncertainty some policies that are still awaiting a clear direction.
118) Drop anchor at Great Bitter Lake for awaiting Southbound convoy and report.
119) The programming technique used to handle messages that are awaiting transmission.
120) All the runners were at the ready, awaiting the pistol shot that would start the race.
121) As you might remember from Part 1 (Form Factor and the Smart Cover) of this review, I was testing out the new iPad 2 while awaiting Jury Duty, and unfortunately I was selected for a trial.
122) Add frogs, turtles, deer and the endangered Delmarva fox squirrel, and you have a great Chesapeake Bay experience awaiting you.
123) The plan is awaiting final approval after an environmental impact report.
124) These are some of the more advanced topics awaiting the student of simple linear regression.
125) Status Offline sentence 1. OPEC ministers begin meeting in Austria in a few hours awaiting the ministers' decision on what the future level of oil production should be.
126) Inside the airport, parader people the scroll that puts down demonstrate when awaiting machine hall through home, tighten the catchword that then collective call out lets Joyce is nonofficeholding.
127) Every morning, as I awoke, I somehow felt the day coming to me like a new gilt-edged letter, with some unheard-of news awaiting me on the opening of the envelope.
128) Atchison said the 155th did an exceptional job during their deployment and Mississippi is anxiously awaiting their return.
129) Having the exclusive selling rights for seasonaBle fresh fruits, we are awaiting your presence and negotiation.
130) Education ministers are already anxiously awaiting the next issue of its PISA study, which is due to be published on December 7th.
131) Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans, quietly supportive and awaiting his return, whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal.
132) I've found that it's best to have three, one to drive, one to have torn down for restoration and the third to be on jacks awaiting repair parts.
133) Madoff, 70, is in jail in New York awaiting sentencing after he pleaded guilty to swindling billions from investors in what could be the biggest scam in Wall Street history.
133) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
134) GE, which owns 80 percent of NBC Universal, is awaiting word from Vivendi on whether it intends to exercise a put option to sell its 20 percent stake.
135) The Magpies boss has failed to bring in a single new face during the close season and the Tyneside support are anxiously awaiting news of which players will be arriving at St James' Park.
136) At this time, Vela is awaiting further contact from the pirates in control of the vessel, the company said in a statement.
137) Ms. Khan pleaded guilty to securities fraud, conspiracy and obstruction of justice, and is awaiting sentencing.
138) An animal who is purchased at a pet or discount store will be replaced by another one from these rabbit mills, leaving one less home for a bunny already in an animal shelter awaiting adoption.
139) While only 2.7% of patients wait this long, the figure is 8.6% for those awaiting a colonoscopy and 8% for flexible sigmoidoscopy, another test for cancer.
140) Elsewhere, The Sun report Patrice Evra is still awaiting a new contract offer from United.
141) We are holding over these goods, awaiting your anticipated early reply.
142) Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight.
143) Humanity's been awaiting the end of the world since darn near the beginning of the world, and, to date, all predictions have been vaporware.
144) Displays of wealth can also be misleading. Folks can appear wealthy -- but the mansion may be fully mortgaged, the cars might be leased and the landscaper may still be awaiting payment.
145) Moves in the foreign-exchange market were limited, however, with investors awaiting a Federal Reserve policy meeting and economic data next week for more clues about the health of the global economy.
146) "The people are more united," Lorca said the dining hall at Camp Hope, where the families have been joined by more than 1,000 journalists awaiting the mine rescue.
147) Instead I've compromised by writing a slightly less bathetic list of all the things I must do today, and am awaiting results.
148) He compares the potential within a crystal to a piece of bare wood awaiting its anointment, the moment when it can come alive with colour.
149) When the output is complete, the stream is flushed by writing a NULL object to the client stream and loop awaiting the next client.
150) Ideally, those lost ticks would be allocated on demand and automatically to any ready task awaiting computation.
151) In the ice - cold glass case, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of you.
152) A quantity of materials awaiting further processing. It can refer to raw materials, semifinished stores or hold points, or a work backlog that is purposely maintained behind a work center.
153) The Bible calls him an insurrectionist and a murderer, so he was an imprisoned terrorist awaiting execution.
154) The author analyses and sorts out the viewpoints and ideas in research of deictic words in the West, and sums up the fruits of research and problems awaiting solution.
155) One of the telltale signs of rudeness is made by someone who does not respond after a reasonable length of time to a phone message awaiting a reply.
156) Without it(/awaiting.html), prosecutors have more leverage over him as an extended period in a miserable jail cell awaiting trial can wear down even tough suspects.
157) However, many people still get that glassy-eyed, far away dreamer look on their faces when they think of the riches awaiting them on just the other side of their own dot-com.
158) In capacious and trim convenience shop, goods shelves of a platoon is being arranged trimly , awaiting the commodity of those full of beautiful things in eyes.
159) And not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body.
160) A breathalyzer test for alcohol proved negative, but police are still awaiting the results of drugs tests and a psychiatric examination.




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