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单词 Endowed
1. He endowed a bed in a hospital.
2. Nature has endowed her with beauty and intelligence.
3. She is endowed with great musical ability.
4. They endowed their children with remarkable names.
5. She's endowed with intelligence as well as beauty.
6. Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.
7. be endowed with sth to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc: She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
8. The stones are believed to be endowed with magical powers.
9. The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune.
10. You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.
11. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
12. Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbors in the world.
13. Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbours in the world.
14. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to do research for industry.
15. He is endowed with both intelligence and good looks.
16. He endowed the hospital with half his fortune.
17. She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
18. Nature had endowed her with exceptional vitality.
19. Sardinia is generously endowed with prehistoric sites.
20. They endowed certain plants with almost magical healing qualities.
21. He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice.
22. She was endowed with both good looks and brains.
23. He is endowed with genius.
24. She is endowed with great writing ability.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. Nature has endowed her with great musical ability.
26. This country is favourably endowed climatically.
27. My imagination endowed Constantinople with all the magic of the East.
28. This hospital was endowed by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century.
29. The islands are well endowed with ponds, lakes and streams.
30. In her will, she endowed a scholarship in the physics department.
1. He endowed a bed in a hospital.
2. Nature has endowed her with beauty and intelligence.
3. She is endowed with great musical ability.
4. They endowed their children with remarkable names.
5. Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.
6. be endowed with sth to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc: She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
7. The stones are believed to be endowed with magical powers.
8. The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune.
9. You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.
10. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
11. Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbors in the world.
12. Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbours in the world.
13. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to do research for industry.
14. This country is favourably endowed climatically.
31. A private benefactor endowed the new Chair of Japanese Literature.
32. She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.
33. The ambassador has endowed a $1 million public-service fellowships program.
34. The cross is endowed with a special meaning for Christians.
35. Donations should be made payable to: Darling Endowed Scholarship.
36. He is endowed with specific talents.
37. Or that they are endowed with superior leadership genes?
38. There they also hatch and develop, sustained by the yolk with which she has endowed them.
39. He was endowed too with a very strong male chemistry.
40. It is hard to argue that the average rat has been endowed with conspicuous display ornaments by the preferences of ancestral females.
41. Shakespeare was an adult genius in that he was endowed with it at birth.
42. Lecturers and lectureships For details of 1992-93 endowed lecturers and medallists, and nominations for 1993-94 endowed lectureships, see page 272.
43. Edinburgh is very well endowed with library resources for associated research.
44. Like the kidneys, the colon is well endowed with adenosine receptors.
45. They also have a greater tendency to rate themselves as ambitious, highly sexed, strong-willed and well endowed.
46. The optimists, endowed with faith in science, technology, and the free market, see open-ended possibilities for mankind.
47. What olfactory sense is logic endowed with that it sniffs out and runs to ground the hidden nature of things?
48. I had read Eothen and other tales of Eastern travel and my imagination endowed Constantinople with all the magic of the East.
49. His eldest brother Henry had cause to feel frustrated, but for a third son Geoffrey of Brittany was extremely well endowed.
50. Initially, this may simply involve the elicitation of a sequence of sounds or actions which can be endowed with social meaning.
51. It seems to have been against creative law that the female should be endowed with morals.
52. Such a conclusion to a hunting trip is evidence that the man is endowed with proper male virtue.
53. Dad may not have been endowed with a surplus of brain-matter, but he was no fool.
54. Though short in stature, Genda was endowed with a strong fighting spirit which was reflected in his hawk-like countenance.
54. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55. Is it endowed with some kind of abstract, almost Platonic existence, or is it seen in terms of its social context?
56. Her resistance to Generalissimo Franco's Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
57. And however well endowed he was with these qualities, he might still have difficulty on some points.
58. It is political; it is endowed with anger; it is not neutral.
59. Chomsky explains this phenomenon by suggesting that human individuals are innately endowed with a deep structure grammar of language.
