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单词 Back on
1. She dropped the book back on the shelf.
2. Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics.
3. Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. You can't go back on your promise now.
5. Don't go back on your word.
6. Put the cap back on the bottle.
7. She turned her back on him.
8. It was good to be back on land.
9. The escaped boy doubled back on his tracks.
10. Put it back on the top shelf.
11. Put the top back on the bottle.
12. Let's get back on track.
13. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
14. She sighed as she lay back on the bed.
15. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder if only.
16. Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars.
17. Adults often look back on their childhood as a golden age.
18. He still feels quite guilty when he look back on the past.
19. Please put the book back on the shelf when you've finished with it.
20. It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.
21. Make sure you put the cap back on the pen.
22. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
23. The government has announced plans to to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year.
24. She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.
25. Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
26. We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.
27. Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.
28. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.
29. He said he would loan money to us, and then went back on his promise.
30. My car was in the garage for a week, but it's now back on the road.
1. Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics.
2. You can't go back on your promise now.
3. Don't go back on your word.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. It was good to be back on land.
5. Put it back on the top shelf.
6. Put the top back on the bottle.
7. Let's get back on track.
8. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
9. Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars.
10. Adults often look back on their childhood as a golden age.
11. Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.
12. It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.
13. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.
14. Make sure you put the cap back on the pen.
15. The government has announced plans to to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year.
16. My car was in the garage for a week, but it's now back on the road.
17. She took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.
18. When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
19. The government looks likely to go back on its decision to close the mines.
20. He washed up his mug and put it back on the shelf.
21. Now that the crisis is over, we must try to get things back on an even keel.
22. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
23. He was dry for years but now he's back on the booze.
24. If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.
25. We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.
26. A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.
31. She took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.
32. When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
33. The government looks likely to go back on its decision to close the mines.
33. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
34. He washed up his mug and put it back on the shelf.
35. Now that the crisis is over, we must try to get things back on an even keel.
36. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
37. You can always fall back on him when you are in difficulties.
38. We were glad to be back on terra firma.
39. You haven't gone back on your promise, have you?
40. My car is back on the road again.
41. Don't worry; I'm back on top of things now.
42. He soldered the wire back on.
43. Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on.
44. Surely you won't turn your back on them?
45. He tried to jump back on board.
46. The Government has cut back on defence spending.
47. I'll pay you back on Friday.
48. The power came back on.
49. Can you claim this back on expenses?
50. He slumped back on the sofa in tears.
51. She looked back on those days with affection .
52. Most slimmers end up putting weight back on.
53. He could always fall back on his old jokes.
54. Grandfather's eyes are going back on him.
55. I looked back on that time with undiluted pleasure.
56. Remember to put the lid back on.
57. He never goes back on his word .
58. He would, of course(), report back on all deliberations.
59. She was lying on her back on the sofa.
60. The government should ease back on farming restrictions.
61. He sat back on the sofa.
62. Put the book back on the shelf.
63. The punch rocked him back on his heels./back on.html
64. Angrily, she turned her back on him.
65. The win put a smile back on his face.
66. You'll have your radio back on Tuesday.
67. She looked back on the past without regret.
68. The books were back on the bookshelf.
69. His unemployment threw him back on government relief.
70. She screwed the cap back on the jar.
71. She has no relatives to fall back on.
72. Some of his friends have gone back on him.
73. Put the cap back on the pen.
74. I'll get my own back on her one day.
75. They'll probably end back on the streets.
76. He turned his back on us.
77. Jean eased back on the pillows and relaxed.
78. We are constantly thrown back on our own resources.
79. Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.
80. She came back on stage to take another bow.
81. Steve answered curtly and turned his back on me.
82. Our armies are pulling back on all fronts.
83. Paul's back on top form after his illness.
84. He'll be back on Monday.
85. She put the saucepan back on the stove.
86. I expect I will be back on Sunday.
87. We're back on course to qualify for the championship.
88. I screwed the lid back on the jar.
89. Students were asked to report back on their results.
90. He doubled back on his tracks.
91. Spain cannot afford to turn its back on tourism.
92. I put the packet back on the shelf.
93. Sue's back on her feet again after her operation.
94. They will then hang back on closing the deal.
95. They can look back on their endeavours with pride.
96. She put it back on the shelf.
97. Robert Redford is back on form in his new movie "Sneakers".
98. During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.
99. It's better to put the cap back on the bottle.
100. He was back on familiar ground,(Sentencedict) dealing with the customers.
101. At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails.
102. Setting her life back on an even keel after their break-up had been incredibly difficult.
103. If you don't put the top back on that bottle of beer, it will go flat.
104. They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails.
105. She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.
106. I go back on the dole when the shooting season's finished.
107. I want to go there and back on the same day.
108. Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes.
