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单词 Financing
1. A syndicate of banks is/are financing the deal.
2. The financing for the deal has been approved in principle.
3. Financing your studies may seem like a tall order, but there is plenty of help available.
4. The financing of home ownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond.
5. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.
6. In the end, he pulled back from financing the film.
7. Thus, leasing is considered a form of debt financing.
8. Banks are now offering favorable financing terms.
9. Those figures include the cost of obtaining financing.
10. Consider using different ways of financing a purchase.
11. The financing of the Course is still under negotiation.
12. It faces plenty of financing and regulatory hurdles.
13. Financing decisions Fixed asset investment can be funded from several sources: equity, surplus cash, loans or leasing.
14. Lenders in general often appeared to be financing the tempting rates offered to first-time buyers at the expense of existing borrowers.
15. The most popular activities include fund management, asset financing, captive insurance and treasury management.
16. The most obvious source of financing would be a long-term loan, with principal repayments beginning in 2002.
17. Meanwhile, though creative financing has mostly been stamped on, some councils' past ingenuity is catching up with them.
18. Organization and expertise were available there for the financing of increasingly complicated business.
19. Banks involved in oil project financing have to evaluate financial and country risk in the manner previously described.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. He could scrape together financing for a deal as well as sketch out the design for an attractive development.
21. The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing.
22. They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties.
23. Looking to the right-hand side of the balance sheet, current liabilities often provide a major source of financing for a firm.
24. By 1988 bank borrowing accounted for only 53% of their external financing; debt equalled only 63% of their assets.
25. The effect of forcing loan redemptions through revenue accounts was to link financing of the assets with accounting for them.
26. The cost of the bags and labels go towards financing the project.
27. The government treats asset receipts not as a means of financing the budget deficit, but instead as negative public expenditure.
28. For example, gasoline taxes are typically earmarked for the financing of highway construction and repairs.
29. Because of this, factoring is the most expensive form of accounts receivable financing.
30. In the case of the political parties, the institutional guarantee now extends to the state financing of the political parties.
1. The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing.
31. State financing of all education for all citizens, from preschool through postdoctoral training?
32. Finally, Proposition 186 would change not only the financing of health care but also what the money buys.
33. Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
34. That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
35. The three main sources of short-term financing are trade credit, short-term commercial bank loans, and commercial paper.
36. Untraveledroadie: You listen not to the solicitations for replacement windows, with reasonable financing available.
37. Its origin, and its method of financing, almost inevitably led to it becoming effectively a horse infirmary.
38. Step 7: negotiate and finalize financing agreement Management of project finance should continue throughout the life of a project.
39. Obviously, when capital is financed from revenue, the accounting takes place at the same time as the financing.
40. Term Structure of Interest Rates Effective management of financing sources requires an understanding of the relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates.
41. And you are really in a vulnerable position, since over 50 percent of your financing is federal funding.
42. Water Co. will invest another $ 16 million, and private financing will provide the rest.
43. I think the really critical issue is to understand the concepts behind the particular forms of financing which are used.
44. But there's no bigger drain on public funds than financing the dole.
45. Government adhered to the prevailing orthodoxy that balanced budgets were necessary and desirable and that deficit financing was neither.
46. Clinton does face a potential problem from the financing of his campaign last year.
47. There appear to be structural differences between the major countries in the pattern of industrial financing.
48. The private equity financing niche that has been growing the fastest is buyout and acquisition funds.
49. Those financing the advertising of parties expect to receive a return on their outlay.
50. Thus(/financing.html), they may be thought of as sources of financing with an infinite time horizon.
51. Reinvested earnings are a very important source of financing this growth.
52. In both cases, Gingrich turned to charitable organizations as an alternative means of financing the projects.
53. Discovery is financing its rapid growth through private financing from the company and its investors.
54. The explanation, he says, is the fraud that has wrecked Brandmakers' financing plans.
55. This created a more active market in foreign exchange and facilitated the use of the US$ for financing balance of payments purposes.
56. The theory here is that governments are more likely to bail out essential-service projects whose financing has gone bad.
57. The bottom line is, there is no stake in anyone legitimizing campaign financing.
58. The drumbeat for an appointment of an independent counsel to investigate alleged abuses in campaign financing will almost certainly escalate.
59. When the time came for a second round of financing, Jacob wanted more than money.
60. Democrats have criticized the Republican Party for financing of the cable deal.
61. So-called national budgets in many countries are more than 50-per-cent dependent on external financing.
62. The haggling among scientists continued, and seeing the project in disarray, Congress eventually cut off financing for the Mohole Project.