60. In 1911 he was a founder member of the Photomicrographic Society, whose Barnard medal he endowed.
61. Perhaps that early brush with death endowed the villagers with a greater than normal appreciation for the past.
62. They were almost certainly endowed with highly developed sensory and intuitive powers seen only in the few remaining native tribes alive today.
63. He endowed it with vast lands and rights, including tithes of silver and other rights of tribute from the Slavs.
64. None of them yield easy climbs, the approaches being rough and the summits gained over pathless terrain liberally endowed with cliffs.
65. They provided hospitality to travellers, and people with property endowed foundations for the care of the old and the sick.
66. Each endowed with extraordinary political gifts, each also comes with the scandal-prone parts already assembled and connected.
67. And throughout they dominated the State Council, the upper house endowed with effective veto powers over Duma proposals.
68. In Western art the artist is accorded the status of some one endowed with particular sensitivities and vision.
69. However, for those individuals which natural variation has endowed with greater tolerance, survival and reproduction will be possible.
70. The grant will establish an endowed faculty position for the department's three-year diploma course.
71. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei 
72. Female menstrual blood became endowed with magical power and often it was harmful.
73. Vi wished the good Lord had endowed her with size fours, but it wasn't anybody's fault, really.
74. Next to it, is a 4 acre cherry orchard endowed by the Maharajah to pay for the upkeep of the well.
75. Politicians are endowed by law with finite, and short, time horizons.
76. It was endowed with an endless capacity for multiplication and a remorseless urge to advance.
77. Like many other mammals, bats are also particularly well endowed with olfactory receivers and transmitters.
78. Perhaps disloyalty to an existing dispensation that has endowed one with one's privileges does look like radical chic.
79. He is remembered also for his work on the manor house at Clyst, where he endowed a chantry chapel.
80. Our great motherland is favorably endowed climately.
81. He is endowed with an inventive mind.
82. Cushioning effect is endowed win a new meaning.
83. This chromoprotein has also been endowed with enzymatic properties.
84. The area is slenderly endowed with natural resources.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. She is richly endowed by nature.
86. Yet by many measures it remains as richly endowed as in ancient times, when the Hebrews pined for its fleshpots and Herodotus dubbed it the gift of the Nile.
87. Americans are endowed with a world - class tertiary educational system second to none.
88. We see him notebook in hand, endowed only with a nervy, unapplied curiosity.
89. Every heavenly body is endowed with the power of attraction; that is, it attracts every other body in the same manner that a magnet attracts iron.
90. It is endowed with those characteristics such as particularity, diversity, rareness and culture.
91. In the view of the occupational mobility, unemployment is endowed with the characteristics:non fluidity, downward mobility and passivity.
92. Acuteness of sight is difficult to define but if we were endowed with the eyesight of a kestrel it is estimated that we could read a newspaper at a range of 25 yards.
93. By the essential intuitional means of phenomenology, Dufrenne has endowed the basic problems of aesthetics with a new intemretation.
94. To connect this point of view with the classical theory of surfaces, such an abstract surface is embedded into R 3 and endowed with the Riemannian metric given by the first fundamental form.
95. Only by following her born trait, a woman will be endowed with irradiant beauty when lost in love, housework and rearing.
96. "Banks across Europe are well endowed with sovereign debt, all of which now look very dangerous considering how fast spreads have moved," said Geoffrey Yu, an FX strategist at UBS.
97. All official documents reflect the intention of the institutions issuing them, and are endowed with legal validity.
98. Rich alumni endowed their alma mater with benefactions to further the study of finance.
99. That they are endowed with such rich humanity is as much a Pixar trademark as the painstakingly modeled surfaces or the classical virtual camerawork and editing.
100. The ultimate value of the network is endowed and realized by humans. Human subjectiveness is the premise for network's objective functions.
101. Endowed with unique national features, Chinese painting theory is unparalleled in the world for its unique qualities of systematicity, exuberance, wholeness, practicality, and academicism.
