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单词 Body language
1. Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.
2. A speaker conveys information through tone and body language.
3. The course teaches sensitivity to body language.
4. Pay attention to the body language of the speaker.
5. Body language is a potent form of non-verbal communication.
6. You could tell from his body language that he was very embarrassed.
7. I could tell from her body language that she was very embarrassed.
8. It was obvious from Luke's body language that he was nervous.
9. I could tell from her body language that she was angry.
10. It is expressed in the otter's body language.
11. You need to see the body language.
12. Her body language reinforced the impression.
13. In every culture, body language is crucial and complex.
14. Body language is probably the most important visual cue.
15. This includes facial expressions, body language, and the like.
16. She can read it in her body language.
17. We have a different look and body language right now.
18. Many skills such as reading body language are culture bound.
19. Fiennes has to use expressive body language and an extensive vocal palette to get his points across.
20. Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
21. Yet body language often tells us so much more than mere words./body language.html
22. Disbelief is virtually shouted in the body language of those gathered.
23. If he perceives your body language wrong, he can do major damage.
24. This responsiveness to body language also affects the way horses react to humans.
25. Charles's body language was geared to communicating to street toughs.
26. Let your body language, eye contact and facial expression show involvement and receptivity.
27. Giving a little thought to body language beforehand will get you off to a good start.
28. It is mainly through what they verbalise as well as their facial expressions and body language.
29. Includes functional, professional, social, technical language and situations, together with associated body language.
30. I rarely spoke to express preferences, preferring to use body language.
1. Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.
31. Was this going to be the ultimate in body language, or a pointless gimmick?
32. Body language A person who is partially sighted may not be able to see whether you are smiling or looking bored.
33. However the necessary skills within the body language component are also of enormous importance.
34. On local training evenings, several topics are covered including project management, quality management, creative thinking and body language.
35. Frailty can interfere with body posture and gesture and therefore with body language.
36. Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facial expressions, gestures and body language.
37. This taught us how to tell what a person is feeling by merely observing their body language and facial mannerisms.
38. Studying the body language of cabinet members showed that could have been an over-estimation.
39. Imagine politics without communication-without newspapers, without television, even without talking or body language.
40. Man communicates by word of mouth and by body language.
41. It was body language I'd been counting on to win her round.
42. He identified the methods they used, both of language and of body language, to elicit applause from their audiences.
43. Your body language will speak volumes about your happy state. 4 Inhibition decreases.
44. This nonverbal way of communication is called body language.
45. Mr Obama's body language was easy without being ingratiating.
46. Body Language is foundation! Personal Management is guarantor!
47. Find out with our body language analysis below.
48. Keep in mind posture, body language and active listening.
49. Language is more than words. It also includes kinesics (body language) and paralanguage (pitch, tone, and wordless noises).
50. Wolves use body language to convey the rules of the pack. A wolf pack is very organized.
51. The paper tries to show the culture difference in non-verbal communication through body language, paralanguage, object language, environmental language.
52. Enhance inspiring and influencing capability through mastery of acting and Body Language Technology ( BLT ).
53. Whilst perhaps not using the term Organisational Body Language, airlines and airframe manufacturers are cognisant of the effect of image.
54. Communication falls into verbal and non verbal also called body language.
55. Therefore, the importance of body language translation to accelerate intercultural communication is increasingly embodied.
56. The body language is transparent: that familiar mixture of fear, horror and downright cussedness.
57. Using the right body language helps you communicate more assertively.
58. There may also be misalignment between words, tone and body language, such as gestural slips, which are physical equivalents of speech errors and indicate internal conflicting thoughts.
59. When an interviewer pops this nerve-wracking query, your body language counts as well.
60. Open body language makes you appear more approachable and trustworthy.
61. Ashery gestures in hand movements indicating that she does not know, the hand gestures are those associated with animated Jewish and Mediterranean body language.