63. Financing all this requires change and new ways of working.
64. The compensatory financing was designed to give temporary support to countries facing short-term fluctuations in export earnings, predominantly primary producing nations.
65. A bank or potential private financing source may be approached in this regard.
66. Financing buyouts has, however, retained its popularity given the greater security involved in such a deal.
67. They are also counting on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.
68. It is reasoned that those who benefit most from government-supplied goods or services should pay the taxes necessary for their financing.
69. In addition to this financing need, the desired minimum level of $ 2, 000 must also be considered.
70. Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties and trade name issues.
71. FinancingA lender, often working in concert with the contractor, arranges financing through a home equity loan.
72. Smaller and medium-sized companies are likely to face the same type of time perspective when they seek external financing.
73. Neza was essentially run on deficit financing, said Treasurer Soledad Patino.
74. This will be referred to in more detail in connection with recent developments in financing construction projects.
75. A buy-out usually involves some form of leverage, in that financing is provided by banks and investment institutions.
76. Second, there are several unique factors that argue for public financing of education.
77. Conversely, the higher the rate of interest, the greater the additional cost to industry of financing new capital investment.
78. Mahdi denies that his movement wants weapons or financing from Washington, saying moral support and diplomatic pressure are enough.
79. Its location and the names of the major players in the consortium financing it will be announced shortly.
80. One of the most disturbing aspects of the report relates to the financing of the committee.
81. But the financing was also put to questionable use -- to buy the district out of an operating deficit.
82. At the same time,(http:///financing.html) an aggressive firm would make maximum use of trade credit and short-term debt financing.
83. You'll have to explain to them how you intend to raise the financing you need.
84. It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems.
85. The Redevelopment Agency Commission is expected to approve a program that calls for investigating two alternative financing schemes.
86. When governments contract activities to the private sector, those governments still make the policy decisions and provide the financing.
87. In addition, uncertainty as to future interest rate movements has encouraged bank borrowing rather than debt financing. 2.
88. As are our skills at arranging the most intricate forms of financing.
89. The possibility of equity financing depends on the state of the equity market.
90. The project was given a formal go-ahead by the Railtrack Board in January following several years of planning and discussions over financing.
91. Malone said a different chain, which he declined to identify, is pursuing financing for such a project.
92. Offered rates of negotiable, bankbacked business credit instruments typically financing an import order.
93. Walkup's argument: Well-planned development can pay for itself, without the burden of impact fees and similar financing mechanisms.
94. Still, the financing may not turn out to be onerous.
95. The third aim could include projects such as financing the decontamination of abandoned industrial sites.
96. He has yet to deliver on promises such as welfare reform, an overhaul of campaign financing or a balanced budget.
97. Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
98. Most PACs represented corporations, still at the core of campaign financing.
99. Tulsa, however, has yet to devise a long-term solution to financing Career Partners Inc.
100. Similar consent provisions may be contained in the financing arrangements of the vendor's shareholders and ultimate holding company.
101. In order that Compacts eventually do become self financing it is very likely that employers will be asked to contribute to central costs.
102. Isaacson declined to discuss details of financing a Quackenbush reelection campaign.
103. These were tax exempt bonds issued by state and local governments to provide financing for private sector investment in plants and equipment.
104. An exhaustive investigation into better methods of financing young entrants is continuing.
105. The second major source of short-term financing is commercial bank loans.
106. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., has been moving in a low-key(), bipartisan direction to look at campaign financing improprieties.
107. Symington and our Legislature have never admitted that Arizona school financing is unfair.
108. An alternative strategy for the government in these circumstances was to place the burden of financing social provision upon local government.
109. The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
109. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
110. First, they provide financing of accounts receivable for borrowing firms.
111. On the one hand, the Socialists say they will tackle corruption by introducing a new law on party financing.
112. Public financing is more palatable, however, when combined with other, more popular reforms such as limits on campaign spending.
113. Petrus Partners, a venture capital firm, provided the bulk of the financing.
114. Inventory Financing Inventory financing is commonly arranged through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangement5.
115. Appropriately, the film's complex financing reflected this wide spectrum of interest.
116. Try to ascertain the financing techniques used by your own country in its international transactions with the rest of the world.
117. The technicalities of the financing of schools are dealt with elsewhere.
118. Different financial incentives change the nature of the educational experience and are not merely alternative ways of financing the same service.
119. Baker-style rescheduling and new money might have cut short-term financing needs, but could make no difference in the medium term.
120. A third major source of short-term financing, commercial paper, is available to large firms with high-quality credit ratings.