102. "De" was endowed with the meaning "moral" at the beginning of Chou Dynasty because of the development of "stare" and was thought as an inner quality that may belong to everybody.
103. Today, with the changing quickly computer technology and in-depth subjects chiasma, the traditional safety monitoring work is being endowed with much more new content.
104. The rising of civil society demand that the bourn of state and society is more clear and the society is endowed with more independence.
105. Because it determines the responsibilities and obligations of both contracting parties, the successful implement of the contract and the attainment of corresponding remedy endowed by law.
106. The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune.
107. The European Central Bank ( ECB ) is endowed with price stability as the core of its monetary policy strategy.
108. Because the plastron has a hinge between the pectoral and abdominal scutes the flexibility endowed by the ligaments allows these turtles to close up very tightly.
109. This year private bookstores are endowed with the power of general distribution and wholesale of books.
110. The countries that are poorest in black coal have been most richly endowed by nature with white coal.
111. Using the power of the network, the cottage has a huge upgrade to become cultural events of social influence and it endowed with rich symbolism and is given unique symbol.
112. The meaning of "Right to know" is that people are endowed with the freedom and right to know and obtain official or non-official messages.
113. However, George Eliot has attainted brilliant achievements in literature and endowed her with splendid artistic treasures.
114. The two-star hotel is beautifully surrounded by the virgin forest and is endowed with natural seneries and fresh air,[] therefore it was also called Shangrila of Mount Wenfu.
115. Apart from the physical body parentally endowed, spiritual life is also needed, viz. taking refuge in the Triple Gem, to a Buddhist adherent.
116. Because each new stanza introduces a new set of rhyming sounds, the Shakespearean sonnet is well-suited to English, which is less richly endowed than Italian with rhyming words.
117. By the addition template molecule in the process of preparation, MIM is endowed with memory and recognition function, could usd to separate the template molecule.
118. The landlord played on his superstitious mind with all the cunning with which years of overlordship had endowed him.
119. Jake: an unsuccessful - yet well endowed - underwear model in L. A, who finds a lucrative new line of work as a platonic escort for women of a certain age.
120. Life pre enjoinment should conform to the principles of law. It is endowed with legal restraint and serves as useful evidence for the doctor. Hospital a...
121. Color is endowed with different meanings to express peoples thoughts and feelings and to reflect the ways of the world.
122. But the cost is so high that only places like the Cushing Academy or well endowed universities can afford it —the rest of us just end up with books in the dumpster.
123. Meihua Hotel locates in the quiet shore area, overlooking Xizi Lake, the senary is favorably endowed.
124. As a result, the word "Goth" was gradually endowed with the multiple meanings as barbarousness , terror, lag, mystery, darkness age, Middle Age, and so on.
125. Other former communist countries such as Belarus and Georgia are also well endowed with members of the medical profession.
126. Basing on this thought, the article brings forward the life cost hypothesis, based on which a new consumption function is established and the consumer equilibrium formula is endowed new connotation.
127. In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life.
128. Obviously, the Second Vatican Council led the Catholicism world to comply with the historical development rules, and positively responded to the religious mission endowed with the times.
129. The validity of contract is a force endowed by law to guarantee the performance of contract and strength of self-discipline of both contracting parties for realizing the aim of contract positively.
130. It was a typical summer evening in June, the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses, if not five.
131. Languages are endowed with the aesthetics of rhymes, which can be chiefly divided into alliteration, assonance, rhyme and echoism.
132. The ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world.
133. I'd experience a form of parental sorrow that should be endowed with a German portmanteau word, say, Mutterkinderwinterfahrenschade.
134. The Lake, the back-reflection, cross-strait trees and fragrant thoroughwort reflection in the Lake, make up the smell of ink and endowed with the poems.
135. Northern countries richly endowed with performing food sector, and overabundance of food.
136. Ink painting is not only the symbol of Chinese status but also the important chain of Chinese culture; it is endowed with a specific symbol of Chinese culture.