62. Body language of PE is a kind of special language behavior in human social activities.
63. Results show that the candidates, on the whole, have acquired an oral English proficiency required by the teaching syllabus but there exist some problems concerning body language and paralanguage .
64. She is, in fact, kept in the dark about many issues to ensure she does not leak this via her body language or word pattern analysis.
65. Learn about appropriate body language for TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
66. But not all body language means the same thing in different countries.
67. Besides, they are rich in body language and expression and always make us roar with laughter.
68. The training of body language should stress three requirements from the aspects of teaching practice: harmony and appropriateness, ease and grace, and succinctness.
69. The body language of the cat-walk is a professional one. It is carefully calibrated to hint at female sensuousness without giving overt sexual messages.
70. Invite some students to act both spoken language and body language.
71. Based on the previous research and my own generalization, nonverbal communication behaviors are classified into four:body language, object language, environment language and paralanguage.
72. Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor.
73. Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form.
74. Bounding down the aircraft's stepladder, Bush's body language was effusive with Manmohan,() who broke protocol to receive him at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport late at night.
75. Use the right body language to get your message across.
76. His "timing" with the dialogue is perfect, he's not afraid to go all the way with the body language but is never clownish .
77. Yet the setting and body language had not changed at all.
78. Body language is a means of nonverbal communication that is often found in the communication of mankind. It has characteristics of implication, haziness and humor.
79. And , finally, Tony's the ultimate body language secret to improve your life.
80. Can you act out the feeling of sorrow in body language?
81. They interpret this body language as aloofness or conceit and stay away, making the shy person feel even more insecure.
81. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
82. Sometimes people feel safer using body language to intimidate or humiliate others.
83. I put this down to the sense of liberation I felt being reflected in my body language, and soon I felt completely at ease with my co-workers.
84. Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication?haziness and humor.
85. We are used to use body language to transmit extra meaning.
86. Make sure that you aren't conveying any negative body language.
87. Everything from your sex, racial background, social class, and communication style influences your body language.
88. Body language also is called body hint language, body language performance, posture language and action language, etc. It is an important way of expression in the teaching.
89. The article put emphasis on rich and colorful vocal language, diverse body language, particular and vivid whistle language Besides, physical teaching language is also a perfect, united, and mut.
90. Finally, the transcript does not carry inflections of voice and body language.
91. In addition to studying facial movements, the futuristic specs are intelligent enough to glean important mood information from factors such as speech pattern, skin moisture, and body language.
92. Body language refers to the body's movement and it is unvoiced language.
93. Body language plays an important role in utterance meaning such as supplement, accenting, expression, symbol or substitute.
94. Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!
95. David Givens, American author of the book, "Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship" said the results made sense because women focus a lot of attention on their lips.
96. Read their body language. Are their eyes wandering or are they drumming the desk with their fingers?
97. May also use the body language prompt opposite party,(http:///body language.html) like the intervallic looks at the wristwatch and so on.
98. Paralanguage , including body language, has been extensively studied in social psychology.
99. Pay attention to your own and your counter partner's body language.
100. His story is not phonic, but body language – either dace or magic.
101. There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.
102. The correct application of the body language used in teaching should observe the principles of harmonization, nature and accuracy, properness and flexibility.
103. Although gorilla won't talk, nevertheless it can use body language to answer back and forth.
104. The sooner you, as encoder, receive feedback in the form of a body language message, the sooner you can switch to a more effective encoding technique if necessary.
105. Nowadays, handshaking has become a common body language for both men and women.
106. The child like images with long and narrow eyes, smileless and glassy features yet emotional body language is Tingting herself.
107. Body language possesses the functions of typical signs and has an important location in semiology.
108. There is no advice on how to use your body language.
109. And as speech evaluators, we learn to listen for the objectives of the speech, and for congruency between words and body language. We also listen objectively and without judgment.
110. It may be risque or a more tame form of praise, depending on her body language toward you.
111. Relevant research shows that a personal use words than body language message important.
112. People want to see your face, expressions and read your body language.




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