121. It is time to introduce the Treasury to the delights of off-balance-sheet financing.
122. Firms' financing needs are greater than at any time since the 1974 oil shock.
123. The company cut its financing costs by 63 million francs, by converting 836 million francs of convertible bonds to equity.
124. However, there was a major shift away from equity financing of acquisitions after the Stock Market crash of 1987. 2.
125. We are concerned that much public discussion of the future of Social Security is based on misinformation about its financing.
126. The revenue side was heavily dependent on increased international credit and financing.
127. Government officials said the proceeds would be used for general financing purposes.
128. They also count on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.
129. The company said it paid with about $ 25 million in cash and $ 159 million in mortgage financing.
130. The flight to quality by investors has made equity financing prohibitively expensive for all but the soundest of companies.
131. This fusion is cemented by the dominant role of monopoly capital in financing and influencing non-communist political parties and the mass media.
132. Lease financing is commonly used as an alternative to purchasing an asset with the proceeds of a debt issue.
133. Previous studies have found that bank financing is generally more available to men.
134. For degree or diploma courses at universities, student loan financing is available,() see next section.
135. By not adopting the law on financing the Yugoslav bank for economic co-operation, 350,000 million dinars were saved.
136. United Kingdom will show leadership in financing the consolidation of industries across national boundaries.
137. Labour needs to match its commitment to spending with innovative ideas about service delivery, financing and management.
138. Cash flows from financing activities contributed $ 497, 000 to cash.
139. A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.
140. Conventional corporate finance leads us to believe that debt financing is usually cheaper than equity financing.
141. In the long term we are looking for a measure of the relationship between debt financing and equity financing.
142. Florida saves $ 180 million a year by financing home care and community care to keep people out of nursing homes.
143. Tax-exempt financing provided the local government development official with a great deal of discretion.
144. The selection of short-term or long-term financing requires the consideration of a very definite risk-return tradeoff.
145. My constituent had sought assurances from the Minister about the financing of the proposed station.
146. The hopes of Nigel Lawson, Chancellor of the Exchequer,(http:///financing.html) for financing the trade deficit are partly pinned on this ability.
147. Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties, equity and trade name issues.
148. Moreover, the leading multinationals have been able to gain critical efficiencies in financing the whole system.
149. Upgrades to eight stations and a repair shop are also to be completed under the financing plan.
150. The sale, which is subject to financing and regulatory approval, is expected to close in June 1996.
151. This permanent growth in net working capital requires a source of permanent financing.
152. The authors say the argument has obscured the fact that, under either financing plan, there will be a funding gap.
153. The business plan is strong, but without financing, it will never work.
154. These could include tapping the Federal Financing Bank or a $ 40 billion currency stabilization fund, though Rubin declined to elaborate.
155. Instead, they are paying down debt, saving for retirement and financing college educations and health care.
156. The one-time gain reflected a drop in financing costs after the conversion of 836 million francs in convertible bonds.
157. One possible means could entail offering tax or financing incentives to small high-technology businesses.
158. This concept is based on the fact that for both civil and military imports there is only one source of financing exports.
159. Last month, Total Entertainment completed a new round of investment capital financing totaling more than $ 12 million.
160. Yet the seventies saw a very significant decline in long-term debenture financing.
161. Dealer financing rate for overnight sale and repurchase of Treasury securities.
162. The idea is to eliminate or severely limit private financing and fully support both presidential and congressional campaigns with public financing.
163. Again, these can not be holding companies, but may carry out financing, factoring, treasury management and similar activities.
164. The instance cited was where debt charges continue to be included in revenue accounts for financing assets whose useful life is over.
165. This is in stark contrast to the fifties and sixties when loan capital formed an important part of corporate financing needs.
166. Quotas were agreed for financing of joint armed forces and border troops.
167. These problems remained, even after objectives had been partially clarified and formalized through grant financing and stringent financial controls.
168. A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.
169. This involves significant benefits with regard to financial and foreign trade operations, as well as financing.
170. First we should sit down and work out the financing.
171. This prevents individual funds adopting financing policies which may be inconsistent or dysfunctional for the authority as a whole.
172. Since then, housing associations raised 8. 5 billion pounds in private financing.
173. It was essential to make suitable arrangements about financing, especially in view of the vast distances involved.
174. The 1974 campaign reform law bars presidential candidates who accept public financing from accepting other contributions.
175. Through grants to local authorities, we are financing schemes to introduce more flexible working practices - such as job sharing.
176. And both contributors and the general public remain suspicious and divided about public financing of presidential and congressional elections.