109. The doctor's told me to cut back on red meat.
110. I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure.
111. She fell back on her usual excuse of having no time.
112. The battle is going badly for us,we'd better fall back on the town in the hills.
113. With the increase of the prices, we shall have to pull back on our spending.
114. 'So what?' asked Brian, tipping his chair back on its rear legs.
115. Now, let's see, oh yes - they wanted to know what time you'll be back on Friday.
116. I look back on it as the bloodiest winter of the war.
117. It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.
118. Once he has made a promise, he never goes back on his word.
119. She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.
120. We drove there and back on one tank of petrol.
121. The decision to cut back on film-making had a catastrophic effect on the nurturing of new talent.
122. If I lose my job, I'll have nothing to fall back on.
123. Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city.
123. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
124. It would cost too much to put it back on the road.
125. Can you put the top back on the bottle when you've finished with it?
126. If you rock back on that chair, you're going to break it.
127. She closed the magazine and threw it back on the pile.
128. When on stage, try not to turn your back on the audience.
129. New players should put the team back on the winning trail.
130. It took him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife died.
131. The govern-ment was forced to row back on an austerity plan that would have involved wage cuts.
132. I need to get back on my feet again and forget all this.
133. She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep.
134. After the humiliation of last week's defeat, the Mets were back on form.
135. Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.
136. It took five hours to get all the computer terminals back on line.
137. It may take some time to get the British economy back on track.
138. After three weeks at sea we were glad to be back on dry land again.
139. The tired worker fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.
140. Put the top back on that felt - tip pen or it will dry out.
141. He has her support to fall back on when the going gets tough.
142. The company seems to be back on its feet now.
143. She's gone back on her word and decided not to give me the job after all.
144. All his friends went back on him after he lost his money.
145. Her friends had deserted her, and she was thrown back on her own resources.
146. He lay back on his pillows and closed his eyes.
147. The budget crisis has forced the President to go back on his word.
148. When I look back on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.
149. With determined briskness, Amy stood up and put their cups back on the tray.
150. She turned her back on them when they needed her.
151. Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment.
152. Local authorities have been forced to cut back on expenditure.
153. He was dry for years but now he's back on the booze.
154. The coach was credited with putting the team back on the rails.
155. He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.
156. He gave up on programmatic politics and turned his back on public life.
157. After two days at sea(Sentencedict), it was good to be back on terra firma again.
158. Delors claimed that Johnson had gone back on his word .
159. How can you turn your back on your own mother?
160. After his wife's death it took him two years to get back on his feet.
161. "We'll soon have you back on your feet again, " said the nurse.
162. Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.
163. Then, after I finally got back on the highway, I developed a flat.
164. If an engine packs in, there's not much the engineer can do about it until the plane is back on the ground.
165. The shortage of gas has thrown us back on the use of bicycles.
166. We kept getting lost and having to double back on ourselves.
167. I have a little money in the bank to fall back on.
168. His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to sew it back on.
169. He hoped to get a new truck and go back on the road.
170. The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet.
171. We're just waiting for the manager to feed back on it.
172. It will cost about £400 to get the car back on the road.
173. Delors claimed that the President had gone back on his word.
174. The audience applauded enthusiastically, and she came back on stage to take another bow.
175. Whatever decision the president makes, it will bounce back on the future of the country.
176. Business is now back on an even keel after the postal strike.
177. I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in prices.
178. The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.
179. We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.
180. In times of economic hardship, firms cut back on training.
181. I don't want to tie myself down to coming back on a particular date.
182. There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.
183. It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it.
184. He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.
185. When necessary,(http:///back on.html) instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
186. Detectives had found several new clues and were back on the murderer's trail.
187. I'll get my own back on him one day, I swear!
188. We've had to cut back on staff to save money.
189. She decided to turn her back on Paris and return to her home town.
190. He kicked off his shoes and lay back on the bed.
191. The line of trees doubles back on itself at a bend in the river.
192. I trusted her not to go back on her word .
193. Looking back on it , I still can't figure out what went wrong.
194. The President faces the difficult task of putting the economy back on its feet.
195. Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.
196. Now I can look back on the whole tragedy from a distance of forty years.
197. If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.
198. Please put the dictionary back on the shelf when you've finished with it.
199. Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones.
200. We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.
201. There was no TV so we were thrown back on our own resources .
202. Here's an IOU for the fiver you lent me. I'll pay you back on Monday.
203. I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce.
204. He has helped get the company back on the rails again.
205. When both his parents died, the boy was thrown back on his own resources.
206. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.