137. Born mediocre and unambitious , I have always been endowed with great things.
138. They were, however , alive , responsive, and sexually endowed girls.
139. The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva; the same being endowed with wings and soaring.
140. Anne's character was milder and more subdued; she wanted the power, the fire, the originality of her sister, but was well endowed with quiet virtues of her own.
141. Implementation of large-scale development in the western part of China has endowed the beautiful and rich semitropical Nanning a good development opportunity as well as an investment environment.
142. A system at inception is endowed with a random amount of resource, the process of the lapse of system life can be viewed as that of the depletion of random resource caused by the wear-out effect.
143. Williams' historical figures are endowed with the symbolical pattern of mythological archetype which results from "existential historicism".
144. Endowed with terra firma grandeur , China is as the single uninterrupted civilization the world.
145. Wang Yangming endowed intuitive knowledge with various connotations in order to verify its apriority, universality and absoluteness.
146. This manor was built by Hugo, Sire of Somerel, the same who endowed the sixth chaplaincy of the Abbey of Villiers.
147. Served as people's daily use, catering utensils are endowed with strong dependency, which include tablewares and wine sets etc.
148. If you have people with the same keen sense of business building and finance, then the organization will be endowed with assets that can propel future growth.
149. Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed.
150. Rules and regulations such as these, in the nature of the case, cannot be endowed with the fixity of rock-ribbed law.
151. He endowed his alma mater with a large sum of money.
152. For her Minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment.
153. So Yahweh endowed the model the same type of true creativity he himself possessed.
154. About: Back in World War II, beautiful and richly endowed the Swiss Confederation in biotechnology research have been towards the forefront of the world.
155. This project is endowed with high profitability of investment and good economics of ship operation,() while it is not difficult in technology. Therefore it is appropriate to...
156. Although West Seattle High School was relatively well endowed with computers, students at times had to look for free computers or wait until other students were finished.
157. In 2005 Ethnology of IES was endowed with the title of Provincial Elite Specialty.
158. The specialty phase of your Professional program appears to be well endowed with the resources needed to address such concerns.
159. An expert problem-solver must be endowed with two incompatiblequalities – a restless imagination and a patient pertinacity.
160. However, appropriate power of decision should be endowed to the Government to make transfers of funds between budget accounts.
161. Neurons in the brain are endowed with complex information processing functions by their complex dendritic tree structures and voltage- gated ion channels.
162. Elizabeth was endowed with the beauty of Helen of Troy.
163. In conclusion, these results suggested that PA and carvacrol were endowed with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
164. Schiller is the esthetician who first made aesthetics to be systematization in its history, and it's also he who first endowed aesthetic education a function of salvation.
165. Aesculapius , the son of Apollo, was endowed by his father with such skill in the healing art that he even restored the dead to life.
166. Faculty: Lin Donghai, "Minjiang Scholar" endowed Professor, Ph D. , Advisor for Ph. D students.
167. Subjectiveness of cognition has endowed the human life with gnat significance.
168. I also became endowed with four inconceivable and effortless wonderful virtues.
169. When students are armed with rich knowledge and skills, they should be endowed with competence that would enhance the transition from school to work.
170. The osmotic adjustment endowed P. euphratica cell strong tolerance to salt stress.
171. In the novel A Rose for Emily, the protagonist Emily is endowed with the images of protecter of the tradition, and its convict, beneficiary and revolter.
172. At the very beginning, I identify the definite article as the only determiner, while other prenominal elements take up different positions and each is endowed with a certain name.
173. Karl Marx endowed burgher society with economical basis, and there is no burgher society which always pursues individualism in a more general sense.
174. See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a millionfold the power of retribution for my sin?
175. When sufficient earnings accrue ( currently $ 60,000 ) an Endowed Fellowship becomes available.
176. He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack.
177. They endowed with high learning and working ability and get scholarship every year.




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