177. The system of campaign financing and fund-raising is an important story to investigate.
178. While the financing is negotiable, the referendum appears to be a major sticking point.
179. Increasingly, they have been linked to more nefarious activities, from cheating on taxes to financing cocaine traffickers.
180. A revision to the financing element is expected in the next cou ple of years.
181. The choice between debt and equity financing is determined by a further set of considerations.
182. The percentage of sales method is commonly used to determine the future external financing requirements of a growing business organization.
183. Next is a desire to maximise fixed interest rate financing thereby providing some degree of certainty as to the project's financial cost.
184. The financing is backed by a letter of credit from Societe General, Bancomext said in the statement.
185. Between 1941 and 1947, Rank's companies were to be responsible for financing half the films made in Britain.
186. Off-balance sheet financing is a term used to describe techniques designed to obscure a company's true financial obligations.
187. Lloyd George's Government had embarked on a programme of financing social reform at a time of rapidly rising prices.
188. He advocates forming private foundations and approaching agricultural and manufacturing businesses to help bridge the gap in state financing.
189. She met several leading actors and musicians as well as representatives of the Soros foundation which is financing the concerts.
190. Obtaining equity financing, by contrast, could be accomplished through more traditional managerial approaches.
191. They would certainly have had no chance of financing their programme without large increases both in taxation and in the borrowing requirement.
192. The cost of financing and putting in roads and sewers will bring that to 80, 000 pesos.
193. C., a proposal in Congress would end federal financing for health and welfare services for legal immigrants.
194. Its salient features are: financing directness, timeliness and convenience.
195. The whole system of financing is being regularized.
196. What are the things to avoid in factoring financing?
197. Emphasizes capital budgeting and long-term financing, including leasing.
198. We are financing for the housing project.
199. Exploratory discussions with a possible underwriter for this financing are already underway.
200. Taking the financial markets and financial intermediaries for the platform, the firm investment, financing and management of operating capital can create and maintain firm value more efficiently.
201. Short-term financing objectives include minimize expected cost, trade-off expected cost and systematic risk, and so on.
202. We should deepen the reform of the fiscal, taxation, banking, investment and financing systems.
203. Tom Hagen spoke up. " The Corleone Family has friends who are financing three of those hotels. ".
204. The statement is divided into operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.
205. American Depository Receipt(ADR), an important instrument for Chinese enterprises financing abroad, has undergone fast growth.
206. Second, it is important to facilitate fair and rational evolution of the international trading regime and furnish a favorable external financing environment.
207. This article fourth chapter of main elaboration must manage the good wealth first to set up the correct managing finances view, next masters the effective financing method.
208. Companies financing from externally gained funds will dilute their shareholders.
209. The system includes three subsidiary ones as stock financing, debt financing and financial management service and each one contributes a chapter.
210. And has internal financing to the tax rate factor not to have the remarkable influence.
211. Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors.
212. SME loans, lease financing guarantees for the individual consumer loan guarantees; Foreign investment.
213. The American farmer has depended heavily on debt as a means of financing farm operations.
214. Stock option is an indispensable instrument for investing and financing. But we do not have a real stock option market in China due to various restricts.
215. Enterprises' New loans have got approval from bank, as the premise, we can provide the bridge financing.
216. For example, as financing of exports returns to normal with the fading of credit disturbances, then exports should revive.
217. Go into seriously form reason, mainly include many policy obstacles, lack effective guide mechanism, unsmooth financing channel, bad quality of own enterprise, imperfect social service system.
218. Thus China aviation companies should make full use of availability for resources to construct the pluralistic financing body and lead to the development of market financing and capital operation.
219. These new investments will belong with a private financing project.
220. They live in a symbiosis with governments that they are financing.
221. European banks, which have struggled to issue unsecured debt recently, have rushed to issue covered bonds to secure long-term financing.
222. The association also collects and disseminate data on export financing and sub - regional payments systems.
223. Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes.
224. This is sensible because gold has a carrying cost, in the form of storage, insurance, and financing,[] which is reflected in the time premium for its futures.
225. With declining capital flows, this would generate a financing gap of between $270 and$700 billion.
226. The vacancy for banks in the auto loan market is thus filled by auto financing companies.
227. But it has kept long-term bond yields lower than they were in January, despite a fresh lurch towards US deficit financing, while forcing up asset prices and pressing investors to take on more risk.
228. Capital structure affects pay rate of the business investment, financing risk and business administration. It is also closely related to the business value.
229. Secondly, from the aspect of financing methods,(Sentencedict) this paper analyzes the contribution of foreign bond financing and local bond financing to economy development.