207. The hand was preserved in ice by neighbours and sewn back on in hospital.
208. The new chairman hopes to get the company back on its feet within six months.
209. He turned his back on his wife when he became famous.
210. Back on Flatbush Avenue, Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts.
211. A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.
212. I screwed up the jar and put it back on the shelf.
213. It was good to get back on terra firma again after that awful sea crossing.
214. The new manager succeeded in putting the business back on an even keel.
215. He was drunk and flat on his back on the street.
216. It was good to be back on solid ground again.
217. In his twenties he turned his back on his Catholic faith.
218. Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body.
219. We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7.
220. Try to cut back on foods containing wheat and dairy products.
221. Joanna swung back on to the main approach and headed for the airport.
222. It's very hard if you have no family to fall back on.
223. He turned his back on his family when he became famous.
224. He lay back on the grass using his backpack as a pillow.
225. Surgeons have managed to sew a man's ear back on after it was bitten off in a fight.
226. She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.
227. Thinking back on the marriage(), I just don't know where we went wrong.
228. Looking back on it, I should have known he was unhappy.
229. I can't turn my back on him when he needs help.
230. I poured some water and screwed the lid back on the bottle.
231. Once again, we were thrown back on our own resources.
232. She bit back on her irritation.
233. I nailed the batten back on top.
234. He was away all week and now arrived back on Friday evenings in a ready-made bad mood.
235. In less than a year I would reach retirement age and I had nothing to fall back on.
236. She closed the door behind him, put her rape alarm back on the bedside table, and there they were.
237. I look back on my early teenage years with some amazement.
238. Well, it's true that I have been hurt in my life. Quite a bit. But it's also true that I have loved, and been loved. And that carries a weight of its own. A greater weight, in my opinion. It's like that pie chart we talked about earlier. In the end, I'll look back on my life, and see that the greatest piece of it was love. The problems, the divorces, the sadness... those will be there too, but just smaller slivers, tiny pieces. Sarah Dessen 
239. Such behaviour warrants a smart kick back on his backside.
240. With his weight settled back on the bed, Primo felt something in his back pocket.
241. Now, you get down from the chair and lie on your back on the bench.
242. Looking back on it, I wondered how our visit had affected these people.
243. Mackay fell back on Stirling, having lost three-quarters of his men on the battlefield or through desertion.
244. She lost her balance and fell back on the old iron bedstead, pulling the old woman off her feet.
245. Then she lay back on her pillow and they looked at each other as if it was for the first time.
246. His campaign spent millions on political ads in California, cutting back on the number shown in other key states.
247. Hicks moved closer to the stove, partly turning his back on her.
248. If Miguel were excommunicated, Careta would probably turn his back on him if he saw him on the street.
249. Too often, he says, we only recognise an opportunity when it arrives back on our doorstep as an import.
250. He sat back on his heels, sorrowfully examining the ruined glove.
251. I look back on those emotions with wry amusement but also with a certain amount of self-respect.
252. It might have been an airport beacon back on Earth, and he stared at it with a tightening of the throat.
253. Knights who had ridden forth under the banner of this leader or that rode back on their own.
254. Why not simply take the hint and turn his back on the village once and for all?
255. The cricketer himself seems intent on something earlier; back on the ball by June.
256. First of all turn one's back on the bloody war, then qualify for some career.
257. A huge gust of energy blew him back on course.
258. I took a big bite, put it back on the table and left it to rot throughout the night.
259. I think that in years to come they are bound to be looked back on as an aberration.
260. He washed up and tidied up, and put the baize cover back on the table.
261. Cutting back on any government service is still anathema to liberals.
262. Then I became allergic to Durex so I went back on the Pill, a different one.
263. Lacking a better alternative, Father Maier fell back on his bottomless faith in discernment and agreed.
264. Sir Henry was able to scorn convention because he had turned his back on the world.
265. Isaac said, back on his feet and shaking with anger.
266. One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! Ralph Waldo Emerson 
267. Bonanza Boy will have blinkers back on and this may assist him.
268. Mayor Willie Brown, rather than accepting the challenge, shifted the onus back on recalcitrant neighbors.
269. A person who is quickly back on his or her feet after a serious blow.
270. He was terribly frustrated and kept trying until he fell back on his bed, exhausted.
271. At a minimum, they can force the issue back on to the political agenda and make Republicans publicly address the subject again.
272. I don't like to fall back on what comes automatically.
273. It passes through a sponge where mechanical and biological filtration takes place, and is then passed back on to the water.
274. So in the end I turned my back on it and walked away.
275. Disillusioned with the ruthlessly ambitious woman he had married, Richard had long ago turned his back on her.
276. But then it is believed Diana and her children will be back on the huge Althorp Estate.
277. Now, when life is so precious, I can look back on that period with shocked amazement.
278. Upon reaching retirement age Len found that he missed the job so much he came back on a part-time basis.
279. If you hold back on the emotions - if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them - you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your heard even, you experience them fully and completely. Mitch Albom 
280. Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February.
281. I lost my balance and fell, bang, on my back on the ice.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:59:46