230. Hope to play a role in drawing lessons from to the medical apparatus financing lease business trade of our country.
231. In approving the loan Highway charges before the expiry of loans repaid, repaid compensatory financing fund, and must be terminated charges. "Mr."
232. In a market economy, capital financing is crucial to the development of the real estate.
233. Periphery governments will also need long-term financing to enable them to engage in counter-cyclical fiscal policies.
234. Financing company, investment company, investment bank and investment funds financing and investing for mid - small enterprises.
235. Bank financial forecast is the premise of the financing program.
236. Section II provides a conceptual framework of financing - motivated mergers and acquisitions under financial repression.
237. Eventually, the cost of most credit would rise – from business and consumer loans to home mortgages, auto financing and credit cards.
238. Sometimes banks perform merely a collection function without financing anybody.
239. For example non-bank finance institution, financial corporation may provide auto financing.
240. Actually, the development of circulation economy also has a basic way, this is the financing method using the circulation economy.
241. Large shareholder expropriates through equity financing, cash dividends, assets transactions and mortgages.
242. The relation of capital financing of minor enterprise and establish of information is very close.
243. Export loan under mortgage of documents and negotiation are two kinds of financing methods under negotiation letter of credit.
244. Much of the financing is on concessional terms that would meet the Western definition of official development assistance.
245. The main source of our outside financing is bank loan.
246. Demonstrating four innovated products of the Personal Financing Business of Commercial bank of China: Trust, Asset Securitization, China Depository Receipt, Collateralized Debt Obligation.
247. Instead, it got the money — $950 million — to expand through another round of venture capital financing.
248. Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
249. In venture capital financing, practitioners use different securities, especially convertible preferred stock. Agency theory and property rights theory have different explanation for it.
250. During this period , economic growing capital financing foreign-trade developing and capital market setting-up, all involved the efficiency of finance instrument designing controlling and running.
251. Boeing and Airbus officials said the aircraft delivered in 2009 most of the financing already in place, but they are expensive price of close attention to the needs of wide-body aircraft.
252. British financial institution which pools deposits from savers to provide mortgage financing for house purchases.
253. The government's endorsement paves the way for Disney to finalize contracts in Shanghai that would set financing arrangements, secure land and govern operation of the park.
254. Insurance is a risk financing activity that manages insurable risks.
255. During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business.
256. At the same time, China Minsheng Banking Department has not reported to regulators such re - financing options.
257. If a guarantee or other security is required to be provided as security for any external financing of the CJV, CSL shall not bear any liability for such guarantee or security.
258. Tarter 's efforts to push SETI forward with private financing impress even skeptics of the enterprise. Benjamin M.
259. Article 7 The securities company issuing short - term financing bills shall repay principal and interests on schedule.
260. With the development of social economy and continuous creation on financial products, pledge on charging right as financing method has becoming a universal concern of banking.
261. HSBC will offer some financing, as well as custody, execution, collateral management, clearing and reporting services, according to an internal document seen by Reuters.
262. A positive rural financing and investing system might have effectively changed funds into productive capital so as to stimulate productivity.
263. Project financing is a vote for the large - scale investment projects to raise funds for financial instruments.
264. Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
265. That oversupply, traders say, has seen shipments to China diverted to other parts of Asia, while some metal is being re-exported from China, as companies in import financing deals start to lose money.
266. The difference between business revenues and the associated costs and expenses exclusive of interest or other financing expenses, and extraordinary items, or ancillary activities.
267. Financing Preference indicates marshalling sequence of the different mode for financing which actors to carries on.
268. At that time, financing for new cars was just coming into its own.
269. The bondholder group, which includes Pacific Investment Management Company (Pimco) and some other top CIT holders, is expected to provide the financing with a 2 1/2-year term, two sources said.
270. The author also analysis the significance of owner's equity financing.
271. Financing which the pawned fund stock get can be divided into long - term financing and short-term financing.
272. He talks about syndicated loans as a means of financing major projects.
273. Another factor that affects financing is the expectations for repayment.
274. When venture capital financing, put in information asymmetry and converse option issue.
275. The development of ABS is propitious to rise the capital abundance rates and break a new path for investing and financing.
276. In this part the author analyzes the difficult position of the financing lease industry, the status quo of the leveraged lease , its problems and the challenge brought by the accession into WTO.
277. Both the broader economic recession and tight financing are weighing on companies, according to Andrew Hinkelman, a Senior Managing Director in FTI's Corporate Finance practice in San Francisco.




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